1106 lines
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1106 lines
35 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
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* File bme680.c
* @date 5 Jul 2017
* @version 3.5.1
/*! @file bme680.c
@brief Sensor driver for BME680 sensor */
#include "bme680.h"
/**static variables */
/**Look up table for the possible gas range values */
uint32_t lookupTable1[16] = { UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2147483647),
UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2126008810), UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2130303777), UINT32_C(2147483647),
UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2143188679), UINT32_C(2136746228), UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2126008810),
UINT32_C(2147483647), UINT32_C(2147483647) };
/**Look up table for the possible gas range values */
uint32_t lookupTable2[16] = { UINT32_C(4096000000), UINT32_C(2048000000), UINT32_C(1024000000), UINT32_C(512000000),
UINT32_C(255744255), UINT32_C(127110228), UINT32_C(64000000), UINT32_C(32258064), UINT32_C(16016016), UINT32_C(
8000000), UINT32_C(4000000), UINT32_C(2000000), UINT32_C(1000000), UINT32_C(500000), UINT32_C(250000),
UINT32_C(125000) };
* @brief This internal API is used to read the calibrated data from the sensor.
* This function is used to retrieve the calibration
* data from the image registers of the sensor.
* @note Registers 89h to A1h for calibration data 1 to 24
* from bit 0 to 7
* @note Registers E1h to F0h for calibration data 25 to 40
* from bit 0 to 7
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_calib_data(struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the gas configuration of the sensor.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_gas_config(struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to get the gas configuration of the sensor.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_gas_config(struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Heat duration value.
* @param[in] dur :Value of the duration to be shared.
* @return uint8_t threshold duration after calculation.
static uint8_t calc_heater_dur(uint16_t dur);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the temperature value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] temp_adc :Contains the temperature ADC value .
* @return uint32_t calculated temperature.
static int16_t calc_temperature(uint32_t temp_adc, struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the pressure value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] pres_adc :Contains the pressure ADC value .
* @return uint32_t calculated pressure.
static uint32_t calc_pressure(uint32_t pres_adc, const struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the humidity value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] hum_adc :Contains the humidity ADC value.
* @return uint32_t calculated humidity.
static uint32_t calc_humidity(uint16_t hum_adc, const struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Gas Resistance value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] gas_res_adc :Contains the Gas Resistance ADC value.
* @param[in] gas_range :Contains the range of gas values.
* @return uint32_t calculated gas resistance.
static uint32_t calc_gas_resistance(uint16_t gas_res_adc, uint8_t gas_range, const struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Heat Resistance value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] temp :Contains the temporary value.
* @return uint8_t calculated heater resistance.
static uint8_t calc_heater_res(uint16_t temp, const struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the field data of sensor.
* @param[out] data :Structure instance to hold the data
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return int8_t result of the field data from sensor.
static int8_t read_field_data(struct bme680_field_data *data, struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to set the memory page
* based on register address.
* The value of memory page
* value | Description
* --------|--------------
* 0 | BME680_PAGE0_SPI
* 1 | BME680_PAGE1_SPI
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @param[in] reg_addr :Contains the register address array.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t set_mem_page(uint8_t reg_addr, struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to get the memory page based
* on register address.
* The value of memory page
* value | Description
* --------|--------------
* 0 | BME680_PAGE0_SPI
* 1 | BME680_PAGE1_SPI
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t get_mem_page(struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device pointer for
* null conditions.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bme680_dev *dev);
* @brief This internal API is used to check the boundary
* conditions.
* @param[in] value :pointer to the value.
* @param[in] min :minimum value.
* @param[in] max :maximum value.
* @param[in] dev :Structure instance of bme680_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval zero -> Success / +ve value -> Warning / -ve value -> Error
static int8_t boundary_check(uint8_t *value, uint8_t min, uint8_t max, struct bme680_dev *dev);
/****************** Global Function Definitions *******************************/
*@brief This API is the entry point.
