#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <lwip/sockets.h> #include <sys.h> #if !defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) && !defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) #include <flash/stm32_flash.h> #if defined(STM32F2XX) #include <stm32f2xx_flash.h> #elif defined(STM32F4XX) #include <stm32f4xx_flash.h> #elif defined(STM32f1xx) #include <stm32f10x_flash.h> #endif #include "cloud_updater.h" #else #include "flash_api.h" #endif #include "update.h" #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) || defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) #define OFFSET_DATA FLASH_SYSTEM_DATA_ADDR #define IMAGE_2 0x0000B000 #define WRITE_OTA_ADDR 0 #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE 1 #define SWAP_UPDATE 0 #if WRITE_OTA_ADDR #define BACKUP_SECTOR (FLASH_SYSTEM_DATA_ADDR - 0x1000) #endif #if CONFIG_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE /* --------------------------------------------------- * Customized Signature * ---------------------------------------------------*/ // This signature can be used to verify the correctness of the image // It will be located in fixed location in application image #pragma location=".custom.validate.rodata" const unsigned char cus_sig[32] = "Customer Signature-modelxxx"; #endif #else #define CONFIG_SECTOR FLASH_Sector_1 #define APPLICATION_SECTOR FLASH_Sector_2 #define UPDATE_SECTOR FLASH_Sector_8 #endif #define STACK_SIZE 1024 #define TASK_PRIORITY tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 #define BUF_SIZE 512 #define ETH_ALEN 6 #define SERVER_LOCAL 1 #define SERVER_CLOUD 2 #define SERVER_TYPE SERVER_LOCAL #define UPDATE_DBG 1 #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_LOCAL) typedef struct { uint32_t ip_addr; uint16_t port; }update_cfg_local_t; #endif #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_CLOUD) #define REPOSITORY_LEN 16 #define FILE_PATH_LEN 64 typedef struct { uint8_t repository[REPOSITORY_LEN]; uint8_t file_path[FILE_PATH_LEN]; }update_cfg_cloud_t; #endif sys_thread_t TaskOTA = NULL; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- static void* update_malloc(unsigned int size) { return pvPortMalloc(size); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- static void update_free(void *buf) { vPortFree(buf); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_LOCAL) #if defined(STM32F2XX) ||(STM32F4XX) static void update_ota_local_task(void *param) { int server_socket = 0; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; char *buf; int read_bytes, size = 0, i; update_cfg_local_t *cfg = (update_cfg_local_t*)param; uint32_t address, checksum = 0; #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH char mac[ETH_ALEN]; #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update task start", __FUNCTION__); buf = update_malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(!buf){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } // Connect socket server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(server_socket < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Create socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = cfg->ip_addr; server_addr.sin_port = cfg->port; if(connect(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1){ printf("\n\r[%s] socket connect failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } // Erase config sectors if(flash_EraseSector(CONFIG_SECTOR) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH // Read MAC address if(flash_Read(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read MAC error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #endif // Erase update sectors for(i = UPDATE_SECTOR; i <= FLASH_Sector_11; i += 8){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } // Write update sectors address = flash_SectorAddress(UPDATE_SECTOR); printf("\n\r"); while(1){ read_bytes = read(server_socket, buf, BUF_SIZE); if(read_bytes == 0) break; // Read end if(read_bytes < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes; for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++) checksum += buf[i]; printf("\rUpdate file size = %d ", size); } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH //Write MAC address if(!