/** * Driver for AD7705/AD7706 SPI ADC * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2017 Ruslan V. Uss <unclerus@gmail.com> * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include "ad770x.h" #include <errno.h> #include <esp/gpio.h> #include <esp/spi.h> #include <espressif/esp_common.h> #define AD770X_DEBUG #define BUS 1 #define INIT_TIMEOUT 500000 // 500ms #ifdef AD770X_DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #define debug(fmt, ...) printf("%s" fmt "\n", "AD770x: ", ## __VA_ARGS__) #else #define debug(fmt, ...) #endif #define timeout_expired(start, len) ((uint32_t)(sdk_system_get_time() - (start)) >= (len)) #define _BV(x) (1 << (x)) #define REG_COMM 0x00 // 8 bits #define REG_SETUP 0x01 // 8 bits #define REG_CLOCK 0x02 // 8 bits #define REG_DATA 0x03 // 16 bits #define REG_TEST 0x04 // 8 bits #define REG_OFFS 0x06 // 24 bits #define REG_GAIN 0x07 // 24 bits #define BIT_COMM_CH0 0 #define BIT_COMM_CH1 1 #define BIT_COMM_STBY 2 #define BIT_COMM_RW 3 #define BIT_COMM_RS0 4 #define BIT_COMM_RS1 5 #define BIT_COMM_RS2 6 #define BIT_COMM_DRDY 7 #define MASK_COMM_CH 0x03 #define MASK_COMM_RS 0x70 #define BIT_CLOCK_FS0 0 #define BIT_CLOCK_FS1 1 #define BIT_CLOCK_CLK 2 #define BIT_CLOCK_CLKDIV 3 #define BIT_CLOCK_CLKDIS 4 #define MASK_CLOCK_FS 0x03 #define MASK_CLOCK_CLK 0x0c #define BIT_SETUP_FSYNC 0 #define BIT_SETUP_BUF 1 #define BIT_SETUP_BU 2 #define BIT_SETUP_G0 3 #define BIT_SETUP_G1 4 #define BIT_SETUP_G2 5 #define BIT_SETUP_MD0 6 #define BIT_SETUP_MD1 7 #define MASK_SETUP_GAIN 0x38 #define MASK_SETUP_MODE 0xc0 static const spi_settings_t config = { .endianness = SPI_BIG_ENDIAN, .msb = true, .minimal_pins = true, .mode = SPI_MODE3, .freq_divider = SPI_FREQ_DIV_500K }; static uint8_t write(uint8_t cs_pin, uint8_t value) { spi_settings_t old; spi_get_settings(BUS, &old); spi_set_settings(BUS, &config); gpio_write(cs_pin, false); uint8_t res = spi_transfer_8(BUS, value); //debug("byte wr: 0x%02x", value); gpio_write(cs_pin, true); spi_set_settings(BUS, &old); return res; } inline static uint8_t read_byte(uint8_t cs_pin) { return write(cs_pin, 0); } static uint16_t read_word(uint8_t cs_pin) { spi_settings_t old; spi_get_settings(BUS, &old); spi_set_settings(BUS, &config); gpio_write(cs_pin, false); uint16_t res = spi_transfer_16(BUS, 0); gpio_write(cs_pin, true); spi_set_settings(BUS, &old); return res; } static void prepare(uint8_t channel, uint8_t reg, bool read, uint8_t cs_pin, bool standby) { write(cs_pin, (channel & MASK_COMM_CH) | (read ? _BV(BIT_COMM_RW) : 0) | ((reg << BIT_COMM_RS0) & MASK_COMM_RS) | (standby ? _BV(BIT_COMM_STBY) : 0) ); } int ad770x_init(const ad770x_params_t *params, uint8_t channel) { if (!spi_set_settings(BUS, &config)) { debug("Cannot init SPI"); return -EIO; } if ((params->master_clock >= AD770X_MCLK_2_4576MHz && params->update_rate < AD770X_RATE_50) || (params->master_clock < AD770X_MCLK_2_4576MHz && params->update_rate > AD770X_RATE_200)) { debug("Invalid update rate / master clock combination"); return -EINVAL; } gpio_enable(params->cs_pin, GPIO_OUTPUT); gpio_write(params->cs_pin, true); prepare(channel, REG_CLOCK, false, params->cs_pin, false); write(params->cs_pin, ((params->master_clock << BIT_CLOCK_CLK) & MASK_CLOCK_CLK) | (params->update_rate & MASK_CLOCK_FS) ); ad770x_set_mode(params, channel, AD770X_MODE_CALIBRATION); uint32_t start = sdk_system_get_time(); while (!ad770x_data_ready(params, channel)) if (timeout_expired(start, INIT_TIMEOUT)) { debug("Timeout while calibration"); return -EIO; } return 0; } void ad770x_set_mode(const ad770x_params_t *params, uint8_t channel, ad770x_mode_t mode) { prepare(channel, REG_SETUP, false, params->cs_pin, false); write(params->cs_pin, ((params->gain << BIT_SETUP_G0) & MASK_SETUP_GAIN) | (params->bipolar ? 0 : _BV(BIT_SETUP_BU)) | ((mode << BIT_SETUP_MD0) & MASK_SETUP_MODE) ); } bool ad770x_data_ready(const ad770x_params_t *params, uint8_t channel) { prepare(channel, REG_COMM, true, params->cs_pin, false); return !(read_byte(params->cs_pin) & _BV(BIT_COMM_DRDY)); } uint16_t ad770x_raw_adc_value(const ad770x_params_t *params, uint8_t channel) { prepare(channel, REG_DATA, true, params->cs_pin, false); return read_word(params->cs_pin); }