RtlduinoMan 1d3357d3b0 GCC SDK RTL8710 basic version (including the window platform cygwin installation and Ubuntu platform Linux Installation routines),
including cross compilation of the installation, compile, link, run, debug, and so on.
SDK implementation of the function:
1, WiFi connection settings (including AP mode and STA mode).
2, peripheral resource control (including GPIO, SPI, UART, IIC, etc.).
3, the user uses the sample method.
2016-09-08 20:52:17 +08:00

1100 lines
30 KiB

/******************************* joinlink **************************/
#include "joinlink.h"
// macro
#define NUM_MCAST 53 // the max len of pkt in mcast, original: 13
#define NUM_BCAST 36 // the max number of index of bcast
#define HEAD_LEN 9 // sum(1 byte) + pwd_len(1 byte) + port(2 byte) + ip(4 byte) + ssid_len(1 byte)
#define NUM_IDX 10 // number of index in bcast
#define NUM_PKT 4 // number of packets for every index
#define SEQ_INCREMENT_ONE_BCAST 1 // only the increment of 1 in seq of pkt is accepted
static char smac[6];
static u8 decoded_state = 0;
static int joinlink_state_mcast = 0;
static int joinlink_state_bcast = 0;
static u8 sync_label_mcast = 0;
static u8 version_mcast = 0;
// every pkt has two byte
static u8 *raw_data_mcast = NULL;
static u8 *decrypted_data_mcast = NULL;
static u8 count_mcast = 0;
static u8 sum_mcast = 0; // the total len of ssid and pwd
static char pass_len = -1;
static u8 ssid_len = 0;
static u8 ssid_offset = 0;
static u8 odd_check = 0;
static u8 total_len_mcast = 0;
static u8 *recved_flag_mcast = NULL;
static u8 range_mcast[NUM_MCAST >> 3]; // the range for aes decryption
static u8 decryp_flag_mcast[NUM_MCAST >> 3];
static u8 sync_label_bcast = 0;
static u8 version_bcast_ready = 0;
static u8 version_bcast = 0;
static u8 count_in_idx_bcast = 0;
static u8 count_decoded_bcast = 0;
static unsigned short seq_now_bcast = 0;
static u8 locked_bssid_bcast[6];
static u8 ssid_offset_bcast = 0;
// for data phase in bcast
// 0: wating index pkt, 1: waiting info pkt
// TODO: need to fix bssid/ssid for bcast to filter unnecessary pkt
static u8 data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
static u8 *raw_data_bcast = NULL;
static u8 *decrypted_data_bcast = NULL;
static u8 version_CRC = 0;
static u8 *decoded_flag_bcast = NULL;
static u8 current_idx_bcast = 0;
static u8 sum_bcast = 0;
static char pass_len_bcast = -1;
static u8 ssid_len_bcast = 0;
static u8 fc_version_bcast = 0;
static u8 fc_data_bcast = 0;
static u8 idx_CRC = 0;
static u8 idx_data = 0;
//store decode result of AP profile
joinlink_result_t *AP_profile = NULL;
// AES decryption related
static u8 aes_iv[16];
static u8 aes_key[16];
static u8 ssid_range_mcast = 255;
static u8 decryp_data_buf[16];
ret: 0, success, -1, failure
int joinlink_init()
decoded_state = 0;
joinlink_state_mcast = 0;
joinlink_state_bcast = 0;
sync_label_mcast = 0;
version_mcast = 0;
raw_data_mcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_MCAST*2);
decrypted_data_mcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_MCAST*2);
recved_flag_mcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_MCAST);
raw_data_bcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_BCAST*NUM_PKT);
decrypted_data_bcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_BCAST*NUM_PKT);
decoded_flag_bcast = (u8 *)malloc(NUM_BCAST);
AP_profile = (joinlink_result_t *)malloc(sizeof(joinlink_result_t));
if(!raw_data_mcast || !decrypted_data_mcast || !recved_flag_mcast||
