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2017-11-28 19:31:40 +00:00
* FileName: tcp_srv_conn.c
* TCP сервачек для ESP8266
* pvvx ver1.0 20/12/2014
* Перекинут на RTL871X pvvx 2017
#include "user_config.h"
#include "autoconf.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "diag.h"
#include "lwip/tcp.h"
#include "lwip/tcp_impl.h"
#include "lwip/memp.h"
#include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
#include "flash_eep.h"
#include "tcpsrv/tcp_srv_conn.h"
#include "rtl8195a/rtl_libc.h"
#include "esp_comp.h"
#define DEBUGSOO 2 // уровень вывода отладочной инфы по умолчанию = 2, =1 только error
#define DEBUGSOO 0
// Lwip funcs - http://www.ecoscentric.com/ecospro/doc/html/ref/lwip.html
#define ts_printf(...) rtl_printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define system_get_free_heap_size xPortGetFreeHeapSize
extern void *pvPortZalloc(size_t xWantedSize);
extern void vPortFree(void *pv);
extern void *pvPortMalloc(size_t xWantedSize);
#undef os_free
#define os_free(p) vPortFree(p)
#undef os_malloc
#define os_malloc(p) pvPortMalloc(p)
#undef os_zalloc
#define os_zalloc(p) pvPortZalloc(p)
#undef os_realloc
#define os_realloc(p,s) pvPortReAlloc(p,s)
extern __rtl_memsetw_v1_00(void *, uint32, size_t);
void *pvPortZalloc( size_t xWantedSize )
void *pvReturn = pvPortMalloc(xWantedSize);
if(pvReturn != NULL) __rtl_memsetw_v1_00(pvReturn, 0, (xWantedSize + 3)>>2);
return pvReturn;
TCP_SERV_CFG *phcfg TCP_SRV_BSSDATA_ATTR; // = NULL; // начальный указатель в памяти на структуры открытых сервачков
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
const uint8 txt_tcpsrv_NULL_pointer[] TCP_SRV_RODATA_ATTR = "tcpsrv: NULL pointer!\n";
const uint8 txt_tcpsrv_already_initialized[] TCP_SRV_RODATA_ATTR = "tcpsrv: already initialized!\n";
const uint8 txt_tcpsrv_out_of_mem[] TCP_SRV_RODATA_ATTR = "tcpsrv: out of mem!\n";
//#define mMIN(a, b) ((a<b)?a:b)
// пред.описание...
static void tcpsrv_list_delete(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
static void tcpsrv_disconnect_successful(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
static void tcpsrv_server_close(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
static err_t tcpsrv_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
static void tcpsrv_error(void *arg, err_t err) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
//err_t tcpsrv_connected(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, err_t err) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
//err_t tcpsrv_client_connect(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
//void tcpsrv_client_reconnect(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR;
#ifndef LWIP_DEBUG
#include "lwip/init.h"
#if (LWIP_VERSION != 0x010401ff)
#error "Only LwIP version 1.4.1 !"
