/* Code to test the webserver. This depends on: - The cat images being available, for concurrent espfs testing - the test.cgi script available, for generic data mangling tests This test does a max of 4 requests in parallel. The nonos SDK supports a max of 5 connections; the default libesphttpd setting is 4 sockets at a time. Unfortunately, the nonos sdk just closes all sockets opened after the available sockets are opened, instead of queueing them until a socket frees up. */ function log(line) { $("#log").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', line+'<br />'); } //Load an image multiple times in parallel function testParLdImg(url, ct, doneFn) { var im=[]; var state={"loaded":0, "count":ct, "doneFn": doneFn, "error":false}; for (var x=0; x<ct; x++) { im[x]=new Image(); im[x].onload=function(no) { log("File "+no+" loaded successfully."); this.loaded++; if (this.loaded==this.count) this.doneFn(!this.error); }.bind(state, x); im[x].onerror=function(no) { log("Error loading image "+no+"!"); this.loaded++; this.error++; if (this.loaded==this.count) this.doneFn(!this.error); }.bind(state, x); im[x].src=url+"?"+Math.floor(Math.random()*100000).toString(); } } function testDownloadCgi(len, doneFn) { var xhr=j(); var state={"len":len, "doneFn":doneFn, "ts": Date.now()}; xhr.open("GET", "test.cgi?len="+len+"&nocache="+Math.floor(Math.random()*100000).toString()); xhr.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status>=200 && xhr.status<300) { if (xhr.response.length==this.len) { log("Downloaded "+this.len+" bytes successfully."); this.doneFn(true); } else { log("Downloaded "+xhr.response.length+" bytes successfully, but needed "+this.len+"!"); this.doneFn(false); } } else if (xhr.readyState==4) { log("Failed! Error "+xhr.status); this.doneFn(false); } }.bind(state); //If the webbrowser enables it, show progress. if (typeof xhr.onprogress != 'undefined') { xhr.onprogress=function(e) { if (Date.now()>this.ts+2000) { log("..."+Math.floor(e.loaded*100/this.len).toString()+"%"); this.ts=Date.now(); } }.bind(state); } xhr.send(); } function testUploadCgi(len, doneFn) { var xhr=j(); var state={"len":len, "doneFn":doneFn, "ts": Date.now()}; var data=""; for (var x=0; x<len; x++) data+="X"; xhr.open("POST", "test.cgi"); xhr.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status>=200 && xhr.status<300) { var ulen=parseInt(xhr.responseText); if (ulen==this.len) { log("Uploaded "+this.len+" bytes successfully."); this.doneFn(true); } else { log("Webserver received "+ulen+" bytes successfully, but sent "+this.len+"!"); this.doneFn(false); } } else if (xhr.readyState==4) { log("Failed! Error "+xhr.status); this.doneFn(false); } }.bind(state); //If the webbrowser enables it, show progress. if (typeof xhr.upload.onprogress != 'undefined') { xhr.upload.onprogress=function(e) { if (Date.now()>this.ts+2000) { log("..."+Math.floor(e.loaded*100/e.total).toString()+"%"); this.ts=Date.now(); } }.bind(state); } //Upload the file xhr.send(data); } function hammerNext(state, xhr) { if (state.done==state.count) { state.doneFn(!state.error); } if (state.started==state.count) return; xhr.open("GET", "test.cgi?len="+state.len+"&nocache="+Math.floor(Math.random()*100000).toString()); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(xhr) { if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status>=200 && xhr.status<300) { if (xhr.response.length==this.len) { state.done++; hammerNext(this, xhr); } else { log("Downloaded "+xhr.response.length+" bytes successfully, but needed "+this.len+"!"); state.done++; hammerNext(this, xhr); } } else if (xhr.readyState==4) { log("Failed! Error "+xhr.status); state.done++; hammerNext(this, xhr); } }.bind(state, xhr); //If the webbrowser enables it, show progress. if (typeof xhr.onprogress != 'undefined') { xhr.onprogress=function(e) { if (Date.now()>this.ts+2000) { log("..."+state.done+"/"+state.count); this.ts=Date.now(); } }.bind(state); } state.started++; xhr.send(); } function testHammer(count, par, len, doneFn) { var state={"count":count, "started":0, "done":0, "par":par, "len":len, "doneFn":doneFn, "ts": Date.now(), "error":false}; var xhr=[]; for (var i=0; i<par; i++) { xhr[i]=j(); hammerNext(state, xhr[i]); } } var tstState=0; var successCnt=0; function nextTest(lastOk) { if (tstState!=0) { if (lastOk) { log("<b>Success!</b>"); successCnt++; } else { log("<b>Test failed!</b>"); } } tstState++; if (tstState==1) { log("Testing parallel load of espfs files..."); testParLdImg("../cats/kitten-loves-toy.jpg", 3, nextTest); } else if (tstState==2) { log("Testing GET request of 32K..."); testDownloadCgi(32*1024, nextTest); } else if (tstState==3) { log("Testing GET request of 128K..."); testDownloadCgi(128*1024, nextTest); } else if (tstState==4) { log("Testing GET request of 512K..."); testDownloadCgi(512*1024, nextTest); } else if (tstState==5) { log("Testing POST request of 512 bytes..."); testUploadCgi(512, nextTest); } else if (tstState==6) { log("Testing POST request of 16K bytes..."); testUploadCgi(16*1024, nextTest); } else if (tstState==7) { log("Testing POST request of 512K bytes..."); testUploadCgi(512*1024, nextTest); } else if (tstState==8) { log("Hammering webserver with 500 requests of size 512..."); testHammer(500, 3, 512, nextTest); } else if (tstState==9) { log("Hammering webserver with 500 requests of size 2048..."); testHammer(500, 3, 2048, nextTest); } else { log("Tests done! "+successCnt+" out of "+(tstState-1)+" tests were successful."); } } window.onload=function(e) { log("Starting tests."); nextTest(false); }