#ifndef __RBOOT_API_H__
#define __RBOOT_API_H__

/** @defgroup rboot rBoot API
 *  @brief      rBoot for ESP8266 API allows runtime code to access the rBoot configuration.
 *              Configuration may be read to use within the main firmware or updated to
 *              affect next boot behavior.
 *  @copyright  2015 Richard A Burton
 *  @author     richardaburton@gmail.com
 *  @author     OTA code based on SDK sample from Espressif
 *  @license    See licence.txt for license terms.
 *  @{

#include <rboot-integration.h>
#include <rboot.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/**	@brief  Structure defining flash write status
 *  @note   The user application should not modify the contents of this
 *          structure.
 *	@see    rboot_write_flash
typedef struct {
	uint32 start_addr;
	uint32 start_sector;
	//uint32 max_sector_count;
	int32 last_sector_erased;
	uint8 extra_count;
	uint8 extra_bytes[4];
} rboot_write_status;

/**	@brief	Read rBoot configuration from flash
 *	@retval rboot_config Copy of the rBoot configuration
 *  @note   Returns rboot_config (defined in rboot.h) allowing you to modify any values
 *          in it, including the ROM layout.
rboot_config ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_get_config(void);

/**	@brief	Write rBoot configuration to flash memory
 *	@param	conf pointer to a rboot_config structure containing configuration to save
 *	@retval bool True on success
 *  @note   Saves the rboot_config structure back to configuration sector (BOOT_CONFIG_SECTOR)
 *          of the flash, while maintaining the contents of the rest of the sector.
 *          You can use the rest of this sector for your app settings, as long as you
 *          protect this structure when you do so.
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_set_config(rboot_config *conf);

/** @brief  Get index of current ROM
 *  @retval uint8 Index of the current ROM
 *  @note   Get the currently selected boot ROM (this will be the currently
 *          running ROM, as long as you haven't changed it since boot or rBoot
 *          booted the rom in temporary boot mode, see rboot_get_last_boot_rom).
uint8 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_get_current_rom(void);

/**	@brief	Set the index of current ROM
 *	@param	rom The index of the ROM to use on next boot
 *	@retval	bool True on success
 *  @note   Set the current boot ROM, which will be used when next restarted.
 *  @note   This function re-writes the whole configuration to flash memory (not just the current ROM index)
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_set_current_rom(uint8 rom);

/**	@brief  Initialise flash write process
 *	@param  start_addr Address on the SPI flash to begin write to
 *  @note   Call once before starting to pass data to write to flash memory with rboot_write_flash function.
 *          start_addr is the address on the SPI flash to write from. Returns a status structure which
 *          must be passed back on each write. The contents of the structure should not
 *          be modified by the calling code.
rboot_write_status ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_write_init(uint32 start_addr);

/**	@brief  Write data to flash memory
 *	@param  status Pointer to rboot_write_status structure defining the write status
 *  @param  data Pointer to a block of uint8 data elements to be written to flash
 *  @param  len Quantity of uint8 data elements to write to flash
 *  @note   Call repeatedly to write data to the flash, starting at the address
 *  specified on the prior call to rboot_write_init. Current write position is
 *  tracked automatically. This method is likely to be called each time a packet
 *  of OTA data is received over the network.
 *  @note   Call rboot_write_init before calling this function to get the rboot_write_status structure
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_write_flash(rboot_write_status *status, uint8 *data, uint16 len);

/** @brief  Get rBoot status/control data from RTC data area
 *  @param  rtc Pointer to a rboot_rtc_data structure to be populated
 *  @retval bool True on success, false if no data/invalid checksum (in which
 *          case do not use the contents of the structure)
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_get_rtc_data(rboot_rtc_data *rtc);

/** @brief  Set rBoot status/control data in RTC data area
 *  @param  rtc pointer to a rboot_rtc_data structure
 *  @retval bool True on success
 *  @note   The checksum will be calculated automatically for you.
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_set_rtc_data(rboot_rtc_data *rtc);

/** @brief  Set temporary rom for next boot
 *  @param  rom Rom slot number for next boot
 *  @retval bool True on success
 *  @note   This call will tell rBoot to temporarily boot the specified rom on
 *          the next boot. This is does not update the stored rBoot config on
 *          the flash, so after another reset it will boot back to the original
 *          rom.
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_set_temp_rom(uint8 rom);

/** @brief  Get the last booted rom slot number
 *  @param  rom Pointer to rom slot number variable to populate
 *  @retval bool True on success, false if no data/invalid checksum
 *  @note   This will find the currently running rom, even if booted as a
 *          temporary rom.
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_get_last_boot_rom(uint8 *rom);

/** @brief  Get the last boot mode
 *  @param  mode Pointer to mode variable to populate
 *  @retval bool True on success, false if no data/invalid checksum
 *  @note   This will indicate the type of boot: MODE_STANDARD, MODE_GPIO_ROM or
 *          MODE_TEMP_ROM.
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rboot_get_last_boot_mode(uint8 *mode);


/* Returns offset of given rboot slot, or (uint32_t)-1 if slot is invalid.
uint32_t rboot_get_slot_offset(uint8_t slot);

/** @description Verify basic image parameters - headers, CRC8 checksum.

    @param Offset of image to verify. Can use rboot_get_slot_offset() to find.
    @param Optional pointer will return the total valid length of the image.
    @param Optional pointer to a static human-readable error message if fails.

    @return True for valid, False for invalid.
bool rboot_verify_image(uint32_t offset, uint32_t *image_length, const char **error_message);

/* @description Digest callback prototype, designed to be compatible with
   mbedtls digest functions (SHA, MD5, etc.)

   See the ota_basic example to see an example of calculating the
   SHA256 digest of an OTA image.
typedef void (*rboot_digest_update_fn)(void * ctx, void *data, size_t data_len);

/** @description Calculate a digest over the image at the offset specified

    @note This function is actually a generic function that hashes SPI
   flash contents, doesn't know anything about rboot image format. Use
   rboot_verify_image to ensure a well-formed OTA image.

   @param offset - Starting offset of image to hash (should be 4 byte aligned.)

   @param image_length - Length of image to hash (should be 4 byte aligned.)

   @param update_fn - Function to update digest (see rboot_digest_update_fn for details)

   @param update_ctx - Context argument for digest update function.

   @return True if digest completes successfully, false if digest function failed part way through
bool rboot_digest_image(uint32_t offset, uint32_t image_length, rboot_digest_update_fn update_fn, void *update_ctx);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** @} */