*It reads the chip-id and calibration data from the sensor.
int8_t bme680_init(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
/* Soft reset to restore it to default values*/
rslt = bme680_soft_reset(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_CHIP_ID_ADDR, &dev->chip_id, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (dev->chip_id == BME680_CHIP_ID) {
rslt = get_calib_data(dev);
} else {
rslt = BME680_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND;
return rslt;
* @brief This API reads the data from the given register address of the sensor.
int8_t bme680_get_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (dev->intf == BME680_SPI_INTF) {
/* Set the memory page */
rslt = set_mem_page(reg_addr, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
reg_addr = reg_addr | BME680_SPI_RD_MSK;
dev->com_rslt = dev->read(dev->dev_id, reg_addr, reg_data, len);
if (dev->com_rslt != 0)
rslt = BME680_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This API writes the given data to the register address
* of the sensor.
int8_t bme680_set_regs(const uint8_t *reg_addr, const uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Length of the temporary buffer is 2*(length of register)*/
uint8_t tmp_buff[BME680_TMP_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
uint16_t index;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if ((len > 0) && (len < BME680_TMP_BUFFER_LENGTH / 2)) {
/* Interleave the 2 arrays */
for (index = 0; index < len; index++) {
if (dev->intf == BME680_SPI_INTF) {
/* Set the memory page */
rslt = set_mem_page(reg_addr[index], dev);
tmp_buff[(2 * index)] = reg_addr[index] & BME680_SPI_WR_MSK;
} else {
tmp_buff[(2 * index)] = reg_addr[index];
tmp_buff[(2 * index) + 1] = reg_data[index];
/* Write the interleaved array */
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
dev->com_rslt = dev->write(dev->dev_id, tmp_buff[0], &tmp_buff[1], (2 * len) - 1);
if (dev->com_rslt != 0)
rslt = BME680_E_COM_FAIL;
} else {
return rslt;
* @brief This API performs the soft reset of the sensor.
int8_t bme680_soft_reset(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr = BME680_SOFT_RESET_ADDR;
/* 0xb6 is the soft reset command */
uint8_t soft_rst_cmd = BME680_SOFT_RESET_CMD;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (dev->intf == BME680_SPI_INTF)
rslt = get_mem_page(dev);
/* Reset the device */
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_set_regs(®_addr, &soft_rst_cmd, 1, dev);
/* Wait for 5ms */
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
/* After reset get the memory page */
if (dev->intf == BME680_SPI_INTF)
rslt = get_mem_page(dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set the oversampling, filter and T,P,H, gas selection
* settings in the sensor.
int8_t bme680_set_sensor_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg_addr;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t count = 0;
uint8_t reg_array[BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
uint8_t data_array[BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
uint8_t intended_power_mode = dev->power_mode; /* Save intended power mode */
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (desired_settings & BME680_GAS_MEAS_SEL)
rslt = set_gas_config(dev);
dev->power_mode = BME680_SLEEP_MODE;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_set_sensor_mode(dev);
/* Selecting the filter */
if (desired_settings & BME680_FILTER_SEL) {
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->tph_sett.filter, BME680_FILTER_SIZE_0, BME680_FILTER_SIZE_127, dev);
reg_addr = BME680_CONF_ODR_FILT_ADDR;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (desired_settings & BME680_FILTER_SEL)
data = BME680_SET_BITS(data, BME680_FILTER, dev->tph_sett.filter);
reg_array[count] = reg_addr; /* Append configuration */
data_array[count] = data;
/* Selecting heater control for the sensor */
if (desired_settings & BME680_HCNTRL_SEL) {
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->gas_sett.heatr_ctrl, BME680_ENABLE_HEATER, BME680_DISABLE_HEATER, dev);
reg_addr = BME680_CONF_HEAT_CTRL_ADDR;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
data = BME680_SET_BITS_POS_0(data, BME680_HCTRL, dev->gas_sett.heatr_ctrl);
reg_array[count] = reg_addr; /* Append configuration */
data_array[count] = data;
/* Selecting heater T,P oversampling for the sensor */
if (desired_settings & (BME680_OST_SEL | BME680_OSP_SEL)) {
