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* Simple example with one sensor connected to I2C or SPI. It demonstrates the
* different approaches to fetch the data. Either one of the interrupt signals
* is used or new data are fetched periodically.
* Harware configuration:
* I2C
* +-----------------+ +----------+
* | ESP8266 / ESP32 | | LIS3DH |
* | | | |
* | GPIO 14 (SCL) ----> SCL |
* | GPIO 13 (SDA) <---> SDA |
* | GPIO 5 <---- INT1 |
* +-----------------+ +----------+
* +-----------------+ +----------+ +-----------------+ +----------+
* | ESP8266 | | LIS3DH | | ESP32 | | LIS3DH |
* | | | | | | | |
* | GPIO 14 (SCK) ----> SCK | | GPIO 16 (SCK) ----> SCK |
* | GPIO 13 (MOSI)----> SDI | | GPIO 17 (MOSI)----> SDI |
* | GPIO 12 (MISO)<---- SDO | | GPIO 18 (MISO)<---- SDO |
* | GPIO 2 (CS) ----> CS | | GPIO 19 (CS) ----> CS |
* | GPIO 5 <---- INT1 | | GPIO 5 <---- INT1 |
* +-----------------+ +---------+ +-----------------+ +----------+
/* -- use following constants to define the example mode ----------- */
// #define SPI_USED // SPI interface is used, otherwise I2C
// #define FIFO_MODE // multiple sample read mode
// #define INT_DATA // data interrupts used (data ready and FIFO status)
// #define INT_EVENT // inertial event interrupts used (wake-up, free fall or 6D/4D orientation)
// #define INT_CLICK // click detection interrupts used
#if defined(INT_DATA) || defined(INT_EVENT) || defined(INT_CLICK)
#define INT_USED
/* -- includes ----------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lis3dh.h"
/** -- platform dependent definitions ------------------------------ */
// user task stack depth for ESP32
#define TASK_STACK_DEPTH 2048
// SPI interface definitions for ESP32
#define SPI_SCK_GPIO 16
#define SPI_MOSI_GPIO 17
#define SPI_MISO_GPIO 18
#define SPI_CS_GPIO 19
#else // ESP8266 (esp-open-rtos)
// user task stack depth for ESP8266
#define TASK_STACK_DEPTH 256
// SPI interface definitions for ESP8266
#define SPI_BUS 1
#define SPI_SCK_GPIO 14
#define SPI_MOSI_GPIO 13
#define SPI_MISO_GPIO 12
#define SPI_CS_GPIO 2 // GPIO 15, the default CS of SPI bus 1, can't be used
#endif // ESP_PLATFORM
// I2C interface defintions for ESP32 and ESP8266
#define I2C_BUS 0
#define I2C_SCL_PIN 14
#define I2C_SDA_PIN 13
#define I2C_FREQ I2C_FREQ_100K
// interrupt GPIOs defintions for ESP8266 and ESP32
#define INT1_PIN 5
#define INT2_PIN 4
/* -- user tasks --------------------------------------------------- */
static lis3dh_sensor_t* sensor;
* Common function used to get sensor data.
void read_data ()
#ifdef FIFO_MODE
lis3dh_float_data_fifo_t fifo;
if (lis3dh_new_data (sensor))
uint8_t num = lis3dh_get_float_data_fifo (sensor, fifo);
printf("%.3f LIS3DH num=%d\n", (double)sdk_system_get_time()*1e-3, num);
for (int i=0; i < num; i++)
// max. full scale is +-16 g and best resolution is 1 mg, i.e. 5 digits
printf("%.3f LIS3DH (xyz)[g] ax=%+7.3f ay=%+7.3f az=%+7.3f\n",
fifo[i].ax, fifo[i].ay, fifo[i].az);
lis3dh_float_data_t data;
if (lis3dh_new_data (sensor) &&
lis3dh_get_float_data (sensor, &data))
// max. full scale is +-16 g and best resolution is 1 mg, i.e. 5 digits
printf("%.3f LIS3DH (xyz)[g] ax=%+7.3f ay=%+7.3f az=%+7.3f\n",
(double)sdk_system_get_time()*1e-3,, data.ay,;
#endif // FIFO_MODE
#ifdef INT_USED
* In this case, any of the possible interrupts on interrupt signal *INT1* is
* used to fetch the data.