static const char *err_strerr[] = {
"Ok", /* ERR_OK 0 */
"Out of memory error", /* ERR_MEM -1 */
"Buffer error", /* ERR_BUF -2 */
"Timeout", /* ERR_TIMEOUT -3 */
"Routing problem", /* ERR_RTE -4 */
"Operation in progress", /* ERR_INPROGRESS -5 */
"Illegal value", /* ERR_VAL -6 */
"Operation would block", /* ERR_WOULDBLOCK -7 */
"Address in use", /* ERR_USE -8 */
"Already connected", /* ERR_ISCONN -9 */
"Connection aborted", /* ERR_ABRT -10 */
"Connection reset", /* ERR_RST -11 */
"Connection closed", /* ERR_CLSD -12 */
"Not connected", /* ERR_CONN -13 */
"Illegal argument", /* ERR_ARG -14 */
"Low-level netif error", /* ERR_IF -15 */
static const char srvContenErrX[] = "?";
* FunctionName : tspsrv_error_msg
* Description : строка ошибки по номеру
* Parameters : LwIP err
* Returns : указатель на строку ошибки
const char * tspsrv_error_msg(err_t err)
if((err > -16) && (err < 1)) {
return lwip_strerr(err);
else return srvContenErrX;
extern const char * const tcp_state_str[];
* FunctionName : tspsrv_tcp_state_msg
* Description : строка tcp_state по номеру
* Parameters : LwIP tcp_state
* Returns : указатель на строку
const char * tspsrv_tcp_state_msg(enum tcp_state state)
if(state > TIME_WAIT && state < CLOSED) return srvContenErrX;
return tcp_state_str[state];
* FunctionName : tspsrv_tcp_state_msg
* Description : строка tcp_state по номеру
* Parameters : LwIP tcp_state
* Returns : указатель на строку
static const char *msg_srvconn_state[] = {
const char * tspsrv_srvconn_state_msg(enum srvconn_state state)
if(state > SRVCONN_CLOSED && state < SRVCONN_NONE) return (const char *) srvContenErrX;
return (const char *) msg_srvconn_state[state];
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_print_remote_info
* Description : выводит remote_ip:remote_port [conn_count] ts_printf("srv x.x.x.x:x [n] ")
* Parameters : TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn
* Returns : none
void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_print_remote_info(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
//#if DEBUGSOO > 0
uint16 port;
if(ts_conn->pcb != NULL) port = ts_conn->pcb->local_port;
else port = ts_conn->pcfg->port;
ts_printf("srv[%u] %d.%d.%d.%d:%d [%d] ", port,
ts_conn->remote_ip.b[0], ts_conn->remote_ip.b[1],
ts_conn->remote_ip.b[2], ts_conn->remote_ip.b[3],
ts_conn->remote_port, ts_conn->pcfg->conn_count);
* Default call back functions
void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_disconnect_calback_default(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
ts_conn->pcb = NULL;
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_listen_default(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
return ERR_OK;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_connected_default(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
return ERR_OK;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_sent_callback_default(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
return ERR_OK;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_received_data_default(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("received, buffer %d bytes\n", ts_conn->sizei);
return ERR_OK;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_check_max_tm_tcp_pcb
* Description : Ограничение неактивных pcb в списках lwip до MAX_TIME_WAIT_PCB
* Parameters : none
* Returns : none
static void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_check_max_tm_tcp_pcb(void)
struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
int i = 0;
for (pcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) i++;
#if DEBUGSOO > 4
ts_printf("tcpsrv: check %d tm pcb\n", i);
while(i-- > MAX_TIME_WAIT_PCB) {
struct tcp_pcb *inactive = NULL;
for (pcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
inactive = pcb;
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv: kill %d tm pcb\n", i);
if(inactive != NULL) {
tcp_pcb_remove(&tcp_tw_pcbs, inactive);
memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, inactive);
* FunctionName : find_tcp_pcb
* Description : поиск pcb в списках lwip
* Parameters : TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn
* Returns : *pcb or NULL
struct tcp_pcb * TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR find_tcp_pcb(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) {
struct tcp_pcb *pcb = ts_conn->pcb;
if (pcb) {
uint16 remote_port = ts_conn->remote_port;
uint16 local_port = ts_conn->pcfg->port;
uint32 ip = ts_conn->remote_ip.dw;
if ((pcb->remote_port == remote_port) && (pcb->local_port == local_port)
&& (pcb->remote_ip.addr == ip))
return pcb;
for (pcb = tcp_active_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
if ((pcb->remote_port == remote_port) && (pcb->local_port == local_port)
&& (pcb->remote_ip.addr == ip))
return pcb;
for (pcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
if ((pcb->remote_port == remote_port) && (pcb->local_port == local_port)
&& (pcb->remote_ip.addr == ip))
return pcb;
return NULL;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_disconnect
* Description : disconnect
* Parameters : TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn
* Returns : none
void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_disconnect(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) {
if (ts_conn == NULL || ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT) return; // уже закрывается
ts_conn->pcb = find_tcp_pcb(ts_conn); // ещё жива данная pcb ?
if (ts_conn->pcb != NULL) tcpsrv_server_close(ts_conn);
* FunctionName : internal fun: tcpsrv_int_sent_data
* Description : передача данных (не буферизированная! только передача в tcp Lwip-у)
* вызывать только из call back с текущим pcb!
