
271 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tinf.h"
#include "defl_static.h"
#include "conn.h"
#include "ws.h"
const static char http_get[] = "GET wss://%s%s HTTP/1.1\r\n";
const static char http_host[] = "Host: %s\r\n";
const static char http_origin[] = "Origin: https://%s\r\n";
const static char http_upgrade[] = "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";
const static char http_connection[] = "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";
const static char http_ws_key[] = "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\nSec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate\r\n";
const static char http_ws_version[] = "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n";
#define WS_OPCODE_TEXT 0x01
#define WS_OPCODE_BINARY 0x02
#define WS_OPCODE_PING 0x09
#define WS_OPCODE_PONG 0x0A
int wsConnect(int socket, const char *host, const char *path, Bool *compression) {
char server_reply[1024];
char buffer[1024];
memset(server_reply, 0, sizeof(server_reply));
*compression = false;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
sprintf(buffer, http_get, host, path);
ConnWrite(socket, buffer, strlen(buffer));
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
sprintf(buffer, http_host, host);
ConnWrite(socket, buffer, strlen(buffer));
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
sprintf(buffer, http_origin, host);
ConnWrite(socket, buffer, strlen(buffer));
ConnWrite(socket, http_upgrade, strlen(http_upgrade));
ConnWrite(socket, http_connection, strlen(http_connection));
ConnWrite(socket, http_ws_key, strlen(http_ws_key));
ConnWrite(socket, http_ws_version, strlen(http_ws_version));
ConnWrite(socket, "\r\n", 2);
if (ConnRead(socket, server_reply, 300) <= 0) {
return -1;
if (strstr(server_reply, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols") == NULL) {
return -1;
if (strstr(server_reply, "permessage-deflate") != 0) {
*compression = true;
return 1;
void wsInitFrame(WsFrame *frame) {
frame->finFlag = 0;
frame->maskingFlag = 0;
frame->opcode = 0;
frame->payloadLenght = 0;
frame->maskingMap = 0;
frame->payload = 0;
void wsCreateTextFrame(WsFrame *frame, const char *text) {
frame->finFlag = 1;
frame->maskingFlag = 1;
frame->opcode = WS_OPCODE_TEXT;
frame->payloadLenght = strlen(text);
frame->maskingMap = 0x00000000;
frame->payload = (uint8_t *)text;
void wsSendFrame(int socket, WsFrame *frame) {
uint8_t finOpcode = (frame->finFlag) ? frame->opcode | 0x80 : frame->opcode;
uint8_t maskPayloadLength = (frame->maskingFlag) ? frame->payloadLenght | 0x80 : frame->payloadLenght;
unsigned short sizePayload;
// todo support extended payloadLength
// The length of the "Payload data", in bytes: if 0-125, that is the
// payload length. If 126, the following 2 bytes interpreted as a
// 16-bit unsigned integer are the payload length. If 127, the
// following 8 bytes interpreted as a 64-bit unsigned integer (the
// most significant bit MUST be 0) are the payload length. Multibyte
// length quantities are expressed in network byte order. Note that
// in all cases, the minimal number of bytes MUST be used to encode
// the length, for example, the length of a 124-byte-long string
// can't be encoded as the sequence 126, 0, 124. The payload length
// is the length of the "Extension data" + the length of the
// "Application data". The length of the "Extension data" may be
// zero, in which case the payload length is the length of the
// "Application data".
