ESP8266 HTTP Server

HTTP Server is up and running.

This is an example HTTP server with CGI and SSI support. The switch below will allow you to test CGI handler and turn the blue LED on or off.

Server Status

Uptime: seconds
Free heap: bytes
LED state:

How it works

Each time the server detects a tag of the form <!--#name--> in a .shtml, .ssi or .shtm file where name appears as one of the tags supplied to http_set_ssi_handler in the pcConfigSSITags array, an insert string is appended after the tag string in file and sent back to the client.

A CGI handler function is called each time the server is asked for a file whose name was previously registered as a CGI function using a call to http_set_cgi_handler. This function allows you to access the parameters provided along with the URI.