/** * \file * * \brief Microchip Crypto Auth hardware interface object * * \copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software * and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. It is your * responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable to your * use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE * OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE * FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL * LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED * THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR * THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ATCA_IFACE_H #define ATCA_IFACE_H /** \defgroup interface ATCAIface (atca_) * \brief Abstract interface to all CryptoAuth device types. This interface * connects to the HAL implementation and abstracts the physical details of the * device communication from all the upper layers of CryptoAuthLib @{ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "atca_command.h" typedef enum { ATCA_I2C_IFACE, ATCA_SWI_IFACE, ATCA_UART_IFACE, ATCA_SPI_IFACE, ATCA_HID_IFACE, ATCA_CUSTOM_IFACE, // additional physical interface types here ATCA_UNKNOWN_IFACE, } ATCAIfaceType; /* ATCAIfaceCfg is a mediator object between a completely abstract notion of a physical interface and an actual physical interface. The main purpose of it is to keep hardware specifics from bleeding into the higher levels - hardware specifics could include things like framework specific items (ASF SERCOM) vs a non-Microchip I2C library constant that defines an I2C port. But I2C has roughly the same parameters regardless of architecture and framework. */ typedef struct { ATCAIfaceType iface_type; // active iface - how to interpret the union below ATCADeviceType devtype; // explicit device type union // each instance of an iface cfg defines a single type of interface { struct //ATCAI2C { uint8_t slave_address; // 8-bit slave address uint8_t bus; // logical i2c bus number, 0-based - HAL will map this to a pin pair for SDA SCL uint32_t baud; // typically 400000 } atcai2c; struct //ATCASWI { uint8_t bus; // logical SWI bus - HAL will map this to a pin or uart port } atcaswi; struct //ATCAUART { int port; // logic port number uint32_t baud; // typically 115200 uint8_t wordsize; // usually 8 uint8_t parity; // 0 == even, 1 == odd, 2 == none uint8_t stopbits; // 0,1,2 } atcauart; struct //ATCAHID { int idx; // HID enumeration index uint32_t vid; // Vendor ID of kit (0x03EB for CK101) uint32_t pid; // Product ID of kit (0x2312 for CK101) uint32_t packetsize; // Size of the USB packet uint8_t guid[16]; // The GUID for this HID device } atcahid; struct //ATCACUSTOM { ATCA_STATUS (*halinit)(void *hal, void *cfg); ATCA_STATUS (*halpostinit)(void *iface); ATCA_STATUS (*halsend)(void *iface, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength); ATCA_STATUS (*halreceive)(void *iface, uint8_t* rxdata, uint16_t* rxlength); ATCA_STATUS (*halwake)(void *iface); ATCA_STATUS (*halidle)(void *iface); ATCA_STATUS (*halsleep)(void *iface); ATCA_STATUS (*halrelease)(void* hal_data); } atcacustom; }; uint16_t wake_delay; // microseconds of tWHI + tWLO which varies based on chip type int rx_retries; // the number of retries to attempt for receiving bytes void * cfg_data; // opaque data used by HAL in device discovery } ATCAIfaceCfg; typedef struct atca_iface * ATCAIface; /** \brief atca_iface is the C object backing ATCAIface. See the atca_iface.h file for * details on the ATCAIface methods */ struct atca_iface { ATCAIfaceType mType; ATCAIfaceCfg *mIfaceCFG; // points to previous defined/given Cfg object, caller manages this ATCA_STATUS (*atinit)(void *hal, ATCAIfaceCfg *); ATCA_STATUS (*atpostinit)(ATCAIface hal); ATCA_STATUS (*atsend)(ATCAIface hal, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength); ATCA_STATUS (*atreceive)(ATCAIface hal, uint8_t *rxdata, uint16_t *rxlength); ATCA_STATUS (*atwake)(ATCAIface hal); ATCA_STATUS (*atidle)(ATCAIface hal); ATCA_STATUS (*atsleep)(ATCAIface hal); // treat as private void *hal_data; // generic pointer used by HAL to point to architecture specific structure // no ATCA object should touch this except HAL, HAL manages this pointer and memory it points to }; ATCA_STATUS initATCAIface(ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg, ATCAIface ca_iface); ATCAIface newATCAIface(ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg); ATCA_STATUS releaseATCAIface(ATCAIface ca_iface); void deleteATCAIface(ATCAIface *ca_iface); // IFace methods ATCA_STATUS atinit(ATCAIface ca_iface); ATCA_STATUS atpostinit(ATCAIface ca_iface); ATCA_STATUS atsend(ATCAIface ca_iface, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength); ATCA_STATUS atreceive(ATCAIface ca_iface, uint8_t *rxdata, uint16_t *rxlength); ATCA_STATUS atwake(ATCAIface ca_iface); ATCA_STATUS atidle(ATCAIface ca_iface); ATCA_STATUS atsleep(ATCAIface ca_iface); // accessors ATCAIfaceCfg * atgetifacecfg(ATCAIface ca_iface); void* atgetifacehaldat(ATCAIface ca_iface); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** @} */ #endif