mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 07:52:54 +00:00
391 lines
12 KiB
391 lines
12 KiB
#include <platform_opts.h>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "freertos_pmu.h"
#include "at_cmd/log_service.h"
#include "at_cmd/atcmd_wifi.h"
#include <lwip_netconf.h>
#include "tcpip.h"
#include <dhcp/dhcps.h>
#include <wifi/wifi_conf.h>
#include <wifi/wifi_util.h>
#include "tcm_heap.h"
#include "rtl8195a/rtl_libc.h"
#include "flash_api.h"
#include "sleep_ex_api.h"
#include "lwip/tcp_impl.h"
extern char str_rom_57ch3Dch0A[]; // "=========================================================\n" 57
#define printf rtl_printf // DiagPrintf
/* RAM/TCM/Heaps info */
extern void ShowMemInfo(void);
void ShowMemInfo(void)
printf("\nCLK CPU\t\t%d Hz\nRAM heap\t%d bytes\nTCM heap\t%d bytes\n",
HalGetCpuClk(), xPortGetFreeHeapSize(), tcm_heap_freeSpace());
// Mem, Tasks info
void fATST(int argc, char *argv[]) {
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
extern int min_free_heap_size;
printf("\nMin free heap size %d bytes\n", min_free_heap_size);
#if 0 //CONFIG_DEBUG_LOG > 1
#if (configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1)
char *cBuffer = pvPortMalloc(512);
if(cBuffer != NULL) {
vTaskGetRunTimeStats((char *)cBuffer);
printf("%s", cBuffer);
#if defined(configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY) && (configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1) && (configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS == 1)
char * pcWriteBuffer = malloc(1024);
if(pcWriteBuffer) {
printf("\nTask List:\n");
printf(&str_rom_57ch3Dch0A[7]); // "==========================================\n"
printf("Name\t Status Priority HighWaterMark TaskNumber\n%s\n", pcWriteBuffer);
Копирует данные из области align(4) (flash, registers, ...) в область align(1) (ram)
extern void copy_align4_to_align1(unsigned char * pd, void * ps, unsigned int len);
static void copy_align4_to_align1(unsigned char * pd, void * ps, unsigned int len)
union {
unsigned char uc[4];
unsigned int ud;
unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int)ps & (~3));
unsigned int xlen = (unsigned int)ps & 3;
// unsigned int size = len;
if(xlen) {
tmp.ud = *p++;
while (len) {
*pd++ = tmp.uc[xlen++];
if(xlen & 4) break;
xlen = len >> 2;
while(xlen) {
tmp.ud = *p++;
*pd++ = tmp.uc[0];
*pd++ = tmp.uc[1];
*pd++ = tmp.uc[2];
*pd++ = tmp.uc[3];
if(len & 3) {
tmp.ud = *p;
pd[0] = tmp.uc[0];
if(len & 2) {
pd[1] = tmp.uc[1];
if(len & 1) {
pd[2] = tmp.uc[2];
// return size;
* int print_hex_dump(uint8_t *buf, int len, unsigned char k)
int print_hex_dump(uint8_t *buf, int len, unsigned char k) {
uint32_t ss[2];
ss[0] = 0x78323025; // "%02x"
ss[1] = k; // ","...'\0'
uint8_t * ptr = buf;
int result = 0;
while (len--) {
if (len == 0)
ss[1] = 0;
result += printf((uint8_t *) &ss, *ptr++);
return result;
extern char str_rom_hex_addr[]; // in *.ld "[Addr] .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .A .B .C .D .E .F\n"
void dump_bytes(uint32 addr, int size)
uint8 buf[17];
int symbs_line = sizeof(buf)-1;
while (size) {
if (symbs_line > size) symbs_line = size;
printf("%08X ", addr);
copy_align4_to_align1(buf, (void *) addr, symbs_line);
print_hex_dump(buf, symbs_line, ' ');
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < symbs_line ; i++) {
if(buf[i] < 0x20 || buf[i] > 0x7E) {
buf[i] = '.';
buf[symbs_line] = 0;
i = (sizeof(buf)-1) - symbs_line;
while(i--) printf(" ");
printf(" %s\r\n", buf);
addr += symbs_line;
size -= symbs_line;
// Dump byte register
extern uint32_t Strtoul(
IN const uint8_t *nptr,
IN uint8_t **endptr,
IN uint32_t base
static void fATSB(int argc, char *argv[])
int size = 16;
uint32 addr = Strtoul(argv[1],0,16);
if (argc > 2) {
size = Strtoul(argv[2],0,10);
if (size <= 0 || size > 16384)
size = 16;
if(addr + size > SPI_FLASH_BASE) {
dump_bytes(addr, size);
else {
dump_bytes(addr, size);
extern uint32_t CmdDumpWord(IN uint16_t argc, IN uint8_t *argv[]);
extern uint32_t CmdWriteWord(IN uint16_t argc, IN uint8_t *argv[]);
// Dump dword register
static void fATSD(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 2) {
int size = Strtoul(argv[2],0,10);
if (size <= 0 || size > 16384)
argv[2] = "16";
CmdDumpWord(argc-1, (unsigned char**)(argv+1));
// Write dword register
static void fATSW(int argc, char *argv[])
CmdWriteWord(argc-1, (unsigned char**)(argv+1));