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->tph_sett.os_temp, BME680_OS_NONE, BME680_OS_16X, dev);
reg_addr = BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (desired_settings & BME680_OST_SEL)
data = BME680_SET_BITS(data, BME680_OST, dev->tph_sett.os_temp);
if (desired_settings & BME680_OSP_SEL)
data = BME680_SET_BITS(data, BME680_OSP, dev->tph_sett.os_pres);
reg_array[count] = reg_addr;
data_array[count] = data;
/* Selecting humidity oversampling for the sensor */
if (desired_settings & BME680_OSH_SEL) {
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->tph_sett.os_hum, BME680_OS_NONE, BME680_OS_16X, dev);
reg_addr = BME680_CONF_OS_H_ADDR;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
data = BME680_SET_BITS_POS_0(data, BME680_OSH, dev->tph_sett.os_hum);
reg_array[count] = reg_addr; /* Append configuration */
data_array[count] = data;
/* Selecting the runGas and NB conversion settings for the sensor */
if (desired_settings & (BME680_RUN_GAS_SEL | BME680_NBCONV_SEL)) {
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->gas_sett.run_gas, BME680_RUN_GAS_DISABLE, BME680_RUN_GAS_ENABLE, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = boundary_check(&dev->gas_sett.nb_conv, BME680_NBCONV_MIN, BME680_NBCONV_MAX, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, &data, 1, dev);
if (desired_settings & BME680_RUN_GAS_SEL)
data = BME680_SET_BITS(data, BME680_RUN_GAS, dev->gas_sett.run_gas);
if (desired_settings & BME680_NBCONV_SEL)
data = BME680_SET_BITS_POS_0(data, BME680_NBCONV, dev->gas_sett.nb_conv);
reg_array[count] = reg_addr; /* Append configuration */
data_array[count] = data;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_set_regs(reg_array, data_array, count, dev);
/* Restore previous intended power mode */
dev->power_mode = intended_power_mode;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get the oversampling, filter and T,P,H, gas selection
* settings in the sensor.
int8_t bme680_get_sensor_settings(uint16_t desired_settings, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* starting address of the register array for burst read*/
uint8_t reg_addr = BME680_CONF_HEAT_CTRL_ADDR;
uint8_t data_array[BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr, data_array, BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (desired_settings & BME680_GAS_MEAS_SEL)
rslt = get_gas_config(dev);
/* get the T,P,H ,Filter,ODR settings here */
if (desired_settings & BME680_FILTER_SEL)
dev->tph_sett.filter = BME680_GET_BITS(data_array[BME680_REG_FILTER_INDEX], BME680_FILTER);
if (desired_settings & (BME680_OST_SEL | BME680_OSP_SEL)) {
dev->tph_sett.os_temp = BME680_GET_BITS(data_array[BME680_REG_TEMP_INDEX], BME680_OST);
dev->tph_sett.os_pres = BME680_GET_BITS(data_array[BME680_REG_PRES_INDEX], BME680_OSP);
if (desired_settings & BME680_OSH_SEL)
dev->tph_sett.os_hum = BME680_GET_BITS_POS_0(data_array[BME680_REG_HUM_INDEX], BME680_OSH);
/* get the gas related settings */
if (desired_settings & BME680_HCNTRL_SEL)
dev->gas_sett.heatr_ctrl = BME680_GET_BITS_POS_0(data_array[BME680_REG_HCTRL_INDEX], BME680_HCTRL);
if (desired_settings & (BME680_RUN_GAS_SEL | BME680_NBCONV_SEL)) {
dev->gas_sett.nb_conv = BME680_GET_BITS_POS_0(data_array[BME680_REG_NBCONV_INDEX], BME680_NBCONV);
dev->gas_sett.run_gas = BME680_GET_BITS(data_array[BME680_REG_RUN_GAS_INDEX], BME680_RUN_GAS);
} else {
rslt = BME680_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bme680_set_sensor_mode(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t tmp_pow_mode;
uint8_t pow_mode = 0;
uint8_t reg_addr = BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
/* Call recursively until in sleep */
do {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR, &tmp_pow_mode, 1, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
/* Put to sleep before changing mode */
pow_mode = (tmp_pow_mode & BME680_MODE_MSK);
if (pow_mode != BME680_SLEEP_MODE) {
tmp_pow_mode = tmp_pow_mode & (~BME680_MODE_MSK); /* Set to sleep */
rslt = bme680_set_regs(®_addr, &tmp_pow_mode, 1, dev);
} while (pow_mode != BME680_SLEEP_MODE);
/* Already in sleep */
if (dev->power_mode != BME680_SLEEP_MODE) {
tmp_pow_mode = (tmp_pow_mode & ~BME680_MODE_MSK) | (dev->power_mode & BME680_MODE_MSK);
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_set_regs(®_addr, &tmp_pow_mode, 1, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to get the power mode of the sensor.