* When interrupts are used, the user has to define interrupt handlers that
* either fetches the data directly or triggers a task which is waiting to
* fetch the data. In this example, the interrupt handler sends an event to
* a waiting task to trigger the data gathering.
static QueueHandle_t gpio_evt_queue = NULL;
// User task that fetches the sensor values.
void user_task_interrupt (void *pvParameters)
uint8_t gpio_num;
while (1)
if (xQueueReceive(gpio_evt_queue, &gpio_num, portMAX_DELAY))
lis3dh_int_data_source_t data_src = {};
lis3dh_int_event_source_t event_src = {};
lis3dh_int_click_source_t click_src = {};
// get the source of the interrupt and reset *INTx* signals
#ifdef INT_DATA
lis3dh_get_int_data_source (sensor, &data_src);
#ifdef INT_EVENT
lis3dh_get_int_event_source (sensor, &event_src, lis3dh_int_event1_gen);
#ifdef INT_CLICK
lis3dh_get_int_click_source (sensor, &click_src);
// in case of DRDY interrupt or inertial event interrupt read one data sample
if (data_src.data_ready)
read_data ();
// in case of FIFO interrupts read the whole FIFO
else if (data_src.fifo_watermark || data_src.fifo_overrun)
read_data ();
// in case of event interrupt
else if (
printf("%.3f LIS3DH ", (double)sdk_system_get_time()*1e-3);
if (event_src.x_low) printf("x is lower than threshold\n");
if (event_src.y_low) printf("y is lower than threshold\n");
if (event_src.z_low) printf("z is lower than threshold\n");
if (event_src.x_high) printf("x is higher than threshold\n");
if (event_src.y_high) printf("y is higher than threshold\n");
if (event_src.z_high) printf("z is higher than threshold\n");
// in case of click detection interrupt
else if (
printf("%.3f LIS3DH %s\n", (double)sdk_system_get_time()*1e-3,
click_src.s_click ? "single click" : "double click");
// Interrupt handler which resumes user_task_interrupt on interrupt
void IRAM int_signal_handler (uint8_t gpio)
// send an event with GPIO to the interrupt user task
xQueueSendFromISR(gpio_evt_queue, &gpio, NULL);
#else // !INT_USED
* In this example, user task fetches the sensor values every seconds.
void user_task_periodic(void *pvParameters)
vTaskDelay (100/portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
while (1)
// read sensor data
read_data ();
// passive waiting until 1 second is over
#endif // INT_USED
/* -- main program ------------------------------------------------- */
void user_init(void)
// Set UART Parameter.
uart_set_baud(0, 115200);
// Give the UART some time to settle
/** -- MANDATORY PART -- */
#ifdef SPI_USED
// init the sensor connnected to SPI
// init the sensor connected to SPI_BUS with SPI_CS_GPIO as chip select.
sensor = lis3dh_init_sensor (SPI_BUS, 0, SPI_CS_GPIO);
// init all I2C bus interfaces at which LIS3DH sensors are connected
i2c_init (I2C_BUS, I2C_SCL_PIN, I2C_SDA_PIN, I2C_FREQ);
// init the sensor with slave address LIS3DH_I2C_ADDRESS_1 connected to I2C_BUS.
