#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #include "lwip/sys.h" #include "lwip/netdb.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "http_buffered_client.h" #define MAX_REQUEST_SIZE (152 / sizeof(uint32_t)) #define vTaskDelayMs(ms) vTaskDelay((ms) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) typedef void (*handle_http_token)(char *); struct http_token_table { const char * token; handle_http_token http_tock_cb; }; // Response struct struct HTTP_response { unsigned int response_code; unsigned int length; }; /** * \addtogroup http_buffer_client_internal * Http Request */ const char *req = "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s \r\n" "User-Agent: esp-open-rtos/0.1 esp8266\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n"; static uint32_t request[MAX_REQUEST_SIZE]; static const struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM, }; static struct HTTP_response http_reponse; // HTTP Header Token, add here function and then register it in HTTP Table callback static void http_handle_cb_ContentLength(char *token) { token += 16; // strlen("Content-Length:"), skip useless part while (*token) { if (isdigit((int) *token)) http_reponse.length = (unsigned int) strtol(token, &token, 10); else token++; } } static inline void parse_http_header_HTTP_STATUS(char *token) { token += 8; // Skip HTTP/1.0 while (*token) { if (isdigit((int) *token)) http_reponse.response_code = (unsigned int) strtol(token, &token, 10); else token++; } } // HTTP Token Hanling callback struct http_token_table HTTP_HEADER_TOKEN[] = { { .token = "Content-Length", .http_tock_cb = http_handle_cb_ContentLength }, }; static inline void parse_http_header(char *header) { char *str1, *str2, *token, *subtoken, *saveptr1, *saveptr2; const char line_split[] = "\r\n", sub_chart[] = ":"; unsigned int j, i; for (j = 1, str1 = header;; j++, str1 = NULL) { token = strtok_r(str1, line_split, &saveptr1); if (token == NULL) break; str2 = token; subtoken = strtok_r(str2, sub_chart, &saveptr2); if (subtoken == NULL) break; if (j == 1) { // Is HTTP Header, response, HTTP Version and status parse_http_header_HTTP_STATUS(token); continue; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_TOKEN) / sizeof(struct http_token_table); i++) if (!strcmp(subtoken, HTTP_HEADER_TOKEN[i].token)) HTTP_HEADER_TOKEN[i].http_tock_cb(token); } } HTTP_Client_State HttpClient_dowload(Http_client_info *info) { struct addrinfo *res; unsigned int tot_http_pdu_rd, full; ssize_t read_byte; int err, sock; char *wrt_ptr; err = getaddrinfo(info->server, info->port, &hints, &res); if (err != 0 || res == NULL) { if (res) freeaddrinfo(res); return HTTP_DNS_LOOKUP_FALLIED; } sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, 0); if (sock < 0) { freeaddrinfo(res); return HTTP_SOCKET_ALLOCATION_FALLIED; } if (connect(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) != 0) { close(sock); freeaddrinfo(res); return HTTP_SOCKET_CONNECTION_FALLIED; } // Release address memory freeaddrinfo(res); // Alloc memory for request sprintf((char *) request, req, info->path, info->server); if (write(sock, (char *) request, strlen((char *) request)) < 0) { close(sock); return HTTP_REQUEST_SEND_FALLIED; } tot_http_pdu_rd = 0; wrt_ptr = info->buffer; full = 0; // Ping wdog vTaskDelayMs(250); do { int free_buff_space; free_buff_space = info->buffer_size - full; read_byte = read(sock, wrt_ptr, free_buff_space); // Update buffer property wrt_ptr += read_byte; full += read_byte; if (tot_http_pdu_rd == 0) { // Is fist chunk, then it contains http header, parse it. unsigned int header_len, pdu_size; char *header, *pdu; pdu = strstr(info->buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (pdu != NULL) pdu += 4; // Offset by 4 bytes to start of content else // Not all HTTP Header has been read, then continue read continue; header_len = pdu - info->buffer + 4; header = malloc(header_len + 1); // NULL string terminator memset(header, 0, header_len + 1); memcpy(header, info->buffer, header_len); parse_http_header(header); // Release useless memory free(header); // Move memory pdu_size = wrt_ptr - pdu; memmove(info->buffer, pdu, pdu_size); wrt_ptr = (info->buffer + pdu_size); full = pdu_size; tot_http_pdu_rd = pdu_size; if (http_reponse.response_code != HTTP_OK) goto err_label; continue; } tot_http_pdu_rd += read_byte; if (full == info->buffer_size) { info->buffer_full_cb(info->buffer, full); memset(info->buffer, 0, info->buffer_size); wrt_ptr = info->buffer; full = 0; vTaskDelayMs(50); } } while (read_byte > 0); info->final_cb(info->buffer, full); if (tot_http_pdu_rd != http_reponse.length) http_reponse.response_code = HTTP_DOWLOAD_SIZE_NOT_MATCH; err_label: close(sock); return http_reponse.response_code; } /* HttpClient_dowload */