#include #include #include #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "main.h" #include "udp.h" #include #include #include #include "platform_stdlib.h" #define STACKSIZE 512 #if CONFIG_WLAN #if (CONFIG_INCLUDE_SIMPLE_CONFIG) #include "wifi/wifi_conf.h" int is_promisc_callback_unlock = 0; static int is_fixed_channel; int fixed_channel_num; unsigned char g_ssid[32]; int g_ssid_len; extern unsigned char g_bssid[]; extern unsigned char g_security_mode; extern int promisc_get_fixed_channel( void *, u8 *, int* ); struct pattern_test_ops; struct rtk_test_sc; typedef int (*sc_test_check_pattern_call_back)(struct pattern_test_ops *pp, struct rtk_test_sc *pSc); typedef int (*sc_test_get_cipher_info_call_back)(struct pattern_test_ops *pp, struct rtk_test_sc *pSc); typedef int (*sc_test_generate_key_call_back)(struct pattern_test_ops *pp, struct rtk_test_sc *pSc); typedef int (*sc_test_decode_profile_call_back)(struct pattern_test_ops *pp, struct rtk_test_sc *pSc); typedef int (*sc_test_get_tlv_info_call_back)(struct pattern_test_ops *pp, struct rtk_test_sc *pSc); struct pattern_test_ops { unsigned int index; unsigned flag; unsigned char name[64]; sc_test_check_pattern_call_back check_pattern; sc_test_get_cipher_info_call_back get_cipher_info; sc_test_generate_key_call_back generate_key; sc_test_decode_profile_call_back decode_profile; sc_test_get_tlv_info_call_back get_tlv_info; }; struct rtk_test_sc { int pattern_type; unsigned char smac[6]; /* the source mac of the profile packet, it maybe the Phone MAC */ unsigned char dmac[6]; /* the destination mac, it is the DUT wlan MAC for send ack packet */ unsigned char ssid[32]; unsigned char password[65]; unsigned int ip_addr; unsigned char sync_pkt[9][6]; /* parser syn start */ unsigned char profile_pkt[256][6]; unsigned int profile_pkt_len; unsigned char plain_buf[256]; unsigned int plain_len; unsigned char key_buf[32]; /* kek */ unsigned int key_len; unsigned char crypt_buf[256]; unsigned int crypt_len; int pattern_index; /* pattern start index */ struct pattern_ops *pattern[64]; /* pattern array */ int max_pattern_num; /* total register pattern num */ unsigned char pin[65]; unsigned char default_pin[65]; unsigned char have_pin; unsigned short device_type; unsigned char device_name[64]; }; enum sc_result { SC_ERROR = -1, /* default error code*/ SC_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND = 1, /* cannot get sta(controller) in the air which starts a simple config session */ SC_CONTROLLER_INFO_PARSE_FAIL, /* cannot parse the sta's info */ SC_TARGET_CHANNEL_SCAN_FAIL, /* cannot scan the target channel */ SC_JOIN_BSS_FAIL, /* fail to connect to target ap */ SC_DHCP_FAIL, /* fail to get ip address from target ap */ /* fail to create udp socket to send info to controller. note that client isolation must be turned off in ap. we cannot know if ap has configured this */ SC_UDP_SOCKET_CREATE_FAIL, SC_SUCCESS, /* default success code */ }; #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES #include "arch/bpstruct.h" #endif PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN struct ack_msg { PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t flag); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u16_t length); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t smac[6]); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t status); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u16_t device_type); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u32_t device_ip); PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(u8_t device_name[64]); };PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT; PACK_STRUCT_END #ifdef PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES #include "arch/epstruct.h" #endif #define MULCAST_PORT (8864) #define WIFI_LINK_CONNECTED (1) #define SCAN_BUFFER_LENGTH (1024) #ifndef WLAN0_NAME #define WLAN0_NAME "wlan0" #endif int simple_config_result; static struct ack_msg *ack_content; static struct rtk_test_sc *backup_sc_ctx; extern struct netif xnetif[NET_IF_NUM]; void SC_set_ack_content() { memset(ack_content, 0, sizeof(struct ack_msg)); ack_content->flag = 0x20; ack_content->length = htons(sizeof(struct ack_msg)-3); memcpy(ack_content->smac, xnetif[0].hwaddr, 6); ack_content->status = 0; ack_content->device_type = 0; ack_content->device_ip = xnetif[0].ip_addr.addr; memset(ack_content->device_name, 0, 64); } int SC_send_simple_config_ack() { int ack_transmit_round, ack_num_each_sec; int ack_socket; //int sended_data = 0; struct sockaddr_in to_addr; SC_set_ack_content(); ack_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IP_PROTO_UDP); if (ack_socket == -1) { return -1; } FD_ZERO(&to_addr); to_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; to_addr.sin_port = htons(8864); to_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = (backup_sc_ctx->ip_addr); for (ack_transmit_round = 0;ack_transmit_round < 10; ack_transmit_round++) { for (ack_num_each_sec = 0;ack_num_each_sec < 20; ack_num_each_sec++) { //sended_data = sendto(ack_socket, (unsigned char *)ack_content, sizeof(struct ack_msg), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &to_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); //printf("\r\nAlready send %d bytes data\n", sended_data); vTaskDelay(50); /* delay 50 ms */ } } close(ack_socket); return 0; } static int SC_check_and_show_connection_info(void) { rtw_wifi_setting_t setting; int ret = -1; /* If not rise priority, LwIP DHCP may timeout */ vTaskPrioritySet(NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3); /* Start DHCP Client */ ret = LwIP_DHCP(0, DHCP_START); vTaskPrioritySet(NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1); wifi_get_setting(WLAN0_NAME, &setting); wifi_show_setting(WLAN0_NAME, &setting); if (ret == DHCP_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED) return SC_SUCCESS; else return SC_DHCP_FAIL; } static void check_and_set_security_in_connection(rtw_security_t security_mode, rtw_network_info_t *wifi) { if (security_mode == RTW_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK) { printf("\r\nwifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK\n"); wifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK; } else if (security_mode == RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK) { printf("\r\nwifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK\n"); wifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK; wifi->key_id = 0; } else if (security_mode == RTW_SECURITY_WPA_AES_PSK) { printf("\r\nwifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WPA_AES_PSK\n"); wifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_WPA_AES_PSK; } else { printf("\r\nwifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_OPEN\n"); wifi->security_type = RTW_SECURITY_OPEN; } } static int get_connection_info_from_profile(rtw_security_t security_mode, rtw_network_info_t *wifi) { printf("\r\n======= Connection Information =======\n"); check_and_set_security_in_connection(security_mode, wifi); wifi->password = backup_sc_ctx->password; wifi->password_len = (int)strlen((char const *)backup_sc_ctx->password); if ( g_ssid_len > 0 && g_ssid_len < 33){ wifi->ssid.len = g_ssid_len; rtw_memcpy(wifi->ssid.val, g_ssid, wifi->ssid.len); }else if(strlen(backup_sc_ctx->ssid) > 0 && strlen(backup_sc_ctx->ssid) < 33){ wifi->ssid.len = strlen(backup_sc_ctx->ssid); rtw_memcpy(wifi->ssid.val, backup_sc_ctx->ssid, wifi->ssid.len); }else{ printf("\r\n SSID is NULL or SSID length is over 32!!"); return -1; } if(wifi->security_type == RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK) { if(wifi->password_len == 10) { u32 p[5]; u8 pwd[6], i = 0; sscanf((const char*)backup_sc_ctx->password, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2], &p[3], &p[4]); for(i=0; i< 5; i++) pwd[i] = (u8)p[i]; pwd[5] = '\0'; memset(backup_sc_ctx->password, 0, 65); strcpy((char*)backup_sc_ctx->password, (char*)pwd); wifi->password_len = 5; }else if(wifi->password_len == 26){ u32 p[13]; u8 pwd[14], i = 0; sscanf((const char*)backup_sc_ctx->password, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"\ "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2], &p[3], &p[4],\ &p[5], &p[6], &p[7], &p[8], &p[9], &p[10], &p[11], &p[12]); for(i=0; i< 13; i++) pwd[i] = (u8)p[i]; pwd[13] = '\0'; memset(backup_sc_ctx->password, 0, 64); strcpy((char*)backup_sc_ctx->password, (char*)pwd); wifi->password_len = 13; } } printf("\r\nwifi.password = %s\n", wifi->password); printf("\r\nwifi.password_len = %d\n", wifi->password_len); printf("\r\nwifi.ssid = %s\n", wifi->ssid.val); printf("\r\nwifi.ssid_len = %d\n", wifi->ssid.len); printf("\r\nwifi.channel = %d\n", fixed_channel_num); printf("\r\n===== start to connect target AP =====\n"); return 0; } int SC_connect_to_AP(void) { int ret = SC_ERROR; u8 scan_channel; u8 pscan_config; int retry = 3; rtw_security_t security_mode; rtw_network_info_t wifi = {0}; if(!