* Parameters : TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn
* uint8* psent - буфер с данными
* uint16 length - кол-во передаваемых байт
* Returns : tcp error
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_int_sent_data(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn, uint8 *psent, uint16 length) {
err_t err = ERR_ARG;
if(ts_conn == NULL) return err;
ts_conn->pcb = find_tcp_pcb(ts_conn); // ещё жива данная pcb ?
struct tcp_pcb *pcb = ts_conn->pcb;
if(pcb == NULL || ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT) return ERR_CONN;
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufo = 1; // буфер bufo занят
if(tcp_sndbuf(pcb) < length) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("sent_data length (%u) > sndbuf (%u)!\n", length, tcp_sndbuf(pcb));
return err;
if (length) {
if(ts_conn->flag.nagle_disabled) tcp_nagle_disable(pcb);
err = tcp_write(pcb, psent, length, 1);
if (err == ERR_OK) {
ts_conn->ptrtx = psent + length;
ts_conn->cntro -= length;
ts_conn->flag.wait_sent = 1; // ожидать завершения передачи (sent_cb)
err = tcp_output(pcb); // передать что влезло
} else { // ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_CLOSE;
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("tcp_write(%p, %p, %u) = %d! pbuf = %u\n", pcb, psent, length, err, tcp_sndbuf(pcb));
ts_conn->flag.wait_sent = 0;
} else { // создать вызов tcpsrv_server_sent()
err = tcp_output(pcb); // передать пустое
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufo = 0; // буфер bufo свободен
return err;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_server_sent
* Description : Data has been sent and acknowledged by the remote host.
* This means that more data can be sent.
* Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
* pcb -- The connection pcb for which data has been acknowledged
* len -- The amount of bytes acknowledged
* Returns : ERR_OK: try to send some data by calling tcp_output
* ERR_ABRT: if you have called tcp_abort from within the function!
static err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_server_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, uint16_t len) {
sint8 ret_err = ERR_OK;
TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn = arg;
if (ts_conn == NULL || pcb == NULL) return ERR_ARG;
ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_CONNECT;
ts_conn->recv_check = 0;
ts_conn->flag.wait_sent = 0; // блок передан
if ((ts_conn->flag.tx_null == 0)
&& (ts_conn->pcfg->func_sent_cb != NULL)) {
ret_err = ts_conn->pcfg->func_sent_cb(ts_conn);
return ret_err;
* FunctionName : recv_trim_bufi
* Description : увеличение размера буфера приема на newadd
* Parameters : ts_conn, newadd - требуемое дополнение размера буфера
* Returns : err_t
static err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR recv_trim_bufi(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn, uint32 newadd)
uint32 len = 0;
// while(ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi) vTaskDelay(1);
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi = 1; // идет обработка bufi
if(newadd) {
// требуется дополнение размера буфера
if(ts_conn->pbufi != NULL) { // уже есть какой-то буфер
if ((ts_conn->flag.rx_buf) && ts_conn->cntri < ts_conn->sizei) { // буфер не пуст
len = ts_conn->sizei - ts_conn->cntri; // размер необработанных данных
if(ts_conn->cntri >= newadd) { // кол-во обработанных байт (пустого места в буфере) больше чем дополнение
os_memcpy(ts_conn->pbufi, &ts_conn->pbufi[ts_conn->cntri], len ); // скопировать необработанную часть в начало буфера
ts_conn->sizei = len;
if(ts_conn->cntri != newadd) { // кол-во обработанных байт (пустого места в буфере) равно требуемому дополнению
