#ifndef EASYWSCLIENT_H #define EASYWSCLIENT_H #include <platform/platform_stdlib.h> /****************Define the debug message level*********************/ #define DEBUG_WSCLIENT 1 #define WSCLIENT_LOG(level, fmt, ...) printf("\n\r[WSCLIENT %s] %s: " fmt "\n", level, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #if DEBUG_WSCLIENT == 2 #define WSCLIENT_DEBUG(fmt, ...) WSCLIENT_LOG("DEBUG", fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define WSCLIENT_DEBUG(fmt, ...) #endif #if DEBUG_WSCLIENT #define WSCLIENT_ERROR(fmt, ...) WSCLIENT_LOG("ERROR", fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define WSCLIENT_ERROR(fmt, ...) #endif /*******************************************************************/ /****************Define the structures used*************************/ typedef enum{ CLOSING, CLOSED, CONNECTING, OPEN } readyStateValues; struct wsheader_type{ unsigned header_size; int fin; int mask; enum opcode_type { CONTINUATION = 0x0, TEXT_FRAME = 0x1, BINARY_FRAME = 0x2, CLOSE = 8, PING = 9, PONG = 0xa, } opcode; int N0; uint64_t N; uint8_t masking_key[4]; }; struct _wsclient_context; struct _ssl_context; struct ssl_fun_ops{ int (*memory_set_own)( void * (*malloc_func)( size_t ),void (*free_func)( void * ) ); int (*net_connect)( int *fd, const char *host, int port ); int (*ssl_init)( struct _ssl_context *ssl ); void (*ssl_set_endpoint)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, int endpoint ); void (*ssl_set_authmode)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, int authmode ); void (*ssl_set_rng)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng ); void (*ssl_set_bio)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, int (*f_recv)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_recv, int (*f_send)(void *, const unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_send ); int (*ssl_handshake)( struct _ssl_context *ssl ); void (*net_close)( int fd ); void (*ssl_free)( struct _ssl_context *ssl ); int (*ssl_read)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, unsigned char *buf, size_t len ); int (*ssl_write)( struct _ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len ); const char *(*ssl_get_ciphersuite)( const struct _ssl_context *ssl ); int (*net_recv)( void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len ); int (*net_send)( void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len ); }; struct ws_fun_ops{ int (*hostname_connect)(struct _wsclient_context *wsclient); void (*client_close)(struct _wsclient_context *wsclient); int (*client_send)(struct _wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); int (*client_read)(struct _wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); struct ssl_fun_ops ssl_fun_ops; }; typedef struct _wsclient_context{ char host[128]; char path[128]; char origin[200]; int port; uint8_t use_ssl; int sockfd; readyStateValues readyState; int tx_len; void *ssl; uint8_t *txbuf; uint8_t *rxbuf; uint8_t *receivedData; struct ws_fun_ops fun_ops; }wsclient_context; /*******************************************************************/ /****************General functions used by wsclient*****************/ void ws_get_random_bytes(void *buf, size_t len); void* ws_malloc(unsigned int size); void ws_free(void *buf); int ws_client_handshake(wsclient_context *wsclient); int ws_check_handshake(wsclient_context *wsclient); void ws_sendData(uint8_t type, size_t message_size, uint8_t* message, int useMask, wsclient_context *wsclient); /*******************************************************************/ /*************Functions used by wsclient without SSL****************/ int ws_hostname_connect(wsclient_context *wsclient); int ws_client_read(wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); int ws_client_send(wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); void ws_client_close(wsclient_context *wsclient); /*******************************************************************/ /***************Functions used by wsclient with SSL*****************/ int wss_hostname_connect(wsclient_context *wsclient); int wss_client_read(wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); int wss_client_send(wsclient_context *wsclient, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len); void wss_client_close(wsclient_context *wsclient); /*******************************************************************/ #endif