/* * Example of using AD7705/AD7706 driver * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2017 Ruslan V. Uss <unclerus@gmail.com> * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include <esp/uart.h> #include <espressif/esp_common.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ad770x/ad770x.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #define CS_PIN 2 #define AIN_CHANNEL 0 // AIN1+,AIN1- for AD7705 static const ad770x_params_t dev = { .cs_pin = CS_PIN, .master_clock = AD770X_MCLK_4_9152MHz, // 4.9152 MHz .bipolar = false, // Unipolar mode .gain = AD770X_GAIN_1, // No gain .update_rate = AD770X_RATE_50 // 50 Hz output update rate }; void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); printf("SDK version:%s\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version()); while (ad770x_init(&dev, AIN_CHANNEL) != 0) { printf("Cannot initialize AD7705\n"); vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } while (true) { // wait for data while (!ad770x_data_ready(&dev, AIN_CHANNEL)) {} // Read result uint16_t raw = ad770x_raw_adc_value(&dev, AIN_CHANNEL); printf("Raw ADC value: %d\n", raw); vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } }