/* mbed Microcontroller Library ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015, Realtek Semiconductor Corp. * All rights reserved. * * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek. *******************************************************************************/ #include "rtc_api.h" #if DEVICE_RTC #include #include "timer_api.h" // software-RTC: use a g-timer for the tick of the RTC #define SW_RTC_TIMER_ID TIMER5 static gtimer_t sw_rtc; static struct tm rtc_timeinfo; static int sw_rtc_en=0; const static u8 dim[14] = { 31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 28 }; static inline bool is_leap_year(unsigned int year) { return (!(year % 4) && (year % 100)) || !(year % 400); } static u8 days_in_month (u8 month, u8 year) { u8 ret = dim [ month - 1 ]; if (ret == 0) ret = is_leap_year (year) ? 29 : 28; return ret; } void sw_rtc_tick_handler(uint32_t id) { if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_sec > 59) { // Increment seconds, check for overflow rtc_timeinfo.tm_sec = 0; // Reset seconds if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_min > 59) { // Increment minutes, check for overflow rtc_timeinfo.tm_min = 0; // Reset minutes if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_hour > 23) { // Increment hours, check for overflow rtc_timeinfo.tm_hour = 0; // Reset hours ++rtc_timeinfo.tm_yday; // Increment day of year if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_wday > 6) // Increment day of week, check for overflow rtc_timeinfo.tm_wday = 0; // Reset day of week // Increment day of month, check for overflow if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_mday > days_in_month(rtc_timeinfo.tm_mon, rtc_timeinfo.tm_year + 1900)) { rtc_timeinfo.tm_mday = 1; // Reset day of month if(++rtc_timeinfo.tm_mon > 11) { // Increment month, check for overflow rtc_timeinfo.tm_mon = 0; // Reset month rtc_timeinfo.tm_yday = 0; // Reset day of year ++rtc_timeinfo.tm_year; // Increment year } // - year } // - month } // - day } // - hour } } void rtc_init(void) { // Initial a periodical timer gtimer_init(&sw_rtc, SW_RTC_TIMER_ID); // Tick every 1 sec gtimer_start_periodical(&sw_rtc, 1000000, (void*)sw_rtc_tick_handler, (uint32_t)&sw_rtc); sw_rtc_en = 1; } void rtc_free(void) { sw_rtc_en = 0; gtimer_stop(&sw_rtc); gtimer_deinit(&sw_rtc); } int rtc_isenabled(void) { return(sw_rtc_en); } time_t rtc_read(void) { time_t t; // Convert to timestamp t = mktime(&rtc_timeinfo); return t; } void rtc_write(time_t t) { // Convert the time in to a tm struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&t); gtimer_stop(&sw_rtc); // Set the RTC rtc_timeinfo.tm_sec = timeinfo->tm_sec; rtc_timeinfo.tm_min = timeinfo->tm_min; rtc_timeinfo.tm_hour = timeinfo->tm_hour; rtc_timeinfo.tm_mday = timeinfo->tm_mday; rtc_timeinfo.tm_wday = timeinfo->tm_wday; rtc_timeinfo.tm_yday = timeinfo->tm_yday; rtc_timeinfo.tm_mon = timeinfo->tm_mon; rtc_timeinfo.tm_year = timeinfo->tm_year; gtimer_start(&sw_rtc); } #endif // endof "#if DEVICE_RTC"