mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 10:32:58 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 2308 additions and 2272 deletions
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ void example_entry(void)
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ int32_t serial_send_stream_abort (serial_t *obj);
int32_t serial_recv_stream_abort (serial_t *obj);
void serial_disable (serial_t *obj);
void serial_enable (serial_t *obj);
int32_t serial_recv_stream_timeout (serial_t *obj, char *prxbuf, uint32_t \
len, uint32_t timeout_ms, void *force_cs);
int32_t serial_recv_stream_timeout (serial_t *obj, char *prxbuf, \
uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout_ms, void *force_cs);
int32_t serial_recv_stream_dma_timeout (serial_t *obj, char *prxbuf, \
uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout_ms, void *force_cs);
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ Exit:
uart_socket_t* uart_open(uart_set_str *puartpara)
PinName uart_tx = PA_7;//PA_4; //PA_7
PinName uart_rx = PA_6;//PA_0; //PA_6
PinName uart_tx = PA_7; //PA_4; //PA_7
PinName uart_rx = PA_6; //PA_0; //PA_6
uart_socket_t *u;
u = (uart_socket_t *)RtlZmalloc(sizeof(uart_socket_t));
@ -10,34 +10,12 @@
#define BITBAND_SRAM_BASE 0x12000000
#define BITBAND_SRAM(a,b) (BITBAND_SRAM_BASE + (a-BITBAND_SRAM_REF)*32 + (b*4)) // Convert SRAM address
* in hal_platform.h
#define BITBAND_REG_BASE 0x40001000
* in rtl8195a_gpio.h
#define BITBAND_PORTA_DR 0x00 // data register
#define BITBAND_PORTA_DDR 0x04 // data direction
#define BITBAND_PORTA_CTRL 0x08 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software
#define BITBAND_PORTB_DR 0x0c // data register
#define BITBAND_PORTB_DDR 0x10 // data direction
#define BITBAND_PORTB_CTRL 0x14 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software
#define BITBAND_PORTC_DR 0x18 // data register
#define BITBAND_PORTC_DDR 0x1c // data direction
#define BITBAND_PORTC_CTRL 0x20 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software
#define BITBAND_EXT_PORTA 0x50 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back
#define BITBAND_EXT_PORTB 0x54 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back
#define BITBAND_EXT_PORTC 0x58 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back
#define BITBAND_ADDR(a,b) (0x02000000 + (a & 0xF0000000) + (a - (a & 0xF0000000)) * 32 + ((b) * 4)) // Convert address ?
#define BITBAND_PERI_REF 0x40000000
#define BITBAND_PERI_BASE 0x42000000
#define BITBAND_PERI(a,b) (BITBAND_PERI_BASE + (a-BITBAND_PERI_REF)*32 + (b*4)) // Convert PERI address
#define BITBAND_PERI(a,b) (BITBAND_PERI_BASE + (a - BITBAND_PERI_REF) * 32 + ((b) * 4)) // Convert PERI address
#define ucBITBAND_PERI(a,b) *((volatile unsigned char *)BITBAND_PERI(a,b))
#define uiBITBAND_PERI(a,b) *((volatile unsigned int *)BITBAND_PERI(a,b))
@ -143,4 +121,10 @@
#define BITBAND_K5 ucBITBAND_PERI(GPIO_REG_BASE+GPIO_PORTC_DR,25) //Port = 2, bit = 25, K5
#define BITBAND_K6 ucBITBAND_PERI(GPIO_REG_BASE+GPIO_PORTC_DR,26) //Port = 2, bit = 26, K6
volatile u8 * BitBandAddr(void *addr, u8 bit);
volatile u8 * BitBandPeriAddr(void *addr, u8 bit);
volatile u8 * GetOutPinBitBandAddr(PinName pin);
volatile u8 * GetInpPinBitBandAddr(PinName pin);
volatile u8 * HardSetPin(PinName pin, PinDirection pdir, PinMode pmode, u8 val);
#endif // _BITBAND_IO_H_
@ -242,8 +242,6 @@ HAL_GPIO_IP_DeInit(
extern u16 GPIOState[_PORT_MAX]; // побитно 16 бит для каждого порта (A..K), бит=номер задействованного пина в порту на периферию.
