<html> <head><title>Esp8266 web server</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <h1>It Works</h1> <p> If you see this, it means the tiny li'l website in your ESP8266 does actually work. Fyi, this page has been loaded <b>%counter%</b> times. <ul> <li>If you haven't connected this device to your WLAN network now, you can <a href="/wifi">do so.</a></li> <li>You can also control the <a href="led.tpl">LED</a>.</li> <li>Esphttpd now also supports <a href="websocket/index.html">websockets</a>.</li> <li>Test esphttpd using the built-in <a href="test/">test suite</a></li> <li>And because I can, here's a link to my <a href="http://spritesmods.com/?f=esphttpd">website</a></ul> </ul> </p> <p>And because we're on the Internets now, here are the required pictures of cats:<br /> <img src="cats/cross-eyed-cat.jpg"><br /> <img src="cats/junge-katze-iv.jpg"><br /> <img src="cats/kitten-loves-toy.jpg"><br /> </p> </div> </body></html>