/* Experiments to dump timer registers at various points, mess around * with timer registers. * * NOT good code, not example code, nothing something you probably * want to mess with. * * This experimental reverse engineering code is in the public domain. */ #include "espressif/esp_common.h" #include "espressif/sdk_private.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "esp8266.h" #include "common_macros.h" #define DUMP_SZ 0x10 /* number of regs not size of buffer */ IRAM void dump_frc1_seq(void) { uint32_t f1_a = TIMER(0).COUNT; uint32_t f1_b = TIMER(0).COUNT; uint32_t f1_c = TIMER(0).COUNT; printf("FRC1 sequence 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\r\n", f1_a, f1_b, f1_c); printf("FRC1 deltas %d %d \r\n", f1_b-f1_a, f1_c-f1_b); } IRAM void dump_frc2_seq(void) { /* this sequence of reads compiles down to sequence of l32is with * memw instructions in between. * * counts at various divisor values: * /1 = 13 * /16 = 0 or 1 (usually 1) * */ uint32_t f2_a = TIMER(1).COUNT; uint32_t f2_b = TIMER(1).COUNT; uint32_t f2_c = TIMER(1).COUNT; printf("FRC2 sequence 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\r\n", f2_a, f2_b, f2_c); printf("FRC2 deltas %d %d \r\n", f2_b-f2_a, f2_c-f2_b); } IRAM void dump_timer_regs(const char *msg) { esp_reg_t reg = (esp_reg_t)TIMER_BASE; static uint32_t chunk[DUMP_SZ]; /* load everything as quickly as possible to get a "snapshot" */ for(int i = 0; i < DUMP_SZ; i++) { chunk[i] = reg[i]; } printf("%s:\r\n", msg); /* print the chunk we loaded */ for(int i = 0; i < DUMP_SZ; i++) { if(i % 4 == 0) printf("%s0x%02x: ", i ? "\r\n" : "", i*4); printf("%08x ", chunk[i]); } printf("\r\n"); dump_frc1_seq(); dump_frc2_seq(); } extern uint32_t isr[16]; extern uint32_t seen_isr[16]; extern uint32_t max_count; static volatile uint32_t frc2_handler_call_count; static volatile uint32_t frc2_last_count_val; static volatile uint32_t frc1_handler_call_count; static volatile uint32_t frc1_last_count_val; void timerRegTask(void *pvParameters) { while(1) { printf("state at task tick count %d:\r\n", xTaskGetTickCount()); dump_timer_regs(""); /* for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { printf("int 0x%02x: 0x%08x (%d)\r\n", i, isr[i], seen_isr[i]); } printf("INUM_MAX count %d\r\n", max_count); */ printf("frc1 handler called %d times, last value 0x%08x\r\n", frc1_handler_call_count, frc1_last_count_val); printf("frc2 handler called %d times, last value 0x%08x\r\n", frc2_handler_call_count, frc2_last_count_val); vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } } IRAM void frc1_handler(void) { frc1_handler_call_count++; frc1_last_count_val = TIMER(0).COUNT; //TIMER(0).LOAD = 0x300000; //TIMER(0).STATUS = 0; //TIMER_FRC1_MATCH_REG = frc1_last_count_val + 0x100000; } void frc2_handler(void) { frc2_handler_call_count++; frc2_last_count_val = TIMER(1).COUNT; TIMER(1).ALARM = frc2_last_count_val + 0x100000; //TIMER(1).LOAD = 0; //TIMER(1).LOAD = 0x2000000; //TIMER(1).STATUS = 0; } void user_init(void) { sdk_uart_div_modify(0, UART_CLK_FREQ / 115200); xTaskCreate(timerRegTask, (signed char *)"timerRegTask", 1024, NULL, 2, NULL); TIMER(0).CTRL = VAL2FIELD(TIMER_CTRL_CLKDIV, TIMER_CLKDIV_256) | TIMER_CTRL_RELOAD; TIMER(0).LOAD = 0x200000; TIMER(1).LOAD = VAL2FIELD(TIMER_CTRL_CLKDIV, TIMER_CLKDIV_256); DPORT.INT_ENABLE |= DPORT_INT_ENABLE_TIMER0 | DPORT_INT_ENABLE_TIMER1; _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC1, frc1_handler); _xt_isr_unmask(1<<INUM_TIMER_FRC1); _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC2, frc2_handler); _xt_isr_unmask(1<<INUM_TIMER_FRC2); TIMER(0).CTRL |= TIMER_CTRL_RUN; TIMER(1).CTRL |= TIMER_CTRL_RUN; dump_timer_regs("timer regs during user_init"); dump_timer_regs("#2 timer regs during user_init"); dump_timer_regs("#3 timer regs during user_init"); }