/* * Driver for 3-axis digital compass HMC5883L * * Part of esp-open-rtos * Copyright (C) 2016 Ruslan V. Uss <unclerus@gmail.com> * BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE */ #ifndef EXTRAS_HMC5883L_H_ #define EXTRAS_HMC5883L_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <i2c/i2c.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define HMC5883L_ADDR 0x1e #define HMC5883L_ID 0x00333448 // "H43" /** * Device operating mode */ typedef enum { HMC5883L_MODE_CONTINUOUS = 0, //!< Continuous mode HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE //!< Single measurement mode, default } hmc5883l_operating_mode_t; /** * Number of samples averaged per measurement */ typedef enum { HMC5883L_SAMPLES_1 = 0, //!< 1 sample, default HMC5883L_SAMPLES_2, //!< 2 samples HMC5883L_SAMPLES_4, //!< 4 samples HMC5883L_SAMPLES_8 //!< 8 samples } hmc5883l_samples_averaged_t; /** * Data output rate in continuous measurement mode */ typedef enum { HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_00_75 = 0, //!< 0.75 Hz HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_01_50, //!< 1.5 Hz HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_03_00, //!< 3 Hz HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_07_50, //!< 7.5 Hz HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_15_00, //!< 15 Hz, default HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_30_00, //!< 30 Hz HMC5883L_DATA_RATE_75_00 //!< 75 Hz } hmc5883l_data_rate_t; /** * Measurement mode of the device (bias) */ typedef enum { HMC5883L_BIAS_NORMAL = 0, //!< Default flow, no bias HMC5883L_BIAS_POSITIVE, //!< Positive bias configuration all axes, used for self test (see datasheet) HMC5883L_BIAS_NEGATIVE //!< Negative bias configuration all axes, used for self test (see datasheet) } hmc5883l_bias_t; /** * Device gain */ typedef enum { HMC5883L_GAIN_1370 = 0, //!< 0.73 mG/LSb, range -0.88..+0.88 G HMC5883L_GAIN_1090, //!< 0.92 mG/LSb, range -1.3..+1.3 G, default HMC5883L_GAIN_820, //!< 1.22 mG/LSb, range -1.9..+1.9 G HMC5883L_GAIN_660, //!< 1.52 mG/LSb, range -2.5..+2.5 G HMC5883L_GAIN_440, //!< 2.27 mG/LSb, range -4.0..+4.0 G HMC5883L_GAIN_390, //!< 2.56 mG/LSb, range -4.7..+4.7 G HMC5883L_GAIN_330, //!< 3.03 mG/LSb, range -5.6..+5.6 G HMC5883L_GAIN_230 //!< 4.35 mG/LSb, range -8.1..+8.1 G } hmc5883l_gain_t; /** * Raw measurement result */ typedef struct { int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; } hmc5883l_raw_data_t; /** * Measurement result, milligauss */ typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } hmc5883l_data_t; /** * \brief Init device * \return false if error occured */ bool hmc5883l_init(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Get device ID * Always returns 0x00333448 if IC functioning properly. * \return Device ID */ uint32_t hmc5883l_get_id(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Get operating mode * \return Measurement mode */ hmc5883l_operating_mode_t hmc5883l_get_operating_mode(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Set operating mode * \param mode Measurement mode */ void hmc5883l_set_operating_mode(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_operating_mode_t mode); /** * \brief Get number of samples averaged per measurement output * \return Number of samples */ hmc5883l_samples_averaged_t hmc5883l_get_samples_averaged(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Set number of samples averaged per measurement output * \param samples Number of samples */ void hmc5883l_set_samples_averaged(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_samples_averaged_t samples); /** * \brief Get data output rate in continuous measurement mode * \return Data output rate */ hmc5883l_data_rate_t hmc5883l_get_data_rate(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Set data output rate in continuous measurement mode * \param rate Data output rate */ void hmc5883l_set_data_rate(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_data_rate_t rate); /** * \brief Get measurement mode (bias of the axes) * See datasheet for self test description * \return Bias */ hmc5883l_bias_t hmc5883l_get_bias(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Set measurement mode (bias of the axes) * See datasheet for self test description * \param bias Bias */ void hmc5883l_set_bias(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_bias_t bias); /** * \brief Get device gain * \return Current gain */ hmc5883l_gain_t hmc5883l_get_gain(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Set device gain * \param gain Gain */ void hmc5883l_set_gain(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_gain_t gain); /** * \brief Get data state * \return true when data is written to all six data registers */ bool hmc5883l_data_is_ready(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Get lock state. * If data is locked, any new data will not be placed in data registers until * one of these conditions are met: * 1. data have been read, * 2. operating mode is changed, * 3. the measurement configuration (bias) is changed, * 4. power is reset. * \return true when data registers is locked */ bool hmc5883l_data_is_locked(i2c_dev_t *dev); /** * \brief Get raw magnetic data * \param data Pointer to the struct to write raw data * \return false if error occured in single measurement mode, always true in continuous mode */ bool hmc5883l_get_raw_data(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_raw_data_t *data); /** * \brief Convert raw magnetic data to milligausses * \param raw Pointer to source raw data struct * \param mg Pointer to target struct to write converted data */ void hmc5883l_raw_to_mg(const hmc5883l_raw_data_t *raw, hmc5883l_data_t *mg); /** * \brief Get magnetic data in milligausses * \param data Pointer to the struct to write data * \return false if error occured in single measurement mode, always true in continuous mode */ bool hmc5883l_get_data(i2c_dev_t *dev, hmc5883l_data_t *data); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* EXTRAS_HMC5883L_H_ */