// уменьшение занимаемого буфера в памяти
len += newadd; //
ts_conn->pbufi = (uint8 *)os_realloc(ts_conn->pbufi, len + 1); //mem_trim(ts_conn->pbufi, len);
if(ts_conn->pbufi == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("memtrim err %p[%d] ", ts_conn->pbufi, len + 1);
return ERR_MEM;
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("memi%p[%d] ", ts_conn->pbufi, len);
ts_conn->pbufi[len] = '\0'; // вместо os_zalloc;
ts_conn->cntri = 0;
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi = 0; // обработка bufi окончена
return ERR_OK;
else { // буфер пуст или не тот режим
// удалить буфер
ts_conn->pbufi = NULL;
// подготовка нового буфера, если его нет или не лезет дополнение
uint8 * newbufi = (uint8 *) os_malloc(len + newadd + 1);
if (newbufi == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("memerr %p[%d] ", newbufi, len + newadd);
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi = 0; // обработка bufi окончена
return ERR_MEM;
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("memi%p[%d] ", newbufi, len + newadd);
newbufi[len + newadd] = '\0'; // вместо os_zalloc
if(len) {
os_memcpy(newbufi, &ts_conn->pbufi[ts_conn->cntri], len);
ts_conn->pbufi = newbufi;
ts_conn->sizei = len;
else {
// оптимизация буфера (уменьшение занимаемого размера)
if((!ts_conn->flag.rx_buf) || ts_conn->cntri >= ts_conn->sizei) { // буфер обработан
ts_conn->sizei = 0;
if (ts_conn->pbufi != NULL) {
os_free(ts_conn->pbufi); // освободить буфер.
ts_conn->pbufi = NULL;
else if(ts_conn->cntri) { // есть обработанные данные
// уменьшение занимаемого размера на обработанные данные
len = ts_conn->sizei - ts_conn->cntri;
os_memcpy(ts_conn->pbufi, &ts_conn->pbufi[ts_conn->cntri], len );
ts_conn->sizei = len;
ts_conn->pbufi = (uint8 *)os_realloc(ts_conn->pbufi, len + 1); //mem_trim(ts_conn->pbufi, len);
if(ts_conn->pbufi == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("memtrim err %p[%d] ", ts_conn->pbufi, len + 1);
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi = 0; // обработка bufi окончена
return ERR_MEM;
ts_conn->pbufi[len] = '\0'; // вместо os_zalloc;
ts_conn->cntri = 0;
ts_conn->flag.busy_bufi = 0; // обработка bufi окончена
return ERR_OK;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_server_recv
* Description : Data has been received on this pcb.
* Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
* pcb -- The connection pcb which received data
* p -- The received data (or NULL when the connection has been closed!)
* err -- An error code if there has been an error receiving
* Returns : ERR_ABRT: if you have called tcp_abort from within the function!
static err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_server_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err) {
// Sets the callback function that will be called when new data arrives on the connection associated with pcb.
// The callback function will be passed a NULL pbuf to indicate that the remote host has closed the connection.
TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn = arg;
if (ts_conn == NULL || pcb == NULL) return ERR_ARG;
// if(syscfg.cfg.b.hi_speed_enable) set_cpu_clk();
if (p == NULL || err != ERR_OK) { // the remote host has closed the connection.
return err;
// если нет функции обработки или ожидаем закрытия соединения, то принимаем данные в трубу
if ((ts_conn->flag.rx_null != 0) || (ts_conn->pcfg->func_recv == NULL)
|| (ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT)) { // соединение закрыто? нет.
tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len + ts_conn->unrecved_bytes); // сообщает стеку, что съели len и можно посылать ACK и принимать новые данные.
