/*******************************example_joinlink **************************/ #include "autoconf.h" #include "platform_stdlib.h" #include "wifi_conf.h" #include "wifi_structures.h" #include "osdep_service.h" #include "lwip_netconf.h" #include "task.h" #include "joinlink.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include <lwip/sockets.h> #include <lwip/raw.h> #include <lwip/icmp.h> #include <lwip/inet_chksum.h> #include <platform/platform_stdlib.h> #define MASK_SIZE_JOINLINK 3 #define SOURCE_PORT 101 //gloable static unsigned char cur_channel = 1; static unsigned char lock_channel = 1; static _timer timer_handler_phase2; static _timer timer_handler_phase1; static u8 joinlink_finished = 0; static u8 security_type = 0xff; static u8 jl_rx_flag = 0; static rtw_scan_result_t *all_channel_scan_result = NULL; static rtw_scan_result_t *p_result = NULL; static int all_channel_ret = 0; static int phase1_finished = 0; static int phase2_started = 0; static u32 start_time = 0; static u32 current_time = 0; static int idx = 1; static int phase1_scanned_channel[14]; static char ap_bssid[6]; static char aes_key[] = "123456789"; static void* pre_scan_sema; static int ack_socket; static struct sockaddr_in to_addr; static struct sockaddr_in from_addr; static char header_cmd[] = "cmd"; static cJSON *ack_content = NULL; extern struct netif xnetif[]; void example_joinlink(void); static rtw_result_t joinlink_scan_result_handler(rtw_scan_handler_result_t* malloced_scan_result ) { static int ApNum = 0; //TODO: add timer of 2s, wf, 1021 if (malloced_scan_result->scan_complete != RTW_TRUE) { rtw_scan_result_t* record = &malloced_scan_result->ap_details; record->SSID.val[record->SSID.len] = 0; /* Ensure the SSID is null terminated */ ++ApNum; if(malloced_scan_result->user_data) memcpy((void *)((char *)malloced_scan_result->user_data+(ApNum-1)*sizeof(rtw_scan_result_t)), (char *)record, sizeof(rtw_scan_result_t)); } // scan finished, wf, 1022 else { rtw_up_sema(&pre_scan_sema); ApNum = 0; } return RTW_SUCCESS; } void* joinlink_all_scan() { int ret = 0; rtw_scan_result_t *joinlink_scan_buf = NULL; if(joinlink_scan_buf != NULL) free(joinlink_scan_buf); joinlink_scan_buf = (rtw_scan_result_t *)malloc(65*sizeof(rtw_scan_result_t)); if(joinlink_scan_buf == NULL){ return 0; } memset(joinlink_scan_buf, 0, 65*sizeof(rtw_scan_result_t)); if((ret = wifi_scan_networks(joinlink_scan_result_handler, joinlink_scan_buf)) != RTW_SUCCESS){ printf("[ATWS]ERROR: wifi scan failed\n\r"); free(joinlink_scan_buf); return 0; } return joinlink_scan_buf; } void joinlink_deinit_content() { rtw_del_timer(&timer_handler_phase2); rtw_del_timer(&timer_handler_phase1); if(all_channel_scan_result) { free(all_channel_scan_result); all_channel_scan_result = NULL; } rtw_free_sema(&pre_scan_sema); joinlink_deinit(); return; } static char *jl_itoa(int value) { char *val_str; int tmp = value, len = 1; while((tmp /= 10) > 0) len ++; val_str = (char *) malloc(len + 1); sprintf(val_str, "%d", value); return val_str; } static void get_ip_str(int *ip_int, char *ip_ch) { char *ip_single = NULL; u8 pos = 0, len = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ip_single = jl_itoa(ip_int[i]); len = strlen(ip_single); memcpy(ip_ch + pos, ip_single,len); free(ip_single); ip_single = NULL; pos += len; if(i == 3) { *(ip_ch + pos) = 0; break; } *(ip_ch + pos) = '.'; pos++; } } static int joinlink_set_ack_content(u8 check_sum) { cJSON_Hooks memoryHook; memoryHook.malloc_fn = malloc; memoryHook.free_fn = free; cJSON_InitHooks(&memoryHook); if(ack_content != NULL) { cJSON_Delete(ack_content); ack_content = NULL; } if((ack_content = cJSON_CreateObject()) != NULL) { char mac_str[18]; u8 pos = 0; memset(mac_str, 0, sizeof(mac_str)); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sprintf(mac_str + pos, "%02x", xnetif[0].hwaddr[i]); pos += 2; if(i != 5) mac_str[pos++] = ':'; } cJSON_AddItemToObject(ack_content, "deviceid", cJSON_CreateString(mac_str)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(ack_content, "code", cJSON_CreateNumber(check_sum)); } else { printf("create jSON object failure\n"); return -1; } return 0; } #if 1 static void recv_cmd(void *para) { int rev_len = 0; char pkt_buf[16]; while(1) { vTaskDelay(500); if((rev_len = recvfrom(ack_socket, pkt_buf, sizeof(pkt_buf), 0, NULL, NULL)) >= 0) { if(memcmp(pkt_buf, header_cmd, sizeof(header_cmd)) == 0) { printf("received reboot command, restart join_link process\n"); // do we need to reboot? example_joinlink(); close(ack_socket); break; } } } vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } static int send_ack(int *dest_ip, int dest_port, u8 sum) { #if CONFIG_LWIP_LAYER int ack_transmit_round; char ip[16]; char *jsonString = NULL; int sended_data = 0; if(joinlink_set_ack_content(sum) == -1) return -1; jsonString = cJSON_Print(ack_content); if(jsonString == NULL) { printf("json string convert failure\n"); cJSON_Delete(ack_content); return -1; } get_ip_str(dest_ip, ip); ack_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IP_PROTO_UDP); if (ack_socket == -1) { printf("create socket failure\n"); return -1; } FD_ZERO(&to_addr); to_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; to_addr.sin_port = htons(dest_port); to_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); FD_ZERO(&from_addr); from_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; from_addr.sin_port = htons(SOURCE_PORT); to_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); if(bind(ack_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, sizeof(from_addr)) < 0) { printf("bind to source port error\n"); return -1; } for (ack_transmit_round = 0; ack_transmit_round < 5; ack_transmit_round++) { sended_data = sendto(ack_socket, (unsigned char *)jsonString, strlen(jsonString), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &to_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); //printf("\r\nAlready send %d bytes data\n", sended_data); vTaskDelay(100); /* delay 100 ms */ } if(xTaskCreate(recv_cmd, (char const *)"recv_cmd", 1512, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("%s xTaskCreate failed\n", __FUNCTION__); close(ack_socket); if(jsonString) { free(jsonString); jsonString = NULL; } cJSON_Delete(ack_content); #endif return 0; } #endif static void remove_filter() { wifi_disable_packet_filter(1); wifi_disable_packet_filter(2); wifi_remove_packet_filter(1); wifi_remove_packet_filter(2); } int joinlink_finish(unsigned char security_type) { int ret = 0; int retry = 3; unsigned char pscan_config = 1; joinlink_result_t result; rtw_security_t security_mode; wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_DISABLE,NULL,0); remove_filter(); pscan_config = PSCAN_ENABLE | PSCAN_SIMPLE_CONFIG; ret = joinlink_get_result(&result); if (ret == 0) { printf("get result OK\n"); //printf("\r\n joinlink get result ok,ssid = %s, pwd = %s,ssid length = %d,pwd length = %d", // result.ssid, result.pwd, result.ssid_length,result.pwd_length); } else{ printf("joinlink result not get!\n"); joinlink_deinit_content(); return -1; } //ap security type switch(security_type){ case RTW_ENCRYPTION_OPEN: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_OPEN; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WEP40: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WEP104: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_WEP_PSK; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA_TKIP: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA_AES: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_TKIP: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_AES: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_WPA2_MIXED: security_mode = RTW_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK; break; case RTW_ENCRYPTION_UNKNOWN: case RTW_ENCRYPTION_UNDEF: default: printf("unknow security mode,connect fail!