!raw_data_bcast || !decrypted_data_bcast || !decoded_flag_bcast||
printf("join_link: malloc memory fail\n");
return -1;
memset(raw_data_mcast, 0, NUM_MCAST*2);
count_mcast = 0;
sum_mcast = 0;
pass_len = -1;
ssid_len = 0;
ssid_offset = 0;
odd_check = 0;
total_len_mcast = 0;
memset(recved_flag_mcast, 0, NUM_MCAST);
sync_label_bcast = 0;
version_bcast_ready = 0;
version_bcast = 0;
seq_now_bcast = 0;
memset(locked_bssid_bcast, 0, sizeof(locked_bssid_bcast));
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
memset(raw_data_bcast, 0, NUM_BCAST*NUM_PKT);
version_CRC = 0;
count_in_idx_bcast = 0;
count_decoded_bcast = 0;
memset(decoded_flag_bcast, 0, NUM_BCAST);
current_idx_bcast = 0;
sum_bcast = 0;
pass_len_bcast = -1;
ssid_len_bcast = 0;
fc_version_bcast = 0;
fc_data_bcast = 0;
idx_CRC = 0;
idx_data = 0;
memset(AP_profile, 0, sizeof(joinlink_result_t));
memset(smac, 0, sizeof(smac));
memset(aes_iv, 0, sizeof(aes_iv));
memset(aes_key, 0, sizeof(aes_key));
memset(range_mcast, 0, sizeof(range_mcast));
memset(decryp_flag_mcast, 0, sizeof(decryp_flag_mcast));
ssid_range_mcast = 255;
memset(decrypted_data_mcast, 0, NUM_MCAST*2);
memset(decryp_data_buf, 0, sizeof(decryp_data_buf));
memset(decrypted_data_bcast, 0, NUM_BCAST*NUM_PKT);
ssid_offset_bcast = 0;
return 0;
// set the aes_key, the max len should be 16
int set_aes_key(char *key, int len)
if (len <= 0 || len > 16)
return 0;
memcpy(aes_key, key, len);
if (rtl_crypto_aes_cbc_init(aes_key, sizeof(aes_key)) != 0)
printf("AES CBC init failed\n");
return 0;
printf("the AES key is set to %s\n", aes_key);
return 1;
// free memory
void joinlink_deinit()
raw_data_mcast = NULL;
decrypted_data_mcast = NULL;
recved_flag_mcast = NULL;
raw_data_bcast = NULL;
decrypted_data_bcast = NULL;
decoded_flag_bcast = NULL;
AP_profile = NULL;
// restart joinlink when error
static void joinlink_restart()
ret: 0, failure; 1 true.
static int check_sync_mcast(u8 *da)
if((da[3] == 0) && (da[4] == 1) && (da[5] >= 1) && (da[5] <= 3))
sync_label_mcast |= 0x01 << (da[5] - 1);
if(sync_label_mcast == 0x07)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
// ret: 0, failure; 1 true
static int check_version_mcast(u8 *da)
// 239.0.{Version}.4
if((da[3] == 0) && (da[5] == 4))
version_mcast = da[4];
return 1;
return 0;
static u8 getCrc(u8 *ptr, u8 len)
u8 crc;
u8 i;
crc = 0;
while (len--)
crc ^= *ptr++;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (crc & 0x01)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8C;
crc >>= 1;
return crc;
// check whether received enough pkt to decrypt
static u8 decryp_ready(u8 range)
int first = (range << 3) + 1;
u8 count = 0;
while(count < 8)
if(!recved_flag_mcast[first + count])
return 0;
return 1;
// ret: 0 suc, ret: -1 failure
static int decryp_data(u8 decryp_range)
// before decryption dump
memset(decryp_data_buf, 0, sizeof(decryp_data_buf));
// this decrpytion API only accept 16 byte size
if (rtl_crypto_aes_cbc_decrypt(raw_data_mcast + (decryp_range << 4), 16, aes_iv, sizeof(aes_iv), decryp_data_buf) != 0 )
printf("AES CBC decrypt failed\n");
return -1;
memcpy(decrypted_data_mcast + (decryp_range << 4), decryp_data_buf, 16);
// dump encrypted and decrypted data
#if 0
printf("range %d encryp data:", decryp_range);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", raw_data_mcast[(decryp_range << 4) + i]);
printf("range %d decrypted to:", decryp_range);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", decrypted_data_mcast[(decryp_range << 4) + i]);
return 0;
// for aes_cbc, need to remove the chain using xor
static void dechain_aes_mcast(u8 range)
if(range != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
decrypted_data_mcast[(range << 4) + i] ^= raw_data_mcast[(range - 1 << 4) + i];
// dump data
#if 0
printf("range %d dechained to: ", range);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", decrypted_data_mcast[(range << 4) + i]);
printf("mcast: block %d is dechained\n", range);
decryp_flag_mcast[range] = 2;
count_mcast += 8;
ret: 1, enough data; 0 error or not enough
{index} = (CRCLSB*3bit) + (Index*5bit)
static int check_data_mcast(u8 *da)
u8 raw_index = da[3];
u8 CRC_index = (raw_index & 0x40) >> 6;
u8 idx = raw_index & 0x3f;
u8 first, second;
u8 range = 0;
int first_in_range = 0;
// check CRC
// idx is invalid, start with 1
if((idx > NUM_MCAST) || (idx < 1))
return 0;
// CRC check pass
if(((da[4] ^ da[5]) & 0x01) == CRC_index)
// already received
if(recved_flag_mcast[idx] == 1)
return 0;
// new pkt
recved_flag_mcast[idx] = 1;
first = (idx -1) * 2;
second = first + 1;
raw_data_mcast[first] = da[4];
raw_data_mcast[second] = da[5];
printf("mcast: new pkt, idx is %d\n", idx);
// range begins with 0, every 8 pkts belongs to 1 range,e.g idx: {1~8} -> range:0
range = (idx - 1) >> 3;
// not enough pkt for decryption
return 0;
// start to decrypt
first_in_range = range << 4;
if(decryp_data(range) == -1)
// clear the received flag for this range
for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
recved_flag_mcast[first_in_range + i] = 0;
printf("decryped error in range %d\n",range);
return 0;
// decryption success here;
decryp_flag_mcast[range] = 1;
printf("mcast: block %d is decrypted\n", range);
// this is the sum and pass_len
//if((idx == 1) && (!sum_mcast))
if(range == 0)
sum_mcast = decrypted_data_mcast[0];
pass_len = decrypted_data_mcast[1];
printf("mcast: sum_mcast 0x%02x pass_len %d \n",sum_mcast, pass_len);
// check whether the pass_len is valid
if(pass_len < 0 || pass_len > 64)
printf("mcast: pass_len is wrong, clear\n");
decryp_flag_mcast[range] = 0;
count_mcast -= 8;
for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
recved_flag_mcast[first_in_range + i] = 0;
return 0;
// printf("[DEBUG]_mcast: the 2nd flag is %d\n", decryp_flag_mcast[range + 1]);
// check whether 2nd block is ready
if(decryp_flag_mcast[range + 1] == 1)
dechain_aes_mcast(range + 1);
if((pass_len & 0x01) == 0)
odd_check = 2; // even
odd_check = 1; // odd
// get the idx of pkt which contains the ssid_len info
ssid_offset = 1 + (u8)((8 + pass_len)/2);
ssid_range_mcast = (ssid_offset - 1) >> 3;
printf("ssid_offset %d ssid_range_mcast %d\n",ssid_offset, ssid_range_mcast);
#if 1
// already dechained
if(decryp_flag_mcast[ssid_range_mcast] == 2)
if(total_len_mcast == 0)
if(ssid_len == 0)
if(odd_check == 2)
ssid_len = decrypted_data_mcast[2 * (ssid_offset - 1)];
if(odd_check == 1)
ssid_len = decrypted_data_mcast[2 * (ssid_offset - 1) + 1];
printf("ssid_len is %d\n",ssid_len);
total_len_mcast = (u8)((pass_len + ssid_len + HEAD_LEN + 1)/2);
printf("total_len_mcast is recalculated as %d\n",total_len_mcast);
// need to dechain for the 2nd and following block
if(decryp_flag_mcast[range - 1] > 0)
if(decryp_flag_mcast[range + 1] == 1)
dechain_aes_mcast(range + 1);
if(!decryp_flag_mcast[range - 1] && !decryp_flag_mcast[range + 1])
return 0;
// 8 new pkts has been de chained for AES
// set the ssid_len
if(ssid_range_mcast != 255 && decryp_flag_mcast[ssid_range_mcast] == 2)