(fixed_channel_num == 0)){ scan_channel = fixed_channel_num; } pscan_config = PSCAN_ENABLE; switch(g_security_mode){ case RTW_ENCRYPTION_OPEN: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_OPEN; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WEP40: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WEP104: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA_TKIP: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA_AES: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_TKIP: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_AES: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_MIXED: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_UNKNOWN: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_UNDEF: default: printf("\r\n unknow security mode,connect fail!"); return ret; } g_security_mode = 0xff;//clear it if (-1 == get_connection_info_from_profile(security_mode, &wifi)) { ret = SC_CONTROLLER_INFO_PARSE_FAIL; return ret; } while (1) { if(wifi_set_pscan_chan(&scan_channel, &pscan_config, 1) < 0){ printf("\n\rERROR: wifi set partial scan channel fail"); ret = SC_TARGET_CHANNEL_SCAN_FAIL; return ret; } #if 0 ret = wifi_connect((char*)wifi.ssid.val, wifi.security_type, (char*)wifi.password, wifi.ssid.len, wifi.password_len, wifi.key_id, NULL); #else ret = wifi_connect_bssid(g_bssid, (char*)wifi.ssid.val, wifi.security_type, (char*)wifi.password, 6, wifi.ssid.len, wifi.password_len, wifi.key_id, NULL); #endif if (ret == RTW_SUCCESS) { ret = SC_check_and_show_connection_info(); break; } if (retry == 0) { ret = SC_JOIN_BSS_FAIL; break; } retry --; } return ret; } /* Make callback one by one to wlan rx when promiscuous mode */ extern int rtk_start_parse_packet(unsigned char *da, unsigned char *sa, int len, void *user_data, struct rtk_test_sc *backup_sc_ctx); void simple_config_callback(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, void* userdata) { unsigned char * da = buf; unsigned char * sa = buf + ETH_ALEN; taskENTER_CRITICAL(); if (is_promisc_callback_unlock == 1) { simple_config_result = rtk_start_parse_packet(da, sa, len, userdata, backup_sc_ctx); //printf("\r\nresult in callback function = %d\n",simple_config_result); } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } static unsigned int simple_config_cmd_start_time; static unsigned int simple_config_cmd_current_time; extern int simple_config_status; extern void rtk_restart_simple_config(void); extern int rtk_sc_init(char *custom_pin_code); extern void rtk_sc_deinit(void); int init_test_data(char *custom_pin_code) { #if (CONFIG_INCLUDE_SIMPLE_CONFIG) is_promisc_callback_unlock = 1; is_fixed_channel = 0; fixed_channel_num = 0; simple_config_result = 0; rtw_memset(g_ssid, 0, 32); g_ssid_len = 0; simple_config_cmd_start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if (ack_content != NULL) { vPortFree(ack_content); ack_content = NULL; } ack_content = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct ack_msg)); if (!ack_content) { printf("\n\rrtk_sc_init fail by allocate ack\n"); } memset(ack_content, 0, sizeof(struct ack_msg)); if(custom_pin_code) { backup_sc_ctx = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct rtk_test_sc)); if (!backup_sc_ctx) { printf("\n\r[Mem]malloc SC context fail\n"); } else { memset(backup_sc_ctx, 0, sizeof(struct rtk_test_sc)); if (rtk_sc_init(custom_pin_code) < 0) { printf("\n\rRtk_sc_init fail\n"); } else { return 0; } } } else{ backup_sc_ctx = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct rtk_test_sc)); if (!backup_sc_ctx) { printf("\n\r[Mem]malloc SC context fail\n"); } else { memset(backup_sc_ctx, 0, sizeof(struct rtk_test_sc)); if (rtk_sc_init(NULL) < 0){ printf("\n\rRtk_sc_init fail\n"); } else { return 0; } } } #else printf("\n\rPlatform no include simple config now\n"); #endif return -1; } void deinit_test_data(){ #if (CONFIG_INCLUDE_SIMPLE_CONFIG) rtk_sc_deinit(); if (backup_sc_ctx != NULL) { vPortFree(backup_sc_ctx); backup_sc_ctx = NULL; } if (ack_content != NULL) { vPortFree(ack_content); ack_content = NULL; } #endif } int simple_config_test(void) { int