/* TFTP Server OTA support * * For details of use see ota-tftp.h * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2015 Superhouse Automation Pty Ltd * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwip/api.h" #include "lwip/sys.h" #include "lwip/netdb.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "lwip/mem.h" #include <netbuf_helpers.h> #include <espressif/spi_flash.h> #include <espressif/esp_system.h> #include "ota-tftp.h" #include "rboot.h" #include "rboot-api.h" #define TFTP_FIRMWARE_FILE "firmware.bin" #define TFTP_OCTET_MODE "octet" /* non-case-sensitive */ #define TFTP_OP_RRQ 1 #define TFTP_OP_WRQ 2 #define TFTP_OP_DATA 3 #define TFTP_OP_ACK 4 #define TFTP_OP_ERROR 5 #define TFTP_OP_OACK 6 #define TFTP_ERR_FILENOTFOUND 1 #define TFTP_ERR_FULL 3 #define TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL 4 #define TFTP_ERR_BADID 5 #define MAX_IMAGE_SIZE 0x100000 /*1MB images max at the moment */ static void tftp_task(void *port_p); static char *tftp_get_field(int field, struct netbuf *netbuf); static err_t tftp_receive_data(struct netconn *nc, size_t write_offs, size_t limit_offs, size_t *received_len, ip_addr_t *peer_addr, int peer_port); static err_t tftp_send_ack(struct netconn *nc, int block); static err_t tftp_send_rrq(struct netconn *nc, const char *filename); static void tftp_send_error(struct netconn *nc, int err_code, const char *err_msg); void ota_tftp_init_server(int listen_port) { xTaskCreate(tftp_task, (signed char *)"tftpOTATask", 512, (void *)listen_port, 2, NULL); } err_t ota_tftp_download(const char *server, int port, const char *filename, int timeout, int ota_slot) { rboot_config rboot_config = rboot_get_config(); /* Validate the OTA slot parameter */ if(rboot_config.current_rom == ota_slot || rboot_config.count <= ota_slot) { return ERR_VAL; } /* This is all we need to know from the rboot config - where we need to write data to. */ uint32_t flash_offset = rboot_config.roms[ota_slot]; struct netconn *nc = netconn_new (NETCONN_UDP); err_t err; if(!nc) { return ERR_IF; } netconn_set_recvtimeout(nc, timeout); /* try to bind our client port as our local port, or keep trying the next 10 ports after it */ int local_port = port-1; do { err = netconn_bind(nc, IP_ADDR_ANY, ++local_port); } while(err == ERR_USE && local_port < port + 10); if(err) { netconn_delete(nc); return err; } ip_addr_t addr; err = netconn_gethostbyname(server, &addr); if(err) { netconn_delete(nc); return err; } netconn_connect(nc, &addr, port); err = tftp_send_rrq(nc, filename); if(err) { netconn_delete(nc); return err; } size_t received_len; err = tftp_receive_data(nc, flash_offset, flash_offset+MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, &received_len, &addr, port); netconn_delete(nc); return err; } static void tftp_task(void *listen_port) { struct netconn *nc = netconn_new (NETCONN_UDP); if(!nc) { printf("OTA TFTP: Failed to allocate socket.\r\n"); return; } netconn_bind(nc, IP_ADDR_ANY, (int)listen_port); /* We expect a WRQ packet with filename "firmware.bin" and "octet" mode, */ while(1) { /* wait as long as needed for a WRQ packet */ netconn_set_recvtimeout(nc, 0); struct netbuf *netbuf; err_t err = netconn_recv(nc, &netbuf); if(err != ERR_OK) { printf("OTA TFTP Error: Failed to receive TFTP initial packet. err=%d\r\n", err); continue; } uint16_t len = netbuf_len(netbuf); if(len < 6) { printf("OTA TFTP Error: Packet too short for a valid WRQ\r\n"); netbuf_delete(netbuf); continue; } uint16_t opcode = netbuf_read_u16_n(netbuf, 0); if(opcode != TFTP_OP_WRQ) { printf("OTA TFTP Error: Invalid opcode 0x%04x didn't match WRQ\r\n", opcode); netbuf_delete(netbuf); continue; } /* check filename */ char *filename = tftp_get_field(0, netbuf); if(!filename || strcmp(filename, TFTP_FIRMWARE_FILE)) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_FILENOTFOUND, "File must be firmware.bin"); free(filename); netbuf_delete(netbuf); continue; } free(filename); /* check mode */ char *mode = tftp_get_field(1, netbuf); if(!mode || strcmp(TFTP_OCTET_MODE, mode)) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Mode must be octet/binary"); free(mode); netbuf_delete(netbuf); continue; } free(mode); /* establish a connection back to the sender from this netbuf */ netconn_connect(nc, netbuf_fromaddr(netbuf), netbuf_fromport(netbuf)); netbuf_delete(netbuf); /* Find next free slot - this requires flash unmapping so best done when no packets in flight */ rboot_config conf; conf = rboot_get_config(); int slot = (conf.current_rom + 1) % conf.count; if(slot == conf.current_rom) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Only one OTA slot!"); netconn_disconnect(nc); continue; } /* ACK the WRQ */ int ack_err = tftp_send_ack(nc, 0); if(ack_err != 0) { printf("OTA TFTP initial ACK failed\r\n"); netconn_disconnect(nc); continue; } /* Finished WRQ phase, start TFTP data transfer */ size_t received_len; netconn_set_recvtimeout(nc, 10000); int recv_err = tftp_receive_data(nc, conf.roms[slot], conf.roms[slot]+MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, &received_len, NULL, 0); netconn_disconnect(nc); printf("OTA TFTP receive data result %d bytes %d\r\n", recv_err, received_len); if(recv_err == ERR_OK) { printf("OTA TFTP result valid. Changing slot to %d\r\n", slot); vPortEnterCritical(); if(!rboot_set_current_rom(slot)) { printf("OTA TFTP failed to set new rboot slot\r\n"); } sdk_system_restart(); } } } /* Return numbered field in a TFTP RRQ/WRQ packet Uses dest_buf (length dest_len) for temporary storage, so dest_len must be at least as long as the longest valid/expected field. Result is either NULL if an error occurs, or a newly malloced string that the caller needs to free(). */ static char *tftp_get_field(int field, struct netbuf *netbuf) { int offs = 2; int field_offs = 2; int field_len = 0; /* Starting past the opcode, skip all previous fields then find start/len of ours */ while(field >= 0 && offs < netbuf_len(netbuf)) { char c = netbuf_read_u8(netbuf, offs++); if(field == 0) { field_len++; } if(c == 0) { field--; if(field == 0) field_offs = offs; } } if(field != -1) return NULL; char * result = malloc(field_len); netbuf_copy_partial(netbuf, result, field_len, field_offs); return result; } #define TFTP_TIMEOUT_RETRANSMITS 10 static err_t tftp_receive_data(struct netconn *nc, size_t write_offs, size_t limit_offs, size_t *received_len, ip_addr_t *peer_addr, int peer_port) { *received_len = 0; const int DATA_PACKET_SZ = 512 + 4; /*( packet size plus header */ uint32_t start_offs = write_offs; int block = 1; struct netbuf *netbuf = 0; int retries = TFTP_TIMEOUT_RETRANSMITS; while(1) { if(peer_addr) { netconn_disconnect(nc); } err_t err = netconn_recv(nc, &netbuf); if(peer_addr) { if(netbuf) { /* For TFTP server, the UDP connection is already established. But for client, we don't know what port the server is using until we see the first data packet - so we connect here. */ netconn_connect(nc, netbuf_fromaddr(netbuf), netbuf_fromport(netbuf)); peer_addr = 0; } else { /* Otherwise, temporarily re-connect so we can send errors */ netconn_connect(nc, peer_addr, peer_port); } } if(err == ERR_TIMEOUT) { if(retries-- > 0 && block > 1) { /* Retransmit the last ACK, wait for repeat data block. This doesn't work for the first block, have to time out and start again. */ tftp_send_ack(nc, block-1); continue; } tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Timeout"); return ERR_TIMEOUT; } else if(err != ERR_OK) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Failed to receive packet"); return err; } uint16_t opcode = netbuf_read_u16_n(netbuf, 0); if(opcode != TFTP_OP_DATA) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Unknown opcode"); netbuf_delete(netbuf); return ERR_VAL; } uint16_t client_block = netbuf_read_u16_n(netbuf, 2); if(client_block != block) { netbuf_delete(netbuf); if(client_block == block-1) { /* duplicate block, means our ack got lost */ tftp_send_ack(nc, block-1); continue; } else { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, "Block# out of order"); return ERR_VAL; } } /* Reset retry count if we got valid data */ retries = TFTP_TIMEOUT_RETRANSMITS; if(write_offs % SECTOR_SIZE == 0) { sdk_spi_flash_erase_sector(write_offs / SECTOR_SIZE); } /* One UDP packet can be more than one netbuf segment, so iterate all the segments in the netbuf and write them to flash */ int offset = 0; int len = netbuf_len(netbuf); if(write_offs + len >= limit_offs) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_FULL, "Image too large"); return ERR_VAL; } bool first_chunk = true; do { uint16_t chunk_len; uint32_t *chunk; netbuf_data(netbuf, (void **)&chunk, &chunk_len); if(first_chunk) { chunk++; /* skip the 4 byte TFTP header */ chunk_len -= 4; /* assuming this netbuf chunk is at least 4 bytes! */ first_chunk = false; } if(chunk_len && ((uint32_t)chunk % 4)) { /* sdk_spi_flash_write requires a word aligned buffer, so if the UDP payload is unaligned (common) then we copy the first word to the stack and write that to flash, then move the rest of the buffer internally to sit on an aligned offset. Assuming chunk_len is always a multiple of 4 bytes. */ uint32_t first_word; memcpy(&first_word, chunk, 4); sdk_spi_flash_write(write_offs+offset, &first_word, 4); memmove(LWIP_MEM_ALIGN(chunk),&chunk[1],chunk_len-4); chunk = LWIP_MEM_ALIGN(chunk); offset += 4; chunk_len -= 4; } sdk_spi_flash_write(write_offs+offset, chunk, chunk_len); offset += chunk_len; } while(netbuf_next(netbuf) >= 0); netbuf_delete(netbuf); *received_len += len - 4; if(len < DATA_PACKET_SZ) { /* This was the last block, but verify the image before we ACK it so the client gets an indication if things were successful. */ const char *err = "Unknown validation error"; if(!rboot_verify_image(start_offs, *received_len, &err)) { tftp_send_error(nc, TFTP_ERR_ILLEGAL, err); return ERR_VAL; } } err_t ack_err = tftp_send_ack(nc, block); if(ack_err != ERR_OK) { printf("OTA TFTP failed to send ACK.\r\n"); return ack_err; } if(len < DATA_PACKET_SZ) { return ERR_OK; } block++; write_offs += 512; } } static err_t tftp_send_ack(struct netconn *nc, int block) { /* Send ACK */ struct netbuf *resp = netbuf_new(); uint16_t *ack_buf = (uint16_t *)netbuf_alloc(resp, 4); ack_buf[0] = htons(TFTP_OP_ACK); ack_buf[1] = htons(block); err_t ack_err = netconn_send(nc, resp); netbuf_delete(resp); return ack_err; } static void tftp_send_error(struct netconn *nc, int err_code, const char *err_msg) { printf("OTA TFTP Error: %s\r\n", err_msg); struct netbuf *err = netbuf_new(); uint16_t *err_buf = (uint16_t *)netbuf_alloc(err, 4+strlen(err_msg)+1); err_buf[0] = htons(TFTP_OP_ERROR); err_buf[1] = htons(err_code); strcpy((char *)&err_buf[2], err_msg); netconn_send(nc, err); netbuf_delete(err); } static err_t tftp_send_rrq(struct netconn *nc, const char *filename) { struct netbuf *rrqbuf = netbuf_new(); uint16_t *rrqdata = (uint16_t *)netbuf_alloc(rrqbuf, 4 + strlen(filename) + strlen(TFTP_OCTET_MODE)); rrqdata[0] = htons(TFTP_OP_RRQ); char *rrq_filename = (char *)&rrqdata[1]; strcpy(rrq_filename, filename); strcpy(rrq_filename + strlen(filename) + 1, TFTP_OCTET_MODE); err_t err = netconn_send(nc, rrqbuf); netbuf_delete(rrqbuf); return err; }