#include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "polarssl/config.h" #include "platform_opts.h" #if CONFIG_SSL_CLIENT #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "polarssl/net.h" #include "polarssl/ssl.h" #include "polarssl/error.h" #include "polarssl/memory.h" #define SERVER_PORT 443 #define SERVER_HOST "" #define GET_REQUEST "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" #define DEBUG_LEVEL 0 //#define SSL_CLIENT_EXT #ifdef SSL_CLIENT_EXT #define STACKSIZE 2048 #else #define STACKSIZE 1150 #endif static int is_task = 0; static char server_host[16]; static size_t min_heap_size = 0; static void my_debug(void *ctx, int level, const char *str) { if(level <= DEBUG_LEVEL) { printf("\n\r%s", str); } } static int my_random(void *p_rng, unsigned char *output, size_t output_len) { rtw_get_random_bytes(output, output_len); return 0; } void* my_malloc(size_t size) { void *ptr = pvPortMalloc(size); size_t current_heap_size = xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); if((current_heap_size < min_heap_size) || (min_heap_size == 0)) min_heap_size = current_heap_size; return ptr; } #define my_free vPortFree static void ssl_client(void *param) { int ret, len, server_fd = -1; unsigned char buf[512]; ssl_context ssl; int retry_count = 0; memory_set_own(my_malloc, my_free); /* * 1. Start the connection */ printf(" . Connecting to tcp/%s/%d...\n", server_host, SERVER_PORT); if((ret = net_connect(&server_fd, server_host, SERVER_PORT)) != 0) { printf(" failed\n ! net_connect returned %d\n", ret); goto exit1; } printf(" ok\n"); /* * 2. Setup stuff */ printf(" . Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...\n" ); if((ret = ssl_init(&ssl)) != 0) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_init returned %d\n", ret); goto exit; } #ifdef SSL_CLIENT_EXT if((ret = ssl_client_ext_init()) != 0) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_client_ext_init returned %d\n", ret); goto exit; } #endif ssl_set_endpoint(&ssl, SSL_IS_CLIENT); ssl_set_authmode(&ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE); ssl_set_rng(&ssl, my_random, NULL); ssl_set_bio(&ssl, net_recv, &server_fd, net_send, &server_fd); ssl_set_dbg(&ssl, my_debug, NULL); #ifdef POLARSSL_DEBUG_C debug_set_threshold(DEBUG_LEVEL); #endif #ifdef SSL_CLIENT_EXT if((ret = ssl_client_ext_setup(&ssl)) != 0) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_client_ext_setup returned %d\n", ret); goto exit; } #endif printf(" ok\n"); /* * 3. Handshake */ printf(" . Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...\n"); while((ret = ssl_handshake(&ssl)) != 0) { if((ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ && ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE && ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_RECV_FAILED) || retry_count >= 5) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_handshake returned -0x%x\n", -ret); goto exit; } retry_count++; } printf(" ok\n"); printf(" . Use ciphersuite %s\n", ssl_get_ciphersuite(&ssl)); /* * 4. Write the GET request */ printf(" > Write to server:\n"); len = sprintf((char *) buf, GET_REQUEST); while((ret = ssl_write(&ssl, buf, len)) <= 0) { if(ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ && ret != POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_write returned %d\n", ret); goto exit; } } len = ret; printf(" %d bytes written\n%s\n", len, (char *) buf); /* * 5. Read the HTTP response */ printf(" < Read from server:"); do { len = sizeof(buf) - 1; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); ret = ssl_read(&ssl, buf, len); if(ret == POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_READ || ret == POLARSSL_ERR_NET_WANT_WRITE) continue; if(ret == POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_PEER_CLOSE_NOTIFY) break; if(ret < 0) { printf(" failed\n ! ssl_read returned %d\n", ret); break; } if(ret == 0) { printf("EOF\n"); break; } len = ret; printf(" %d bytes read\n%s\n", len, (char *) buf); } while(1); ssl_close_notify(&ssl); exit: #ifdef POLARSSL_ERROR_C if(ret != 0) { char error_buf[100]; polarssl_strerror(ret, error_buf, 100); printf("\nLast error was: %d - %s\n", ret, error_buf); } #endif net_close(server_fd); ssl_free(&ssl); #ifdef SSL_CLIENT_EXT ssl_client_ext_free(); #endif exit1: if(is_task) { #if defined(INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark) && (INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1) printf("\nMin available stack size of %s = %d * %d bytes\n", __FUNCTION__, uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL), sizeof(portBASE_TYPE)); #endif if(min_heap_size > 0) printf("\nMin available heap size = %d bytes during %s\n", min_heap_size, __FUNCTION__); vTaskDelete(NULL); } if(param != NULL) *((int *) param) = ret; } void start_ssl_client(void) { is_task = 1; //strcpy(server_host, SERVER_HOST); if(xTaskCreate(ssl_client, "ssl_client", STACKSIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("%s xTaskCreate failed\n", __FUNCTION__); } void do_ssl_connect(void) { int ret; static int success = 0; static int fail = 0; is_task = 0; strcpy(server_host, SERVER_HOST); ssl_client(&ret); if(ret != 0) printf("%s fail (success %d times, fail %d times)\n", __FUNCTION__, success, ++ fail); else printf("%s success (success %d times, fail %d times)\n", __FUNCTION__, ++ success, fail); } void cmd_ssl_client(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc == 2) { strcpy(server_host, argv[1]); } else { printf("Usage: %s SSL_SERVER_HOST\n", argv[0]); return; } start_ssl_client(); } #endif // #if CONFIG_SSL_CLIENT