/* FreeRTOS includes */ #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include /********************* os depended utilities ********************/ #ifndef USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK #define USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK 1 #endif //----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Misc Function //----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ void save_and_cli() { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); } void restore_flags() { taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } void cli() { taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); } /* Not needed on 64bit architectures */ static unsigned int __div64_32(uint64_t *n, unsigned int base) { uint64_t rem = *n; uint64_t b = base; uint64_t res, d = 1; unsigned int high = rem >> 32; /* Reduce the thing a bit first */ res = 0; if (high >= base) { high /= base; res = (uint64_t) high << 32; rem -= (uint64_t) (high * base) << 32; } while ((uint64_t)b > 0 && b < rem) { b = b+b; d = d+d; } do { if (rem >= b) { rem -= b; res += d; } b >>= 1; d >>= 1; } while (d); *n = res; return rem; } /********************* os depended service ********************/ uint8_t* _freertos_malloc(uint32_t sz) { return pvPortMalloc(sz); } uint8_t* _freertos_zmalloc(uint32_t sz) { uint8_t *pbuf = _freertos_malloc(sz); if (pbuf != NULL) memset(pbuf, 0, sz); return pbuf; } void _freertos_mfree(uint8_t *pbuf, uint32_t sz) { vPortFree(pbuf); } static void _freertos_memcpy(void* dst, void* src, uint32_t sz) { memcpy(dst, src, sz); } static int _freertos_memcmp(void *dst, void *src, uint32_t sz) { //under Linux/GNU/GLibc, the return value of memcmp for two same mem. chunk is 0 if (!(memcmp(dst, src, sz))) return 1; return 0; } static void _freertos_memset(void *pbuf, int c, uint32_t sz) { memset(pbuf, c, sz); } static void _freertos_init_sema(_sema *sema, int init_val) { *sema = xSemaphoreCreateCounting(0xffffffff, init_val); //Set max count 0xffffffff } static void _freertos_free_sema(_sema *sema) { if(*sema != NULL) vSemaphoreDelete(*sema); *sema = NULL; } static void _freertos_up_sema(_sema *sema) { xSemaphoreGive(*sema); } static void _freertos_up_sema_from_isr(_sema *sema) { portBASE_TYPE taskWoken = pdFALSE; xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(*sema, &taskWoken); portEND_SWITCHING_ISR(taskWoken); } static uint32_t _freertos_down_sema(_sema *sema, uint32_t timeout) { if(timeout == RTW_MAX_DELAY) { timeout = portMAX_DELAY; } else { timeout = rtw_ms_to_systime(timeout); } if(xSemaphoreTake(*sema, timeout) != pdTRUE) { return pdFALSE; } return pdTRUE; } static void _freertos_mutex_init(_mutex *pmutex) { *pmutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); } static void _freertos_mutex_free(_mutex *pmutex) { if(*pmutex != NULL) vSemaphoreDelete(*pmutex); *pmutex = NULL; } static void _freertos_mutex_get(_lock *plock) { while(xSemaphoreTake(*plock, 60 * 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) DBG_ERR("[%s] %s(%p) failed, retry\n", pcTaskGetTaskName(NULL), __FUNCTION__, plock); } static int _freertos_mutex_get_timeout(_lock *plock, uint32_t timeout_ms) { if(xSemaphoreTake(*plock, timeout_ms / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE){ DBG_ERR("[%s] %s(%p) failed, retry\n", pcTaskGetTaskName(NULL), __FUNCTION__, plock); return -1; } return 0; } static void _freertos_mutex_put(_lock *plock) { xSemaphoreGive(*plock); } static void _freertos_enter_critical(_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL) { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); } static void _freertos_exit_critical(_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL) { taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } static uint32_t uxSavedInterruptStatus = 0; static void _freertos_enter_critical_from_isr(_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL) { portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID(); uxSavedInterruptStatus = portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR(); } static void _freertos_exit_critical_from_isr(_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL) { portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR( uxSavedInterruptStatus ); } static int _freertos_enter_critical_mutex(_mutex *pmutex, _irqL *pirqL) { int