#include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <platform_stdlib.h> #include <httpc/httpc.h> #define USE_HTTPS 0 #define SERVER_HOST "httpbin.org" static void example_httpc_thread(void *param) { struct httpc_conn *conn = NULL; // Delay to wait for IP by DHCP vTaskDelay(10000); printf("\nExample: HTTPC\n"); /* test GET to http://httpbin.org/get?param1=test_data1¶m2=test_data2 */ #if USE_HTTPS conn = httpc_conn_new(HTTPC_SECURE_TLS, NULL, NULL, NULL); #else conn = httpc_conn_new(HTTPC_SECURE_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif if(conn) { #if USE_HTTPS if(httpc_conn_connect(conn, SERVER_HOST, 443, 0) == 0) { #else if(httpc_conn_connect(conn, SERVER_HOST, 80, 0) == 0) { #endif /* HTTP GET request */ // start a header and add Host (added automatically), Content-Type and Content-Length (added by input param) httpc_request_write_header_start(conn, "GET", "/get?param1=test_data1¶m2=test_data2", NULL, 0); // add other required header fields if necessary httpc_request_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); // finish and send header httpc_request_write_header_finish(conn); // receive response header if(httpc_response_read_header(conn) == 0) { httpc_conn_dump_header(conn); // receive response body if(httpc_response_is_status(conn, "200 OK")) { uint8_t buf[1024]; int read_size = 0, total_size = 0; while(1) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); read_size = httpc_response_read_data(conn, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if(read_size > 0) { total_size += read_size; printf("%s", buf); } else { break; } if(conn->response.content_len && (total_size >= conn->response.content_len)) break; } } } } else { printf("\nERROR: httpc_conn_connect\n"); } httpc_conn_close(conn); httpc_conn_free(conn); } /* test POST to http://httpbin.org/post with data of param1=test_data1¶m2=test_data2 */ #if USE_HTTPS conn = httpc_conn_new(HTTPC_SECURE_TLS, NULL, NULL, NULL); #else conn = httpc_conn_new(HTTPC_SECURE_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif if(conn) { #if USE_HTTPS if(httpc_conn_connect(conn, SERVER_HOST, 443, 0) == 0) { #else if(httpc_conn_connect(conn, SERVER_HOST, 80, 0) == 0) { #endif /* HTTP POST request */ char *post_data = "param1=test_data1¶m2=test_data2"; // start a header and add Host (added automatically), Content-Type and Content-Length (added by input param) httpc_request_write_header_start(conn, "POST", "/post", NULL, strlen(post_data)); // add other header fields if necessary httpc_request_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); // finish and send header httpc_request_write_header_finish(conn); // send http body httpc_request_write_data(conn, post_data, strlen(post_data)); // receive response header if(httpc_response_read_header(conn) == 0) { httpc_conn_dump_header(conn); // receive response body if(httpc_response_is_status(conn, "200 OK")) { uint8_t buf[1024]; int read_size = 0, total_size = 0; while(1) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); read_size = httpc_response_read_data(conn, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if(read_size > 0) { total_size += read_size; printf("%s", buf); } else { break; } if(conn->response.content_len && (total_size >= conn->response.content_len)) break; } } } } else { printf("\nERROR: httpc_conn_connect\n"); } httpc_conn_close(conn); httpc_conn_free(conn); } vTaskDelete(NULL); } void example_httpc(void) { if(xTaskCreate(example_httpc_thread, ((const char*)"example_httpc_thread"), 2048, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("\n\r%s xTaskCreate(example_httpc_thread) failed", __FUNCTION__); }