#ifndef __HTTPD_STRUCTS_H__ #define __HTTPD_STRUCTS_H__ #include "httpd.h" /** This string is passed in the HTTP header as "Server: " */ #ifndef HTTPD_SERVER_AGENT #define HTTPD_SERVER_AGENT "lwIP/1.3.1 (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip)" #endif /** Set this to 1 if you want to include code that creates HTTP headers * at runtime. Default is off: HTTP headers are then created statically * by the makefsdata tool. Static headers mean smaller code size, but * the (readonly) fsdata will grow a bit as every file includes the HTTP * header. */ #ifndef LWIP_HTTPD_DYNAMIC_HEADERS #define LWIP_HTTPD_DYNAMIC_HEADERS 0 #endif #if LWIP_HTTPD_DYNAMIC_HEADERS /** This struct is used for a list of HTTP header strings for various * filename extensions. */ typedef struct { const char *extension; int headerIndex; } tHTTPHeader; /** A list of strings used in HTTP headers */ static const char * const g_psHTTPHeaderStrings[] = { "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: text/html\r\nExpires: Fri, 10 Apr 2008 14:00:00 GMT\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: image/gif\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: image/png\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: image/bmp\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: image/x-icon\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: application/x-javascript\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: application/x-javascript\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: text/css\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: text/xml\r\n\r\n", "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n", "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n", "HTTP/1.0 404 File not found\r\n", "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n", "HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 404 File not found\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n", "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented\r\n", "Content-Length: ", "Connection: Close\r\n", "Connection: keep-alive\r\n", "Server: "HTTPD_SERVER_AGENT"\r\n", "\r\n<html><body><h2>404: The requested file cannot be found.</h2></body></html>\r\n" }; /* Indexes into the g_psHTTPHeaderStrings array */ #define HTTP_HDR_HTML 0 /* text/html */ #define HTTP_HDR_SSI 1 /* text/html Expires... */ #define HTTP_HDR_GIF 2 /* image/gif */ #define HTTP_HDR_PNG 3 /* image/png */ #define HTTP_HDR_JPG 4 /* image/jpeg */ #define HTTP_HDR_BMP 5 /* image/bmp */ #define HTTP_HDR_ICO 6 /* image/x-icon */ #define HTTP_HDR_APP 7 /* application/octet-stream */ #define HTTP_HDR_JS 8 /* application/x-javascript */ #define HTTP_HDR_RA 9 /* application/x-javascript */ #define HTTP_HDR_CSS 10 /* text/css */ #define HTTP_HDR_SWF 11 /* application/x-shockwave-flash */ #define HTTP_HDR_XML 12 /* text/xml */ #define HTTP_HDR_DEFAULT_TYPE 13 /* text/plain */ #define HTTP_HDR_OK 14 /* 200 OK */ #define HTTP_HDR_NOT_FOUND 15 /* 404 File not found */ #define HTTP_HDR_BAD_REQUEST 16 /* 400 Bad request */ #define HTTP_HDR_NOT_IMPL 17 /* 501 Not Implemented */ #define HTTP_HDR_OK_11 18 /* 200 OK */ #define HTTP_HDR_NOT_FOUND_11 19 /* 404 File not found */ #define HTTP_HDR_BAD_REQUEST_11 20 /* 400 Bad request */ #define HTTP_HDR_NOT_IMPL_11 21 /* 501 Not Implemented */ #define HTTP_HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH 22 /* Content-Length: (HTTP 1.1)*/ #define HTTP_HDR_CONN_CLOSE 23 /* Connection: Close (HTTP 1.1) */ #define HTTP_HDR_CONN_KEEPALIVE 24 /* Connection: keep-alive (HTTP 1.1) */ #define HTTP_HDR_SERVER 25 /* Server: HTTPD_SERVER_AGENT */ #define DEFAULT_404_HTML 26 /* default 404 body */ /** A list of extension-to-HTTP header strings */ const static tHTTPHeader g_psHTTPHeaders[] = { { "html", HTTP_HDR_HTML}, { "htm", HTTP_HDR_HTML}, { "shtml",HTTP_HDR_SSI}, { "shtm", HTTP_HDR_SSI}, { "ssi", HTTP_HDR_SSI}, { "gif", HTTP_HDR_GIF}, { "png", HTTP_HDR_PNG}, { "jpg", HTTP_HDR_JPG}, { "bmp", HTTP_HDR_BMP}, { "ico", HTTP_HDR_ICO}, { "class",HTTP_HDR_APP}, { "cls", HTTP_HDR_APP}, { "js", HTTP_HDR_JS}, { "ram", HTTP_HDR_RA}, { "css", HTTP_HDR_CSS}, { "swf", HTTP_HDR_SWF}, { "xml", HTTP_HDR_XML}, { "xsl", HTTP_HDR_XML} }; #define NUM_HTTP_HEADERS (sizeof(g_psHTTPHeaders) / sizeof(tHTTPHeader)) #endif /* LWIP_HTTPD_DYNAMIC_HEADERS */ #if LWIP_HTTPD_SSI static const char * const g_pcSSIExtensions[] = { ".shtml", ".shtm", ".ssi", ".xml" }; #define NUM_SHTML_EXTENSIONS (sizeof(g_pcSSIExtensions) / sizeof(const char *)) #endif /* LWIP_HTTPD_SSI */ #endif /* __HTTPD_STRUCTS_H__ */