#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import argparse import subprocess import os import serial import threading import re import time SHORT_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT = 0.25 # timeout for resetting and/or waiting for more lines of output TESTCASE_TIMEOUT = 60 TESTRUNNER_BANNER = "esp-open-rtos test runner." RESET_RETRIES = 10 # retries to receive test runner banner after reset def main(): global verbose args = parse_args() verbose = args.verbose if not args.no_flash: flash_image(args.aport) if args.type != 'solo': flash_image(args.bport) env = TestEnvironment(args.aport, TestEnvironment.A) env_b = None cases = env.get_testlist() if args.type != 'solo': env_b = TestEnvironment(args.bport, TestEnvironment.B) cases_b = env_b.get_testlist() if cases != cases_b: raise TestRunnerError("Test cases on units A & B don't match") counts = dict((status, 0) for status in TestResult.STATUS_NAMES.keys()) failures = False for test in cases: if test.case_type == 'dual': if env_b is None: res = TestResult(TestResult.SKIPPED, 'Dual test case skipped') else: res = test.run(env, env_b) else: res = test.run(env) counts[res.status] += 1 failures = failures or res.is_failure() print("%20s: %d" % ("Total tests", sum(c for c in counts.values()))) print() # print status counts for tests for c in sorted(counts.keys()): print("%20s: %d" % (TestResult.STATUS_NAMES[c], counts[c])) sys.exit(1 if failures else 0) class TestCase(object): def __init__(self, index, name, case_type): self.name = name self.index = index self.case_type = case_type def __repr__(self): return "#%d: %s (%s)" % (self.index, self.name, self.case_type) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.index == other.index and self.name == other.name and self.case_type == other.case_type) def run(self, env_a, env_b=None): """ Run the test represented by this instance, against the environment(s) passed in. Returns a TestResult """ sys.stdout.write("Running test case '%s'...%s" % (self.name, "\n" if verbose else " "*(40-len(self.name)))) mon_a = env_a.start_testcase(self) mon_b = env_b.start_testcase(self) if env_b else None while True: if mon_a.get_result() and (mon_b is None or mon_b.get_result()): break # all running test environments have finished # or, in the case both are running, stop as soon as either environemnt shows a failure try: if mon_a.get_result().is_failure(): mon_b.cancel() break except AttributeError: pass try: if mon_b.get_result().is_failure(): mon_a.cancel() break except AttributeError: pass time.sleep(0.1) if mon_b is not None: # return whichever result is more severe res = max(mon_a.get_result(), mon_b.get_result()) else: res = mon_a.get_result() if not verbose: # finish the line after the ... print(TestResult.STATUS_NAMES[res.status]) if res.is_failure(): message = res.message if "/" in res.message: # cut anything before the file name in the failure message = message[message.index("/"):] print("FAILURE MESSAGE:\n%s\n" % message) return res class TestResult(object): """ Class to wrap a test result code and a message """ # Test status flags, higher = more severe CANCELLED = 0 SKIPPED = 1 PASSED = 2 FAILED = 3 ERROR = 4 STATUS_NAMES = { CANCELLED: "Cancelled", SKIPPED: "Skipped", PASSED: "Passed", FAILED: "Failed", ERROR: "Error" } def __init__(self, status, message): self.status = status self.message = message def is_failure(self): return self.status >= TestResult.FAILED def __qe__(self, other): if other is None: return False else: return self.status == other.status def __lt__(self, other): if other is None: return False else: return self.status < other.status class TestMonitor(object): """ Class to monitor a running test case in a separate thread, defer reporting of the result until it's done. Can poll for completion by calling is_done(), read a TestResult via .get_result() """ def __init__(self, port, instance): super(TestMonitor, self).__init__() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitorThread) self._port = port self._instance = instance self._result = None self._cancelled = False self.output = "" self._thread.start() def cancel(self): self._cancelled = True def is_done(self): return self._result is not None def get_result(self): return self._result def _monitorThread(self): self.output = "" start_time = time.time() self._port.timeout = SHORT_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT try: while not self._cancelled and time.time() < start_time + TESTCASE_TIMEOUT: line = self._port.readline().decode("utf-8", "ignore") if line == "": continue # timed out self.output += "%s+%4.2fs %s" % (self._instance, time.time()-start_time, line) verbose_print(line.strip()) if line.endswith(":PASS\r\n"): self._result = TestResult(TestResult.PASSED, "Test passed.") return elif ":FAIL:" in line: self._result = TestResult(TestResult.FAILED, line) return elif line == TESTRUNNER_BANNER: self._result = TestResult(TestResult.ERROR, "Test caused crash and reset.") return if not self._cancelled: self._result = TestResult(TestResult.CANCELLED, "Cancelled") else: self._result = TestResult(TestResult.ERROR, "Test timed out") finally: self._port.timeout = None class TestEnvironment(object): A = "A" B = "B" def __init__(self, port, instance): self._name = port self._port = TestSerialPort(port, baudrate=115200) self._instance = instance def reset(self): """ Resets the test board, and waits for the test runner program to start up """ for i in range(RESET_RETRIES): self._port.setDTR(False) self._port.setRTS(True) time.sleep(0.05) self._port.flushInput() self._port.setRTS(False) verbose_print("Waiting for test runner startup...") if self._port.wait_line(lambda line: line == TESTRUNNER_BANNER): return else: verbose_print("Retrying to reset the test board, attempt=%d" % (i + 1)) continue raise TestRunnerError("Port %s failed to start test runner" % self._port) def get_testlist(self): """ Resets the test board and returns the enumerated list of all supported tests """ self.reset() tests = [] verbose_print("Enumerating tests...") def collect_testcases(line): if line.startswith(">"): return True # prompt means list of test cases is done, success m = re.match(r"CASE (\d+) = (.+?) ([A-Z]+)", line) if m is not None: t = TestCase(int(m.group(1)), m.group(2), m.group(3).lower()) verbose_print(t) tests.append(t) if not self._port.wait_line(collect_testcases): raise TestRunnerError("Port %s failed to read test list" % self._port) verbose_print("Port %s found %d test cases" % (self._name, len(tests))) return tests def start_testcase(self, case): """ Starts the specified test instance and returns a TestMonitor reader thread instance to monitor the output """ # synchronously start the test case self.reset() if not self._port.wait_line(lambda line: line.startswith(">")): raise TestRunnerError("Failed to read test runnner prompt") command = "%s%d\r\n" % (self._instance, case.index) self._port.write(command.encode("utf-8")) return TestMonitor(self._port, self._instance) def get_testdir(): """ Return the 'tests' directory in the source tree (assuming the test_runner.py script is in that directory. """ res = os.path.dirname(__name__) return "." if res == "" else res def flash_image(serial_port): # Bit hacky: rather than calling esptool directly, # just use the Makefile flash target with the correct ESPPORT argument env = dict(os.environ) env["ESPPORT"] = serial_port verbose_print("Building and flashing test image to %s..." % serial_port) try: stdout = sys.stdout if verbose else None subprocess.run(["make", "flash"], check=True, cwd=get_testdir(), stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise TestRunnerError("'make flash EPPORT=%s' failed with exit code %d" % (serial_port, e.returncode)) verbose_print("Flashing successful.") def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='esp-open-rtos testrunner', prog='test_runner') parser.add_argument( '--type', '-t', help='Type of test hardware attached to serial ports A & (optionally) B', choices=['solo', 'dual', 'eyore_test'], default='solo') parser.add_argument( '--aport', '-a', help='Serial port for device A', default='/dev/ttyUSB0') parser.add_argument( '--bport', '-b', help='Serial port for device B (ignored if type is \'solo\')', default='/dev/ttyUSB1') parser.add_argument( '--no-flash', '-n', help='Don\'t flash the test binary image before running tests', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', '-v', help='Verbose test runner debugging output', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('testcases', nargs='*', help='Optional list of test cases to run. By default, all tests are run.') return parser.parse_args() class TestRunnerError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, message): RuntimeError.__init__(self, message) class TestSerialPort(serial.Serial): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestSerialPort, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def wait_line(self, callback, timeout=SHORT_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT): """ Wait for the port to output a particular piece of line content, as judged by callback Callback called as 'callback(line)' and returns not-True if non-match otherwise can return any value. Returns first non-False result from the callback, or None if it timed out waiting for a new line. Note that a serial port spewing legitimate lines of output may block this function forever, if callback doesn't detect this is happening. """ self.timeout = timeout try: res = None while not res: line = self.readline() if line == b"": break # timed out line = line.decode("utf-8", "ignore").rstrip() res = callback(line) return res finally: self.timeout = None verbose = False def verbose_print(msg): if verbose: print(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except TestRunnerError as e: print(e) sys.exit(2)