ret = 0; while(xSemaphoreTake(*pmutex, 60 * 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) printf("\n\r[%s] %s(%p) failed, retry\n", pcTaskGetTaskName(NULL), __FUNCTION__, pmutex); return ret; } static void _freertos_exit_critical_mutex(_mutex *pmutex, _irqL *pirqL) { xSemaphoreGive(*pmutex); } static void _freertos_spinlock_init(_lock *plock) { #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK *plock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #endif } static void _freertos_spinlock_free(_lock *plock) { #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK if(*plock != NULL) vSemaphoreDelete(*plock); *plock = NULL; #endif } static void _freertos_spinlock(_lock *plock) { #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK while(xSemaphoreTake(*plock, 60 * 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) DBG_ERR("[%s] %s(%p) failed, retry\n", pcTaskGetTaskName(NULL), __FUNCTION__, plock); #endif } static void _freertos_spinunlock(_lock *plock) { #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK xSemaphoreGive(*plock); #endif } static void _freertos_spinlock_irqsave(_lock *plock, _irqL *irqL) { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK while(xSemaphoreTake(*plock, 60 * 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) DBG_ERR("[%s] %s(%p) failed, retry\n", pcTaskGetTaskName(NULL), __FUNCTION__, plock); #endif } static void _freertos_spinunlock_irqsave(_lock *plock, _irqL *irqL) { #if USE_MUTEX_FOR_SPINLOCK xSemaphoreGive(*plock); #endif taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } static int _freertos_init_xqueue( _xqueue* queue, const char* name, uint32_t message_size, uint32_t number_of_messages ) { if ( ( *queue = xQueueCreate( number_of_messages, message_size ) ) == NULL ) { return -1; } return 0; } static int _freertos_push_to_xqueue( _xqueue* queue, void* message, uint32_t timeout_ms ) { if(timeout_ms == RTW_MAX_DELAY) { timeout_ms = portMAX_DELAY; } else { timeout_ms = rtw_ms_to_systime(timeout_ms); } if ( xQueueSendToBack( *queue, message, timeout_ms ) != pdPASS ) { return -1; } return 0; } static int _freertos_pop_from_xqueue( _xqueue* queue, void* message, uint32_t timeout_ms ) { if(timeout_ms == RTW_WAIT_FOREVER) { timeout_ms = portMAX_DELAY; } else { timeout_ms = rtw_ms_to_systime(timeout_ms); } if ( xQueueReceive( *queue, message, timeout_ms ) != pdPASS ) { return -1; } return 0; } static int _freertos_deinit_xqueue( _xqueue* queue ) { int result = 0; if( uxQueueMessagesWaiting( queue ) ) { result = -1; } vQueueDelete( *queue ); return result; } static uint32_t _freertos_get_current_time(void) { return xTaskGetTickCount(); //The count of ticks since vTaskStartScheduler was called. } static uint32_t _freertos_systime_to_ms(uint32_t systime) { return systime * portTICK_RATE_MS; } static uint32_t _freertos_systime_to_sec(uint32_t systime) { return systime / configTICK_RATE_HZ; } static uint32_t _freertos_ms_to_systime(uint32_t ms) { return ms / portTICK_RATE_MS; } static uint32_t _freertos_sec_to_systime(uint32_t sec) { return sec * configTICK_RATE_HZ; } static void _freertos_msleep_os(int ms) { #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) vTaskDelay(ms / portTICK_RATE_MS); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) if (pmu_yield_os_check()) { vTaskDelay(ms / portTICK_RATE_MS); } else { DelayMs(ms); } #endif } extern void wait_us(int us); // До 2.147483648 секунды! static void _freertos_usleep_os(int us) { #if defined(STM32F2XX) || defined(STM32F4XX) || defined(STM32F10X_XL) // FreeRTOS does not provide us level delay. Use busy wait WLAN_BSP_UsLoop(us); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) wait_us(us); //DBG_ERR("%s: Please Implement micro-second delay\n", __FUNCTION__); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) DelayUs(us); #else #error "Please implement hardware dependent micro second level sleep here" #endif } static void _freertos_mdelay_os(int ms) { vTaskDelay(ms / portTICK_RATE_MS); } static void _freertos_udelay_os(int us) { #if defined(STM32F2XX) || defined(STM32F4XX) || defined(STM32F10X_XL) // FreeRTOS does not provide us level delay. Use busy wait WLAN_BSP_UsLoop(us); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) // HalDelayUs(us); wait_us(us); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) DelayUs(us); #else #error "Please implement hardware dependent micro second level sleep here" #endif } static void _freertos_yield_os(void) { #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) taskYIELD(); #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) if (pmu_yield_os_check()) { taskYIELD(); } else { DelayMs(1); } #endif } static void _freertos_ATOMIC_SET(ATOMIC_T *v, int i) { atomic_set(v,i); } static int _freertos_ATOMIC_READ(ATOMIC_T *v) { return atomic_read(v); } static void _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD(ATOMIC_T *v, int i) { save_and_cli(); v->counter += i; restore_flags(); } static void _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB(ATOMIC_T *v, int i) { save_and_cli(); v->counter -= i; restore_flags(); } static void _freertos_ATOMIC_INC(ATOMIC_T *v) { _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD(v, 1); } static void _freertos_ATOMIC_DEC(ATOMIC_T *v) { _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB(v, 1); } static int _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN(ATOMIC_T *v, int i) { int temp; save_and_cli(); temp = v->counter; temp += i; v->counter = temp; restore_flags(); return temp; } static int _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN(ATOMIC_T *v, int i) { int temp; save_and_cli(); temp = v->counter; temp -= i; v->counter = temp; restore_flags(); return temp; } static int _freertos_ATOMIC_INC_RETURN(ATOMIC_T *v) { return _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN(v, 1); } static int _freertos_ATOMIC_DEC_RETURN(ATOMIC_T *v) { return _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN(v, 1); } static uint64_t _freertos_modular64(uint64_t n, uint64_t base) { unsigned int __base = (base); unsigned int __rem; if (((n) >> 32) == 0) { __rem = (unsigned int)(n) % __base; (n) = (unsigned int)(n) / __base; } else __rem = __div64_32(&(n), __base); return __rem; } /* Refer to ecos bsd tcpip codes */ static int _freertos_arc4random(void) { uint32_t res = xTaskGetTickCount(); static unsigned long seed = 0xDEADB00B; #if CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B if(random_seed){ seed = random_seed; random_seed = 0; } #endif seed = ((seed & 0x007F00FF) << 7) ^ ((seed & 0x0F80FF00) >> 8) ^ // be sure to stir those low bits (res << 13) ^ (res >> 9); // using the clock too! return (int)seed; } static int _freertos_get_random_bytes(void *buf, size_t len) { #if 1 //becuase of 4-byte align, we use the follow code style. unsigned int ranbuf; unsigned int *lp; int i, count; count = len / sizeof(unsigned int); lp = (unsigned int *) buf; for(i = 0; i < count; i ++) { lp[i] = _freertos_arc4random(); len -= sizeof(unsigned int); } if(len > 0) { ranbuf = _freertos_arc4random(); _freertos_memcpy(&lp[i], &ranbuf, len); } return 0; #else unsigned long ranbuf, *lp; lp = (unsigned long *)buf; while (len > 0) { ranbuf = _freertos_arc4random(); *lp++ = ranbuf; //this op need the pointer is 4Byte-align! len -= sizeof(ranbuf); } return 0; #endif } static uint32_t _freertos_GetFreeHeapSize(void) { return (uint32_t)xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); } //extern void *tcm_heap_malloc(int size); static int _freertos_create_task(struct task_struct *ptask, const char *name, uint32_t stack_size, uint32_t priority, thread_func_t func, void *thctx) { thread_func_t task_func = NULL; void *task_ctx = NULL; int ret = 0; ptask->task_name = name; ptask->blocked = 0; ptask->callback_running = 0; _freertos_init_sema(&ptask->wakeup_sema, 0); _freertos_init_sema(&ptask->terminate_sema, 0); //rtw_init_queue(&wq->work_queue); if(func){ task_func = func; task_ctx = thctx; } //else{ // task_func = freertos_wq_thread_handler; // task_ctx = wq; //} priority += tskIDLE_PRIORITY + PRIORITIE_OFFSET; if(rtw_if_wifi_thread((char *)name) == 0){ #if CONFIG_USE_TCM_HEAP void *stack_addr = tcm_heap_malloc(stack_size*sizeof(int)); //void *stack_addr = rtw_malloc(stack_size*sizeof(int)); if(stack_addr == NULL){ DBG_INFO("Out of TCM heap in \"%s\" ", ptask->task_name); } ret = xTaskGenericCreate( task_func, (const char *)name, stack_size, task_ctx, priority, &ptask->task, stack_addr, NULL); #else ret = xTaskCreate( task_func, (const char *)name, stack_size, task_ctx, priority, &ptask->task); #endif } else{ ret = xTaskCreate( task_func, (const char *)name, stack_size, task_ctx, priority, &ptask->task); } if(ret != pdPASS){ DBG_ERR("Create Task \"%s\" Failed! ret=%d\n", ptask->task_name, ret); } DBG_TRACE("Create Task \"%s\"\n", ptask->task_name); return ret; } static void _freertos_delete_task(struct task_struct *ptask) { if (!ptask->task){ DBG_ERR("_freertos_delete_task(): ptask is NULL!