ts_conn->unrecved_bytes = 0;
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("rec_null %d of %d\n", ts_conn->cntri, p->tot_len);
pbuf_free(p); // данные выели
return ERR_OK;
ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_CONNECT; // был прием
ts_conn->recv_check = 0; // счет времени до авто-закрытия с нуля
if(p->tot_len) {
err = recv_trim_bufi(ts_conn, p->tot_len); // увеличить буфер
if(err != ERR_OK) return err;
// добавление всего что отдал Lwip в буфер
uint32 len = pbuf_copy_partial(p, &ts_conn->pbufi[ts_conn->sizei], p->tot_len, 0);
ts_conn->sizei += len;
pbuf_free(p); // все данные выели
if(!ts_conn->flag.rx_buf) {
tcp_recved(pcb, len); // сообщает стеку, что съели len и можно посылать ACK и принимать новые данные.
else ts_conn->unrecved_bytes += len;
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("rec %d of %d :\n", p->tot_len, ts_conn->sizei);
err = ts_conn->pcfg->func_recv(ts_conn);
err_t err2 = recv_trim_bufi(ts_conn, 0); // оптимизировать размер занимаемый буфером
if(err2 != ERR_OK) return err2;
return err;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_unrecved_win
* Description : Update the TCP window.
* This can be used to throttle data reception (e.g. when received data is
* programmed to flash and data is received faster than programmed).
* Parameters : TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn
* Returns : none
* После включения throttle, будет принято до 5840 (MAX WIN) + 1460 (MSS) байт?
void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_unrecved_win(TCP_SERV_CONN *ts_conn) {
if (ts_conn->unrecved_bytes) {
// update the TCP window
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("recved_bytes=%d\n", ts_conn->unrecved_bytes);
#if 1
if(ts_conn->pcb != NULL) tcp_recved(ts_conn->pcb, ts_conn->unrecved_bytes);
struct tcp_pcb *pcb = find_tcp_pcb(ts_conn); // уже закрыто?
if(pcb != NULL) tcp_recved(ts_conn->pcb, ts_conn->unrecved_bytes);
ts_conn->unrecved_bytes = 0;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_disconnect
* Description : disconnect with host
* Parameters : ts_conn
* Returns : none
static void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_disconnect_successful(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) {
ts_conn->pcb = NULL;
tcpsrv_list_delete(ts_conn); // remove the node from the server's connection list
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_server_close
* Description : The connection shall be actively closed.
* Parameters : ts_conn
* Returns : none
static void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_server_close(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) {
struct tcp_pcb *pcb = ts_conn->pcb;
if(pcb == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv_server_close, state: %s, pcb = NULL!\n", tspsrv_srvconn_state_msg(ts_conn->state));
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv_server_close[%d], state: %s\n", pcb->local_port, tspsrv_srvconn_state_msg(ts_conn->state));
if(ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT && ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSED) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("start close...\n");
ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT;
ts_conn->recv_check = 0;
ts_conn->flag.wait_sent = 0; // блок передан
ts_conn->flag.rx_null = 1; // отключение вызова func_received_data() и прием в null
ts_conn->flag.tx_null = 1; // отключение вызова func_sent_callback() и передача в null
// отключение функций приема, передачи и poll
tcp_recv(pcb, NULL); // отключение приема
tcp_sent(pcb, NULL); // отключение передачи
tcp_poll(pcb, NULL, 0); // отключение poll
tcp_err(pcb, NULL);
if(ts_conn->unrecved_bytes) {
tcp_recved(pcb, TCP_WND);
ts_conn->unrecved_bytes = 0;
// освободить буфера
if (ts_conn->pbufo != NULL) {
ts_conn->pbufo = NULL;
ts_conn->sizeo = 0;
ts_conn->cntro = 0;
if (ts_conn->pbufi != NULL) {
ts_conn->pbufi = NULL;
ts_conn->sizei = 0;
ts_conn->cntri = 0;
if(ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT || ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CLOSED) {
if (pcb->state == CLOSED || pcb->state == TIME_WAIT) {
/*remove the node from the server's active connection list*/
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("close[%d]\n", pcb->local_port);
} else {
if (ts_conn->recv_check > 3) { // счет до принудительного закрытия 3 раза по TCP_SRV_CLOSE_WAIT
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
tcp_poll(pcb, NULL, 0);
//?/ tcp_err(pcb, NULL);
tcp_abandon(pcb, 0);
// ts_conn->pcb = NULL;
// remove the node from the server's active connection list
else if (tcp_close(pcb) != ERR_OK) { // послать закрытие соединения, closing failed
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("+ncls+[%d]\n", pcb->local_port);
// closing failed, try again later
tcp_poll(pcb, tcpsrv_poll, 2*(TCP_SRV_CLOSE_WAIT));
else {
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcp_close[%d] ok.\n", pcb->local_port);
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
else {
ts_printf("already close!\n");
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_poll (server and client)
* Description : The poll function is called every 1 second.
