#include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <platform_stdlib.h> #include <httpd/httpd.h> #define USE_HTTPS 0 #if USE_HTTPS // use test_srv_crt, test_srv_key, test_ca_list in PolarSSL certs.c #if (HTTPD_USE_TLS == HTTPD_TLS_POLARSSL) #include <polarssl/certs.h> #elif (HTTPD_USE_TLS == HTTPD_TLS_MBEDTLS) #include <mbedtls/certs.h> #endif #endif void homepage_cb(struct httpd_conn *conn) { char *user_agent = NULL; // test log to show brief header parsing httpd_conn_dump_header(conn); // test log to show extra User-Agent header field if(httpd_request_get_header_field(conn, "User-Agent", &user_agent) != -1) { printf("\nUser-Agent=[%s]\n", user_agent); httpd_free(user_agent); } // GET homepage if(httpd_request_is_method(conn, "GET")) { char *body = \ "<HTML><BODY>" \ "It Works<BR>" \ "<BR>" \ "Can test GET by <A href=\"/test_get?test1=one%20%26%202&test2=three%3D3\">/test_get?test1=one%20%26%202&test2=three%3D3</A><BR>" \ "Can test POST by UI in <A href=\"/test_post.htm\">/test_post.htm</A><BR>" \ "</BODY></HTML>"; // write HTTP response httpd_response_write_header_start(conn, "200 OK", "text/html", strlen(body)); httpd_response_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); httpd_response_write_header_finish(conn); httpd_response_write_data(conn, body, strlen(body)); } else { // HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed httpd_response_method_not_allowed(conn, NULL); } httpd_conn_close(conn); } void test_get_cb(struct httpd_conn *conn) { // GET /test_post if(httpd_request_is_method(conn, "GET")) { char *test1 = NULL, *test2 = NULL; // get 'test1' and 'test2' in query string if((httpd_request_get_query_key(conn, "test1", &test1) != -1) && (httpd_request_get_query_key(conn, "test2", &test2) != -1)) { // write HTTP response httpd_response_write_header_start(conn, "200 OK", "text/plain", 0); httpd_response_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); httpd_response_write_header_finish(conn); httpd_response_write_data(conn, "\r\nGET query string", strlen("\r\nGET query string")); httpd_response_write_data(conn, "\r\ntest1: ", strlen("\r\ntest1: ")); httpd_response_write_data(conn, test1, strlen(test1)); httpd_response_write_data(conn, "\r\ntest2: ", strlen("\r\ntest2: ")); httpd_response_write_data(conn, test2, strlen(test2)); } else { // HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request httpd_response_bad_request(conn, "Bad Request - test1 or test2 not in query string"); } if(test1) httpd_free(test1); if(test2) httpd_free(test2); } else { // HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed httpd_response_method_not_allowed(conn, NULL); } httpd_conn_close(conn); } void test_post_htm_cb(struct httpd_conn *conn) { // GET /test_post.htm if(httpd_request_is_method(conn, "GET")) { char *body = \ "<HTML><BODY>" \ "<FORM action=\"/test_post\" method=\"post\">" \ "Text1: <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"text1\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"><BR>" \ "Text2: <INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"text2\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"50\"><BR>" \ "<INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"POST\"><BR>" \ "</FORM>" \ "</BODY></HTML>"; // write HTTP response httpd_response_write_header_start(conn, "200 OK", "text/html", strlen(body)); httpd_response_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); httpd_response_write_header_finish(conn); httpd_response_write_data(conn, body, strlen(body)); } else { // HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed httpd_response_method_not_allowed(conn, NULL); } httpd_conn_close(conn); } void test_post_cb(struct httpd_conn *conn) { // POST /test_post if(httpd_request_is_method(conn, "POST")) { size_t read_size; uint8_t buf[50]; size_t content_len = conn->request.content_len; uint8_t *body = (uint8_t *) malloc(content_len + 1); if(body) { // read HTTP body memset(body, 0, content_len + 1); read_size = httpd_request_read_data(conn, body, content_len); // write HTTP response httpd_response_write_header_start(conn, "200 OK", "text/plain", 0); httpd_response_write_header(conn, "Connection", "close"); httpd_response_write_header_finish(conn); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); sprintf(buf, "%d bytes from POST: ", read_size); httpd_response_write_data(conn, buf, strlen(buf)); httpd_response_write_data(conn, body, strlen(body)); free(body); } else { // HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error httpd_response_internal_server_error(conn, NULL); } } else { // HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed httpd_response_method_not_allowed(conn, NULL); } httpd_conn_close(conn); } static void example_httpd_thread(void *param) { #if USE_HTTPS #if (HTTPD_USE_TLS == HTTPD_TLS_POLARSSL) if(httpd_setup_cert(test_srv_crt, test_srv_key, test_ca_crt) != 0) { #elif (HTTPD_USE_TLS == HTTPD_TLS_MBEDTLS) if(httpd_setup_cert(mbedtls_test_srv_crt, mbedtls_test_srv_key, mbedtls_test_ca_crt) != 0) { #endif printf("\nERROR: httpd_setup_cert\n"); goto exit; } #endif httpd_reg_page_callback("/", homepage_cb); httpd_reg_page_callback("/index.htm", homepage_cb); httpd_reg_page_callback("/test_get", test_get_cb); httpd_reg_page_callback("/test_post.htm", test_post_htm_cb); httpd_reg_page_callback("/test_post", test_post_cb); #if USE_HTTPS if(httpd_start(443, 5, 4096, HTTPD_THREAD_SINGLE, HTTPD_SECURE_TLS) != 0) { #else if(httpd_start(80, 5, 4096, HTTPD_THREAD_SINGLE, HTTPD_SECURE_NONE) != 0) { #endif printf("ERROR: httpd_start"); httpd_clear_page_callbacks(); } exit: vTaskDelete(NULL); } void example_httpd(void) { if(xTaskCreate(example_httpd_thread, ((const char*)"example_httpd_thread"), 2048, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("\n\r%s xTaskCreate(example_httpd_thread) failed", __FUNCTION__); }