(mac[0]==0xff&&mac[1]==0xff&&mac[2]==0xff&&mac[3]==0xff&&mac[4]==0xff&&mac[5]==0xff)){ if(flash_Wrtie(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write MAC failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #endif // Write config sectors address = flash_SectorAddress(CONFIG_SECTOR); if( (flash_Wrtie(address, (char*)&size, 4) < 0) || (flash_Wrtie(address+4, (char*)&checksum, 4) < 0) ){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } printf("\n\r[%s] Update OTA success!", __FUNCTION__); update_ota_exit: if(buf) update_free(buf); if(server_socket >= 0) close(server_socket); if(param) update_free(param); TaskOTA = NULL; printf("\n\r[%s] Update task exit", __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } #elif defined(STM32f1xx) static void update_ota_local_task(void *param) { int server_socket; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; char *buf, flag_a = 0; int read_bytes, size = 0, i; update_cfg_local_t *cfg = (update_cfg_local_t*)param; uint32_t address, checksum = 0; uint16_t a = 0; #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH char mac[ETH_ALEN]; #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update task start", __FUNCTION__); buf = update_malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(!buf){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } // Connect socket server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(server_socket < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Create socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = cfg->ip_addr; server_addr.sin_port = cfg->port; if(connect(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1){ printf("\n\r[%s] socket connect failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } // Erase config sectors for(i = CONFIG_SECTOR; i < APPLICATION_SECTOR; i += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH // Read MAC address if(flash_Read(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read MAC error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #endif // Erase update sectors for(i = UPDATE_SECTOR; i < FLASH_Sector_0 + FLASH_SIZE; i += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } // Write update sectors address = UPDATE_SECTOR; printf("\n\r"); while(1){ read_bytes = read(server_socket, buf, BUF_SIZE); if(read_bytes == 0) break; // Read end if(read_bytes < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } if(flag_a == 0){ if(read_bytes % 2 != 0){ a = buf[read_bytes - 1]; flag_a = 1; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes - 1) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 1; } else{ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes; } } else{ a = buf[0] << 8 | a; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, (char*)(&a), 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += 2; a = 0; flag_a = 0; if((read_bytes - 1) % 2 != 0){ a = buf[read_bytes - 1]; flag_a = 1; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf + 1, read_bytes - 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 2; } else{ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf + 1, read_bytes - 1) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 1; } } for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++) checksum += buf[i]; printf("\rUpdate file size = %d ", size); } if(flag_a){ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, (char*)(&a), 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += 1; } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH //Write MAC address if(!(mac[0]==0xff&&mac[1]==0xff&&mac[2]==0xff&&mac[3]==0xff&&mac[4]==0xff&&mac[5]==0xff)){ if(flash_Wrtie(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write MAC failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #endif // Write config sectors address = CONFIG_SECTOR; if( (flash_Wrtie(address, (char*)&size, 4) < 0) || (flash_Wrtie(address+4, (char*)&checksum, 4) < 0) ){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } printf("\n\r[%s] Update OTA success!", __FUNCTION__); update_ota_exit: if(buf) update_free(buf); if(server_socket >= 0) close(server_socket); if(param) update_free(param); TaskOTA = NULL; printf("\n\r[%s] Update task exit", __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) || defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) void ota_platform_reset(void) { //wifi_off(); // Set processor clock to default before system reset HAL_WRITE32(SYSTEM_CTRL_BASE, 0x14, 0x00000021); osDelay(100); // Cortex-M3 SCB->AIRCR HAL_WRITE32(0xE000ED00, 0x0C, (0x5FA << 16) | // VECTKEY (HAL_READ32(0xE000ED00, 0x0C) & (7 << 8)) | // PRIGROUP (1 << 2)); // SYSRESETREQ while(1) osDelay(1000); } #if WRITE_OTA_ADDR int write_ota_addr_to_system_data(flash_t *flash, uint32_t ota_addr) { uint32_t data, i = 0; //Get upgraded image 2 addr from offset