/* Implementation of PWM support for the Espressif SDK. * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2015 Guillem Pascual Ginovart (https://github.com/gpascualg) * Copyright (C) 2015 Javier Cardona (https://github.com/jcard0na) * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include "pwm.h" #include <espressif/esp_common.h> #include <espressif/sdk_private.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <esp8266.h> typedef struct PWMPinDefinition { uint8_t pin; uint8_t divider; } PWMPin; typedef enum { PERIOD_ON = 0, PERIOD_OFF = 1 } pwm_step_t; typedef struct pwmInfoDefinition { uint8_t running; uint16_t freq; uint16_t dutyCicle; /* private */ uint32_t _maxLoad; uint32_t _onLoad; uint32_t _offLoad; pwm_step_t _step; uint16_t usedPins; PWMPin pins[8]; } PWMInfo; static PWMInfo pwmInfo; static void frc1_interrupt_handler(void) { uint8_t i = 0; bool out = true; uint32_t load = pwmInfo._onLoad; pwm_step_t step = PERIOD_ON; if (pwmInfo._step == PERIOD_ON) { out = false; load = pwmInfo._offLoad; step = PERIOD_OFF; } for (; i < pwmInfo.usedPins; ++i) { gpio_write(pwmInfo.pins[i].pin, out); } timer_set_load(FRC1, load); pwmInfo._step = step; } void pwm_init(uint8_t npins, uint8_t* pins) { /* Assert number of pins is correct */ if (npins > MAX_PWM_PINS) { printf("Incorrect number of PWM pins (%d)\n", npins); return; } /* Initialize */ pwmInfo._maxLoad = 0; pwmInfo._onLoad = 0; pwmInfo._offLoad = 0; pwmInfo._step = PERIOD_ON; /* Save pins information */ pwmInfo.usedPins = npins; uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < npins; ++i) { pwmInfo.pins[i].pin = pins[i]; /* configure GPIOs */ gpio_enable(pins[i], GPIO_OUTPUT); } /* Stop timers and mask interrupts */ pwm_stop(); /* set up ISRs */ _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC1, frc1_interrupt_handler); /* Flag not running */ pwmInfo.running = 0; } void pwm_set_freq(uint16_t freq) { pwmInfo.freq = freq; /* Stop now to avoid load being used */ if (pwmInfo.running) { pwm_stop(); pwmInfo.running = 1; } timer_set_frequency(FRC1, freq); pwmInfo._maxLoad = timer_get_load(FRC1); if (pwmInfo.running) { pwm_start(); } } void pwm_set_duty(uint16_t duty) { bool output; pwmInfo.dutyCicle = duty; if (duty > 0 && duty < UINT16_MAX) { pwm_restart(); return; } // 0% and 100% duty cycle are special cases: constant output. pwm_stop(); pwmInfo.running = 1; output = (duty == UINT16_MAX); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pwmInfo.usedPins; ++i) { gpio_write(pwmInfo.pins[i].pin, output); } } void pwm_restart() { if (pwmInfo.running) { pwm_stop(); pwm_start(); } } void pwm_start() { pwmInfo._onLoad = pwmInfo.dutyCicle * pwmInfo._maxLoad / UINT16_MAX; pwmInfo._offLoad = pwmInfo._maxLoad - pwmInfo._onLoad; pwmInfo._step = PERIOD_ON; // Trigger ON uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < pwmInfo.usedPins; ++i) { gpio_write(pwmInfo.pins[i].pin, true); } timer_set_load(FRC1, pwmInfo._onLoad); timer_set_reload(FRC1, false); timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, true); timer_set_run(FRC1, true); pwmInfo.running = 1; } void pwm_stop() { timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, false); timer_set_run(FRC1, false); pwmInfo.running = 0; }