#include "cmsis_os.h" #include "diag.h" #include "wifi_conf.h" #include "wifi_ind.h" #include "google/google_nest.h" #include <googlenest/example_google.h> #include "cJSON.h" osThreadId google_thread_id; #define malloc pvPortMalloc #define free vPortFree void google_data_retrieve(char *response_buf); void google_data_retrieve(char *response_buf) { //printf("\r\n\r\n\r\nResponse_buf:\r\n%s\r\n", response_buf); char *event = NULL; char *delims = "\n"; char *data = NULL, *backup = NULL; char *info = NULL; cJSON_Hooks memoryHook; event = strtok_r(response_buf, delims, &backup); data = strtok_r( NULL, delims, &backup ); if (!strncmp(data, "data: ", strlen("data: "))){ info = data + strlen("data: "); if(info != NULL){ memoryHook.malloc_fn = malloc; memoryHook.free_fn = free; cJSON_InitHooks(&memoryHook); cJSON *infoJSObject, *pathJSObject, *dataJSObject; cJSON *redJSObject, *greenJSObject, *blueJSObject; char *red, *green, *blue; if((infoJSObject = cJSON_Parse(info)) != NULL) { pathJSObject = cJSON_GetObjectItem(infoJSObject, "path"); dataJSObject = cJSON_GetObjectItem(infoJSObject, "data"); if(dataJSObject != NULL) { redJSObject = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dataJSObject, "Red"); greenJSObject = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dataJSObject, "Green"); blueJSObject = cJSON_GetObjectItem(dataJSObject, "Blue"); if(redJSObject) red = redJSObject->valuestring; if(greenJSObject) green = greenJSObject->valuestring; if(blueJSObject) blue = blueJSObject->valuestring; printf("\n\rThe latest RGB information: RGB(%s, %s, %s)\n\r", red, green, blue); cJSON_Delete(dataJSObject); } cJSON_Delete(infoJSObject); } else printf("\r\nCannot parse the message to JSON!\r\n"); } else printf("\r\n This is the keep alive message or cannot get the information!\r\n"); } else printf("\r\nData structure may wrong!\r\n"); } void gn_todevice_start(void) { googlenest_context googlenest; char *googlenest_host = HOST_ADDR; char *googlenest_uri = "light.json"; printf("\r\nStart connecting to Google Nest Server...\r\n"); memset(&googlenest, 0, sizeof(googlenest_context)); reconnect: if(gn_connect(&googlenest, googlenest_host, GN_PORT) == 0) { printf("\r\n Connection is OK!\r\n"); google_retrieve_data_hook_callback(google_data_retrieve); if(gn_stream(&googlenest, googlenest_uri) != 0){ printf("\r\n Connection is fail! \r\n Start Reconnecting...\r\n"); goto reconnect; } gn_close(&googlenest); } else{ printf("\r\n Connection is fail! \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nStart Reconnecting...\r\n"); goto reconnect; } } void gn_fromdevice_start(void) { googlenest_context googlenest; char *googlenest_uri = "MotionSensor.json"; cJSON_Hooks memoryHook; int j = 0; memoryHook.malloc_fn = malloc; memoryHook.free_fn = free; cJSON_InitHooks(&memoryHook); printf("\r\nStart connecting to Google Nest Server!\r\n"); while(1) { memset(&googlenest, 0, sizeof(googlenest_context)); if(gn_connect(&googlenest, HOST_ADDR, GN_PORT) == 0) { cJSON *MSJSObject; char *data; if((MSJSObject = cJSON_CreateObject()) != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(MSJSObject, "MotionSenser", cJSON_CreateNumber(j++)); data = cJSON_Print(MSJSObject); cJSON_Delete(MSJSObject); } if(gn_put(&googlenest, googlenest_uri, data) == 0) printf("\n\rUpdate the Motion Sensor's data to %d\n\r", (j-1)); free(data); gn_close(&googlenest); } else{ printf("\n\rConnection failed!\n\r"); break; } vTaskDelay(5 * configTICK_RATE_HZ); } } void gn_fromdevice_task(void *arg) { int i; printf("\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r<<<<<<Waiting for 2 mins to connect Wi-Fi>>>>>>>\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r"); for (i = 0; i<120; i++) vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); gn_fromdevice_start(); } void gn_todevice_task(void *arg) { int i; printf("\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r<<<<<<Waiting for 2 mins to connect Wi-Fi>>>>>>>\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r"); for (i = 0; i<120; i++) vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); gn_todevice_start(); } void example_google(char *type) { if(strcmp(type, "FromDevice") == 0){ osThreadDef_t google_thread; google_thread.instances = 1; google_thread.name = "google thread"; google_thread.stacksize = 4096; google_thread.pthread = (os_pthread)gn_fromdevice_task; google_thread.tpriority = tskIDLE_PRIORITY+6; google_thread_id = osThreadCreate(&google_thread, NULL); } else if(strcmp(type, "ToDevice") == 0){ osThreadDef_t google_thread; google_thread.instances = 1; google_thread.name = "google thread"; google_thread.stacksize = 4096; google_thread.pthread = (os_pthread)gn_todevice_task; google_thread.tpriority = tskIDLE_PRIORITY+6; google_thread_id = osThreadCreate(&google_thread, NULL); } }