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* Routines to access hardware
* Copyright (c) 2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
#ifndef _HAL_SDIO_H_
#define _HAL_SDIO_H_
#include "rtl8195a_sdio.h"
#include "spdio_api.h"
#include "mailbox.h"
#define PURE_SDIO_INIC 0 // is a pure SDIO iNIC device or a SDIO iNIC + peripheral device
typedef struct _HAL_SDIO_ADAPTER_ {
u8 *pTXBDAddr; /* The TX_BD start address */
PSDIO_TX_BD pTXBDAddrAligned; /* The TX_BD start address, it must be 4-bytes aligned */
PSDIO_TX_BD_HANDLE pTXBDHdl; /* point to the allocated memory for TX_BD Handle array */
u16 TXBDWPtr; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD local write index, different with HW maintained write Index. */
u16 TXBDRPtr; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD read index */
u16 TXBDRPtrReg; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD read index has been write to HW register */
u16 reserve1;
u8 *pRXBDAddr; /* The RX_BD start address */
PSDIO_RX_BD pRXBDAddrAligned; /* The RX_BD start address, it must be 8-bytes aligned */
PSDIO_RX_BD_HANDLE pRXBDHdl; /* point to the allocated memory for RX_BD Handle array */
u16 RXBDWPtr; /* The SDIO RX(Device->Host) BD write index */
u16 RXBDRPtr; /* The SDIO RX(Device->Host) BD local read index, different with HW maintained Read Index. */
u16 IntMask; /* The Interrupt Mask */
u16 IntStatus; /* The Interrupt Status */
u32 Events; /* The Event to the SDIO Task */
u32 EventSema; /* Semaphore for SDIO events, use to wakeup the SDIO task */
u8 CCPWM; /* the value write to register CCPWM, which will sync to Host HCPWM */
u8 reserve2;
u16 CCPWM2; /* the value write to register CCPWM2, which will sync to Host HCPWM2 */
s8 (*Tx_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize); /* to hook the WLan driver TX callback function to handle a Packet TX */
VOID *pTxCb_Adapter; /* a pointer will be used to call the TX Callback function,
which is from the TX CallBack function register */
s8 (*pTxCallback_Backup)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize); // Use to back up the registered TX Callback function, for MP/Normal mode switch
VOID *pTxCb_Adapter_Backup; // Backup the pTxCb_Adapter, for MP/Normal mode switch
_LIST FreeTxPktList; /* The list to queue free Tx packets handler */
_LIST RxPktList; /* The list to queue RX packets */
_LIST FreeRxPktList; /* The list to queue free Rx packets handler */
SDIO_TX_PACKET *pTxPktHandler; /* to store allocated TX Packet handler memory address */
SDIO_RX_PACKET *pRxPktHandler; /* to store allocated RX Packet handler memory address */
u32 RxInQCnt; /* The packet count for Rx In Queue */
u32 MemAllocCnt; // Memory allocated count, for debug only
u32 MAllocFailedCnt; // MemAlloc Failed count, for debugging
// VOID *pHalOp; /* point to HAL operation function table */
extern BOOL SDIO_Device_Init_Rom(
extern VOID SDIO_Device_DeInit_Rom(
extern VOID SDIO_Send_C2H_IOMsg_Rom(
IN u32 *C2HMsg
extern u8 SDIO_Send_C2H_PktMsg_Rom(
IN u8 *C2HMsg,
IN u16 MsgLen
extern VOID SDIO_Register_Tx_Callback_Rom(
IN s8 (*Tx_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize),
IN VOID *pAdapter
extern s8 SDIO_Rx_Callback_Rom(
IN VOID *pData,
IN u16 Offset,
IN u16 Length,
IN u8 CmdType
#else // else of "#if SDIO_BOOT_DRIVER"
typedef struct _HAL_SDIO_ADAPTER_ {
// u8 *pTxBuff; /* point to the SDIO TX Buffer */
// u8 *pTxBuffAligned; /* point to the SDIO TX Buffer with 4-bytes aligned */
// u32 TXFifoRPtr; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) FIFO buffer read pointer */
VOID *spdio_priv; /*Data from User*/