* This could be increased, but we don't want to waste resources for bad connections.
* Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
* pcb -- The connection pcb for which data has been acknowledged
* Returns : ERR_OK: try to send some data by calling tcp_output
* ERR_ABRT: if you have called tcp_abort from within the function!
static err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb) {
TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn = arg;
if (ts_conn == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("poll, ts_conn = NULL! - abandon\n");
tcp_poll(pcb, NULL, 0);
tcp_err(pcb, NULL);
tcp_abandon(pcb, 0);
return ERR_ABRT;
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("poll: %d %s#%s, %d,%d, pcb:%p\n", ts_conn->recv_check, tspsrv_srvconn_state_msg(ts_conn->state), tspsrv_tcp_state_msg(pcb->state), ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_rec, ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_cls), pcb;
if (ts_conn->pcb != NULL && ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT) {
if (pcb->state == ESTABLISHED) {
if ((ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_LISTEN
&& (ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_rec)
&& ts_conn->recv_check > ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_rec)
|| (ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_CONNECT
&& (ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_cls)
&& ts_conn->recv_check > ts_conn->pcfg->time_wait_cls)) {
else tcpsrv_server_close(ts_conn);
else tcpsrv_server_close(ts_conn);
return ERR_OK;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_list_delete
* Description : remove the node from the connection list
* Parameters : ts_conn
* Returns : none
static void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_list_delete(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn) {
// if (ts_conn == NULL) return;
if(ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSED) {
ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_CLOSED; // исключить повторное вхождение из запросов в func_discon_cb()
if (ts_conn->pcfg->func_discon_cb != NULL)
if(phcfg == NULL || ts_conn->pcfg == NULL) return; // если в func_discon_cb() было вызвано tcpsrv_close_all() и т.д.
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv_list_delete (%p)\n", ts_conn->pcb);
TCP_SERV_CONN ** p = &ts_conn->pcfg->conn_links;
TCP_SERV_CONN *tcpsrv_cmp = ts_conn->pcfg->conn_links;
while (tcpsrv_cmp != NULL) {
if (tcpsrv_cmp == ts_conn) {
*p = ts_conn->next;
ts_conn->next = NULL;
if (ts_conn->linkd != NULL) {
ts_conn->linkd = NULL;
if (ts_conn->pbufo != NULL) {
ts_conn->pbufo = NULL;
if (ts_conn->pbufi != NULL) {
ts_conn->pbufi = NULL;
return; // break;
p = &tcpsrv_cmp->next;
tcpsrv_cmp = tcpsrv_cmp->next;
static void tspsrv_delete_pcb(TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn)
struct tcp_pcb *pcb = find_tcp_pcb(ts_conn);
if(pcb) {
tcp_arg(pcb, NULL);
tcp_recv(pcb, NULL);
tcp_err(pcb, NULL);
tcp_poll(pcb, NULL, 0);
tcp_sent(pcb, NULL);
tcp_recved(pcb, TCP_WND);
ts_conn->pcb = NULL;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_error (server and client)
* Description : The pcb had an error and is already deallocated.
* The argument might still be valid (if != NULL).
* Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
* err -- Error code to indicate why the pcb has been closed
* Returns : none
static void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_error(void *arg, err_t err) {
TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn = arg;
// struct tcp_pcb *pcb = NULL;
if (ts_conn != NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("error %d (%s)\n", err, tspsrv_error_msg(err));
#elif DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("error %d (%s)\n", err, tspsrv_error_msg(err));
ts_printf("error %d\n", err);
if (ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSEWAIT) {
if(ts_conn->pcb != NULL) {
// && ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CLOSED) {
// && (ts_conn->state != SRVCONN_CONNECT || ts_conn->state == SRVCONN_LISTEN)) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("eclose[%d]\n", ts_conn->pcfg->port);
tcpsrv_list_delete(ts_conn); // remove the node from the server's connection list
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_tcp_accept
* Description : A new incoming connection has been accepted.
* Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
* pcb -- The connection pcb which is accepted
* err -- An unused error code, always ERR_OK currently
* Returns : acception result
static err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_server_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, err_t err) {
struct tcp_pcb_listen *lpcb = (struct tcp_pcb_listen*) arg;
TCP_SERV_CFG *p = tcpsrv_server_port2pcfg(pcb->local_port);
TCP_SERV_CONN * ts_conn;
if (p == NULL) return ERR_ARG;
if (system_get_free_heap_size() < p->min_heap) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("srv[%u] new listen - low heap size!\n", p->port);
return ERR_MEM;
if (p->conn_count >= p->max_conn) {
if(p->flag.srv_reopen) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("srv[%u] reconnect!\n", p->port);
if (p->conn_links != NULL) {
else {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("srv[%u] new listen - max connection!\n", p->port);
return ERR_CONN;
ts_conn = (TCP_SERV_CONN *) os_zalloc(sizeof(TCP_SERV_CONN));
if (ts_conn == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 1
ts_printf("srv[%u] new listen - out of mem!\n", ts_conn->pcfg->port);
return ERR_MEM;
ts_conn->pcfg = p;
// перенести флаги по умолчанию на данное соединение
ts_conn->flag = p->flag;
tcp_accepted(lpcb); // Decrease the listen backlog counter
// tcp_setprio(pcb, TCP_PRIO_MIN); // Set priority ?
// init/copy data ts_conn
ts_conn->pcb = pcb;
ts_conn->remote_port = pcb->remote_port;
ts_conn->remote_ip.dw = pcb->remote_ip.addr;
// *(uint16 *) &ts_conn->flag = 0; //zalloc
// ts_conn->recv_check = 0; //zalloc
// ts_conn->linkd = NULL; //zalloc
// Insert new ts_conn
ts_conn->next = ts_conn->pcfg->conn_links;
ts_conn->pcfg->conn_links = ts_conn;
ts_conn->state = SRVCONN_LISTEN;
// Tell TCP that this is the structure we wish to be passed for our callbacks.
tcp_arg(pcb, ts_conn);
// Set up the various callback functions
tcp_err(pcb, tcpsrv_error);
tcp_sent(pcb, tcpsrv_server_sent);
tcp_recv(pcb, tcpsrv_server_recv);
tcp_poll(pcb, tcpsrv_poll, 2); /* every 1/2 seconds */
#if MEMP_MEM_MALLOC // tcp_alloc() уже управляет убийством TIME_WAIT если MEMP_MEM_MALLOC == 0
if(ts_conn->flag.pcb_time_wait_free) tcpsrv_check_max_tm_tcp_pcb();
// http://www.serverframework.com/asynchronousevents/2011/01/time-wait-and-its-design-implications-for-protocols-and-scalable-servers.html
if (p->func_listen != NULL)
return p->func_listen(ts_conn);
return ERR_OK;
* FunctionName : tcpsrv_server_port2pcfg
* Description : поиск конфига servera по порту
* Parameters : номер порта
* Returns : указатель на TCP_SERV_CFG или NULL
TCP_SERV_CFG * TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_server_port2pcfg(uint16 portn) {
for (p = phcfg; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (p->port == portn) return p;
return NULL;
tcpsrv_init server.