flash_read_word(flash, OFFSET_DATA, &data); printf("\n\r[%s] data 0x%x ota_addr 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, data, ota_addr); if(data == ~0x0){ flash_write_word(flash, OFFSET_DATA, ota_addr); }else{ //erase backup sector flash_erase_sector(flash, BACKUP_SECTOR); //backup system data to backup sector for(i = 0; i < 0x1000; i+= 4){ flash_read_word(flash, OFFSET_DATA + i, &data); if(i == 0) data = ota_addr; flash_write_word(flash, BACKUP_SECTOR + i,data); } //erase system data flash_erase_sector(flash, OFFSET_DATA); //write data back to system data for(i = 0; i < 0x1000; i+= 4){ flash_read_word(flash, BACKUP_SECTOR + i, &data); flash_write_word(flash, OFFSET_DATA + i,data); } //erase backup sector flash_erase_sector(flash, BACKUP_SECTOR); } return 0; } #endif static void update_ota_local_task(void *param) { int server_socket; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; unsigned char *buf; int read_bytes = 0, size = 0, i = 0; update_cfg_local_t *cfg = (update_cfg_local_t *)param; uint32_t address, checksum = 0; flash_t flash; uint32_t NewImg2BlkSize = 0, NewImg2Len = 0, NewImg2Addr = 0, file_checksum[3]; uint32_t Img2Len = 0; int ret = -1 ; //uint8_t signature[8] = {0x38,0x31,0x39,0x35,0x38,0x37,0x31,0x31}; uint32_t IMAGE_x = 0, ImgxLen = 0, ImgxAddr = 0; #if WRITE_OTA_ADDR uint32_t ota_addr = 0x80000; #endif #if CONFIG_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE char custom_sig[32] = "Customer Signature-modelxxx"; uint32_t read_custom_sig[8]; #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update task start", __FUNCTION__); buf = update_malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(!buf){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } // Connect socket server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(server_socket < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Create socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = cfg->ip_addr; server_addr.sin_port = cfg->port; if(connect(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1){ printf("\n\r[%s] socket connect failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } DBG_INFO_MSG_OFF(_DBG_SPI_FLASH_); #if 1 // The upgraded image2 pointer must 4K aligned and should not overlap with Default Image2 flash_read_word(&flash, IMAGE_2, &Img2Len); IMAGE_x = IMAGE_2 + Img2Len + 0x10; flash_read_word(&flash, IMAGE_x, &ImgxLen); flash_read_word(&flash, IMAGE_x+4, &ImgxAddr); if(ImgxAddr==0x30000000){ printf("\n\r[%s] IMAGE_3 0x%x Img3Len 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, IMAGE_x, ImgxLen); }else{ printf("\n\r[%s] no IMAGE_3", __FUNCTION__); // no image3 IMAGE_x = IMAGE_2; ImgxLen = Img2Len; } #if WRITE_OTA_ADDR if((ota_addr > IMAGE_x) && ((ota_addr < (IMAGE_x+ImgxLen))) || (ota_addr < IMAGE_x) || ((ota_addr & 0xfff) != 0)|| (ota_addr == ~0x0)){ printf("\n\r[%s] illegal ota addr 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, ota_addr); goto update_ota_exit; }else write_ota_addr_to_system_data( &flash, ota_addr); #endif //Get upgraded image 2 addr from offset flash_read_word(&flash, OFFSET_DATA, &NewImg2Addr); if((NewImg2Addr > IMAGE_x) && ((NewImg2Addr < (IMAGE_x+ImgxLen))) || (NewImg2Addr < IMAGE_x) || ((NewImg2Addr & 0xfff) != 0)|| (NewImg2Addr == ~0x0)){ printf("\n\r[%s] after read, NewImg2Addr 0x%x, Img2Len 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, NewImg2Addr, Img2Len); goto update_ota_exit; } #else //For test, hard code addr NewImg2Addr = 0x80000; #endif //Clear file_checksum memset(file_checksum, 0, sizeof(file_checksum)); if(file_checksum[0] == 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read chechsum first", __FUNCTION__); read_bytes = read(server_socket, file_checksum, sizeof(file_checksum)); // !X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X // !W checksum !W padding 0 !W file size !W // !X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X!X printf("\n\r[%s] chechsum read_bytes %d", __FUNCTION__, read_bytes); printf("\n\r[%s] chechsum 0x%x, file size 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, file_checksum[0],file_checksum[2]); if(file_checksum[2] == 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] No checksum and file size", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #if SWAP_UPDATE uint32_t SigImage0,SigImage1; uint32_t Part1Addr=0xFFFFFFFF, Part2Addr=0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t OldImg2Addr; flash_read_word(&flash, 0x18, &Part1Addr); Part1Addr = (Part1Addr&0xFFFF)*1024; // first partition Part2Addr = NewImg2Addr; // read Part1/Part2 signature flash_read_word(&flash, Part1Addr+8, &SigImage0); flash_read_word(&flash, Part1Addr+12, &SigImage1); printf("\n\r[%s] Part1 Sig %x", __FUNCTION__, SigImage0); if(SigImage0==0x35393138 && SigImage1==0x31313738) OldImg2Addr = Part1Addr; // newer version, change to older version else NewImg2Addr = Part1Addr; // update to older version flash_read_word(&flash, Part2Addr+8, &SigImage0); flash_read_word(&flash, Part2Addr+12, &SigImage1); printf("\n\r[%s] Part2 Sig %x", __FUNCTION__, SigImage0); if(SigImage0==0x35393138 && SigImage1==0x31313738) OldImg2Addr = Part2Addr; else NewImg2Addr = Part2Addr; printf("\n\r[%s] New %x, Old %x", __FUNCTION__, NewImg2Addr, OldImg2Addr); if( NewImg2Addr==Part1Addr ){ if( file_checksum[2] > (Part2Addr-Part1Addr) ){ // firmware size too large printf("\n\r[%s] Part1 size < OTA size", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; // or update to partition2 // NewImg2Addr = Part2Addr; } } #endif //Erase upgraded image 2 region if(NewImg2Len == 0){ NewImg2Len = file_checksum[2]; printf("\n\r[%s] NewImg2Len %d ", __FUNCTION__, NewImg2Len); if((int)NewImg2Len > 0){ NewImg2BlkSize = ((NewImg2Len - 1)/4096) + 1; printf("\n\r[%s] NewImg2BlkSize %d 0x%8x", __FUNCTION__, NewImg2BlkSize, NewImg2BlkSize); for( i = 0; i < NewImg2BlkSize; i++) flash_erase_sector(&flash, NewImg2Addr + i * 4096); }else{ printf("\n\r[%s] Size INVALID", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } printf("\n\r[%s] NewImg2Addr 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, NewImg2Addr); // Write New Image 2 sector if(NewImg2Addr != ~0x0){ address = NewImg2Addr; printf("\n\r"); while(1){ memset(buf, 0, BUF_SIZE); read_bytes = read(server_socket, buf, BUF_SIZE); if(read_bytes == 0) break; // Read end if(read_bytes < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } //printf("\n\r[%s] read_bytes %d", __FUNCTION__, read_bytes); #if 1 if(flash_stream_write(&flash, address + size, read_bytes, buf) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes; for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++) checksum += buf[i]; #else size += read_bytes; for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++){ checksum += buf[i]; } #endif } printf("\n\r"); printf("\n\rUpdate file size = %d checksum 0x%x ", size, checksum); #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH //Write MAC address if(!(mac[0]==0xff&&mac[1]==0xff&&mac[2]==0xff&&mac[3]==0xff&&mac[4]==0xff&&mac[5]==0xff)){ if(flash_write_word(&flash, FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write MAC failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #endif printf("\n\r checksum 0x%x file_checksum 0x%x ", checksum, *(file_checksum)); #if CONFIG_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE for(i = 0; i < 8; i ++){ flash_read_word(&flash, NewImg2Addr + 0x28 + i *4, read_custom_sig + i); } printf("\n\r[%s] read_custom_sig %s", __FUNCTION__ , (char*)read_custom_sig); #endif // compare checksum with received checksum if(!memcmp(&checksum,file_checksum,sizeof(checksum)) #if CONFIG_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE && !strcmp((char*)read_custom_sig,custom_sig) #endif ){ //Set signature in New Image 2 addr + 8 and + 12 uint32_t sig_readback0,sig_readback1; flash_write_word(&flash,NewImg2Addr + 8, 0x35393138); flash_write_word(&flash,NewImg2Addr + 12, 0x31313738); flash_read_word(&flash, NewImg2Addr + 8, &sig_readback0); flash_read_word(&flash, NewImg2Addr + 12, &sig_readback1); printf("\n\r[%s] signature %x,%x, checksum 0x%x", __FUNCTION__ , sig_readback0, sig_readback1, checksum); #if SWAP_UPDATE flash_write_word(&flash,OldImg2Addr + 8, 0x35393130); flash_write_word(&flash,OldImg2Addr + 12, 0x31313738); flash_read_word(&flash, OldImg2Addr + 8, &sig_readback0); flash_read_word(&flash, OldImg2Addr + 12, &sig_readback1); printf("\n\r[%s] old signature %x,%x", __FUNCTION__ , sig_readback0, sig_readback1); #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update OTA success!", __FUNCTION__); ret = 0; } } update_ota_exit: if(buf) update_free(buf); if(server_socket >= 0) close(server_socket); if(param) update_free(param); TaskOTA = NULL; printf("\n\r[%s] Update task exit", __FUNCTION__); if(!ret){ printf("\n\r[%s] Ready to reboot", __FUNCTION__); ota_platform_reset(); } vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int update_ota_local(char *ip, int port) { update_cfg_local_t *pUpdateCfg; if(TaskOTA){ printf("\n\r[%s] Update task has created.", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } pUpdateCfg = update_malloc(sizeof(update_cfg_local_t)); if(pUpdateCfg == NULL){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc update cfg failed", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } pUpdateCfg->ip_addr = inet_addr(ip); pUpdateCfg->port = ntohs(port); TaskOTA = sys_thread_new("OTA_server", update_ota_local_task, pUpdateCfg, STACK_SIZE, TASK_PRIORITY); if(TaskOTA == NULL){ update_free(pUpdateCfg); printf("\n\r[%s] Create update task failed", __FUNCTION__); } return 0; } #endif // #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_LOCAL) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_CLOUD) #if defined(STM32F2XX) ||(STM32F4XX) static void update_ota_cloud_task(void *param) { struct updater_ctx ctx; char *buf; int read_bytes, size = 0, i; uint32_t address, checksum = 0; update_cfg_cloud_t *cfg = (update_cfg_cloud_t*)param; #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH char mac[ETH_ALEN]; #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update task start", __FUNCTION__); buf = update_malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(!buf){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit_1; } // Init ctx if(updater_init_ctx(&ctx, (char*)cfg->repository, (char*)cfg->file_path) != 0) { printf("\n\r[%s] Cloud ctx init failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit_1; } printf("\n\r[%s] Firmware link: %s, size = %d bytes, checksum = 0x%08x, version = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.link, ctx.size, ctx.checksum, ctx.version); // Erase config sectors if(flash_EraseSector(CONFIG_SECTOR) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH // Read MAC address if(flash_Read(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read MAC error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #endif // Erase update sectors for(i = UPDATE_SECTOR; i <= FLASH_Sector_11; i += 8){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } // Write update sectors address = flash_SectorAddress(UPDATE_SECTOR); printf("\n\r"); while(ctx.bytes < ctx.size){ read_bytes = updater_read_bytes(&ctx, (unsigned char*)buf, BUF_SIZE); if(read_bytes == 0) break; // Read end if(read_bytes < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes; for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++) checksum += buf[i]; printf("\rUpdate file size = %d/%d bytes ", ctx.bytes, ctx.size); } printf("\n\r[%s] ctx checksum = %08x, computed checksum = %08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.checksum, checksum); if(checksum != ctx.checksum){ printf("\n\r[%s] Checksum error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH //Write MAC address if(!(mac[0]==0xff&&mac[1]==0xff&&mac[2]==0xff&&mac[3]==0xff&&mac[4]==0xff&&mac[5]==0xff)){ if(flash_Wrtie(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write MAC failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #endif // Write config sectors address = flash_SectorAddress(CONFIG_SECTOR); if( (flash_Wrtie(address, (char*)&size, 4) < 0) || (flash_Wrtie(address+4, (char*)&checksum, 4) < 0) ){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } printf("\n\r[%s] Update OTA success!", __FUNCTION__); update_ota_exit: updater_free_ctx(&ctx); update_ota_exit_1: if(buf) update_free(buf); if(param) update_free(param); TaskOTA = NULL; printf("\n\r[%s] Update task exit", __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } #elif defined(STM32f1xx) static void update_ota_cloud_task(void *param) { struct updater_ctx ctx; char *buf, flag_a = 0; int read_bytes, size = 0, i; uint32_t address, checksum = 0; update_cfg_cloud_t *cfg = (update_cfg_cloud_t*)param; uint16_t a = 0; #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH char mac[ETH_ALEN]; #endif printf("\n\r[%s] Update task start", __FUNCTION__); buf = update_malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(!buf){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc buffer failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit_1; } // Init ctx if(updater_init_ctx(&ctx, (char*)cfg->repository, (char*)cfg->file_path) != 0) { printf("\n\r[%s] Cloud ctx init failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit_1; } printf("\n\r[%s] Firmware link: %s, size = %d bytes, checksum = 0x%08x, version = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.link, ctx.size, ctx.checksum, ctx.version); // Erase config sectors for(i = CONFIG_SECTOR; i < APPLICATION_SECTOR; i += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH // Read MAC address