#include "testcase.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <esp/uart.h> #include <string.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <espressif/esp_common.h> /* Convert requirement enum to a string we can print */ static const char *get_requirements_name(const testcase_type_t arg) { switch(arg) { case SOLO: return "SOLO"; case DUAL: return "DUAL"; case EYORE_TEST: return "EYORE_TEST"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } static testcase_t *testcases; static uint32_t testcases_count; static uint32_t testcases_alloc; void testcase_register(const testcase_t *testcase) { /* Grow the testcases buffer to fit the new test case, this buffer will be freed before the test runs. */ if(testcases_count == testcases_alloc) { testcases_alloc += 1; testcases = realloc(testcases, testcases_alloc * sizeof(testcase_t)); if(!testcases) { printf("Failed to reallocate test case register length %d\n", testcases_alloc); testcases_count = 0; testcases_alloc = 0; } } memcpy(&testcases[testcases_count++], testcase, sizeof(testcase_t)); } void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); sdk_wifi_set_opmode(NULL_MODE); printf("esp-open-rtos test runner.\n"); printf("%d test cases are defined:\n\n", testcases_count); for(int i = 0; i < testcases_count; i++) { printf("CASE %d = %s %s\n", i, testcases[i].name, get_requirements_name(testcases[i].type)); } printf("Enter A or B then number of test case to run, ie A0.\n"); int case_idx = -1; char type; do { printf("> "); uart_rxfifo_wait(0,1); type = uart_getc(0); if(type != 'a' && type != 'A' && type != 'b' && type != 'B') { printf("Type must be A or B.\n"); continue; } char idx_buf[6]; for(int c = 0; c < sizeof(idx_buf); c++) { uart_rxfifo_wait(0,1); idx_buf[c] = uart_getc(0); if(idx_buf[c] == ' ') { /* Ignore spaces */ c--; continue; } if(idx_buf[c] == '\r' || idx_buf[c] == '\n') { idx_buf[c] = 0; case_idx = atoi(idx_buf); break; } else if(idx_buf[c] < '0' || idx_buf[c] > '9') { break; } } if(case_idx == -1) { printf("Invalid case index"); } else if(case_idx < 0 || case_idx >= testcases_count) { printf("Test case index out of range.\n"); } else if((type == 'b' || type =='B') && testcases[case_idx].type == SOLO) { printf("No ESP type B for 'SOLO' test cases.\n"); } else { break; } } while(1); if(type =='a') type = 'A'; else if (type == 'b') type = 'B'; testcase_t testcase; memcpy(&testcase, &testcases[case_idx], sizeof(testcase_t)); /* Free the register of test cases now we have the one we're running */ free(testcases); testcases_alloc = 0; testcases_count = 0; printf("\nRunning test case %d (%s %s) as instance %c " "\nDefinition at %s:%d\n***\n", case_idx, testcase.name, get_requirements_name(testcase.type), type, testcase.file, testcase.line); Unity.CurrentTestName = testcase.name; Unity.TestFile = testcase.file; Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = testcase.line; Unity.NumberOfTests = 1; if(type=='A') testcase.a_fn(); else testcase.b_fn(); }