/* ESP8266 Xtensa interrupt management functions * * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2015 Angus Gratton * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #include <esp/interrupts.h> _xt_isr isr[16]; bool esp_in_isr; void IRAM _xt_isr_attach(uint8_t i, _xt_isr func) { isr[i] = func; } /* Generic ISR handler. Handles all flags set for interrupts in 'intset'. */ uint16_t IRAM _xt_isr_handler(uint16_t intset) { esp_in_isr = true; /* WDT has highest priority (occasional WDT resets otherwise) */ if(intset & BIT(INUM_WDT)) { _xt_clear_ints(BIT(INUM_WDT)); isr[INUM_WDT](); intset -= BIT(INUM_WDT); } while(intset) { uint8_t index = __builtin_ffs(intset) - 1; uint16_t mask = BIT(index); _xt_clear_ints(mask); isr[index](); intset -= mask; } esp_in_isr = false; return 0; }