\n"); return; } ptask->blocked = 1; _freertos_up_sema(&ptask->wakeup_sema); _freertos_down_sema(&ptask->terminate_sema, TIMER_MAX_DELAY); //rtw_deinit_queue(&wq->work_queue); _freertos_free_sema(&ptask->wakeup_sema); _freertos_free_sema(&ptask->terminate_sema); ptask->task = 0; DBG_TRACE("Delete Task \"%s\"\n", ptask->task_name); } void _freertos_wakeup_task(struct task_struct *ptask) { _freertos_up_sema(&ptask->wakeup_sema); } static void _freertos_thread_enter(char *name) { DBG_INFO("\n\rRTKTHREAD %s\n", name); } static void _freertos_thread_exit(void) { DBG_INFO("\n\rRTKTHREAD exit %s\n", __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); } _timerHandle _freertos_timerCreate( const signed char *pcTimerName, osdepTickType xTimerPeriodInTicks, uint32_t uxAutoReload, void * pvTimerID, TIMER_FUN pxCallbackFunction ) { if(xTimerPeriodInTicks == TIMER_MAX_DELAY) { xTimerPeriodInTicks = portMAX_DELAY; } return xTimerCreate((const char *)pcTimerName, xTimerPeriodInTicks, uxAutoReload, pvTimerID, pxCallbackFunction); } uint32_t _freertos_timerDelete( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerDelete(xTimer, xBlockTime); } uint32_t _freertos_timerIsTimerActive( _timerHandle xTimer ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerIsTimerActive(xTimer); } uint32_t _freertos_timerStop( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerStop(xTimer, xBlockTime); } uint32_t _freertos_timerChangePeriod( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xNewPeriod, osdepTickType xBlockTime ) { if(xNewPeriod == 0) xNewPeriod += 1; return (uint32_t)xTimerChangePeriod(xTimer, xNewPeriod, xBlockTime); } void *_freertos_timerGetID( _timerHandle xTimer ){ return pvTimerGetTimerID(xTimer); } uint32_t _freertos_timerStart( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerStart(xTimer, xBlockTime); } uint32_t _freertos_timerStartFromISR( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerStartFromISR(xTimer, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } uint32_t _freertos_timerStopFromISR( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerStopFromISR(xTimer, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } uint32_t _freertos_timerResetFromISR( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerResetFromISR(xTimer, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } uint32_t _freertos_timerChangePeriodFromISR( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xNewPeriod, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) { if(xNewPeriod == 0) xNewPeriod += 1; return (uint32_t)xTimerChangePeriodFromISR(xTimer, xNewPeriod, pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } uint32_t _freertos_timerReset( _timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime ) { return (uint32_t)xTimerReset(xTimer, xBlockTime); } void _freertos_acquire_wakelock() { #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) #if defined(configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU) && (configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU == 1) pmu_acquire_wakelock(PMU_WLAN_DEVICE); #endif #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) #if defined(configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU) && (configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU == 1) if (pmu_yield_os_check()) pmu_acquire_wakelock(PMU_WLAN_DEVICE); #endif #endif } void _freertos_release_wakelock() { #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) #if defined(configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU) && (configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU == 1) pmu_release_wakelock(PMU_WLAN_DEVICE); #endif #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) #if defined(configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU) && (configUSE_WAKELOCK_PMU == 1) if (pmu_yield_os_check()) pmu_release_wakelock(PMU_WLAN_DEVICE); #endif #endif } void _freertos_wakelock_timeout(uint32_t timeout) { #if defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A) #elif defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) if (pmu_yield_os_check()) pmu_set_sysactive_time(PMU_WLAN_DEVICE, timeout); else DBG_INFO("can't aquire wake during suspend flow!!