if(flash_Read(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read MAC error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #endif // Erase update sectors for(i = UPDATE_SECTOR; i < FLASH_Sector_0 + FLASH_SIZE; i += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE){ if(flash_EraseSector(i) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Erase sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } // Write update sectors address = UPDATE_SECTOR; printf("\n\r"); while(ctx.bytes < ctx.size){ read_bytes = updater_read_bytes(&ctx, (unsigned char*)buf, BUF_SIZE); if(read_bytes == 0) break; // Read end if(read_bytes < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Read socket failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } if(flag_a == 0){ if(read_bytes % 2 != 0){ a = buf[read_bytes - 1]; flag_a = 1; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes - 1) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 1; } else{ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf, read_bytes) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes; } } else{ a = buf[0]<< 8 |a; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, (char*)(&a), 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += 2; a = 0; flag_a = 0; if((read_bytes - 1) % 2 != 0){ a = buf[read_bytes - 1]; flag_a = 1; if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf + 1, read_bytes - 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 2; } else{ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, buf + 1, read_bytes - 1) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += read_bytes - 1; } } for(i = 0; i < read_bytes; i ++) checksum += buf[i]; printf("\rUpdate file size = %d/%d bytes ", ctx.bytes, ctx.size); } if(flag_a){ if(flash_Wrtie(address + size, (char*)(&a), 2) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } size += 1; } printf("\n\r[%s] ctx checksum = %08x, computed checksum = %08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ctx.checksum, checksum); if(checksum != ctx.checksum){ printf("\n\r[%s] Checksum error", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } #if CONFIG_WRITE_MAC_TO_FLASH //Write MAC address if(!(mac[0]==0xff&&mac[1]==0xff&&mac[2]==0xff&&mac[3]==0xff&&mac[4]==0xff&&mac[5]==0xff)){ if(flash_Wrtie(FLASH_ADD_STORE_MAC, mac, ETH_ALEN) < 0){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write MAC failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } } #endif // Write config sectors address = CONFIG_SECTOR; if( (flash_Wrtie(address, (char*)&size, 4) < 0) || (flash_Wrtie(address+4, (char*)&checksum, 4) < 0) ){ printf("\n\r[%s] Write sector failed", __FUNCTION__); goto update_ota_exit; } printf("\n\r[%s] Update OTA success!", __FUNCTION__); update_ota_exit: updater_free_ctx(&ctx); update_ota_exit_1: if(buf) update_free(buf); if(param) update_free(param); TaskOTA = NULL; printf("\n\r[%s] Update task exit", __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int update_ota_cloud(char *repository, char *file_path) { update_cfg_cloud_t *pUpdateCfg; if(TaskOTA){ printf("\n\r[%s] Update task has created.", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } pUpdateCfg = update_malloc(sizeof(update_cfg_cloud_t)); if(pUpdateCfg == NULL){ printf("\n\r[%s] Alloc update cfg failed.", __FUNCTION__); goto exit; } if(strlen(repository) > (REPOSITORY_LEN-1)){ printf("\n\r[%s] Repository length is too long.", __FUNCTION__); goto exit; } if(strlen(file_path) > (FILE_PATH_LEN-1)){ printf("\n\r[%s] File path length is too long.", __FUNCTION__); goto exit; } strcpy((char*)pUpdateCfg->repository, repository); strcpy((char*)pUpdateCfg->file_path, file_path); TaskOTA = sys_thread_new("OTA_server", update_ota_cloud_task, pUpdateCfg, STACK_SIZE, TASK_PRIORITY); if(TaskOTA == NULL){ printf("\n\r[%s] Create update task failed", __FUNCTION__); goto exit; } exit: update_free(pUpdateCfg); return 0; } #endif // #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_CLOUD) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmd_update(int argc, char **argv) { // printf("\n\r[%s] Firmware A", __FUNCTION__); #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_LOCAL) int port; if(argc != 3){ printf("\n\r[%s] Usage: update IP PORT", __FUNCTION__); return; } port = atoi(argv[2]); update_ota_local(argv[1], port); #endif #if (SERVER_TYPE == SERVER_CLOUD) if(argc != 3){ printf("\n\r[%s] Usage: update REPOSITORY FILE_PATH", __FUNCTION__); return; } update_ota_cloud(argv[1], argv[2]); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------