if(ssid_len == 0)
if(odd_check == 2)
ssid_len = decrypted_data_mcast[2 * (ssid_offset - 1)];
if(odd_check == 1)
ssid_len = decrypted_data_mcast[2 * (ssid_offset - 1) + 1];
printf("ssid_len is %d\n",ssid_len);
// set the total_len
if((pass_len != -1) && (ssid_len != 0))
if(total_len_mcast == 0)
total_len_mcast = (u8)((pass_len + ssid_len + HEAD_LEN + 1)/2);
printf("total_len_mcast is calculated as %d\n",total_len_mcast);
printf("total_len needed is %d already decrypted %d\n", total_len_mcast, count_mcast);
if(count_mcast >= NUM_MCAST)
return 1;
return 0;
//printf("count_mcast is %d total_len_mcast is %d\n");
if(count_mcast >= total_len_mcast)
// check CRC
u8 crc_ret = 0;
printf("enough decrypted pkt, start to check sum\n");
if((pass_len + ssid_len) & 0x01)
crc_ret = getCrc(decrypted_data_mcast + 1, total_len_mcast * 2 - 1);
crc_ret = getCrc(decrypted_data_mcast + 1, total_len_mcast * 2 - 2);
if(crc_ret == sum_mcast)
{printf("sum check pass\n"); return 1;}
printf("sum crc check failure, restart\n");
joinlink_restart(); // fine tune: only restart the mcast part
return 0;
return 0;
// check CRC failure
//printf("CRC failure in mcast, getCrc is 0x%02x, CRC is 0x%02x\n",(da[4] ^ da[5]), CRC_index);
return 0;
ret: 0, failure; 1 true.
static int check_sync_bcast(int len)
// make sure the bits larger than 9 is 0
if(len >= 256)
return 0;
// only the least 9 bits are useful
len &= 0x01ff;
if((len >=1) && (len <=4))
sync_label_bcast |= 0x01 << (len - 1);
if(sync_label_bcast == 0x0f)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
ret: 0, failure; 1 true
static int check_version_bcast(int len, u8 i_fc)
version_bcast = 0;
u8 version_pre_CRC = len & 0x0007;
u8 version_pre_data = (len & 0x01f8) >> 3;
if(len >= 512)
return 0;
if(version_pre_data == 0x20)
version_bcast_ready = 1;
version_CRC = version_pre_CRC;
// fix the direction(fromDS/toDS) to receive version info
fc_version_bcast = i_fc;
// printf("get the CRC of version, change to wait version state\n");
return 0;
if(i_fc != fc_version_bcast)
return 0;
if((len & 0xff00) != 0)
return 0;
version_bcast = len & 0x00ff;
if((getCrc(&version_bcast,1) & 0x07) == version_CRC)
printf("version CRC pass\n");
return 1;
//printf("version CRC failure,reset this state, version is 0x%02x calculated CRC is 0x%02x, CRC is 0x%02x\n",
// version_bcast, getCrc(&version_bcast,1), version_CRC);
version_bcast_ready = 0;
return 0;
/*ret 1: valid seq, ret 0: invalid seq*/
static u8 check_and_update_seq(unsigned short frame_seq)
int seq_delta = frame_seq - seq_now_bcast;
if((seq_delta == 1) || (seq_now_bcast == 4095) && (frame_seq == 0))
seq_now_bcast = frame_seq;
return 1;
seq_now_bcast = frame_seq;
return 0;
if(((seq_delta <= 10) && (seq_delta >= 0)) ||
((seq_now_bcast > 4085) && (seq_delta + 4096 <= 10) && (seq_delta + 4096 >= 0)))
seq_now_bcast = frame_seq;
//printf("valid seq, seq_delta %d seq_now is updated to %d\n", seq_delta, seq_now_bcast);
return 1;
seq_now_bcast = frame_seq;
//printf("invalid seq, seq_delta %d seq_now is updated to %d\n", seq_delta, seq_now_bcast);
return 0;
// idx starts with 1, every 4 is one decryption block
static int decryp_ready_bcast(u8 first_idx)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(decoded_flag_bcast[first_idx + i] == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// decryption for bcast
static int decryp_data_bcast(u8 idx)
memset(decryp_data_buf, 0, sizeof(decryp_data_buf));
// dump the encryption info
#if 0
printf("before decryption of idx %d:", idx);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", raw_data_bcast[((idx >> 2) << 4) + i]);
// this decrpytion API only accept 16 byte size
if (rtl_crypto_aes_cbc_decrypt(raw_data_bcast + ((idx >> 2) << 4), 16, aes_iv, sizeof(aes_iv), decryp_data_buf) != 0 )
printf("AES CBC decrypt failed\n");
return -1;
memcpy(decrypted_data_bcast + ((idx >> 2) << 4), decryp_data_buf, 16);
printf("bcast: blcok %d is decrypted\n", idx >> 2);
// dump the info after decryption
#if 0
printf("after decryption of idx %d:", idx);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", decrypted_data_bcast[((idx >> 2) << 4) + i]);
return 0;
// remove chain for aes cbc for bcast mode
static void dechain_aes_bcast(u8 idx)
u8 first_idx = (idx >> 2) << 4;
if(idx != 1)
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
decrypted_data_bcast[first_idx + i] ^= raw_data_bcast[first_idx - 16 + i];
count_decoded_bcast += 4;
// set the dechained flag
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[idx + i] = 3;
// dump the info after dechain
#if 0
printf("idx %d is de chained to: ", idx);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", decrypted_data_bcast[first_idx + i]);
printf("bcast: block %d is dechained\n", idx >> 2);
{0*1bit}{Byte(i+0) *8bit}
{0*1bit}{Byte(i+1) *8bit}
{0*1bit}{Byte(i+2) *8bit}
{0*1bit}{Byte(i+3) *8bit}
static int check_data_bcast(int len, u8 i_fc, unsigned short frame_seq, unsigned const char *temp_bssid)
// waiting index pkt
// make sure the 9th bit is 1 and bit larger than 9 is 0
if(((len & 0x0fff) >= 512) || ((len & 0x0fff) <= 256))
return 0;
// idx_data is increase from 1, not 0
idx_data = (len & 0x00f8) >> 3;
if(idx_data == 0)
return 0;
if(idx_data > NUM_BCAST)
printf("index is too large\n");
return 0;
// already decoded this idx
if(decoded_flag_bcast[idx_data] >= 1)
return 0;
current_idx_bcast = idx_data;
count_in_idx_bcast = 0;
data_phase_state_bcast = 1;
idx_CRC = len & 0x0007;
seq_now_bcast = frame_seq;
//printf("idx_CRC is 0x%02x len is 0x%02x\n",idx_CRC, len);
fc_data_bcast = i_fc;
//printf("waiting data pkt of idx %d, locked in i_fc %d, seq_now %d\n",
// current_idx_bcast,fc_data_bcast,seq_now_bcast);
return 0;
// waiting info pkt
u8 array_idx = 0;
// check whether the data is valid, the 9th bit should be 0
if(len >= 256)
//printf("not info pkt\n");
return 0;
// only receive the data from the previous idx direction
if(i_fc != fc_data_bcast)
return 0;
array_idx = 4 * (current_idx_bcast - 1);
//printf("from bssid 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n",
// temp_bssid[0],temp_bssid[1],temp_bssid[2],temp_bssid[3],temp_bssid[4],temp_bssid[5]);
// check whether seq is valid
if(check_and_update_seq(frame_seq) == 0)
//memset(raw_data_bcast + array_idx, 0, 4);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
return 0;
raw_data_bcast[array_idx + count_in_idx_bcast] = len & 0x00ff;
//printf("len 0x%02x, info 0x%02x, i_fc %d i_seq %d\n",len, len & 0x00ff, i_fc, frame_seq);
if(count_in_idx_bcast != NUM_PKT)
return 0;
u8 temp_ret = 0;
u8 first_idx = 0;
#if 0
printf("enough data pkt for idx, check CRC\n",current_idx_bcast);
printf("data to be decoded in idx %d: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n",current_idx_bcast,
*(raw_data_bcast + array_idx),*(raw_data_bcast + array_idx + 1),
*(raw_data_bcast + array_idx + 2),*(raw_data_bcast + array_idx + 3));
// assume first encryption and then CRC, so CRC check first and then decryption for receiver.