#endif // end of "#define _HAL_GPIO_H_"
@ -45,35 +45,35 @@ typedef struct _UART_DMA_CONFIG_ {
typedef struct _HAL_RUART_ADAPTER_ {
u32 BaudRate;
u32 FlowControl;
u32 FifoControl;
u32 Interrupts;
u32 TxCount; // how many byte to TX
u32 RxCount; // how many bytes to RX
u8 *pTxBuf;
u8 *pRxBuf;
HAL_UART_State State; // UART state
u8 Status; // Transfer Status
u8 Locked; // is UART locked for operation
u8 UartIndex;
u8 WordLen; // word length select: 0 -> 7 bits, 1 -> 8 bits
u8 StopBit; // word length select: 0 -> 1 stop bit, 1 -> 2 stop bit
u8 Parity; // parity check enable
u8 ParityType; // parity check type
u8 StickParity;
u8 ModemStatus; // the modem status
u32 BaudRate; //+0
u32 FlowControl; //+4
u32 FifoControl; //+8
u32 Interrupts; //+12
u32 TxCount; //+16 how many byte to TX
u32 RxCount; //+20 how many bytes to RX
u8 *pTxBuf; //+24
u8 *pRxBuf; //+28
HAL_UART_State State; //+32 UART state
u8 Status; //+36 Transfer Status
u8 Locked; //+37 is UART locked for operation
u8 UartIndex; //+38
u8 WordLen; //+39 word length select: 0 -> 7 bits, 1 -> 8 bits
u8 StopBit; //+40 word length select: 0 -> 1 stop bit, 1 -> 2 stop bit
u8 Parity; //+41 parity check enable
u8 ParityType; //+42 parity check type
u8 StickParity; //+43
u8 ModemStatus; //+44 the modem status
u8 DmaEnable;
u8 TestCaseNumber;
u8 PinmuxSelect;
BOOL PullMode;
VOID (*ModemStatusInd)(VOID *pAdapter); // modem status indication interrupt handler
VOID (*TxTDCallback)(VOID *pAdapter); // User Tx Done callback function
VOID (*RxDRCallback)(VOID *pAdapter); // User Rx Data ready callback function
VOID (*TxCompCallback)(VOID *para); // User Tx complete callback function
VOID (*RxCompCallback)(VOID *para); // User Rx complete callback function
VOID (*ModemStatusInd)(VOID *pAdapter); //+72 modem status indication interrupt handler
VOID (*TxTDCallback)(VOID *pAdapter); //+76 User Tx Done callback function
VOID (*RxDRCallback)(VOID *pAdapter); //+80 User Rx Data ready callback function
VOID (*TxCompCallback)(VOID *para); //+84 User Tx complete callback function
VOID (*RxCompCallback)(VOID *para); //+88 User Rx complete callback function
VOID *TxTDCbPara; // the pointer agrument for TxTDCallback
VOID *RxDRCbPara; // the pointer agrument for RxDRCallback
VOID *TxCompCbPara; // the pointer argument for TxCompCbPara
@ -261,6 +261,14 @@ GPIO_Int_SetType_8195a(
u8 int_mode
u8 pin_num,
u8 En
_LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_FuncOn_8195a(VOID);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_FuncOff_8195a(VOID);
_LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195aV02(HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u32 En);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_Int_Clear_8195aV02(u32 irq_clr);
@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ typedef enum {
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_REG_OFF 0x08 //[W]
// Define FIFO Control Register Bits
typedef enum {
RU_FCR_FIFO_EN = BIT0, // FIFO Enable.
