 * ESP8266 SPIFFS HAL configuration.
 * Part of esp-open-rtos
 * Copyright (c) 2016 sheinz https://github.com/sheinz
 * MIT License
#ifndef __ESP_SPIFFS_H__
#define __ESP_SPIFFS_H__

#include "spiffs.h"

extern spiffs fs;

 * Prepare for SPIFFS mount.
 * The function allocates all the necessary buffers.
void esp_spiffs_init();
 * Prepare for SPIFFS mount.
 * The function allocates all the necessary buffers.
 * @param addr Base address for spiffs in flash memory.
 * @param size File sistem size.
void esp_spiffs_init(uint32_t addr, uint32_t size);

 * Free all memory buffers that were used by SPIFFS.
 * The function should be called after SPIFFS unmount if the file system is not
 * going to need any more.
void esp_spiffs_deinit();

 * Mount SPIFFS.
 * esp_spiffs_init must be called first.
 * Return SPIFFS return code.
int32_t esp_spiffs_mount();

#endif  // __ESP_SPIFFS_H__