channel = 1; int ret = SC_SUCCESS; unsigned int start_time; int is_need_connect_to_AP = 0; int fix_channel = 0; int delta_time = 0; wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_ENABLE, simple_config_callback, 1); start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); printf("\n\r"); wifi_set_channel(channel); while (1) { vTaskDelay(50); //delay 0.5s to release CPU usage simple_config_cmd_current_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if (simple_config_cmd_current_time - simple_config_cmd_start_time < ((120 + delta_time)*configTICK_RATE_HZ)) { unsigned int current_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if (((current_time - start_time)*1000 /configTICK_RATE_HZ < 100) || (is_fixed_channel == 1)) { if((is_fixed_channel == 0)&&(!((fix_channel = promisc_get_fixed_channel(g_bssid,g_ssid,&g_ssid_len))== 0))){ //printf("\r\n in simple_config_test fix channel = %d ",fix_channel); is_fixed_channel = 1; fixed_channel_num = fix_channel; wifi_set_channel(fix_channel); } if (simple_config_result == 1) { is_need_connect_to_AP = 1; is_fixed_channel = 0; break; } if (simple_config_result == -1) { printf("\r\nsimple_config_test restart for result = -1"); delta_time = 60; wifi_set_channel(1); is_need_connect_to_AP = 0; is_fixed_channel = 0; fixed_channel_num = 0; memset(g_ssid, 0, 32); g_ssid_len = 0; simple_config_result = 0; g_security_mode = 0xff; rtk_restart_simple_config(); } if (simple_config_result == -2) { printf("\n\rThe APP or client must have pin!\n"); break; } } else { channel++; if ((1 <= channel) && (channel <= 13)) { if (wifi_set_channel(channel) == 0) { start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); printf("\n\rSwitch to channel(%d)\n", channel); } } else { channel = 1; if (wifi_set_channel(channel) == 0) { start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); printf("\n\rSwitch to channel(%d)\n", channel); } } } } else { ret = SC_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND; break; } } wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_DISABLE, NULL, 0); if (is_need_connect_to_AP == 1) { int tmp_res = SC_connect_to_AP(); if (SC_SUCCESS == tmp_res) { if(-1 == SC_send_simple_config_ack()) ret = SC_UDP_SOCKET_CREATE_FAIL; } else { return tmp_res; } } else { ret = SC_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND; } deinit_test_data(); return ret; } //Filter packet da[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x5e} #define MASK_SIZE 3 void filter_add_enable(){ u8 mask[MASK_SIZE]={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}; u8 pattern[MASK_SIZE]={0x01,0x00,0x5e}; rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t packet_filter; rtw_packet_filter_rule_e rule; packet_filter.offset = 0; packet_filter.mask_size = 3; packet_filter.mask = mask; packet_filter.pattern = pattern; rule = RTW_POSITIVE_MATCHING; wifi_init_packet_filter(); wifi_add_packet_filter(1, &packet_filter,rule); wifi_enable_packet_filter(1); } void remove_filter(){ wifi_disable_packet_filter(1); wifi_remove_packet_filter(1); } void print_simple_config_result(enum sc_result sc_code) { printf("\r\n"); switch (sc_code) { case SC_NO_CONTROLLER_FOUND: printf("Simple Config timeout!! Can't get Ap profile. Please try again\n"); break; case SC_CONTROLLER_INFO_PARSE_FAIL: printf("Simple Config fail, cannot parse target ap info from controller\n"); break; case SC_TARGET_CHANNEL_SCAN_FAIL: printf("Simple Config cannot scan the target channel\n"); break; case SC_JOIN_BSS_FAIL: printf("Simple Config Join bss failed\n"); break; case SC_DHCP_FAIL: printf("Simple Config fail, cannot get dhcp ip address\n"); break; case SC_UDP_SOCKET_CREATE_FAIL: printf("Simple Config Ack socket create fail!!!\n"); break; case SC_SUCCESS: printf("Simple Config success\n"); break; case SC_ERROR: default: printf("unknown error when simple config!\n"); } } #endif //CONFIG_INCLUDE_SIMPLE_CONFIG void cmd_simple_config(int argc, char **argv){ #if CONFIG_INCLUDE_SIMPLE_CONFIG char *custom_pin_code = NULL; int ret = SC_ERROR; if(argc > 2){ printf("\n\rInput Error!"); } if(argc == 2) custom_pin_code = (argv[1]); wifi_enter_promisc_mode(); if(init_test_data(custom_pin_code) == 0){ filter_add_enable(); ret = simple_config_test(); print_simple_config_result(ret); remove_filter(); } #endif } #endif //#if CONFIG_WLAN