\n"); #endif } uint8_t _freertos_get_scheduler_state(void) { uint8_t state = xTaskGetSchedulerState(); switch(state){ case taskSCHEDULER_NOT_STARTED: state = OS_SCHEDULER_NOT_STARTED; break; case taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING: state = OS_SCHEDULER_RUNNING; break; case taskSCHEDULER_SUSPENDED: state = OS_SCHEDULER_SUSPENDED; break; } return state; } const struct osdep_service_ops osdep_service = { _freertos_malloc, //rtw_vmalloc _freertos_zmalloc, //rtw_zvmalloc _freertos_mfree, //rtw_vmfree _freertos_malloc, //rtw_malloc _freertos_zmalloc, //rtw_zmalloc _freertos_mfree, //rtw_mfree _freertos_memcpy, //rtw_memcpy _freertos_memcmp, //rtw_memcmp _freertos_memset, //rtw_memset _freertos_init_sema, //rtw_init_sema _freertos_free_sema, //rtw_free_sema _freertos_up_sema, //rtw_up_sema _freertos_up_sema_from_isr, //rtw_up_sema_from_isr _freertos_down_sema, //rtw_down_sema _freertos_mutex_init, //rtw_mutex_init _freertos_mutex_free, //rtw_mutex_free _freertos_mutex_get, //rtw_mutex_get _freertos_mutex_get_timeout,//rtw_mutex_get_timeout _freertos_mutex_put, //rtw_mutex_put _freertos_enter_critical, //rtw_enter_critical _freertos_exit_critical, //rtw_exit_critical _freertos_enter_critical_from_isr, //rtw_enter_critical_from_isr _freertos_exit_critical_from_isr, //rtw_exit_critical_from_isr NULL, //rtw_enter_critical_bh NULL, //rtw_exit_critical_bh _freertos_enter_critical_mutex, //rtw_enter_critical_mutex _freertos_exit_critical_mutex, //rtw_exit_critical_mutex _freertos_spinlock_init, //rtw_spinlock_init _freertos_spinlock_free, //rtw_spinlock_free _freertos_spinlock, //rtw_spin_lock _freertos_spinunlock, //rtw_spin_unlock _freertos_spinlock_irqsave, //rtw_spinlock_irqsave _freertos_spinunlock_irqsave, //rtw_spinunlock_irqsave _freertos_init_xqueue, //rtw_init_xqueue _freertos_push_to_xqueue, //rtw_push_to_xqueue _freertos_pop_from_xqueue, //rtw_pop_from_xqueue _freertos_deinit_xqueue, //rtw_deinit_xqueue _freertos_get_current_time, //rtw_get_current_time _freertos_systime_to_ms, //rtw_systime_to_ms _freertos_systime_to_sec, //rtw_systime_to_sec _freertos_ms_to_systime, //rtw_ms_to_systime _freertos_sec_to_systime, //rtw_sec_to_systime _freertos_msleep_os, //rtw_msleep_os _freertos_usleep_os, //rtw_usleep_os _freertos_mdelay_os, //rtw_mdelay_os _freertos_udelay_os, //rtw_udelay_os _freertos_yield_os, //rtw_yield_os _freertos_ATOMIC_SET, //ATOMIC_SET _freertos_ATOMIC_READ, //ATOMIC_READ _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD, //ATOMIC_ADD _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB, //ATOMIC_SUB _freertos_ATOMIC_INC, //ATOMIC_INC _freertos_ATOMIC_DEC, //ATOMIC_DEC _freertos_ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN, //ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN _freertos_ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN, //ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN _freertos_ATOMIC_INC_RETURN, //ATOMIC_INC_RETURN _freertos_ATOMIC_DEC_RETURN, //ATOMIC_DEC_RETURN _freertos_modular64, //rtw_modular64 _freertos_get_random_bytes, //rtw_get_random_bytes _freertos_GetFreeHeapSize, //rtw_getFreeHeapSize _freertos_create_task, //rtw_create_task _freertos_delete_task, //rtw_delete_task _freertos_wakeup_task, //rtw_wakeup_task _freertos_thread_enter, //rtw_thread_enter _freertos_thread_exit, //rtw_thread_exit _freertos_timerCreate, //rtw_timerCreate, _freertos_timerDelete, //rtw_timerDelete, _freertos_timerIsTimerActive, //rtw_timerIsTimerActive, _freertos_timerStop, //rtw_timerStop, _freertos_timerChangePeriod, //rtw_timerChangePeriod _freertos_timerGetID, //rtw_timerGetID _freertos_timerStart, //rtw_timerStart _freertos_timerStartFromISR, //rtw_timerStartFromISR _freertos_timerStopFromISR, //rtw_timerStopFromISR _freertos_timerResetFromISR, //rtw_timerResetFromISR _freertos_timerChangePeriodFromISR, //rtw_timerChangePeriodFromISR _freertos_timerReset, //rtw_timerReset _freertos_acquire_wakelock, //rtw_acquire_wakelock _freertos_release_wakelock, //rtw_release_wakelock _freertos_wakelock_timeout, //rtw_wakelock_timeout _freertos_get_scheduler_state //rtw_get_scheduler_state };