AppVersion = 47812 [GENERAL] ConnectMode = 0 CurrentFile = "fullflash.bin" DataFileSAddr = 0x98000000 GUIMode = 0 HostName = "" TargetIF = 1 USBPort = 0 USBSerialNo = 0x00000000 [JTAG] IRLen = 0 MultipleTargets = 0 NumDevices = 0 Speed0 = 400 Speed1 = 12000 TAP_Number = 0 UseAdaptive0 = 0 UseAdaptive1 = 0 UseMaxSpeed0 = 0 UseMaxSpeed1 = 0 [CPU] CheckCoreID = 0 ChipName = "RTL8710AF" ClockSpeed = 0x00000000 Core = 0x030000FF CoreID = 0x00000000 CoreIDMask = 0x0F000FFF DeviceFamily = 0x00000003 EndianMode = 0 HasInternalFlash = 0 InitStep0_Action = "Reset" InitStep0_Comment = "Reset and Halt" InitStep0_Value0 = 0x00000000 InitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000005 InitStep1_Action = "Go" InitStep1_Comment = "" InitStep1_Value0 = 0x00000000 InitStep1_Value1 = 0x00000000 InitStep2_Action = "Reset" InitStep2_Comment = "Reset and halt target" InitStep2_Value0 = 0x00000000 InitStep2_Value1 = 0x00000005 InitStep3_Action = "Write Register" InitStep3_Comment = "Only T=1" InitStep3_Value0 = 0x00000010 InitStep3_Value1 = 0x01000000 InitStep4_Action = "Write 32bit" InitStep4_Comment = "Setup SystemCoreClock" InitStep4_Value0 = 0x40000014 InitStep4_Value1 = 0x00000001 InitStep5_Action = "Delay" InitStep5_Comment = "" InitStep5_Value0 = 0x00000000 InitStep5_Value1 = 0x00000005 InitStep6_Action = "Write 32bit" InitStep6_Comment = "Write Page Size" InitStep6_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF0 InitStep6_Value1 = 0x00000100 InitStep7_Action = "Write 32bit" InitStep7_Comment = "Write Sector Size" InitStep7_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF4 InitStep7_Value1 = 0x00001000 InitStep8_Action = "Write 32bit" InitStep8_Comment = "Write Block Size" InitStep8_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF8 InitStep8_Value1 = 0x00010000 InitStep9_Action = "Write 32bit" InitStep9_Comment = "Write Block Count" InitStep9_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFFC InitStep9_Value1 = 0x00000010 NumExitSteps = 0 NumInitSteps = 10 RAMAddr = 0x10000000 RAMSize = 0x00010000 ScriptFile = "" UseAutoSpeed = 0x00000001 UseRAM = 1 UseScriptFile = 0 [FLASH] aSectorSel[0] = AutoDetect = 1 BankName = "" BankSelMode = 1 BaseAddr = 0x98000000 CheckId = 3 CustomRAMCode = "RTL8710AF.hex" DeviceName = "Auto detected flash memory" EndBank = 8191 NumBanks = 1 OrgNumBits = 16 OrgNumChips = 1 StartBank = 0 UseCustomRAMCode = 1 [PRODUCTION] AutoPerformsErase = 1 AutoPerformsHardLock = 0 AutoPerformsHardUnlock = 0 AutoPerformsProgram = 1 AutoPerformsSecure = 0 AutoPerformsSoftLock = 0 AutoPerformsSoftUnlock = 1 AutoPerformsStartApp = 0 AutoPerformsUnsecure = 0 AutoPerformsVerify = 1 EnableProductionMode = 0 EnableTargetPower = 0 EraseType = 2 ProductionDelay = 0x000001F4 ProductionThreshold = 0x00000BB8 ProgramSN = 0 SerialFile = "" SNAddr = 0x00000000 SNInc = 0x00000001 SNLen = 0x00000004 SNListFile = "" SNValue = 0x00000001 TargetPowerDelay = 0x00000014 VerifyType = 1