/* Very basic example that just demonstrates we can run at all! */ #include "esp/rom.h" #include "esp/timer.h" #include "espressif/esp_common.h" #include "esp/uart.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include "string.h" #include "strings.h" #define TESTSTRING "O hai there! %d %d %d" const RAM char dramtest[] = TESTSTRING; const char *iromtest = TESTSTRING; const IRAM_DATA char iramtest[] = TESTSTRING; static inline uint32_t get_ccount (void) { uint32_t ccount; asm volatile ("rsr.ccount %0" : "=a" (ccount)); return ccount; } typedef void (* test_with_fn_t)(const char *string); char buf[64]; void test_memcpy_aligned(const char *string) { memcpy(buf, string, 16); } void test_memcpy_unaligned(const char *string) { memcpy(buf, string, 15); } void test_memcpy_unaligned2(const char *string) { memcpy(buf, string+1, 15); } void test_strcpy(const char *string) { strcpy(buf, string); } void test_sprintf(const char *string) { sprintf(buf, string, 1, 2, 3); } void test_sprintf_arg(const char *string) { sprintf(buf, "%s", string); } void test_naive_strcpy(const char *string) { char *to = buf; while((*to++ = *string++)) ; } void test_naive_strcpy_a0(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a0, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a0, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a0, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a0", "a8", "a9"); } void test_naive_strcpy_a2(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a2, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a2, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a2, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a2", "a8", "a9"); } void test_naive_strcpy_a3(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a3, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a3, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a3, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a3", "a8", "a9"); } void test_naive_strcpy_a4(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a4, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a4, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a4, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a4", "a8", "a9"); } void test_naive_strcpy_a5(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a5, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a5, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a5, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a5", "a8", "a9"); } void test_naive_strcpy_a6(const char *string) { asm volatile ( " mov a8, %0 \n" " mov a9, %1 \n" "tns_loop%=: l8ui a6, a9, 0 \n" " addi.n a9, a9, 1 \n" " s8i a6, a8, 0 \n" " addi.n a8, a8, 1 \n" " bnez a6, tns_loop%=\n" : : "r" (buf), "r" (string) : "a6", "a8", "a9"); } void test_l16si(const char *string) { /* This follows most of the l16si path, but as the values in the string are all 7 bit none of them get sign extended. See separate test_sign_extension function which validates sign extension works as expected. */ int16_t *src_int16 = (int16_t *)string; int32_t *dst_int32 = (int32_t *)buf; dst_int32[0] = src_int16[0]; dst_int32[1] = src_int16[1]; dst_int32[2] = src_int16[2]; } #define TEST_REPEATS 1000 void test_noop(const char *string) { } uint32_t IRAM run_test(const char *string, test_with_fn_t testfn, const char *testfn_label, uint32_t nullvalue, bool evict_cache) { printf(" .. against %30s: ", testfn_label); vPortEnterCritical(); uint32_t before = get_ccount(); for(int i = 0; i < TEST_REPEATS; i++) { testfn(string); if(evict_cache) { Cache_Read_Disable(); Cache_Read_Enable(0,0,1); } } uint32_t after = get_ccount(); vPortExitCritical(); uint32_t instructions = (after-before)/TEST_REPEATS - nullvalue; printf("%5d instructions\r\n", instructions); return instructions; } void test_string(const char *string, char *label, bool evict_cache) { printf("Testing %s (%p) '%s'\r\n", label, string, string); printf("Formats as: '"); printf(string, 1, 2, 3); printf("'\r\n"); uint32_t nullvalue = run_test(string, test_noop, "null op", 0, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_memcpy_aligned, "memcpy - aligned len", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_memcpy_unaligned, "memcpy - unaligned len", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_memcpy_unaligned2, "memcpy - unaligned start&len", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_strcpy, "strcpy", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy, "naive strcpy", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a0, "naive strcpy (a0)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a2, "naive strcpy (a2)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a3, "naive strcpy (a3)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a4, "naive strcpy (a4)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a5, "naive strcpy (a5)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_naive_strcpy_a6, "naive strcpy (a6)", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_sprintf, "sprintf", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_sprintf_arg, "sprintf format arg", nullvalue, evict_cache); run_test(string, test_l16si, "load as l16si", nullvalue, evict_cache); } static void test_isr(); static void test_sign_extension(); static void test_system_interaction(); void sanity_tests(void); void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); gpio_enable(2, GPIO_OUTPUT); /* used for LED debug */ gpio_write(2, 1); /* active low */ printf("\r\n\r\nSDK version:%s\r\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version()); sanity_tests(); test_string(dramtest, "DRAM", 0); test_string(iramtest, "IRAM", 0); test_string(iromtest, "Cached flash", 0); test_string(iromtest, "'Uncached' flash", 1); test_isr(); test_sign_extension(); TaskHandle_t taskHandle; xTaskCreate(test_system_interaction, "interactionTask", 256, &taskHandle, 2, NULL); } static volatile bool frc1_ran; static volatile bool frc1_finished; static volatile char frc1_buf[80]; static void frc1_interrupt_handler(void) { frc1_ran = true; timer_set_run(FRC1, false); strcpy((char *)frc1_buf, iramtest); frc1_finished = true; } static void test_isr() { printf("Testing behaviour inside ISRs...\r\n"); timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, false); timer_set_run(FRC1, false); _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC1, frc1_interrupt_handler); timer_set_frequency(FRC1, 1000); timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, true); timer_set_run(FRC1, true); sdk_os_delay_us(2000); if(!frc1_ran) printf("ERROR: FRC1 timer exception never fired.\r\n"); else if(!frc1_finished) printf("ERROR: FRC1 timer exception never finished.\r\n"); else if(strcmp((char *)frc1_buf, iramtest)) printf("ERROR: FRC1 strcpy from IRAM failed.