u8 *pTXBDAddr; /* The TX_BD start address */
PSDIO_TX_BD pTXBDAddrAligned; /* The TX_BD start address, it must be 4-bytes aligned */
PSDIO_TX_BD_HANDLE pTXBDHdl; /* point to the allocated memory for TX_BD Handle array */
u16 TXBDWPtr; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD local write index, different with HW maintained write Index. */
u16 TXBDRPtr; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD read index */
u16 TXBDRPtrReg; /* The SDIO TX(Host->Device) BD read index has been write to HW register */
u8 *pRXBDAddr; /* The RX_BD start address */
PSDIO_RX_BD pRXBDAddrAligned; /* The RX_BD start address, it must be 8-bytes aligned */
PSDIO_RX_BD_HANDLE pRXBDHdl; /* point to the allocated memory for RX_BD Handle array */
u16 RXBDWPtr; /* The SDIO RX(Device->Host) BD write index */
u16 RXBDRPtr; /* The SDIO RX(Device->Host) BD local read index, different with HW maintained Read Index. */
u16 IntMask; /* The Interrupt Mask */
u16 IntStatus; /* The Interrupt Status */
u32 Events; /* The Event to the SDIO Task */
u8 CCPWM; /* the value write to register CCPWM, which will sync to Host HCPWM */
u8 reserve1;
u16 CCPWM2; /* the value write to register CCPWM2, which will sync to Host HCPWM2 */
u8 CRPWM; /* sync from Host HRPWM */
u8 reserve2;
u16 CRPWM2; /* sync from Host HRPWM2 */
_Sema TxSema; /* Semaphore for SDIO TX, use to wakeup the SDIO TX task */
_Sema RxSema; /* Semaphore for SDIO RX, use to wakeup the SDIO RX task */
u32 EventSema; /* Semaphore for SDIO events, use to wakeup the SDIO task */
s8 (*Tx_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 type); /* to hook the WLan driver TX callback function to handle a Packet TX */
VOID *pTxCb_Adapter; /* a pointer will be used to call the TX Callback function,
which is from the TX CallBack function register */
s8 (*Rx_Done_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 type); /* to hook RX done callback function to release packet */
VOID *pRxDoneCb_Adapter; /* a pointer will be used to call the RX Done Callback function,
which is from the TX CallBack function register */
s8 (*pTxCallback_Backup)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 type); // Use to back up the registered TX Callback function, for MP/Normal mode switch
VOID *pTxCb_Adapter_Backup; // Backup the pTxCb_Adapter, for MP/Normal mode switch
_LIST FreeTxPktList; /* The list to queue free Tx packets handler */
SDIO_TX_PACKET *pTxPktHandler; /* to store allocated TX Packet handler memory address */
_LIST RxPktList; /* The list to queue RX packets */
_LIST FreeRxPktList; /* The list to queue free Rx packets handler */
// _LIST RecyclePktList; /* The list to queue packets handler to be recycled */
SDIO_RX_PACKET *pRxPktHandler; /* to store allocated RX Packet handler memory address */
_Mutex RxMutex; /* The Mutex to protect RxPktList */
u32 RxInQCnt; /* The packet count for Rx In Queue */
_Mutex StatisticMutex; /* The Mutex to protect Statistic data */
u32 MemAllocCnt; // Memory allocated count, for debug only
u32 MAllocFailedCnt; // MemAlloc Failed count, for debugging
VOID *pHalOp; /* point to HAL operation function table */
RTL_MAILBOX *pMBox; /* the Mail box for other driver module can send message to SDIO driver */
xTaskHandle xSDIOTxTaskHandle; /* The handle of the SDIO Task for TX, can be used to delte the task */
xTaskHandle xSDIORxTaskHandle; /* The handle of the SDIO Task speical for RX, can be used to delte the task */
u8 RxFifoBusy; /* is the RX BD fetch hardware busy */
u32 MP_Events; /* The Event to the SDIO Task */
_Sema MP_EventSema; /* Semaphore for SDIO events, use to wakeup the SDIO task */