\n"); } #if 1 while(1){ if(wifi_set_pscan_chan(&lock_channel, &pscan_config, 1) < 0){ printf("ERROR: wifi set partial scan channel fail\n"); break; } printf("wifi_connect\n"); //printf("ap_bssid: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", ap_bssid[0],ap_bssid[1],ap_bssid[2],ap_bssid[3],ap_bssid[4],ap_bssid[5]); ret = wifi_connect((unsigned char *)result.ssid, security_mode, (unsigned char *)result.pwd, result.ssid_length, result.pwd_length, 0,NULL); if(ret == RTW_SUCCESS){ printf("Connect ok!\n"); #if CONFIG_LWIP_LAYER /* If not rise priority, LwIP DHCP may timeout */ vTaskPrioritySet(NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3); /* Start DHCP Client */ ret = LwIP_DHCP(0, DHCP_START); vTaskPrioritySet(NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1); #endif break; } if (retry == 0) { break; } retry--; } if(send_ack(result.source_ip, result.source_port, result.sum) != 0) printf("send ack failure\n"); #endif joinlink_deinit_content(); return 0; } // handler for phase2 void timer_handler_phase2_func(void *FunctionContext) { // do not switch channel while handle frames, wf, 1021 if(jl_rx_flag){ rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, CHANNEL_SWITCH_TIME - 25); } else { if(cur_channel >= 13) {cur_channel = 1;} else cur_channel ++; wifi_set_channel(cur_channel); rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, CHANNEL_SWITCH_TIME); } //printf("phase2:wifi switch channel to %d\n",cur_channel); return; } // timer handler for the 1st phase, wf, 1022 void timer_handler_phase1_func(void *FunctionContext) { // do not switch channel while handle frames, wf, 1021 if(jl_rx_flag){ rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase1, SSID_SWITCH_TIME - 25); } // switch ssid, wf, 1022 else { if(idx >= 14) { phase1_finished = 1; printf("wifi: phase1 scan finished\n"); printf("wifi: start phase2 scan\n"); // move from pkt handler to here in case no pkt to trigue phase2 #if 1 if(phase1_finished) { phase1_finished = 0; phase2_started = 1; rtw_cancel_timer(&timer_handler_phase1); //start phase2 for ch1~ch13 cur_channel = 1; wifi_set_channel(cur_channel); rtw_init_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, NULL, &timer_handler_phase2_func, NULL, "phase_2"); rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, CHANNEL_SWITCH_TIME); } #endif return; } while(idx < 14) { if(phase1_scanned_channel[idx]) { wifi_set_channel(idx); rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase1, SSID_SWITCH_TIME); //printf("phase1: wifi switch channel to %d\n",idx); idx++; break; } else { if(idx == 13) rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase1, SSID_SWITCH_TIME); idx++; } } } return; } static void rtl_frame_recv_handle(unsigned char *buf, int len, unsigned char *da, unsigned char *sa, void *user_data) { int ret = 0; int fixed_channel; char scanned_ssid[50] = {0}; unsigned char *current_bssid = NULL; int scanned_ssid_len = 0; //set this flag prevent joinlink_recv interruptted by timer,since timer has higher priority jl_rx_flag = 1; if (joinlink_finished) { jl_rx_flag = 0; return; } ret = joinlink_recv(da, sa, len, user_data); if(ret == JOINLINK_STATUS_CHANNEL_LOCKED) { if(phase2_started) { phase2_started = 0; rtw_cancel_timer(&timer_handler_phase2); } else rtw_cancel_timer(&timer_handler_phase1); lock_channel = cur_channel; security_type = ((ieee80211_frame_info_t *)user_data)->encrypt; printf("JoinLink locked to channel[%d]\n",lock_channel); current_bssid = buf + 4 + ETH_ALEN; memcpy(ap_bssid, current_bssid, 6); fixed_channel = promisc_get_fixed_channel(current_bssid, scanned_ssid, &scanned_ssid_len); if (fixed_channel != 0) { printf("JoinLink force fixed to channel[%d]\r\n",fixed_channel); printf("JoinLink ssid scanned[%s]\r\n",scanned_ssid); wifi_set_channel(fixed_channel); } } else if(ret == JOINLINK_STATUS_COMPLETE){ //wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_DISABLE,NULL,0); joinlink_finished = 1; printf("quit promisc mode!