RU_FCR_RST_RX = BIT1, // RCVR FIFO Reset, self clear
RU_FCR_RST_TX = BIT2, // XMIT FIFO Reset, self clear
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_EMP = 0, // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO empty
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_2CH = BIT4, // TX Empty Trigger: 2 characters in the FIFO
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_QF = BIT5, // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO 1/4 full
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_HF = (BIT5|BIT4), // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO 1/2 full
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_MASK = (BIT5|BIT4), // TX Empty Trigger Bit Mask
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_1CH = 0, // RCVR Trigger: 1 character in the FIFO
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_QF = BIT6, // RCVR Trigger: FIFO 1/4 full
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_HF = BIT7, // RCVR Trigger: FIFO 1/2 full
RU_FCR_FIFO_EN = BIT0, // FIFO Enable.
RU_FCR_RST_RX = BIT1, // RCVR FIFO Reset, self clear
RU_FCR_RST_TX = BIT2, // XMIT FIFO Reset, self clear
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_EMP = 0, // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO empty
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_2CH = BIT4, // TX Empty Trigger: 2 characters in the FIFO
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_QF = BIT5, // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO 1/4 full
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_HF = (BIT5|BIT4), // TX Empty Trigger: FIFO 1/2 full
RU_FCR_TX_TRIG_MASK = (BIT5|BIT4), // TX Empty Trigger Bit Mask
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_1CH = 0, // RCVR Trigger: 1 character in the FIFO
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_QF = BIT6, // RCVR Trigger: FIFO 1/4 full
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_HF = BIT7, // RCVR Trigger: FIFO 1/2 full
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_AF = (BIT7|BIT6), // RCVR Trigger: FIFO 2 less than full
RU_FCR_RX_TRIG_MASK = (BIT7|BIT6) // RCVR Trigger bits Mask
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ typedef enum {
// Define Line Control Register Bits
typedef enum {
RU_LCR_DLS_5B = 0, // Data Length: 5 bits
RU_LCR_DLS_5B = 0, // Data Length: 5 bits
RU_LCR_DLS_6B = BIT0, // Data Length: 6 bits
RU_LCR_DLS_7B = BIT1, // Data Length: 7 bits
RU_LCR_DLS_8B = (BIT1|BIT0), // Data Length: 7 bits
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ typedef enum {
RU_LCR_STOP_2B = BIT2, // Number of stop bits: 1.5(data len=5) or 2
RU_LCR_PARITY_NONE = 0, // Parity Enable: 0
RU_LCR_PARITY_ODD = BIT3, // Parity Enable: 1, Even Parity: 0
RU_LCR_PARITY_ODD = BIT3, // Parity Enable: 1, Even Parity: 0
RU_LCR_PARITY_EVEN = (BIT4|BIT3), // Parity Enable: 1, Even Parity: 1
RU_LCR_BC = BIT6, // Break Control Bit
RU_LCR_DLAB = BIT7 // Divisor Latch Access Bit
RU_LCR_DLAB = BIT7 // Divisor Latch Access Bit
//*BIT6 Break Control Bit (BC)
//*BIT4 Even Parity Select (EPS)
@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ typedef enum {
#define RUART_SP_REG_XFACTOR_ADJ (0x7FF<<16) //[26:16]
#define RUART_STS_REG_OFF 0x20
#define RUART_STS_REG_RESET_RCV BIT3 //BIT3, 0x08, Reset Uart Receiver
#define RUART_STS_REG_RESET_RCV BIT3 // BIT3, 0x08, Reset Uart Receiver
#define RUART_REV_BUF_REG_OFF 0x24 //Receiver Buffer Register
#define RUART_TRAN_HOLD_REG_OFF 0x24 //Transmitter Holding Register