temp_ret = getCrc(raw_data_bcast + array_idx, 4) & 0x07;
//printf("calculated CRC is 0x%02x true CRC is 0x%02x\n",temp_ret, idx_CRC);
// CRC pass
if(temp_ret == idx_CRC)
printf("bcast: idx %d is decoded\n",current_idx_bcast);
// the first idx in every decryption block
first_idx = 1 + ((current_idx_bcast - 1 >> 2) << 2);
// set the flag of this idx to 1, indicate pass CRC but not yet to decrypt
decoded_flag_bcast[current_idx_bcast] = 1;
// not enough neighbor idx for decryption
if(decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx) == 0)
return 0;
if(decryp_data_bcast(first_idx) == -1)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[first_idx + i] = 0;
// clear the 4 idx data in this block;
memset(raw_data_bcast + ((current_idx_bcast - 1 >> 2) << 4), 0, 16);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
return 0;
// decryption PASS
// set the decryption flag
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[first_idx + i] = 2;
// if 1st block, get the pass_len
if(current_idx_bcast <= 4)
sum_bcast = *decrypted_data_bcast;
pass_len_bcast = *(decrypted_data_bcast + 1);
// make sure the pass len is in the right range {0,63}
if((pass_len_bcast > 63) || (pass_len_bcast < 0))
printf("pass_len is wrong, clear\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[first_idx + i] = 0;
count_decoded_bcast -= 4;
// clear the 4 idx data in this block;
memset(raw_data_bcast + ((current_idx_bcast - 1 >> 2) << 4), 0, 16);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
return 0;
printf("sum_bcast is %d pass_len_bcast is %d\n",sum_bcast, pass_len_bcast);
// recalculate ssid_len if the idx containning ssid_len is already decoded
// to de chain the neighbor block
if(decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx + 4))
dechain_aes_bcast(first_idx + 4);
ssid_offset_bcast = (8 + pass_len_bcast)/4 + 1;
if(decoded_flag_bcast[ssid_offset_bcast] == 3)
ssid_len_bcast = *(decrypted_data_bcast + 8 + pass_len_bcast);
// check whether ssid len is in the right range {0,32}
if(ssid_len_bcast > 32)
//memset(raw_data_bcast + 4 * (2 + pass_len_bcast/4), 0, 4);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[(ssid_len_bcast - 1 >> 2) + i] = 0;
count_decoded_bcast -= 4;
printf("ssid_len_bcast is wrong, clear idx %d\n", ((8 + pass_len_bcast)/4 + 1));
return 0;
printf("recalculated ssid_len_bcast is %d\n",ssid_len_bcast);
// for the 2nd and following block, need the preceeding block to de chain
if(decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx - 4))
if(decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx + 4))
dechain_aes_bcast(first_idx + 4);
if(!decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx - 4) && !decryp_ready_bcast(first_idx + 4))
return 0;
// check whether ssid_len idx has been dechained
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if((pass_len_bcast != -1) && (decoded_flag_bcast[ssid_offset_bcast] == 3))
ssid_len_bcast = *(decrypted_data_bcast + 8 + pass_len_bcast);
// make sure ssid_len is valid in the range {0, 32}
if(ssid_len_bcast > 32)
//memset(raw_data_bcast + 4 * (2 + pass_len_bcast/4), 0, 4);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
decoded_flag_bcast[(ssid_offset_bcast >> 2) << 2 + i + 1] = 0;
count_decoded_bcast -= 4;
printf("ssid_len_bcast is wrong\n");
return 0;
printf("ssid_len_bcast is %d\n",ssid_len_bcast);
// check whether enough
if((ssid_len_bcast != 0) && (pass_len_bcast != -1))
u8 total_len_bcast = HEAD_LEN + ssid_len_bcast + pass_len_bcast;
printf("needed %d pkt, decoded %d\n",(u8)((total_len_bcast + 3)/4),count_decoded_bcast);
if(count_decoded_bcast >= (u8)((total_len_bcast + 3)/4))
printf("enough decoded packets, start to check sum\n");
if(getCrc(decrypted_data_bcast + 1,total_len_bcast - 1) == sum_bcast)
printf("sum check pass in bcast\n");
return 1;
//printf("bcast sum check failure, restart\n");
joinlink_restart(); // fine tune: only restart the bcast part
return 0;
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
memset(raw_data_bcast + 4 * (current_idx_bcast - 1), 0, 4);
data_phase_state_bcast = 0;
printf("CRC failure of idx %d\n",current_idx_bcast);
return 0;
return 0;
ret: 0, failure, 1 true
if success, assign the AP profile to a structure.