RTL_MAILBOX *pMP_MBox; /* the Mail box for communication with other driver module */
xTaskHandle MP_TaskHandle; /* The handle of the MP loopback Task, can be used to delte the task */
#endif // end of "#ifdef PLATFORM_FREERTOS"
#endif // end of "#if !TASK_SCHEDULER_DISABLED"
// for MP mode
RTL_TIMER *pPeriodTimer; /* a timer to calculate throughput periodically */
u8 MP_ModeEn; /* is in MP mode */
u8 MP_LoopBackEn; /* is loop-back enabled */
u8 MP_ContinueTx; /* is continue TX test enabled */
u8 MP_ContinueRx; /* is continue RX test enabled */
u8 MP_ContinueRxMode; /* continue RX test mode: static RX Buf, Dyna-Allocate RX Buf, Pre-Allocate RX Buf */
u8 MP_CRxInfinite; /* is non-stop SDIO RX, no packet count limit */
u16 MP_CRxSize; /* SDIO RX test packet size */
u8 *pMP_CRxBuf; // the buffer for continye RX test
u32 MP_CRxPktCnt; /* SDIO RX test packet count */
u32 MP_CRxPktPendingCnt; /* SDIO RX test packet pening count */
u32 MP_TxPktCnt; /* SDIO TX packet count */
u32 MP_RxPktCnt; /* SDIO RX packet count */
u32 MP_TxByteCnt; /* SDIO TX Byte count */
u32 MP_RxByteCnt; /* SDIO RX Byte count */
u32 MP_TxDropCnt; /* SDIO TX Drop packet count */
u32 MP_RxDropCnt; /* SDIO RX Drop packet count */
u32 MP_TxPktCntInPeriod; /* SDIO TX packet count in a period */
u32 MP_RxPktCntInPeriod; /* SDIO RX packet count in a period */
u32 MP_TxByteCntInPeriod; /* SDIO TX Byte count in a period */
u32 MP_RxByteCntInPeriod; /* SDIO RX Byte count in a period */
u32 MP_TxAvgTPWin[SDIO_AVG_TP_WIN_SIZE]; /* a window of SDIO TX byte count history, for average throughput calculation */
u32 MP_RxAvgTPWin[SDIO_AVG_TP_WIN_SIZE]; /* a window of SDIO RX byte count history, for average throughput calculation */
u32 MP_TxAvgTPWinSum; /* The sum of all byte-count in the window */
u32 MP_RxAvgTPWinSum; /* The sum of all byte-count in the window */
u8 OldestTxAvgWinIdx; /* the index of the oldest TX byte count log */
u8 TxAvgWinCnt; /* the number of log in the Window */
u8 OldestRxAvgWinIdx; /* the index of the oldest RX byte count log */
u8 RxAvgWinCnt; /* the number of log in the Window */
_LIST MP_RxPktList; /* The list to queue RX packets, for MP loopback test */
#endif // end of '#if SDIO_MP_MODE'
#endif // end of "#else of "#if SDIO_BOOT_DRIVER""
typedef struct _HAL_SDIO_OP_ {
u8 (*HalSdioSendC2HPktMsg)(PHAL_SDIO_ADAPTER pSDIODev, u8 *C2HMsg, u16 MsgLen);
VOID (*HalSdioRegTxCallback)(PHAL_SDIO_ADAPTER pSDIODev,s8 (*CallbackFun)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 Type), VOID *pAdapter);
s8 (*HalSdioRxCallback)(PHAL_SDIO_ADAPTER pSDIODev, VOID *pData, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 CmdType);
VOID (*HalSdioRegRxDoneCallback)(PHAL_SDIO_ADAPTER pSDIODev,s8 (*CallbackFun)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 Type), VOID *pAdapter);
VOID (*HalSdioDevMPApp)(PHAL_SDIO_ADAPTER pSDIODev, u16 argc, u8 *argv[]);
extern BOOL SDIO_Device_Init(
extern VOID SDIO_Device_DeInit(
extern VOID SDIO_Send_C2H_IOMsg(
IN u32 *C2HMsg
extern u8 SDIO_Send_C2H_PktMsg(
IN u8 *C2HMsg,
IN u16 MsgLen
extern VOID SDIO_Register_Tx_Callback(
IN s8 (*Tx_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 Type),
IN VOID *pAdapter
extern VOID SDIO_Register_Rx_Done_Callback(
IN s8 (*Rx_Done_Callback)(VOID *pAdapter, u8 *pPkt, u16 Offset, u16 PktSize, u8 Type),
IN VOID *pAdapter
extern s8 SDIO_Rx_Callback(
IN VOID *pData,
IN u16 Offset,
IN u16 Length,
IN u8 CmdType
extern VOID SDIO_DeviceMPApp(
IN u16 argc,
IN u8 *argv[]
extern VOID HalSdioInit(VOID);
extern VOID HalSdioDeInit(VOID);
#endif // #ifndef _HAL_SDIO_H_