#ifndef _WIFI_STRUCTURES_H #define _WIFI_STRUCTURES_H //#include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct rtw_ssid { unsigned char len; /**< SSID length */ unsigned char val[33]; /**< SSID name (AP name) */ } rtw_ssid_t; typedef struct rtw_mac { unsigned char octet[6]; /**< Unique 6-byte MAC address */ } rtw_mac_t; typedef struct rtw_ap_info { rtw_ssid_t ssid; rtw_security_t security_type; unsigned char *password; int password_len; int channel; }rtw_ap_info_t; typedef struct rtw_network_info { rtw_ssid_t ssid; rtw_mac_t bssid; rtw_security_t security_type; unsigned char *password; int password_len; int key_id; }rtw_network_info_t; typedef struct rtw_scan_result { rtw_ssid_t SSID; /**< Service Set Identification (i.e. Name of Access Point) */ rtw_mac_t BSSID; /**< Basic Service Set Identification (i.e. MAC address of Access Point) */ signed short signal_strength; /**< Receive Signal Strength Indication in dBm. <-90=Very poor, >-30=Excellent */ rtw_bss_type_t bss_type; /**< Network type */ rtw_security_t security; /**< Security type */ rtw_wps_type_t wps_type; /**< WPS type */ unsigned char channel; /**< Radio channel that the AP beacon was received on */ rtw_802_11_band_t band; /**< Radio band */ } rtw_scan_result_t; typedef struct rtw_scan_handler_result { rtw_scan_result_t ap_details; rtw_bool_t scan_complete; void* user_data; } rtw_scan_handler_result_t; typedef struct rtw_wifi_setting { rtw_mode_t mode; unsigned char ssid[33]; unsigned char channel; rtw_security_t security_type; unsigned char password[65]; unsigned char key_idx; }rtw_wifi_setting_t; typedef struct rtw_wifi_config { unsigned int boot_mode; unsigned char ssid[32]; unsigned char ssid_len; unsigned char security_type; unsigned char password[65]; unsigned char password_len; unsigned char channel; } rtw_wifi_config_t; typedef struct { unsigned int count; /**< Number of MAC addresses in the list */ rtw_mac_t mac_list[1]; /**< Variable length array of MAC addresses */ } rtw_maclist_t; typedef struct { unsigned int version; /* version field */ unsigned int length; /* byte length of data in this record, */ /* starting at version and including IEs */ rtw_mac_t BSSID; unsigned short beacon_period; /* units are Kusec */ unsigned short capability; /* Capability information */ unsigned char SSID_len; unsigned char SSID[32]; unsigned char channel; // struct { // uint32_t count; /* # rates in this set */ // uint8_t rates[16]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ // } rateset; /* supported rates */ // rtw_chanspec_t chanspec; /* chanspec for bss */ unsigned short atim_window; /* units are Kusec */ unsigned char dtim_period; /* DTIM period */ signed short RSSI; /* receive signal strength (in dBm) */ unsigned char n_cap; /* BSS is 802.11N Capable */ unsigned int nbss_cap; /* 802.11N BSS Capabilities (based on HT_CAP_*) */ unsigned char basic_mcs[MCSSET_LEN]; /* 802.11N BSS required MCS set */ unsigned short ie_offset; /* offset at which IEs start, from beginning */ unsigned int ie_length; /* byte length of Information Elements */ } rtw_bss_info_t; typedef struct { unsigned short offset; /**< Offset in bytes to start filtering (referenced to the start of the ethernet packet) */ unsigned short mask_size; /**< Size of the mask in bytes */ unsigned char* mask; /**< Pattern mask bytes to be ANDed with the pattern eg. "\xff00" (must be in network byte order) */ unsigned char* pattern; /**< Pattern bytes used to filter eg. "\x0800" (must be in network byte order) */ } rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t; typedef struct ieee80211_frame_info{ unsigned short i_fc; unsigned short i_dur; unsigned char i_addr1[6]; unsigned char i_addr2[6]; unsigned char i_addr3[6]; unsigned short i_seq; unsigned char bssid[6]; unsigned char encrypt; }ieee80211_frame_info_t; typedef struct { char filter_id; rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t patt; rtw_packet_filter_rule_e rule; unsigned char enable; }rtw_packet_filter_info_t; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _WIFI_STRUCTURES_H */