static int decode_AP_profile(u8 *raw_data)
int pos = 0;
AP_profile->sum = raw_data[pos];
printf("AP_profile: sum %d\n",AP_profile->sum);
AP_profile->pwd_length = raw_data[pos];
printf("AP_profile: pwd_len %d\n",AP_profile->pwd_length);
if(AP_profile->pwd_length > 64)
printf("the pwd len: %d, larger than 64\n",AP_profile->pwd_length);
return 0;
memcpy(AP_profile->pwd, (raw_data + pos), AP_profile->pwd_length);
pos += AP_profile->pwd_length;
printf("AP_profile: pwd %s\n",AP_profile->pwd);
AP_profile->source_ip[0] = *(raw_data + pos);
AP_profile->source_ip[1] = *(raw_data + pos + 1);
AP_profile->source_ip[2] = *(raw_data + pos + 2);
AP_profile->source_ip[3] = *(raw_data + pos + 3);
pos += 4;
printf("AP_profile: sip %d %d %d %d\n",AP_profile->source_ip[0],
// assume the high byte is the most significant
#if 1
AP_profile->source_port = ((unsigned int)(*(raw_data + pos + 1)) << 8) | (*(raw_data + pos));
//printf("port high_part, low_part: %d %d\n", *(raw_data + pos + 1), *(raw_data + pos));
pos += 2;
printf("AP_profile: port %d\n",AP_profile->source_port);
AP_profile->ssid_length = *(raw_data + pos);
printf("AP_profile: ssid_len %d\n",AP_profile->ssid_length);
if(AP_profile->ssid_length > 64)
printf("the ssid len: %d, larger than 64\n",AP_profile->ssid_length);
return 0;
memcpy(AP_profile->ssid, (raw_data + pos), AP_profile->ssid_length);
printf("AP_profile: ssid %s\n",AP_profile->ssid);
return 1;
joinlink_status_t joinlink_recv(u8 *da, u8 *sa, int len, void *user_data)
joinlink_status_t ret;
const ieee80211_frame_info_t *promisc_info = user_data;
// 1 from ds, 2 to ds
u8 i_fc = ((promisc_info->i_fc & 0x0100) == 0x0100)? 2: 1;
unsigned short frame_seq = promisc_info->i_seq;
unsigned const char *temp_bssid = promisc_info->bssid;
// for mcast
if(!((da[0] == 0xff) && (da[1] == 0xff) && (da[2] == 0xff) &&
(da[3] == 0xff) && (da[4] == 0xff) && (da[5] == 0xff)))
if(joinlink_state_mcast == 0)
// TODO: consider to fix source mac here
joinlink_state_mcast = 1;
memcpy(smac, sa, 6);
printf("turn to wait version state\n");
else if(joinlink_state_mcast == 1)
// only accept the pkt from fixed source mac
if(memcmp(smac, sa, 6))
joinlink_state_mcast = 2;
printf("mcast version is %d\n",version_mcast);
printf("turn to wait data state\n");
else if(joinlink_state_mcast == 2)
if(memcmp(smac, sa, 6))
printf("enough packets, start to decode AP profile\n");
// AP profile has been gotten
printf("decode failure, restart joinlink\n");
//TODO: intialize the data structure to restart receive data
decoded_state = 1;
// for bcast
len -= 42; // remove the unnecessary part
if(joinlink_state_bcast == 0)
// fix the smac and bssid
memcpy(smac, sa, 6);
memcpy(locked_bssid_bcast, temp_bssid, 6);
joinlink_state_bcast = 1;
printf("change to bcast_state_1, lock channel\n");
else if(joinlink_state_bcast == 1)
if(memcmp(smac, sa, 6) || memcmp(temp_bssid, locked_bssid_bcast, 6))
if(!check_version_bcast(len, i_fc))
joinlink_state_bcast = 2;
printf("change to bcast_state_2\n");
else if(joinlink_state_bcast == 2)
if(memcmp(smac, sa, 6) || memcmp(temp_bssid, locked_bssid_bcast, 6))
if(!check_data_bcast(len, i_fc, frame_seq, temp_bssid))
// AP profile has been gotten
printf("decode failure, restart joinlink\n");
//TODO: intialize the data structure to restart receive data
decoded_state = 1;
return ret;
* copy the decode AP info to user space
* store the AP profile to result;
* ret: 0, success
* ret: -1, failure
int joinlink_get_result(joinlink_result_t *result)
if(decoded_state == 0)
return -1;
memcpy(result, AP_profile, sizeof(joinlink_result_t));
return 0;