int8_t bme680_get_sensor_mode(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t mode;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR, &mode, 1, dev);
/* Masking the other register bit info*/
dev->power_mode = mode & BME680_MODE_MSK;
return rslt;
* @brief This API is used to set the profile duration of the sensor.
void bme680_set_profile_dur(uint16_t duration, struct bme680_dev *dev)
uint32_t tph_dur; /* Calculate in us */
/* TPH measurement duration */
tph_dur = ((uint32_t) (dev->tph_sett.os_temp + dev->tph_sett.os_pres + dev->tph_sett.os_hum) * UINT32_C(1963));
tph_dur += UINT32_C(477 * 4); /* TPH switching duration */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(477 * 5); /* Gas measurement duration */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(500); /* Get it to the closest whole number.*/
tph_dur /= UINT32_C(1000); /* Convert to ms */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(1); /* Wake up duration of 1ms */
/* The remaining time should be used for heating */
dev->gas_sett.heatr_dur = duration - (uint16_t) tph_dur;
* @brief This API is used to get the profile duration of the sensor.
void bme680_get_profile_dur(uint16_t *duration, struct bme680_dev *dev)
uint32_t tph_dur; /* Calculate in us */
/* TPH measurement duration */
tph_dur = ((uint32_t) (dev->tph_sett.os_temp + dev->tph_sett.os_pres + dev->tph_sett.os_hum) * UINT32_C(1963));
tph_dur += UINT32_C(477 * 4); /* TPH switching duration */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(477 * 5); /* Gas measurement duration */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(500); /* Get it to the closest whole number.*/
tph_dur /= UINT32_C(1000); /* Convert to ms */
tph_dur += UINT32_C(1); /* Wake up duration of 1ms */
/* The remaining time should be used for heating */
*duration = dev->gas_sett.heatr_dur + (uint16_t) tph_dur;
* @brief This API reads the pressure, temperature and humidity and gas data
* from the sensor, compensates the data and store it in the bme680_data
* structure instance passed by the user.
int8_t bme680_get_sensor_data(struct bme680_field_data *data, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
/* Reading the sensor data in forced mode only */
rslt = read_field_data(data, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (data->status & BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK)
dev->new_fields = 1;
dev->new_fields = 0;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to read the calibrated data from the sensor.
static int8_t get_calib_data(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t coeff_array[BME680_COEFF_SIZE] = { 0 };
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_COEFF_ADDR1, coeff_array, BME680_COEFF_ADDR1_LEN, dev);
/* Append the second half in the same array */
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_COEFF_ADDR2, &coeff_array[BME680_COEFF_ADDR1_LEN], BME680_COEFF_ADDR2_LEN,
/* Temperature related coefficients */
dev->calib.par_t1 = (uint16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_T1_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_t2 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_T2_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_t3 = (int8_t) (coeff_array[BME680_T3_REG]);
/* Pressure related coefficients */
dev->calib.par_p1 = (uint16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P1_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p2 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P2_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p3 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_P3_REG];
dev->calib.par_p4 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P4_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p5 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P5_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p6 = (int8_t) (coeff_array[BME680_P6_REG]);
dev->calib.par_p7 = (int8_t) (coeff_array[BME680_P7_REG]);
dev->calib.par_p8 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P8_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p9 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_P9_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_p10 = (uint8_t) (coeff_array[BME680_P10_REG]);
/* Humidity related coefficients */
dev->calib.par_h1 = (uint16_t) (((uint16_t) coeff_array[BME680_H1_MSB_REG] << BME680_HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL)
| (coeff_array[BME680_H1_LSB_REG] & BME680_BIT_H1_DATA_MSK));
dev->calib.par_h2 = (uint16_t) (((uint16_t) coeff_array[BME680_H2_MSB_REG] << BME680_HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL)
| ((coeff_array[BME680_H2_LSB_REG]) >> BME680_HUM_REG_SHIFT_VAL));
dev->calib.par_h3 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_H3_REG];
dev->calib.par_h4 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_H4_REG];
dev->calib.par_h5 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_H5_REG];
dev->calib.par_h6 = (uint8_t) coeff_array[BME680_H6_REG];
dev->calib.par_h7 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_H7_REG];
/* Gas heater related coefficients */
dev->calib.par_gh1 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_GH1_REG];
dev->calib.par_gh2 = (int16_t) (BME680_CONCAT_BYTES(coeff_array[BME680_GH2_MSB_REG],
dev->calib.par_gh3 = (int8_t) coeff_array[BME680_GH3_REG];
/* Other coefficients */
uint8_t temp_var = 0; /* Temporary variable */
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_RANGE_ADDR, &temp_var, 1, dev);
dev->calib.res_heat_range = ((temp_var & BME680_RHRANGE_MSK) / 16);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_VAL_ADDR, &temp_var, 1, dev);
dev->calib.res_heat_val = (int8_t) temp_var;
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_get_regs(BME680_ADDR_RANGE_SW_ERR_ADDR, &temp_var, 1, dev);
dev->calib.range_sw_err = ((int8_t) temp_var & (int8_t) BME680_RSERROR_MSK) / 16;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the gas configuration of the sensor.