TCP_SERV_CFG * TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_init(uint16 portn) {
// if (portn == 0) portn = 80;
if (portn == 0) return NULL;
for (p = phcfg; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
if (p->port == portn) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
return NULL;
p = (TCP_SERV_CFG *) os_zalloc(sizeof(TCP_SERV_CFG));
if (p == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
return NULL;
p->port = portn;
p->conn_count = 0;
p->min_heap = TCP_SRV_MIN_HEAP_SIZE;
p->time_wait_rec = TCP_SRV_RECV_WAIT;
p->time_wait_cls = TCP_SRV_END_WAIT;
// p->phcfg->conn_links = NULL; // zalloc
// p->pcb = NULL; // zalloc
// p->lnk = NULL; // zalloc
p->func_listen = tcpsrv_listen_default;
p->func_discon_cb = tcpsrv_disconnect_calback_default;
p->func_sent_cb = tcpsrv_sent_callback_default;
p->func_recv = tcpsrv_received_data_default;
return p;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_start(TCP_SERV_CFG *p) {
err_t err = ERR_OK;
if (p == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
return ERR_ARG;
if (p->pcb != NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
return ERR_USE;
p->pcb = tcp_new();
if (p->pcb != NULL) {
tcp_setprio(p->pcb, TCP_SRV_PRIO);
err = tcp_bind(p->pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, p->port); // Binds pcb to a local IP address and port number.
if (err == ERR_OK) { // If another connection is bound to the same port, the function will return ERR_USE, otherwise ERR_OK is returned.
p->pcb = tcp_listen(p->pcb); // Commands pcb to start listening for incoming connections.
// When an incoming connection is accepted, the function specified with the tcp_accept() function
// will be called. pcb must have been bound to a local port with the tcp_bind() function.
// The tcp_listen() function returns a new connection identifier, and the one passed as an
// argument to the function will be deallocated. The reason for this behavior is that less
// memory is needed for a connection that is listening, so tcp_listen() will reclaim the memory
// needed for the original connection and allocate a new smaller memory block for the listening connection.
// tcp_listen() may return NULL if no memory was available for the listening connection.
// If so, the memory associated with pcb will not be deallocated.
if (p->pcb != NULL) {
tcp_arg(p->pcb, p->pcb);
// insert new tcpsrv_config
p->next = phcfg;
phcfg = p;
// initialize callback arg and accept callback
tcp_accept(p->pcb, tcpsrv_server_accept);
return err;
tcp_abandon(p->pcb, 0);
p->pcb = NULL;
} else
err = ERR_MEM;
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
ts_printf("tcpsrv: not new tcp!\n");
return err;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_close(TCP_SERV_CFG *p) {
if (p == NULL) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 0
return ERR_ARG;
TCP_SERV_CFG **pwr = &phcfg;
TCP_SERV_CFG *pcmp = phcfg;
while (pcmp != NULL) {
if (pcmp == p) {
*pwr = p->next;
while (p->conn_links != NULL) {
if(p->pcb != NULL) tcp_close(p->pcb);
p = NULL;
return ERR_OK; // break;
pwr = &pcmp->next;
pcmp = pcmp->next;
#if DEBUGSOO > 2
ts_printf("tcpsrv: srv_cfg not find!\n");
return ERR_CONN;
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_close_port(uint16 portn)
if(portn) return tcpsrv_close(tcpsrv_server_port2pcfg(portn));
else return ERR_ARG;
int TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_close_all_tcp_pcb(void)
struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
int ret = 0;
for (pcb = tcp_active_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv: abort %p pcb\n", pcb);
ret = 1;
return ret;
void TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_delete_all_tm_tcp_pcb(void)
struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
for (pcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
#if DEBUGSOO > 3
ts_printf("tcpsrv: del tm %p pcb\n", pcb);
tcp_pcb_remove(&tcp_tw_pcbs, pcb);
memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, pcb);
err_t TCP_SRV_CODE_ATTR tcpsrv_close_all(void)
err_t err = ERR_OK;
while(phcfg != NULL && err == ERR_OK) err = tcpsrv_close(phcfg);
if(tcpsrv_close_all_tcp_pcb()) vTaskDelay(50);
return err;