/** * Recreated Espressif libmain ets_timer.o contents. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Espressif Systems. Derived from MIT Licensed SDK libraries. * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE * * Copyright (c) 2016 sheinz (https://github.com/sheinz) * * This module seems to be adapted from NONOS SDK by Espressif to fit into * RTOS SDK. Function sdk_ets_timer_handler_isr is no longer an ISR handler * but still holds its name. Espressif just added a task that receives events * from the real FRC2 timer ISR handler and calls former ISR handler. * So, timer callbacks are called from the task context rather than an interrupt. * * Modifications from the original reverse engineered version: * - FreeRTOS queue is replaced with Task notifications. * - Removed unknown queue length monitoring and parameters allocation. * - Removed unused debug variables * - xTaskGenericCreate is replaced with xTaskCreate * - simplified time to ticks conversion (simply multiply by 5) * * This timer should be used with caution together with other tasks. As the * timer callback is executed within timer task context, access to data that * other tasks accessing should be protected. */ #include "open_esplibs.h" #if OPEN_LIBMAIN_ETS_TIMER #include "open_esplibs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef void ets_timer_func_t(void *); /** * This structure is used for both timers: ets_timer.c and timer.c */ typedef struct ets_timer_st { struct ets_timer_st *next; TimerHandle_t timer_handle; // not used in ets_timer.c uint32_t fire_ticks; // FRC2 timer value when timer should fire uint32_t period_ticks; // timer value in FRC2 ticks for rpeating timers ets_timer_func_t *callback; bool repeat; // not used in ets_timer.c void *timer_arg; } ets_timer_t; /** * Special values of ets_timer_t::next field */ #define ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED (ets_timer_t*)(0xffffffff) #define ETS_TIMER_LIST_END (ets_timer_t*)(0) /** * Linked list of timers */ static ets_timer_t* timer_list = 0; static TaskHandle_t task_handle = NULL; void sdk_ets_timer_setfn(ets_timer_t *timer, ets_timer_func_t *func, void *parg) { timer->callback = func; timer->timer_arg = parg; timer->fire_ticks = 0; timer->period_ticks = 0; timer->next = ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED; } /** * .Lfunc004 */ static inline void set_alarm_value(uint32_t value) { TIMER_FRC2.ALARM = value; } /** * .Lfunc005 * * Set timer alarm and make sure the alarm is set in the future * and will not be missed by the timer. */ static void set_alarm(uint32_t ticks) { uint32_t curr_time = TIMER_FRC2.COUNT; int32_t delta = (int32_t)ticks - curr_time; if ((delta - 40) < 1) { if (delta < 1) { set_alarm_value(curr_time + 40); } else { set_alarm_value(ticks + 44); } } else { set_alarm_value(ticks); } } /** * .Lfunc006 * * Pending timer list example: * * | Timer: | T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | * |-------------|----|----|----|----| * | fire_ticks: | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | * | next: | T1 | T2 | T3 | 0 | * * * For example we need to add a timer that should fire at 25 ticks: * * | Timer: | T0 | T1 | new | T2 | T3 | * |-------------|----|-----|-----|----|----| * | fire_ticks: | 10 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 40 | * | next: | T1 | new | T2 | T3 | 0 | * * We squeeze the timer into the list so the list will always remain sorted * * Note: if add the same timer twice the system halts */ static void add_pending_timer(uint32_t ticks, ets_timer_t *timer) { ets_timer_t *prev = 0; ets_timer_t *curr = timer_list; while (curr) { if (((int32_t)ticks - (int32_t)curr->fire_ticks) < 1) { // found a timer that should fire later // so our timer should fire earlier break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } timer->next = curr; timer->fire_ticks = ticks; if (prev != 0) { prev->next = timer; } else { // Our timer is the first in the line to fire timer_list = timer; set_alarm(ticks); } // This situation might happen if adding the same timer twice if (timer == timer->next) { // This seems like an error: %s is used for line number // In the recent SDK Espressif fixed the format to "%s %u\n" printf("%s %s \n", "ets_timer.c", (char*)209); while (1); } } /** * In the Espressif SDK 0.9.9 if try to arm already armed timer the system halts * with error message. In the later SDK version Espressif changed the behavior. * If the timer was previously armed it is disarmed and then armed without errors. * This version recreates behavior of SDK 0.9.9 */ void sdk_ets_timer_arm_ms_us(ets_timer_t *timer, uint32_t value, bool repeat_flag, bool value_in_ms) { uint32_t ticks = 0; if (timer->next != ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED) { // The error message doesn't tell what is wrong printf("arm new %x %x\n", (uint32_t)timer, (uint32_t)timer->next); while(1); // halt } if (value_in_ms) { ticks = value * 5000; } else { ticks = value * 5; } if (repeat_flag) { timer->period_ticks = ticks; } vPortEnterCritical(); add_pending_timer(TIMER_FRC2.COUNT + ticks, timer); vPortExitCritical(); } void sdk_ets_timer_arm(ets_timer_t *timer, uint32_t milliseconds, bool repeat_flag) { sdk_ets_timer_arm_ms_us(timer, milliseconds, repeat_flag, /*value in ms=*/true); } void sdk_ets_timer_arm_us(ets_timer_t *timer, uint32_t useconds, bool repeat_flag) { sdk_ets_timer_arm_ms_us(timer, useconds, repeat_flag, /*value in ms=*/false); } /** * Function removes a timer from the pending timers list. */ void sdk_ets_timer_disarm(ets_timer_t *timer) { vPortEnterCritical(); ets_timer_t *curr = timer_list; ets_timer_t *prev = 0; while (curr) { if (curr == timer) { if (prev) { prev->next = curr->next; } else { timer_list = curr->next; } break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } vPortExitCritical(); timer->next = ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED; timer->period_ticks = 0; } /** * Check the list of pending timers for expired ones and process them. */ static inline void process_pending_timers() { vPortEnterCritical(); int32_t ticks = TIMER_FRC2.COUNT; while (timer_list) { if (((int32_t)timer_list->fire_ticks - ticks) < 1) { ets_timer_t *timer = timer_list; timer_list = timer->next; timer->next = ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED; vPortExitCritical(); timer->callback(timer->timer_arg); vPortEnterCritical(); if (timer->next == ETS_TIMER_NOT_ARMED) { if (timer->period_ticks) { timer->fire_ticks = timer->fire_ticks + timer->period_ticks; add_pending_timer(timer->fire_ticks, timer); } } ticks = TIMER_FRC2.COUNT; } else { if (timer_list) { set_alarm(timer_list->fire_ticks); } break; } } vPortExitCritical(); } /** * .Lfunc002 */ static void IRAM frc2_isr() { BaseType_t task_woken = 0; BaseType_t result = xTaskNotifyFromISR(task_handle, 0, eNoAction, &task_woken); if (result != pdTRUE) { printf("TIMQ_FL:%d!!", (uint32_t)result); } portEND_SWITCHING_ISR(task_woken); } /** * .Lfunc007 * * Timer task */ static void timer_task(void* param) { while (true) { if (xTaskNotifyWait(0, 0, NULL, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) { process_pending_timers(); } } } void sdk_ets_timer_init() { timer_list = 0; _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC2, frc2_isr); /* Original code calls xTaskGenericCreate: * xTaskGenericCreate(task_handle, "rtc_timer_task", 200, 0, 12, &handle, * NULL, NULL); */ xTaskCreate(timer_task, "ets_timer_task", 200, 0, 12, &task_handle); printf("frc2_timer_task_hdl:%p, prio:%d, stack:%d\n", task_handle, 12, 200); TIMER_FRC2.ALARM = 0; TIMER_FRC2.CTRL = VAL2FIELD(TIMER_CTRL_CLKDIV, TIMER_CLKDIV_16) | TIMER_CTRL_RUN; TIMER_FRC2.LOAD = 0; DPORT.INT_ENABLE |= DPORT_INT_ENABLE_TIMER1; _xt_isr_unmask(BIT(INUM_TIMER_FRC2)); } #endif /* OPEN_LIBMAIN_ETS_TIMER */