\r\n"); } //release flag jl_rx_flag = 0; return; } // callback for promisc packets, like rtk_start_parse_packet in SC, wf, 1021 void wifi_promisc_rx(unsigned char* buf, unsigned int len, void* user_data) { unsigned char * da = buf; unsigned char * sa = buf + ETH_ALEN; if (joinlink_finished) return; rtl_frame_recv_handle(buf, len, da, sa, user_data); return; } // the entry point for joinlink void joinlink_process(void *param) { while(1) { current_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if(joinlink_finished) { printf("joinlink finished\n"); break; } if((current_time - start_time) > JOINLINK_TIME * configTICK_RATE_HZ) { printf("joinlink timeout\n"); break; } vTaskDelay(500); } joinlink_finish(security_type); vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } int joinlink_init_content() { int ret = 0; ret = joinlink_init(); if(ret < 0){ printf("JoinLink init failed!\n"); return ret; } memset(phase1_scanned_channel, 0, sizeof(phase1_scanned_channel)); security_type = 0xff; cur_channel = 1; lock_channel = 1; joinlink_finished = 0; jl_rx_flag = 0; p_result = NULL; all_channel_ret = 0; phase1_finished = 0; phase2_started = 0; idx = 1; rtw_init_sema(&pre_scan_sema, 0); memset(ap_bssid, 0, sizeof(ap_bssid)); set_aes_key(aes_key, sizeof(aes_key) - 1); return 0; } // ret:1 indicate suc, else fail int scan_all_channel() { all_channel_scan_result = (rtw_scan_result_t *)joinlink_all_scan(); if(all_channel_scan_result == NULL) return 0; else return 1; } void get_phase1_channel() { p_result = all_channel_scan_result; while(p_result->channel) { if((p_result->channel >= 1) && (p_result->channel <= 13)) phase1_scanned_channel[p_result->channel] = 1; p_result++; } return; } // now only accept mcast and bcast pkt static void filter_add_enable() { u8 mask[MASK_SIZE_JOINLINK]={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}; u8 pattern[MASK_SIZE_JOINLINK]={0x01,0x00,0x5e}; u8 pattern_bcast[MASK_SIZE_JOINLINK]={0xff,0xff,0xff}; rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t packet_filter; rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t packet_filter_bcast; rtw_packet_filter_rule_e rule; packet_filter.offset = 0; packet_filter.mask_size = 3; packet_filter.mask = mask; packet_filter.pattern = pattern; packet_filter_bcast.offset = 0; packet_filter_bcast.mask_size = 3; packet_filter_bcast.mask = mask; packet_filter_bcast.pattern = pattern_bcast; rule = RTW_POSITIVE_MATCHING; wifi_init_packet_filter(); wifi_add_packet_filter(1, &packet_filter,rule); wifi_add_packet_filter(2, &packet_filter_bcast,rule); wifi_enable_packet_filter(1); wifi_enable_packet_filter(2); } void joinlink_start(void *param) { joinlink_finished = 0; start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if(xTaskCreate(joinlink_process, (char const *)"JoinLink", 1512, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("%s xTaskCreate failed\n", __FUNCTION__); if (joinlink_init_content() < 0) printf("joinlink init fail!\n"); while(1) { if(wifi_is_ready_to_transceive(RTW_STA_INTERFACE) == RTW_SUCCESS) break; else vTaskDelay(3000); } all_channel_ret = scan_all_channel(); if (rtw_down_sema(&pre_scan_sema) == _FAIL) printf("%s, Take Semaphore Fail\n", __FUNCTION__); //printf("\npre scan finished\n"); //set wifi to station mode,enable promisc mode and timer to change channel wifi_enter_promisc_mode(); filter_add_enable(); /* enable all 802.11 packets*/ wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_ENABLE, wifi_promisc_rx, 1); //init timer handler,and set timer hanler funcion if(all_channel_ret) { printf("\nstart the phase1 scan\n"); get_phase1_channel(); rtw_init_timer(&timer_handler_phase1, NULL, &timer_handler_phase1_func, NULL, "phase1_timer"); rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase1, SSID_SWITCH_TIME); } else { printf("phase1 scan fail, start phase2 scan\n"); rtw_init_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, NULL, &timer_handler_phase2_func, NULL, "phase2_timer"); wifi_set_channel(cur_channel); rtw_set_timer(&timer_handler_phase2, CHANNEL_SWITCH_TIME); } vTaskDelete(NULL); return; } void example_joinlink(void) { if(xTaskCreate(joinlink_start, (char const *)"JoinLink_entry", 1512, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL) != pdPASS) printf("%s xTaskCreate failed\n", __FUNCTION__); }