/* A very basic C++ example, really just proof of concept for C++ This sample code is in the public domain. */ #include "espressif/esp_common.h" #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include <esp/uart.h> class Counter { private: uint32_t _count; public: Counter(uint32_t initial_count) { this->_count = initial_count; printf("Counter initialised with count %d\r\n", initial_count); } void Increment() { _count++; } uint32_t getCount() { return _count; } }; static Counter static_counter(99); void task1(void *pvParameters) { Counter local_counter = Counter(12); Counter *new_counter = new Counter(24); while(1) { Counter *counter = NULL; switch(rand() % 3) { case 0: counter = &local_counter; break; case 1: counter = &static_counter; break; default: counter = new_counter; break; } counter->Increment(); printf("local counter %d static counter %d newly allocated counter %d\r\n", local_counter.getCount(), static_counter.getCount(), new_counter->getCount()); vTaskDelay(100); } } extern "C" void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); printf("SDK version:%s\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version()); xTaskCreate(task1, "tsk1", 256, NULL, 2, NULL); }