sensor = lis3dh_init_sensor (I2C_BUS, LIS3DH_I2C_ADDRESS_1, 0);
if (sensor)
#ifdef INT_USED
// Interrupt configuration has to be done before the sensor is set
// into measurement mode to avoid losing interrupts
// create an event queue to send interrupt events from interrupt
// handler to the interrupt task
gpio_evt_queue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(uint8_t));
// configure interupt pins for *INT1* and *INT2* signals and set the interrupt handler
gpio_enable(INT1_PIN, GPIO_INPUT);
gpio_set_interrupt(INT1_PIN, GPIO_INTTYPE_EDGE_POS, int_signal_handler);
#endif // INT_USED
// set polarity of INT signals if necessary
// lis3dh_config_int_signals (sensor, lis3dh_high_active);
#ifdef INT_DATA
// enable data interrupts on INT1 (data ready or FIFO status interrupts)
// data ready and FIFO status interrupts must not be enabled at the same time
#ifdef FIFO_MODE
lis3dh_enable_int (sensor, lis3dh_int_fifo_overrun , lis3dh_int1_signal, true);
lis3dh_enable_int (sensor, lis3dh_int_fifo_watermark, lis3dh_int1_signal, true);
lis3dh_enable_int (sensor, lis3dh_int_data_ready, lis3dh_int1_signal, true);
#endif // FIFO_MODE
#endif // INT_DATA
#ifdef INT_EVENT
// enable data interrupts on INT1
lis3dh_int_event_config_t event_config;
event_config.mode = lis3dh_wake_up;
// event_config.mode = lis3dh_free_fall;
// event_config.mode = lis3dh_6d_movement;
// event_config.mode = lis3dh_6d_position;
// event_config.mode = lis3dh_4d_movement;
// event_config.mode = lis3dh_4d_position;
event_config.threshold = 10;
event_config.x_low_enabled = false;
event_config.x_high_enabled = true;
event_config.y_low_enabled = false;
event_config.y_high_enabled = true;
event_config.z_low_enabled = false;
event_config.z_high_enabled = true;
event_config.duration = 0;
event_config.latch = true;
lis3dh_set_int_event_config (sensor, &event_config, lis3dh_int_event1_gen);
lis3dh_enable_int (sensor, lis3dh_int_event1, lis3dh_int1_signal, true);
#endif // INT_EVENT
#ifdef INT_CLICK
// enable click interrupt on INT1
lis3dh_int_click_config_t click_config;
click_config.threshold = 10;
click_config.x_single = false;
click_config.x_double = false;
click_config.y_single = false;
click_config.y_double = false;
click_config.z_single = true;
click_config.z_double = false;
click_config.latch = true;
click_config.time_limit = 1;
click_config.time_latency = 1;
click_config.time_window = 3;
lis3dh_set_int_click_config (sensor, &click_config);
lis3dh_enable_int (sensor, lis3dh_int_click, lis3dh_int1_signal, true);
#endif // INT_CLICK
#ifdef FIFO_MODE
// clear FIFO and activate FIFO mode if needed
lis3dh_set_fifo_mode (sensor, lis3dh_bypass, 0, lis3dh_int1_signal);
lis3dh_set_fifo_mode (sensor, lis3dh_stream, 10, lis3dh_int1_signal);
// configure HPF and reset the reference by dummy read
lis3dh_config_hpf (sensor, lis3dh_hpf_normal, 0, true, true, true, true);
lis3dh_get_hpf_ref (sensor);
// enable ADC inputs and temperature sensor for ADC input 3
lis3dh_enable_adc (sensor, true, true);
// LAST STEP: Finally set scale and mode to start measurements
lis3dh_set_scale(sensor, lis3dh_scale_2_g);
lis3dh_set_mode (sensor, lis3dh_odr_10, lis3dh_high_res, true, true, true);
/** -- TASK CREATION PART --- */
// must be done last to avoid concurrency situations with the sensor
// configuration part
#ifdef INT_USED
// create a task that is triggered only in case of interrupts to fetch the data
xTaskCreate(user_task_interrupt, "user_task_interrupt", TASK_STACK_DEPTH, NULL, 2, NULL);
#else // INT_USED
// create a user task that fetches data from sensor periodically
xTaskCreate(user_task_periodic, "user_task_periodic", TASK_STACK_DEPTH, NULL, 2, NULL);
printf("Could not initialize LIS3DH sensor\n");