static int8_t set_gas_config(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
uint8_t reg_addr[2], reg_data[2];
if (dev->power_mode == BME680_FORCED_MODE) {
reg_addr[0] = BME680_RES_HEAT0_ADDR;
reg_data[0] = calc_heater_res(dev->gas_sett.heatr_temp, dev);
reg_addr[1] = BME680_GAS_WAIT0_ADDR;
reg_data[1] = calc_heater_dur(dev->gas_sett.heatr_dur);
dev->gas_sett.nb_conv = 0;
} else {
if (rslt == BME680_OK)
rslt = bme680_set_regs(reg_addr, reg_data, 2, dev);
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to get the gas configuration of the sensor.
static int8_t get_gas_config(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
/* starting address of the register array for burst read*/
uint8_t reg_addr1 = BME680_ADDR_SENS_CONF_START;
uint8_t reg_addr2 = BME680_ADDR_GAS_CONF_START;
uint8_t data_array[BME680_GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX] = { 0 };
uint8_t index;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (BME680_SPI_INTF == dev->intf) {
/* Memory page switch the SPI address*/
rslt = set_mem_page(reg_addr1, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr1, data_array, BME680_GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
for (index = 0; index < BME680_GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX; index++)
dev->gas_sett.heatr_temp = data_array[index];
rslt = bme680_get_regs(reg_addr2, data_array, BME680_GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX, dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
for (index = 0; index < BME680_GAS_HEATER_PROF_LEN_MAX; index++)
dev->gas_sett.heatr_dur = data_array[index];
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the temperature value.
static int16_t calc_temperature(uint32_t temp_adc, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int64_t var1;
int64_t var2;
int64_t var3;
int16_t calc_temp;
var1 = ((int32_t) temp_adc / 8) - ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_t1 * 2);
var2 = (var1 * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_t2) / 2048;
var3 = ((var1 / 2) * (var1 / 2)) / 4096;
var3 = ((var3) * ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_t3 * 16)) / 16384;
dev->calib.t_fine = (int32_t) (var2 + var3);
calc_temp = (int16_t) (((dev->calib.t_fine * 5) + 128) / 256);
return calc_temp;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the pressure value.
static uint32_t calc_pressure(uint32_t pres_adc, const struct bme680_dev *dev)
int32_t var1;
int32_t var2;
int32_t var3;
int32_t calc_pres;
var1 = (((int32_t) dev->calib.t_fine) / 2) - 64000;
var2 = ((var1 / 4) * (var1 / 4)) / 2048;
var2 = ((var2) * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_p6) / 4;
var2 = var2 + ((var1 * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_p5) * 2);
var2 = (var2 / 4) + ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_p4 * 65536);
var1 = ((var1 / 4) * (var1 / 4)) / 8192;
var1 = (((var1) * ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_p3 * 32)) / 8) + (((int32_t) dev->calib.par_p2 * var1) / 2);
var1 = var1 / 262144;
var1 = ((32768 + var1) * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_p1) / 32768;
calc_pres = (int32_t) (1048576 - pres_adc);
calc_pres = (int32_t) ((calc_pres - (var2 / 4096)) * (3125));
calc_pres = ((calc_pres / var1) * 2);
var1 = ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_p9 * (int32_t) (((calc_pres / 8) * (calc_pres / 8)) / 8192)) / 4096;
var2 = ((int32_t) (calc_pres / 4) * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_p8) / 8192;
var3 = ((int32_t) (calc_pres / 256) * (int32_t) (calc_pres / 256) * (int32_t) (calc_pres / 256)
* (int32_t) dev->calib.par_p10) / 131072;
calc_pres = (int32_t) (calc_pres) + ((var1 + var2 + var3 + ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_p7 * 128)) / 16);
return (uint32_t) calc_pres;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the humidity value.