\r\n"); else printf("PASSED\r\n"); } const volatile __attribute__((section(".iram1.notliterals"))) int16_t unsigned_shorts[] = { -3, -4, -5, -32767, 44 }; static void test_sign_extension() { /* this step seems to be necessary so the compiler will actually generate l16si */ int16_t *shorts_p = (int16_t *)unsigned_shorts; if(shorts_p[0] == -3 && shorts_p[1] == -4 && shorts_p[2] == -5 && shorts_p[3] == -32767 && shorts_p[4] == 44) { printf("l16si sign extension PASSED.\r\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: l16si sign extension failed. Got values %d %d %d %d %d\r\n", shorts_p[0], shorts_p[1], shorts_p[2], shorts_p[3], shorts_p[4]); } } /* test that running unaligned loads in a running FreeRTOS system doesn't break things The following tests run inside a FreeRTOS task, after everything else. */ static void test_system_interaction() { uint32_t start = xTaskGetTickCount(); printf("Starting system/timer interaction test (takes approx 30 seconds)...\n"); for(int i = 0; i < 200*1000; i++) { test_naive_strcpy_a0(iromtest); test_naive_strcpy_a2(iromtest); test_naive_strcpy_a3(iromtest); test_naive_strcpy_a4(iromtest); test_naive_strcpy_a5(iromtest); test_naive_strcpy_a6(iromtest); /* const volatile char *string = iromtest; volatile char *to = dest; while((*to++ = *string++)) ; */ } uint32_t ticks = xTaskGetTickCount() - start; printf("Timer interaction test PASSED after %dms.\n", ticks*portTICK_PERIOD_MS); abort(); } /* The following "sanity tests" are designed to try to execute every code path * of the LoadStoreError handler, with a variety of offsets and data values * designed to catch any mask/shift errors, sign-extension bugs, etc */ /* (Contrary to expectations, 'mov a15, a15' in Xtensa is not technically a * no-op, but is officially "undefined and reserved for future use", so we need * a special case in the case where reg == "a15" so we don't end up generating * those opcodes. GCC is smart enough to optimize away the whole conditional * and just insert the correct asm block, since `reg` is a static argument.) */ #define LOAD_VIA_REG(op, reg, addr, var) \ if (strcmp(reg, "a15")) { \ asm volatile ( \ "mov a15, " reg "\n\t" \ op " " reg ", %1, 0\n\t" \ "mov %0, " reg "\n\t" \ "mov " reg ", a15\n\t" \ : "=r" (var) : "r" (addr) : "a15" ); \ } else { \ asm volatile ( \ op " " reg ", %1, 0\n\t" \ "mov %0, " reg "\n\t" \ : "=r" (var) : "r" (addr) : "a15" ); \ } #define TEST_LOAD(op, reg, addr, value) \ { \ int32_t result; \ LOAD_VIA_REG(op, reg, addr, result); \ if (result != value) sanity_test_failed(op, reg, addr, value, result); \ } void sanity_test_failed(const char *testname, const char *reg, const void *addr, int32_t value, int32_t result) { uint32_t actual_data = *(uint32_t *)((uint32_t)addr & 0xfffffffc); printf("*** SANITY TEST FAILED: '%s %s' from %p (underlying 32-bit value: 0x%x): Expected 0x%08x (%d), got 0x%08x (%d)\n", testname, reg, addr, actual_data, value, value, result, result); } const __attribute__((section(".iram1.notrodata"))) char sanity_test_data[] = { 0x01, 0x55, 0x7e, 0x2a, 0x81, 0xd5, 0xfe, 0xaa }; void sanity_test_l8ui(const void *addr, int32_t value) { TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a0", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a1", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a2", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a3", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a4", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a5", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a6", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a7", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a8", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a9", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a10", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a11", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a12", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a13", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a14", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l8ui", "a15", addr, value); } void sanity_test_l16ui(const void *addr, int32_t value) { TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a0", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a1", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a2", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a3", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a4", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a5", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a6", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a7", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a8", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a9", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a10", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a11", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a12", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a13", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a14", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16ui", "a15", addr, value); } void sanity_test_l16si(const void *addr, int32_t value) { TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a0", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a1", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a2", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a3", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a4", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a5", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a6", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a7", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a8", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a9", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a10", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a11", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a12", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a13", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a14", addr, value); TEST_LOAD("l16si", "a15", addr, value); } void sanity_tests(void) { printf("== Performing sanity tests (sanity_test_data @ %p)...\n", sanity_test_data); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 0, 0x01); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 1, 0x55); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 2, 0x7e); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 3, 0x2a); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 4, 0x81); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 5, 0xd5); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 6, 0xfe); sanity_test_l8ui(sanity_test_data + 7, 0xaa); sanity_test_l16ui(sanity_test_data + 0, 0x5501); sanity_test_l16ui(sanity_test_data + 2, 0x2a7e); sanity_test_l16ui(sanity_test_data + 4, 0xd581); sanity_test_l16ui(sanity_test_data + 6, 0xaafe); sanity_test_l16si(sanity_test_data + 0, 0x5501); sanity_test_l16si(sanity_test_data + 2, 0x2a7e); sanity_test_l16si(sanity_test_data + 4, -10879); sanity_test_l16si(sanity_test_data + 6, -21762); printf("== Sanity tests completed.\n"); }