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synced 2025-02-21 11:35:25 +00:00
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create new project
add list drawer ui
add DeviceList class
+json array
+add device, remove device, save changes
add popup dialog menu and ImageListAdapter for myDevice fragment
+display option menu to "Rename Device" & "Remove Device" (UI only)
update DeviceList class: map device from JSONArray to DeviceIcon ArrayList to display on UI
+getDeviceIcon() function
+getDeviceMac() function
rename ImageItem class to DeviceIcon class, and
+ add attribute and getter/setter function of "mac"
add package jdb curve25519 to project
add Apache Commons Codec library commons-codec-1.9 to project
add Apache Commons Codec library commons-io-2.4 to project
removed <android:layout_margin="5dp"> attribute in fragment_my_device.xml to fix the empty
gridview field problem when swipe-down
increased api level to api-21
added test data to test MyDeviceFragment & FindDeviceFragment
changed all serviceInfo.getAttributes().get(KEY).toString() functions
add tcpClient & tcpController class
add NsdHelper
*note : this version is not working: nsd could not resolve txtRecord
removed android nsd, added JmDNS library, use JmDNS to discovery and resolve network service, now mDNS resolving runs as a AsyncTask
changed build minSdkVersion from 21 to 16
add Constants class, migrating all constant values to one place
moved nsd discovery to MainActivity
add a trackingList in DeviceList
removed TcpController class
renamed TcpClient to TcpHelper, and reconstructed class functions
changed commons-codec-1.9 to commons-codec-1.6-repack to resolve class name confilics
removed commons-io-2.4
add android:configChanges="screenSize|orientation" in manifest
changed tcpThread class
changed tcp waiting time
move pairing function to another thread, now paring runs outside the UI thread
added a progress dialog when device pairing
update UI: checking if the device is online every 1s in MyDeviceFragment : 1 if the device's control type is cloud, it will always be online. 2 if the device's control type is local, it will be online only if its mac,ip,port are all same in trackingList.
device will be added into trackingList if 1. the device is not added yet AND 2. its already in saved list AND 3.the conltorl type is local control
related function update: when repairing device (that ip or port changed): remove the device (with old ip or port) from DeviceList first and add the device (with new ip or port)
Changed the condition to add a device to tempList: 1) if the mac is not already in tempList AND 2) the mac is not found in saved list or the mac is found in the saved list but device's port or ip has changed
added AES128 class
added HTSensorActivity class
Major update:
changes in DeviceList:
added a new list: transientList
added trackingListFindDeviceOnline()
trackingListAddDevice->trackingListUpdate , tempListAddDevice->tempListUpdate
removeDevice() -> add transientListRemoveDevice(mac) & trackingListRemoveDevice(mac)
removed ip & port field in JSONArray, for local link, ip and port will be retrieved from txtRecord
changes in FindDeviceFragment:
in pairing():
added mDeviceList.transientListAddDevice
removed mDeviceList.tempListRemoveDevice
changes in NsdHelper:
in doInBackground():
turn on/off of mDNS discovery periodically
changes in TcpThread:
in run():
add a Thread.sleep()
updated: functions in trackingListFindDeviceOnline()
removed device list length check in both MyDeviceFragment & FindDeviceFragment - > UI is forced to update periodically
-- local link done
updated pairing() function, add support of pairing cloud controlled device
renamed all "firebaseAccount" to "firebaseAppId"
in FidDeviceFragment: + add getFirebaseAppId() function
add activity class : RegisterFirebaseAccountActivity
updated UI and function for cloud device pairing (need test):
if device is a cloud controlled device:
--> a pop up EditText dialog will prompt to user to enter the firebase app id
if user doesn't have a firebase account:
--> RegisterFirebaseAccountActivity will start and open firebase registration page
--> start pairing process (3-handshake-pairing)
else start pairing process directly (2-handshake-pairing)
investigate the JmDNS crash problem:
--> on/off mdns discovery service frequently can increase the change of crush
--> the cause of crush is related to listener socket binding
--> solution not found yet, debugging ...
important update:
JmDNS crash problem solved:
+JmDNS discovery service is turned on once and continuously checking txtRecord change
+JmDNS txtRecord update bug is solved by replacing "jmdns.jar" library to "javax" source code package
Fixed a bug:
jmdns registers on IPv4 interface, but broadcasts IPv6 query
update JmDNS functions:
added a multicast lock
passed ip and host name to jmdns constructor
co-respond update of user permissions:
add permission "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"
add permission "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE"
Update on UI:
switch to "my device" UI once pairing is done
checking device availability before start connection
Add cloud control -> receive data from firebase
Update on UI & function:
Check firebase app Id before pairing: firebase app id -> generate app URL -> use "GET" method check http response:
if response=200, process pairing, otherwise terminate pairing.
add a function to hang-up tcp thread:
tcp thread will stop polling command when pairing/local transaction is done
add json parser to parse data get form local control
get temperature and humidity data form json data
changes on functions:
HTSensorActivity --> handle onDestroy(), moved amebaLocalLink() off UI-thread
FindDeviceFragment--> in pairing() function: hang() tcpThread
MyDeviceFragment--> startAmebaActivity(): checking if cloud control (firebase app URL) is available before start activity
UI update:
add 2 types of icons for cloud devices -> now total 4 types of icons can be shown on UI : cloud-online, cloud-offline, local-online, local-offline
limit description for saved devices to two-lines
Function update:
renamed TcpThread -> to TcpClient : echo() function in tcp is no more an async tack -> stability is improved on Sony c2105
updated testConnection() method for local device, ping device with a predefined time-out, ping result is returned within 5s
handel firebase empty data exception
UI & Function update:
added Androidplot library
plot sensor readings in HTSensorActivity with anddroidplot APIs
Find an issue : map object returned from firebase failed to be casted into double data type, see to-do tag in HTSensorActivity
Function update:
ameba-side will now push sensor readings as string type to firebase, app casts the map object returned from firebase into string type and parse it into double
updated the method to set graph upper and lower boundaries in HTSensorActivity
UI update:
display real values on navigation drawer instead of using the hardcoded numbers
add an database icon on prompt firebase app id layout
Function Update:
Remove device: added an unpairing process before remove device from UI
UI Update:
Remove device: added a prompt to force remove device from UI once unpairing is failed
add an icon for rename-device-dialog
Function & UI Update:
added preference settings to H&T Sensor activity
Function update:
H&T Sensor activity applies settings form shared preference
UI update:
H&T sensor activity displays description as title on action bar
Function update:
Added play alarm function for cloud link in HTSensorActivity
Added "double click to quit" feature no MainActivity
UI update:
Overwrite onCreate() method for About/MyDevice/FindDevice Fragment to set corresponding title on action bar
Changed error code numbers in Constants class:
err_unknown_error = -9 --> err_unknown_error = -10
err_firebase_app_url_cannot_be_verified = -10 --> err_firebase_app_url_cannot_be_verified = -9
Renamed project from "AmebaZeroconf" to "WiGadget" updated package name & app name
Changed app launcher icon
Fixed a bug in HTSensorActivity class that can cause alarm sound keep playing in background when cloud-control is used
Changed animation of "finding device" in FindDevice fragment
Fixed bugs reported by QC:
1. Turn displayed device status to be "online" when reconnected to Ameba via local link
2. Toggle device icon to be "online" after local/cloud link ie reachable
updated UI & icons
Fixed a bug that can cause app hang during unpairing process: Added a connection checking before sending unpairing request to Ameba
updated ConnectionChecker class, user can use both "xxx" or "xxx.firebaseio.com" as firebase app id