#define RUART_REV_BUF_REG_OFF 0x24 // Receiver Buffer Register
#define RUART_TRAN_HOLD_REG_OFF 0x24 // Transmitter Holding Register
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ HalRuartMultiBlkDmaRecvRtl8195a(
* Stop non-blocking UART TX
* Stop non-blocking UART RX
* @return VOID
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
hal_common.c +
hal_efuse.c +
hal_misc.c +
hal_pinmux.c +
hal_sdio_host.c +
hal_soc_ps_monitor.c +
hal_spi_flash_ram.c +
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#include "PinNames.h"
#include "bitband_io.h"
volatile u8 * BitBandAddr(void *addr, u8 bit) {
return (volatile u8 *)(BITBAND_ADDR((u32)addr, bit));
volatile u8 * BitBandPeriAddr(void *addr, u8 bit) {
return (volatile u8 *)(BITBAND_PERI((u32)addr, bit));
volatile u8 * GetOutPinBitBandAddr(PinName pin) {
u32 paddr = NULL;
u32 ippin = HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a(pin);
if(ippin != 0xff) {
// paddr = 0x42000000 + (0x40001000 + 0x0c * (ippin >> 5) - 0x40000000) * 32 + ((ippin & 0x1f) * 4);
paddr = BitBandPeriAddr((void *)(GPIO_REG_BASE + GPIO_PORTB_DR * (ippin >> 5)), ippin & 0x1f);
return paddr;
volatile u8 * GetInPinBitBandAddr(PinName pin) {
volatile u8 * paddr = NULL;
u32 ippin = HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a(pin);
if(ippin != 0xff) {
// paddr = 0x42000000 + (0x40001000 + 0x0c * (ippin >> 5) - 0x40000000) * 32 + ((ippin & 0x1f) * 4);
paddr = BitBandPeriAddr((void *)(GPIO_REG_BASE + GPIO_EXT_PORTA + (ippin >> 5) * 4), ippin & 0x1f);
return paddr;
volatile u8 * HardSetPin(PinName pin, PinDirection pdir, PinMode pmode, u8 val)
volatile u8 *paddr = NULL;
u32 ippin = HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a(pin);
if(ippin != 0xff) {
// paddr = 0x42000000 + (0x40001000 + 0x0c * (ippin >> 5) - 0x40000000) * 32 + ((ippin & 0x1f) * 4);
paddr = BitBandPeriAddr((void *)(GPIO_REG_BASE + GPIO_PORTB_DR * (ippin >> 5)), ippin & 0x1f);
if(paddr && _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter) {
if (_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->Gpio_Func_En == 0) GPIO_FuncOn_8195a();
paddr[0] = val; // data register
paddr[(GPIO_PORTB_DDR - GPIO_PORTB_DR) * 32] = pdir; // data direction
#if 1 // if use HAL_Gpio_Adapter
uint32 * p = &_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->Local_Gpio_Dir[ippin >> 5];
if(pdir) *p |= 1 << (ippin & 0x1f);
else *p &= ~(1 << (ippin & 0x1f));
paddr[(GPIO_PORTB_CTRL - GPIO_PORTB_DR) * 32] = 0; // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software
HAL_GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a(pin, pmode); // set GPIO_PULL_CTRLx
return paddr;
@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
extern PHAL_GPIO_ADAPTER _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter;
extern VOID GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a(u32 chip_pin, u8 pull_type);
* @brief To get the GPIO IP Pin name for the given chip pin name
@ -203,5 +201,4 @@ HAL_GPIO_DeInit(
GpioFunctionChk(chip_pin, DISABLE);
#endif // CONFIG_GPIO_EN
@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ SRC_C += sdk/component/common/mbed/targets/hal/rtl8195a/flash_eep.c
#peripheral - hal
SRC_C += sdk/component/soc/realtek/8195a/fwlib/src/bitband_io.c
SRC_C += sdk/component/soc/realtek/8195a/fwlib/src/hal_32k.c
SRC_C += sdk/component/soc/realtek/8195a/fwlib/src/hal_adc.c
SRC_C += sdk/component/soc/realtek/8195a/fwlib/src/hal_gdma.c
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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