// FE = 126
if (frame->payloadLenght > 125) {
maskPayloadLength = 0xfe;
sizePayload = MAKEWORD(LL(frame->payloadLenght), LH(frame->payloadLenght));
ConnWrite(socket, &finOpcode, 1);
ConnWrite(socket, &maskPayloadLength, 1);
if (frame->payloadLenght > 125) {
sizePayload = _SWAPS(sizePayload);
ConnWrite(socket, &sizePayload, 2);
ConnWrite(socket, &frame->maskingMap , 4);
ConnWrite(socket, frame->payload, frame->payloadLenght);
void wsReceiveFrame(int socket, WsFrame *frame, Bool *timeout, int seconds) {
unsigned char inBuffer[2048];
int receivedTotal = 0;
int receivedLength = 0;
int i = 0, ret = 0;
*timeout = false;
memset(inBuffer, 0, sizeof(inBuffer));
while((ret = ConnReadBytesAvailable(socket)) == 0) {
if ((i > (seconds * 100)) && ret == 0) {
*timeout = true;
while((receivedLength = ConnRead(socket, inBuffer + receivedTotal, 2 - receivedTotal)) > 0 && receivedTotal < 2) {
receivedTotal += receivedLength;
frame->finFlag = (inBuffer[0] & 0x80) >> 7;
frame->opcode = inBuffer[0] & 0x0F;
frame->maskingFlag = inBuffer[1] & 0x80;
frame->payloadLenght = MAKEWORD(inBuffer[1], 0x00);
if (frame->payloadLenght > 125) {
receivedLength = ConnRead(socket, inBuffer, 2);
frame->payloadLenght = MAKEWORD(inBuffer[1], inBuffer[0]);
while((receivedLength = ConnRead(socket, inBuffer + receivedTotal, frame->payloadLenght + 2 - receivedTotal)) > 0 && receivedTotal < frame->payloadLenght) {
receivedTotal += receivedLength;
if ((receivedTotal - 2) == frame->payloadLenght) break;
memcpy(frame->payload, inBuffer + 2, receivedTotal - 2);
if (frame->opcode == WS_OPCODE_PING) {
wsSendPong(socket, frame);
unsigned char gzipBuffer[2048];
void wsInflateFrame(WsFrame *frame) {
unsigned int outlen = 2048;
memset(gzipBuffer, 0, sizeof(gzipBuffer));
// 7.2.2 Decompression
frame->payload[frame->payloadLenght-1] = 0x01;
frame->payload[frame->payloadLenght] = 0x00;
frame->payload[frame->payloadLenght+1] = 0x00;
frame->payload[frame->payloadLenght+2] = 0xff;
frame->payload[frame->payloadLenght+3] = 0xff;
tinf_uncompress(gzipBuffer, &outlen, frame->payload, frame->payloadLenght+4);
memset(frame->payload, 0, frame->payloadLenght+3);
memcpy(frame->payload, gzipBuffer, outlen);
void wsDeflateFrame(WsFrame *frame) {
struct Outbuf out = {0};
memset(gzipBuffer, 0, sizeof(gzipBuffer));
//Deflate payload
tinf_compress(&out, frame->payload, frame->payloadLenght);
memcpy(gzipBuffer, out.outbuf, out.outlen);
frame->finFlag = 0;
frame->opcode = 0xc1;
frame->payloadLenght = out.outlen;
frame->payload = (uint8_t *)gzipBuffer;
void wsSendPong(int socket, WsFrame *frame) {
frame->maskingFlag = 1;
frame->opcode = WS_OPCODE_PONG;
frame->payloadLenght = 0;
wsSendFrame(socket, frame);
void wsSendText(int socket, const char *text, Bool compression) {
WsFrame frame;
wsCreateTextFrame(&frame, text);
if (compression) wsDeflateFrame(&frame);
wsSendFrame(socket, &frame);
void wsReceiveText(int socket, char *buffer, int bufferSize, Bool compression, Bool *timeout, int seconds) {
WsFrame frame;
memset(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
frame.payload = (uint8_t *)buffer;
wsReceiveFrame(socket, &frame, timeout, seconds);
if (frame.opcode == WS_OPCODE_TEXT && compression) wsInflateFrame(&frame);
if (frame.opcode == WS_OPCODE_PONG) strcpy(buffer, "OPCODE_PING");
void hex_dump(const char *desc, const void *addr, const size_t len) {
int i;
unsigned char buff[17];
unsigned char *pc = (unsigned char*)addr;
// Output description if given.
if (desc != NULL)
printf ("%s:\n", desc);
// Process every byte in the data.
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Multiple of 16 means new line (with line offset).
if ((i % 16) == 0) {
// Just don't print ASCII for the zeroth line.
if (i != 0)
printf (" %s\n", buff);
// Output the offset.
printf (" %04x ", i);
// Now the hex code for the specific character.
printf (" %02x", pc[i]);
// And store a printable ASCII character for later.
if ((pc[i] < 0x20) || (pc[i] > 0x7e))
buff[i % 16] = '.';
buff[i % 16] = pc[i];
buff[(i % 16) + 1] = '\0';
// Pad out last line if not exactly 16 characters.
while ((i % 16) != 0) {
printf (" ");
// And print the final ASCII bit.
printf (" %s\n", buff);