static uint32_t calc_humidity(uint16_t hum_adc, const struct bme680_dev *dev)
int32_t var1;
int32_t var2;
int32_t var3;
int32_t var4;
int32_t var5;
int32_t var6;
int32_t temp_scaled;
int32_t calc_hum;
temp_scaled = (((int32_t) dev->calib.t_fine * 5) + 128) / 256;
var1 = (int32_t) (hum_adc - ((int32_t) ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_h1 * 16)))
- (((temp_scaled * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_h3) / ((int32_t) 100)) / 2);
var2 = ((int32_t) dev->calib.par_h2
* (((temp_scaled * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_h4) / ((int32_t) 100))
+ (((temp_scaled * ((temp_scaled * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_h5) / ((int32_t) 100))) / 64)
/ ((int32_t) 100)) + (int32_t) (1 * 16384))) / 1024;
var3 = var1 * var2;
var4 = (int32_t) dev->calib.par_h6 * 128;
var4 = ((var4) + ((temp_scaled * (int32_t) dev->calib.par_h7) / ((int32_t) 100))) / 16;
var5 = ((var3 / 16384) * (var3 / 16384)) / 1024;
var6 = (var4 * var5) / 2;
calc_hum = (((var3 + var6) / 1024) * ((int32_t) 1000)) / 4096;
if (calc_hum > 100000) /* Cap at 100%rH */
calc_hum = 100000;
else if (calc_hum < 0)
calc_hum = 0;
return (uint32_t) calc_hum;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Gas Resistance value.
static uint32_t calc_gas_resistance(uint16_t gas_res_adc, uint8_t gas_range, const struct bme680_dev *dev)
int64_t var1;
uint64_t var2;
int64_t var3;
uint32_t calc_gas_res;
var1 = (int64_t) ((1340 + (5 * (int64_t) dev->calib.range_sw_err)) * ((int64_t) lookupTable1[gas_range])) / 65536;
var2 = (((int64_t) ((int64_t) gas_res_adc * 32768) - (int64_t) (16777216)) + var1);
var3 = (((int64_t) lookupTable2[gas_range] * (int64_t) var1) / 512);
calc_gas_res = (uint32_t) ((var3 + ((int64_t) var2 / 2)) / (int64_t) var2);
return calc_gas_res;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Heat Resistance value.
static uint8_t calc_heater_res(uint16_t temp, const struct bme680_dev *dev)
uint8_t heatr_res;
int32_t var1;
int32_t var2;
int32_t var3;
int32_t var4;
int32_t var5;
int32_t heatr_res_x100;
if (temp < 200) /* Cap temperature */
temp = 200;
else if (temp > 400)
temp = 400;
var1 = (((int32_t) dev->amb_temp * dev->calib.par_gh3) / 1000) * 256;
var2 = (dev->calib.par_gh1 + 784) * (((((dev->calib.par_gh2 + 154009) * temp * 5) / 100) + 3276800) / 10);
var3 = var1 + (var2 / 2);
var4 = (var3 / (dev->calib.res_heat_range + 4));
var5 = (131 * dev->calib.res_heat_val) + 65536;
heatr_res_x100 = (int32_t) (((var4 / var5) - 250) * 34);
heatr_res = (uint8_t) ((heatr_res_x100 + 50) / 100);
return heatr_res;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the Heat duration value.
static uint8_t calc_heater_dur(uint16_t dur)
uint8_t factor = 0;
uint8_t durval;
if (dur >= 0xfc0) {
durval = 0xff; /* Max duration*/
} else {
while (dur > 0x3F) {
dur = dur / 4;
factor += 1;
durval = (uint8_t) (dur + (factor * 64));
return durval;
* @brief This internal API is used to calculate the field data of sensor.
