diff --git a/flasher/RTL8710.jflash b/flasher/RTL8710.jflash new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5d0547 --- /dev/null +++ b/flasher/RTL8710.jflash @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + AppVersion = 47812 +[GENERAL] + ConnectMode = 0 + CurrentFile = "fullflash.bin" + DataFileSAddr = 0x98000000 + GUIMode = 0 + HostName = "" + TargetIF = 1 + USBPort = 0 + USBSerialNo = 0x00000000 +[JTAG] + IRLen = 0 + MultipleTargets = 0 + NumDevices = 0 + Speed0 = 400 + Speed1 = 12000 + TAP_Number = 0 + UseAdaptive0 = 0 + UseAdaptive1 = 0 + UseMaxSpeed0 = 0 + UseMaxSpeed1 = 0 +[CPU] + CheckCoreID = 0 + ChipName = "RTL8710AF" + ClockSpeed = 0x00000000 + Core = 0x030000FF + CoreID = 0x00000000 + CoreIDMask = 0x0F000FFF + DeviceFamily = 0x00000003 + EndianMode = 0 + HasInternalFlash = 0 + InitStep0_Action = "Reset" + InitStep0_Comment = "Reset and Halt" + InitStep0_Value0 = 0x00000000 + InitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000005 + InitStep1_Action = "Go" + InitStep1_Comment = "" + InitStep1_Value0 = 0x00000000 + InitStep1_Value1 = 0x00000000 + InitStep2_Action = "Reset" + InitStep2_Comment = "Reset and halt target" + InitStep2_Value0 = 0x00000000 + InitStep2_Value1 = 0x00000005 + InitStep3_Action = "Write Register" + InitStep3_Comment = "Only T=1" + InitStep3_Value0 = 0x00000010 + InitStep3_Value1 = 0x01000000 + InitStep4_Action = "Write 32bit" + InitStep4_Comment = "Setup SystemCoreClock" + InitStep4_Value0 = 0x40000014 + InitStep4_Value1 = 0x00000001 + InitStep5_Action = "Delay" + InitStep5_Comment = "" + InitStep5_Value0 = 0x00000000 + InitStep5_Value1 = 0x00000005 + InitStep6_Action = "Write 32bit" + InitStep6_Comment = "Write Page Size" + InitStep6_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF0 + InitStep6_Value1 = 0x00000100 + InitStep7_Action = "Write 32bit" + InitStep7_Comment = "Write Sector Size" + InitStep7_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF4 + InitStep7_Value1 = 0x00001000 + InitStep8_Action = "Write 32bit" + InitStep8_Comment = "Write Block Size" + InitStep8_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFF8 + InitStep8_Value1 = 0x00010000 + InitStep9_Action = "Write 32bit" + InitStep9_Comment = "Write Block Count" + InitStep9_Value0 = 0x1FFFFFFC + InitStep9_Value1 = 0x00000010 + NumExitSteps = 0 + NumInitSteps = 10 + RAMAddr = 0x10000000 + RAMSize = 0x00010000 + ScriptFile = "" + UseAutoSpeed = 0x00000001 + UseRAM = 1 + UseScriptFile = 0 +[FLASH] + aSectorSel[0] = + AutoDetect = 1 + BankName = "" + BankSelMode = 1 + BaseAddr = 0x98000000 + CheckId = 3 + CustomRAMCode = "RTL8710AF.hex" + DeviceName = "Auto detected flash memory" + EndBank = 8191 + NumBanks = 1 + OrgNumBits = 16 + OrgNumChips = 1 + StartBank = 0 + UseCustomRAMCode = 1 +[PRODUCTION] + AutoPerformsErase = 1 + AutoPerformsHardLock = 0 + AutoPerformsHardUnlock = 0 + AutoPerformsProgram = 1 + AutoPerformsSecure = 0 + AutoPerformsSoftLock = 0 + AutoPerformsSoftUnlock = 1 + AutoPerformsStartApp = 0 + AutoPerformsUnsecure = 0 + AutoPerformsVerify = 1 + EnableProductionMode = 0 + EnableTargetPower = 0 + EraseType = 2 + ProductionDelay = 0x000001F4 + ProductionThreshold = 0x00000BB8 + ProgramSN = 0 + SerialFile = "" + SNAddr = 0x00000000 + SNInc = 0x00000001 + SNLen = 0x00000004 + SNListFile = "" + SNValue = 0x00000001 + TargetPowerDelay = 0x00000014 + VerifyType = 1 diff --git a/flasher/RTL8710AF.hex b/flasher/RTL8710AF.hex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd2dc4c --- /dev/null +++ b/flasher/RTL8710AF.hex @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +:100000007D0439057F05FF056506D506D706000086 +:10001000D44908707047D44800680005FBD0D14827 +:100020000078C0B2704710B5D048006850F44070F6 +:10003000CE490860CE48006850F01000CC490860F6 +:10004000CC480468062000F0B7F934F00600C9492E +:100050000860C848006850F00100C64908600020E8 +:10006000C54908600020C54908600120C4490860EE +:100070000220C44908600020C34908600020C34929 +:1000800008600020C249086010BD2DE9F04104005D +:100090000D001600B6B2002E01D1002048E0B6B225 +:1000A000112E01DB102006004FF4407000F084F99F +:1000B00080465FF4401000F07FF95FF4403000F0BC +:1000C0007BF95FF4402000F077F9032010FA08F084 +:1000D00010F44070AF490860B6B2AF480660032024 +:1000E000FFF796FF200CC0B2FFF792FF200AC0B2C4 +:1000F000FFF78EFF2000C0B2FFF78AFF01209E4964 +:100100000860002007003800310080B289B28842C0 +:1001100005D2FFF780FFBFB2E8557F1CF3E79F4889 +:100120000068C007FBD4002093490860300080B20B +:10013000BDE8F08138B54FF4407000F03DF905009E +:100140005FF4401000F038F95FF4403000F034F90B +:100150005FF4402000F030F90320A84010F4407014 +:100160008C49086003208C4908600120824908609E +:100170009F20FFF74DFFFFF74EFF0400FFF74BFFF7 +:1001800054EA00200400FFF746FF54EA0040040050 +:1001900082480068C007FBD400207749086020002F +:1001A00032BD38B54FF4407000F006F905005FF439 +:1001B000401000F001F95FF4403000F0FDF85FF40A +:1001C000402000F0F9F80320A84010F44070714975 +:1001D0000860012070490860012067490860052017 +:1001E000FFF716FFFFF717FF04006C480068C00711 +:1001F000FBD40020604908602000C0B232BD38B591 +:1002000004004FF4407000F0D7F805005FF4401090 +:1002100000F0D2F85FF4403000F0CEF85FF44020F8 +:1002200000F0CAF80120A84010F440705949086055 +:100230000120514908602000C0B2FFF7E9FE57488D +:100240000068C007FBD400204B49086031BD38B5B9 +:1002500004004FF4407000F0AFF805005FF4401068 +:1002600000F0AAF85FF4403000F0A6F85FF44020F8 +:1002700000F0A2F80120A84010F440704549086041 +:1002800001203D4908602020FFF7C2FE200CC0B2CB +:10029000FFF7BEFE200AC0B2FFF7BAFE2000C0B2D0 +:1002A000FFF7B6FE3D480068C007FBD40020324986 +:1002B000086031BD2DE9F04104000D001600B6B212 +:1002C000002E01D100204BE0B6B2B6F5807F02DDF2 +:1002D0004FF4807006004FF4407000F06DF88046D7 +:1002E0005FF4401000F068F85FF4403000F064F80C +:1002F0005FF4402000F060F8012010FA08F010F4DC +:1003000040702449086001201B4908600220FFF763 +:100310007FFE200CC0B2FFF77BFE200AC0B2FFF7C1 +:1003200077FE2000C0B2FFF773FE00200700380000 +:10033000310080B289B2884205D2BFB2E85DFFF7D2 +:1003400067FE7F1CF3E7154800684007FBD513489C +:100350000068C007FBD4002007490860300080B265 +:10036000BDE8F08160600040246000403002004041 +:1003700010020040C0020040086000402C600040B5 +:100380001060004014600040186000401C60004095 +:100390004C60004000600040046000402860004065 +:1003A00080B5FFF7FEFEC007FBD401BD80B5FFF7A7 +:1003B000F8FE8007FBD501BD90FAA0F0B0FA80F0FE +:1003C00070470000010051EA510151EA910151EAE0 +:1003D000111151EA112151EA1141064A7A441432AD +:1003E000DFF8B03203FB01F3DB0E52F823201000DC +:1003F000704700BF80030000DFF89C02006850F0E7 +:100400004070DFF894120860DFF89002006850F442 +:100410008070DFF888120860FF20DFF8841208601F +:10042000FF20DFF880120860704780B500F054F9B3 +:1004300001BD0120DFF870120860704780B571B609 +:1004400072B6FFF7F6FFFFF7D7FFFFF7EEFF01BD2C +:1004500080B5FFF7E8FDFFF7A3FFFFF76BFEFFF79F +:100460009FFF92480068FFF7ADFF914908609148EF +:100470000068FFF7A7FF9049086001BDF8B50400C8 +:100480000D0016008D4800688D49884204D18D48C2 +:1004900000688D49884209D08948884908608A489F +:1004A00088490860FFF7CAFFFFF7D2FF814800685C +:1004B00086490968864A12685143B1FBF0F27368B5 +:1004C00040271F807A4F3F689F700027DF70012709 +:1004D0001F7101275F7100279F710127DF710127BD +:1004E0001F7200275F7201279F7201271F6100277B +:1004F000DFF8DCC1DCF800C067451CD2DFF8CCC1F6 +:10050000DCF800C00CFB07FC5FF00C0E0EFB07FED6 +:100510009E44CEF814C05FF00C0C0CFB07FC9C440E +:10052000CCF818205FF00C0C0CFB07FC9C44CCF8BA +:100530001C007F1CDCE7F1BD2DE9F04704000D0035 +:1005400016007769D6F81080D6F80490002F14D0E2 +:10055000200000F0C0F8112F02D35FF0100A00E075 +:10056000BA46524692B249464046FFF78EFD1AEB14 +:100570000808D144B7EB0A07E8E7BDE8F0872DE9A2 +:10058000F84F04000D0016000020286077694848E5 +:100590000068B84638FA00F8D6F810904448006869 +:1005A00039FA00F9D6F804A0B8F1000F25D0B7F554 +:1005B000807F02D94FF4807B00E0BB46FFF7F0FE5E +:1005C0000620FFF71CFEFFF7F1FE5A4692B2514695 +:1005D0003648006800FB09F0FFF76CFEFFF7E0FE0D +:1005E0000420FFF70CFEFFF7DBFEDA44B7EB0B0746 +:1005F000B8F1010819F10109D6E7BDE8F18F2DE93D +:10060000F84304000D00160030692B490968C84002 +:10061000070070698046002028602648006800FBBB +:1006200007F08146B8F1000F1AD0200000F053F80F +:10063000FFF7B6FE0620FFF7E2FDFFF7B7FE4846DC +:10064000FFF705FEFFF7ACFE0420FFF7D8FDFFF72C +:10065000A7FE1848006810EB0909B8F10108E1E7A6 +:10066000BDE8F18310B504001448006814498842BD +:1006700004D1144800681449884209D010480F4931 +:10068000086011480F490860FFF7D8FEFFF7E0FE49 +:1006900010BD0000DDACC407300200401C02004069 +:1006A000200300402403004014000040F0FFFF1F1F +:1006B000E0FFFF1FF4FFFF1FE4FFFF1FE8FFFF1F26 +:1006C000AA55AA55ECFFFF1F55AA55AAF8FFFF1F10 +:1006D000FCFFFF1F7047704710B51E48006850F4BC +:1006E00040501C4908601C48006850F480501A496A +:1006F00008601A4800684006FBD5194804685FF492 +:100700004000FFF759FE34F44000154908601448D2 +:10071000006850F4801012490860002011490860F8 +:100720001148006850F080000F49086044200F49CC +:10073000086000200B49086003240320FFF73CFEFB +:1007400014FA00F010F0030007490860002008497F +:10075000086010BD3002004010020040143000401C +:10076000C0020040043000400C3000400030004027 +:1007700008300040000000000900000001000000F7 +:100780000A0000000D00000015000000020000003B +:100790001D0000000B0000000E0000001000000013 +:1007A0001200000016000000190000000300000005 +:1007B0001E000000080000000C00000014000000F3 +:1007C0001C0000000F0000001100000018000000D5 +:1007D00007000000130000001B00000017000000CD +:1007E000060000001A0000000500000004000000E0 +:0407F0001F000000E6 +:0400000500000000F7 +:00000001FF diff --git a/flasher/RTL8710AF.jflash b/flasher/RTL8710AF.jflash deleted file mode 100644 index ff1f6c4..0000000 --- a/flasher/RTL8710AF.jflash +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ - AppVersion = 61001 - FileVersion = 2 -[GENERAL] - ConnectMode = 0 - CurrentFile = "" - DataFileSAddr = 0x00000000 - GUIMode = 0 - HostName = "" - TargetIF = 1 - USBPort = 0 - USBSerialNo = 0x00000000 -[JTAG] - IRLen = 0 - MultipleTargets = 0 - NumDevices = 0 - Speed0 = 6000 - Speed1 = 6000 - TAP_Number = 0 - UseAdaptive0 = 0 - UseAdaptive1 = 0 - UseMaxSpeed0 = 0 - UseMaxSpeed1 = 0 -[CPU] - NumInitSteps = 18 - InitStep0_Action = "Reset" - InitStep0_Value0 = 0x00000000 - InitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep0_Comment = "Reset and halt target" - InitStep1_Action = "Read 32bit" - InitStep1_Value0 = 0x40000230 - InitStep1_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep1_Comment = "enable spi flash peripheral clock" - InitStep2_Action = "Var OR" - InitStep2_Value0 = 0x00000000 - InitStep2_Value1 = 0x00000300 - InitStep2_Comment = "" - InitStep3_Action = "Var Write 32bit" - InitStep3_Value0 = 0x40000230 - InitStep3_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep3_Comment = "" - InitStep4_Action = "Read 32bit" - InitStep4_Value0 = 0x40000210 - InitStep4_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep4_Comment = "enable spi flash peripheral" - InitStep5_Action = "Var OR" - InitStep5_Value0 = 0x00000000 - InitStep5_Value1 = 0x00000010 - InitStep5_Comment = "" - InitStep6_Action = "Var Write 32bit" - InitStep6_Value0 = 0x40000210 - InitStep6_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep6_Comment = "" - InitStep7_Action = "Read 32bit" - InitStep7_Value0 = 0x400002C0 - InitStep7_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep7_Comment = "select spi flash pinout (0 - internal), enable spi flash pins" - InitStep8_Action = "Var AND" - InitStep8_Value0 = 0x00000000 - InitStep8_Value1 = 0xFFFFFFF8 - InitStep8_Comment = "" - InitStep9_Action = "Var OR" - InitStep9_Value0 = 0x00000000 - InitStep9_Value1 = 0x00000001 - InitStep9_Comment = "" - InitStep10_Action = "Var Write 32bit" - InitStep10_Value0 = 0x400002C0 - InitStep10_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep10_Comment = "" - InitStep11_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep11_Value0 = 0x40006008 - InitStep11_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep11_Comment = "disable SPI FLASH operation" - InitStep12_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep12_Value0 = 0x4000602C - InitStep12_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep12_Comment = "disable all interrupts" - InitStep13_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep13_Value0 = 0x40006010 - InitStep13_Value1 = 0x00000001 - InitStep13_Comment = "use first 'slave select' pin" - InitStep14_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep14_Value0 = 0x40006014 - InitStep14_Value1 = 0x00000002 - InitStep14_Comment = "baud rate, default value" - InitStep15_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep15_Value0 = 0x40006018 - InitStep15_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep15_Comment = "tx fifo threshold" - InitStep16_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep16_Value0 = 0x4000601C - InitStep16_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep16_Comment = "rx fifo threshold" - InitStep17_Action = "Write 32bit" - InitStep17_Value0 = 0x4000604C - InitStep17_Value1 = 0x00000000 - InitStep17_Comment = "disable DMA" - NumExitSteps = 1 - ExitStep0_Action = "Write 32bit" - ExitStep0_Value0 = 0x40000210 - ExitStep0_Value1 = 0x00211157 - ExitStep0_Comment = "Boot from Flash" - UseScriptFile = 0 - ScriptFile = "" - UseRAM = 1 - RAMAddr = 0x10000000 - RAMSize = 0x00060000 - CheckCoreID = 1 - CoreID = 0x2BA01477 - CoreIDMask = 0xFFFFFFFF - UseAutoSpeed = 0x00000001 - ClockSpeed = 0x00000000 - EndianMode = 0 - ChipName = "Cortex-M3" -[FLASH] - aRangeSel[1] = 0-18 - BankSelMode = 1 - BaseAddr = 0x98000000 - CheckId = 0 - CustomRAMCode = "D:\MCU\SEGGER\JLink_V610a\Samples\JFlash\ProjectFiles\Atmel\AT91SAM9261_DataFlash_SPI0\RAMCodeV2_AT91SAM9261_DataFlash_SPI0_LE.mot" - DeviceName = "Am29F800BB" - NumBanks = 1 - OrgNumBits = 16 - OrgNumChips = 1 -[PRODUCTION] - AutoBlankCheck = 1 - AutoDisconnect = 0 - AutoMode = 0 - AutoPerformsErase = 0 - AutoPerformsProgram = 0 - AutoPerformsSecure = 0 - AutoPerformsStartApp = 0 - AutoPerformsUnsecure = 0 - AutoPerformsVerify = 1 - EnableTargetPower = 0 - EraseType = 2 - MonitorVTref = 0 - MonitorVTrefMax = 0x0000157C - MonitorVTrefMin = 0x000003E8 - OverrideTimeouts = 0 - ProgramSN = 0 - SerialFile = "" - SkipBlankOnRead = 0 - SNAddr = 0x00000000 - SNInc = 0x00000001 - SNLen = 0x00000008 - SNListFile = "" - SNValue = 0x00000001 - StartAppType = 0 - TargetPowerDelay = 0x00000014 - TimeoutErase = 0x00003A98 - TimeoutProgram = 0x00002710 - TimeoutVerify = 0x00002710 - VerifyType = 1 diff --git a/flasher/gdb_rdflash.jlink b/flasher/gdb_rdflash.jlink index a12b5ce..949d3e9 100644 --- a/flasher/gdb_rdflash.jlink +++ b/flasher/gdb_rdflash.jlink @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ source -v flasher/gdb_flasher.jlink InitJlink SystemInit SPI_Init -FlashInfo +#FlashInfo # Read FullFlash printf "Read FullFlash:\n" set $dumpstartaddr = $SPI_FLASH_BASE