/* Get one byte from the 4-byte address */
#define ip4_addr1(ipaddr) (((uint8_t*)(ipaddr))[0])
#define ip4_addr2(ipaddr) (((uint8_t*)(ipaddr))[1])
#define ip4_addr3(ipaddr) (((uint8_t*)(ipaddr))[2])
#define ip4_addr4(ipaddr) (((uint8_t*)(ipaddr))[3])
/* These are cast to uint16_t, with the intent that they are often arguments
* to printf using the U16_F format from cc.h. */
#define ip4_addr1_16(ipaddr) ((uint16_t)ip4_addr1(ipaddr))
#define ip4_addr2_16(ipaddr) ((uint16_t)ip4_addr2(ipaddr))
#define ip4_addr3_16(ipaddr) ((uint16_t)ip4_addr3(ipaddr))
#define ip4_addr4_16(ipaddr) ((uint16_t)ip4_addr4(ipaddr))
#define IP2STR(ipaddr) ip4_addr1_16(ipaddr), \
ip4_addr2_16(ipaddr), \
ip4_addr3_16(ipaddr), \
#define IPSTR "%d.%d.%d.%d"
extern const char * const tcp_state_str[];
static const char * const tcp_state_str[] = {
* FunctionName : debug
* Parameters :
* Returns :
void print_udp_pcb(void)
struct udp_pcb *pcb;
bool prt_none = true;
rtl_printf("UDP pcbs:\n");
for(pcb = udp_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
rtl_printf("flg:%02x\t" IPSTR ":%d\t" IPSTR ":%d\trecv:%p\n", pcb->flags, IP2STR(&pcb->local_ip), pcb->local_port, IP2STR(&pcb->remote_ip), pcb->remote_port, pcb->recv );
prt_none = false;
if(prt_none) rtl_printf("none\n");
* FunctionName : debug
* Parameters :
* Returns :
void print_tcp_pcb(void)
struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
rtl_printf("Active PCB states:\n");
bool prt_none = true;
for(pcb = tcp_active_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
rtl_printf("Port %d|%d\tflg:%02x\ttmr:%p\t%s\n", pcb->local_port, pcb->remote_port, pcb->flags, pcb->tmr, tcp_state_str[pcb->state]);
prt_none = false;
if(prt_none) rtl_printf("none\n");
rtl_printf("Listen PCB states:\n");
prt_none = true;
for(pcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
rtl_printf("Port %d|%d\tflg:%02x\ttmr:%p\t%s\n", pcb->local_port, pcb->remote_port, pcb->flags, pcb->tmr, tcp_state_str[pcb->state]);
prt_none = false;
if(prt_none) rtl_printf("none\n");
rtl_printf("TIME-WAIT PCB states:\n");
prt_none = true;
for(pcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; pcb != NULL; pcb = pcb->next) {
rtl_printf("Port %d|%d\tflg:%02x\ttmr:%p \t%s\n", pcb->local_port, pcb->remote_port, pcb->flags, pcb->tmr, tcp_state_str[pcb->state]);
prt_none = false;
if(prt_none) rtl_printf("none\n");
* FunctionName : debug
* Parameters :
* Returns :
static void fATLW(int argc, char *argv[]) // Info Lwip
(void) argc; (void) argv;
// GPIO Info
static void fATGI(int argc, char *argv[])
(void) argc; (void) argv;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _PORT_MAX; i++)
printf("Port %c state: 0x%04x\n", i + 'A', GPIOState[i]);
// Deep sleep
static void fATDS(int argc, char *argv[])
uint32 sleep_ms = 10000;
if(argc > 1) sleep_ms = atoi(argv[1]);
#if 0 // WakeUp PB_1
if(argc > 2) {
printf("%u ms waiting low level on PB_1 before launching Deep-Sleep...\n", sleep_ms);
// turn off log uart
HalDeinitLogUart(); // sys_log_uart_off();
// initialize wakeup pin
gpio_t gpio_wake;
gpio_init(&gpio_wake, PB_1);
gpio_dir(&gpio_wake, PIN_INPUT);
gpio_mode(&gpio_wake, PullDown);
TickType_t sttime = xTaskGetTickCount();
do {
if(gpio_read(&gpio_wake) == 0) {
// Enter deep sleep... Wait give rising edge at PB_1 to wakeup system.
deepsleep_ex(DSLEEP_WAKEUP_BY_GPIO, 0);
} while(xTaskGetTickCount() - sttime < sleep_ms);
HalInitLogUart(); // sys_log_uart_on();
printf("No set pin low in deep sleep!\n");
else {
printf("Deep-Sleep %u ms\n", sleep_ms);
// Enter deep sleep... Wait timer ms
deepsleep_ex(DSLEEP_WAKEUP_BY_TIMER, sleep_ms);
deepsleep_ex(DSLEEP_WAKEUP_BY_TIMER, sleep_ms);
* power saving mode
static void fATSP(int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc > 2) {
switch (argv[1][0]) {
case 'a': // acquire
case 'r': // release
printf("WakeLock Status %d\n", pmu_get_wakelock_status());
MON_RAM_TAB_SECTION COMMAND_TABLE console_commands_at[] = {
{"ATST", 0, fATST, ": Memory info"},
{"ATLW", 0, fATLW, ": LwIP Info"},
{"ATGI", 0, fATGI, ": GPIO Info"},
{"ATSB", 1, fATSB, "=<ADDRES(hex)>[,COUNT(dec)]: Dump byte register"},
{"ATSD", 1, fATSD, "=<ADDRES(hex)>[,COUNT(dec)]: Dump dword register"},
{"ATSW", 2, fATSW, "=<ADDRES(hex)>,<DATA(hex)>: Set register"},
{"ATDS", 0, fATDS, "=[TIME(ms)]: Deep sleep"},
{"ATSP", 0, fATSP, "=<a,r>,<wakelock_status:1|2|4|8>: Power"}
#endif //#ifdef CONFIG_AT_USR