static int8_t read_field_data(struct bme680_field_data *data, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t buff[BME680_FIELD_LENGTH] = { 0 };
uint8_t gas_range;
uint32_t adc_temp;
uint32_t adc_pres;
uint16_t adc_hum;
uint16_t adc_gas_res;
uint8_t tries = 10;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
do {
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
rslt = bme680_get_regs(((uint8_t) (BME680_FIELD0_ADDR)), buff, (uint16_t) BME680_FIELD_LENGTH, dev);
data->status = buff[0] & BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK;
data->gas_index = buff[0] & BME680_GAS_INDEX_MSK;
data->meas_index = buff[1];
/* read the raw data from the sensor */
adc_pres = (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) buff[2] * 4096) | ((uint32_t) buff[3] * 16) | ((uint32_t) buff[4] / 16));
adc_temp = (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) buff[5] * 4096) | ((uint32_t) buff[6] * 16) | ((uint32_t) buff[7] / 16));
adc_hum = (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) buff[8] * 256) | (uint32_t) buff[9]);
adc_gas_res = (uint16_t) ((uint32_t) buff[13] * 4 | (((uint32_t) buff[14]) / 64));
gas_range = buff[14] & BME680_GAS_RANGE_MSK;
data->status |= buff[14] & BME680_GASM_VALID_MSK;
data->status |= buff[14] & BME680_HEAT_STAB_MSK;
if (data->status & BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK) {
data->temperature = calc_temperature(adc_temp, dev);
data->pressure = calc_pressure(adc_pres, dev);
data->humidity = calc_humidity(adc_hum, dev);
data->gas_resistance = calc_gas_resistance(adc_gas_res, gas_range, dev);
} else {
} while (tries);
if (!tries)
rslt = BME680_W_NO_NEW_DATA;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to set the memory page based on register address.
static int8_t set_mem_page(uint8_t reg_addr, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg;
uint8_t mem_page;
/* Check for null pointers in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
if (reg_addr > 0x7f)
mem_page = BME680_MEM_PAGE1;
mem_page = BME680_MEM_PAGE0;
if (mem_page != dev->mem_page) {
dev->mem_page = mem_page;
dev->com_rslt = dev->read(dev->dev_id, BME680_MEM_PAGE_ADDR | BME680_SPI_RD_MSK, ®, 1);
if (dev->com_rslt != 0)
rslt = BME680_E_COM_FAIL;
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
reg = reg & (~BME680_MEM_PAGE_MSK);
reg = reg | (dev->mem_page & BME680_MEM_PAGE_MSK);
dev->com_rslt = dev->write(dev->dev_id, BME680_MEM_PAGE_ADDR & BME680_SPI_WR_MSK, ®, 1);
if (dev->com_rslt != 0)
rslt = BME680_E_COM_FAIL;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to get the memory page based on register address.
static int8_t get_mem_page(struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint8_t reg;
/* Check for null pointer in the device structure*/
rslt = null_ptr_check(dev);
if (rslt == BME680_OK) {
dev->com_rslt = dev->read(dev->dev_id, BME680_MEM_PAGE_ADDR | BME680_SPI_RD_MSK, ®, 1);
if (dev->com_rslt != 0)
rslt = BME680_E_COM_FAIL;
dev->mem_page = reg & BME680_MEM_PAGE_MSK;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the boundary
* conditions.
static int8_t boundary_check(uint8_t *value, uint8_t min, uint8_t max, struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt = BME680_OK;
if (value != NULL) {
/* Check if value is below minimum value */
if (*value < min) {
/* Auto correct the invalid value to minimum value */
*value = min;
dev->info_msg |= BME680_I_MIN_CORRECTION;
/* Check if value is above maximum value */
if (*value > max) {
/* Auto correct the invalid value to maximum value */
*value = max;
dev->info_msg |= BME680_I_MAX_CORRECTION;
} else {
rslt = BME680_E_NULL_PTR;
return rslt;
* @brief This internal API is used to validate the device structure pointer for
* null conditions.
static int8_t null_ptr_check(const struct bme680_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
if ((dev == NULL) || (dev->read == NULL) || (dev->write == NULL) || (dev->delay_ms == NULL)) {
/* Device structure pointer is not valid */
rslt = BME680_E_NULL_PTR;
} else {
/* Device structure is fine */
rslt = BME680_OK;
return rslt;