/* * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2017 Brian Schwind (https://github.com/bschwind) * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "tsl4531.h" // Registers #define TSL4531_REG_COMMAND 0x80 #define TSL4531_REG_CONTROL 0x00 #define TSL4531_REG_CONFIG 0x01 #define TSL4531_REG_DATA_LOW 0x04 #define TSL4531_REG_DATA_HIGH 0x05 #define TSL4531_REG_DEVICE_ID 0x0A // TSL4531 Misc Values #define TSL4531_ON 0x03 #define TSL4531_OFF 0x00 // Integration times in milliseconds #define TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_100MS 120 #define TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_200MS 240 #define TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_400MS 480 // Default static int write_register(i2c_dev_t* i2c_dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t value) { reg = TSL4531_REG_COMMAND | reg; return i2c_slave_write(i2c_dev->bus, i2c_dev->addr, ®, &value, 1); } static uint8_t read_register(i2c_dev_t* i2c_dev, uint8_t reg) { uint8_t data[1]; reg = TSL4531_REG_COMMAND | reg; if (i2c_slave_read(i2c_dev->bus, i2c_dev->addr, ®, data, 1)) { printf("Error in tsl4531 read_register\n"); } return data[0]; } static uint16_t read_register_16(i2c_dev_t* i2c_dev, uint8_t low_register_addr) { uint16_t value = 0; uint8_t data[2]; low_register_addr = TSL4531_REG_COMMAND | low_register_addr; if (i2c_slave_read(i2c_dev->bus, i2c_dev->addr, &low_register_addr, data, 2)) { printf("Error with i2c_slave_read in read_register_16\n"); } value = ((uint16_t)data[1] << 8) | (data[0]); return value; } static int enable(tsl4531_t *device) { return write_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_CONTROL, TSL4531_ON); } static int disable(tsl4531_t *device) { return write_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_CONTROL, TSL4531_OFF); } void tsl4531_init(tsl4531_t *device) { if (enable(device)) { printf("Error initializing tsl4531, the enable write failed\n"); } uint8_t control_reg = read_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_CONTROL); if (control_reg != TSL4531_ON) { printf("Error initializing tsl4531, control register wasn't set to ON\n"); } uint8_t idRegister = read_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_DEVICE_ID); uint8_t id = (idRegister & 0xF0) >> 4; if (id == TSL4531_PART_TSL45317) { device->part_id = TSL4531_PART_TSL45317; } else if (id == TSL4531_PART_TSL45313) { device->part_id = TSL4531_PART_TSL45313; } else if (id == TSL4531_PART_TSL45315) { device->part_id = TSL4531_PART_TSL45315; } else if (id == TSL4531_PART_TSL45311) { device->part_id = TSL4531_PART_TSL45311; } else { printf("Unknown part id for TSL4531 sensor: %u\n", id); } disable(device); } void tsl4531_set_integration_time(tsl4531_t *device, tsl4531_integration_time_t integration_time_id) { uint8_t power_save_bit = device->skip_power_save ? 0x08 : 0x00; uint8_t integration_time_bits = 0x03 & integration_time_id; uint8_t new_config_reg = power_save_bit | integration_time_bits; enable(device); write_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_CONFIG, new_config_reg); disable(device); device->integration_time_id = integration_time_id; } void tsl4531_set_power_save_skip(tsl4531_t *device, bool skip_power_save) { uint8_t power_save_bit = skip_power_save ? 0x08 : 0x00; uint8_t integration_time_bits = 0x03 & device->integration_time_id; uint8_t new_config_reg = power_save_bit | integration_time_bits; enable(device); write_register(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_CONFIG, new_config_reg); disable(device); device->skip_power_save = skip_power_save; } bool tsl4531_read_lux(tsl4531_t *device, uint16_t *lux) { bool success = true; uint16_t multiplier = 1; enable(device); switch (device->integration_time_id) { case TSL4531_INTEGRATION_100MS: multiplier = 4; vTaskDelay(TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_100MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); break; case TSL4531_INTEGRATION_200MS: multiplier = 2; vTaskDelay(TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_200MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); break; case TSL4531_INTEGRATION_400MS: multiplier = 1; vTaskDelay(TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_400MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); break; default: multiplier = 1; vTaskDelay(TSL4531_INTEGRATION_TIME_400MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); break; } uint16_t lux_data = read_register_16(&device->i2c_dev, TSL4531_REG_DATA_LOW); disable(device); *lux = multiplier * lux_data; return success; }