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synced 2025-03-19 11:32:58 +00:00
111 lines
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111 lines
3.4 KiB
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include <platform_stdlib.h>
#include "xml.h"
static void example_xml_thread(void *param)
/* Create XML document
* <Home:Light xmlns:Home="http://www.home.com" xmlns="http://www.device.com" fw_ver="1.0.0">
* <Power>on</Power>
* <Color>
* <Red>255</Red>
* <Green>255</Green>
* <Blud>255</Blue>
* </Color>
* </Home:Light>
struct xml_node *light_node, *power_node, *color_node, *red_node, *green_node, *blue_node;
// Creates element with (prefix, tag name, namespace uri), add element and text node as child
light_node = xml_new_element("Home", "Light", "http://www.home.com");
power_node = xml_new_element(NULL, "Power", NULL);
xml_add_child(power_node, xml_new_text("on"));
color_node = xml_new_element(NULL, "Color", NULL);
red_node = xml_new_element(NULL, "Red", NULL);
xml_add_child(red_node, xml_new_text("255"));
green_node = xml_new_element(NULL, "Green", NULL);
xml_add_child(green_node, xml_new_text("255"));
blue_node = xml_new_element(NULL, "Blue", NULL);
xml_add_child(blue_node, xml_new_text("255"));
xml_add_child(light_node, power_node);
xml_add_child(light_node, color_node);
xml_add_child(color_node, red_node);
xml_add_child(color_node, green_node);
xml_add_child(color_node, blue_node);
// Add or modify attributes
xml_set_attribute(light_node, "xmlns", "http://www.device.com");
xml_set_attribute(light_node, "fw_ver", "1.0.0");
// Dump XML document to memory buffer, equal to xml_dump_tree_ex(node, NULL, 0, 0);
char *dump_buf = xml_dump_tree(light_node);
printf("\n%s\n", dump_buf);
// Free dump buffer
// Dump XML document to memory buffer with prolog, new line, aligment
dump_buf = xml_dump_tree_ex(light_node, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>", 1, 4);
printf("\n%s\n", dump_buf);
// Delete XML tree to free memory
/* Parse XML document */
char *doc = "\
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\
<!--sensor example-->\
<Temperature unit=\"celsius\">25.5</Temperature>\
// Parse document buffer to XML tree. Prolog will be dropped
struct xml_node *root = xml_parse(doc, strlen(doc));
if(root) {
dump_buf = xml_dump_tree_ex(root, NULL, 1, 4);
printf("\n%s\n", dump_buf);
// Search by XPath, prefix and name in path should be matched
struct xml_node_set *set = xml_find_path(root, "/Home:Sensor/Thermostat/Temperature");
if(set->count) {
printf("\nFind %d element by %s\n", set->count, "/Home:Sensor/Thermostat/Temperature");
// Get XML tree search result 0
struct xml_node *temperature_node = set->node[0];
if(xml_is_text(temperature_node->child)) {
// Get text
printf("Temperature[0] is %s\n", temperature_node->child->text);
// Get attribute
char *unit = xml_get_attribute(temperature_node, "unit");
printf("Unit is \"%s\"\n", unit);
// Free attribute search result
// Delete XML tree search result to free memory
else {
printf("Xml parse failed\n");
void example_xml(void)
if(xTaskCreate(example_xml_thread, ((const char*)"example_xml_thread"), 1024, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL) != pdPASS)
printf("\n\r%s xTaskCreate(init_thread) failed", __FUNCTION__);