import os import shutil import re import abc import toolchain import sys import time class aos_global_config: global_config_dict = os.environ.copy() aos_env = None toolchain = None compiler = '' out_dir = '' app = None board = None build_type = 'debug' components = [] self_build_components = [] component_targets = [] component_includes = [] component_directories = [] prebuilt_libs = [] cflags = [] asflags = [] ldflags = [] external_obj = [] verbose = '' ide = '' current_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M", time.localtime()) ld_files = [] ld_targets = [] testcases = [] arch = '' mcu_family = '' config_observers = {} enable_vfp = 0 project_path = Dir('#').abspath max_files = 30 @staticmethod def set_append(key, value): if key in aos_global_config.global_config_dict: aos_global_config.global_config_dict[key] += ' ' + value aos_global_config.global_config_override(key, value) @staticmethod def set_override(key, value): aos_global_config.global_config_dict[key] = value @staticmethod def get(key, default=None): ret_value = default if key in aos_global_config.global_config_dict: ret_value = aos_global_config.global_config_dict[key] return ret_value @staticmethod def set(key, value, append=False): last_value = aos_global_config.get(key, None) if append: aos_global_config.set_append(key, value) else: aos_global_config.set_override(key, value) if last_value != value and key in aos_global_config.config_observers: func_comp = aos_global_config.config_observers[key] for func, comp in func_comp.items(): func(comp) func_comp.clear() @staticmethod def set_build_type(build_type): aos_global_config.build_type = build_type @staticmethod def get_build_type(): return aos_global_config.build_type @staticmethod def create_tool_chain(): aos_global_config.toolchain = toolchain.create_tool_chain(aos_global_config) return aos_global_config.toolchain @staticmethod def tool_chain_config(tool_chain): tool_chain.tools_config() @staticmethod def add_ld_files(*lds): for ld in lds: path = ld if not os.path.isabs(path) and not path.startswith('#'): path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path) aos_global_config.ld_files.append(path) class aos_self_build_component: def __init__(self, name, build_function): = name self.build_function = build_function self.dir = Dir('.').srcnode().path aos_global_config.self_build_components.append(self) def add_global_includes(self, *directories): for directory in directories: if not os.path.isabs(directory) and not directory.startswith('#'): directory = os.path.join('#' + self.dir, directory) aos_global_config.component_includes.append(directory) class aos_component: def __init__(self, name, src): = name self.component_dependencis = [] self.dir = Dir('.').srcnode().path self.src = [str(s) for s in src] self.include_directories = [] self.macros = [] self.targets = [] self.cflags = [] self.asflags = [] aos_global_config.components.append(self) aos_global_config.component_includes.append('#' + self.dir) def get_comp_deps(self): return self.component_dependencis def add_comp_deps(self, *dependencis): for dependency in dependencis: self.component_dependencis.append(dependency) def add_sources(self, *sources): for source in sources: self.src.append(source) def add_includes(self, *directories): for directory in directories: directory = os.path.join('#' + self.dir, directory) self.include_directories.append(directory) def add_global_includes(self, *directories): for directory in directories: if not os.path.isabs(directory) and not directory.startswith('#'): directory = os.path.join('#' + self.dir, directory) aos_global_config.component_includes.append(directory) def add_macros(self, *macros): for macro in macros: self.macros.append(macro) def add_cflags(self, *cflags): for cflag in cflags: self.cflags.append(cflag) def add_asflags(self, *asflags): for asflag in asflags: self.asflags.append(asflag) def add_prebuilt_libs(self, *libs): for lib in libs: if not os.path.isabs(lib) and not lib.startswith('#'): lib = os.path.join(self.dir, lib) lib = lib.replace('\\', '/') aos_global_config.prebuilt_libs.append(lib) def add_prebuilt_objs(self, *objs): for obj in objs: if not os.path.isabs(obj) and not obj.startswith('#'): bdir = os.path.join(aos_global_config.out_dir, 'modules', self.dir) lib = os.path.join(bdir, obj) aos_global_config.external_obj.append(lib) def get_self_env(self): env = aos_global_config.aos_env.Clone() env.Prepend(CPPPATH=self.include_directories) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=self.macros) env.Append(CCFLAGS=self.cflags) env.Append(ASFLAGS=self.asflags) return env def add_command(self, target, source, command): target = '#' + target source = '#' + source cmd = aos_global_config.aos_env.Command(target, source, command.dispatch_action) AlwaysBuild(cmd) @staticmethod def add_global_macros(*macros): for macro in macros: aos_global_config.aos_env.Append(CPPDEFINES=macro) @staticmethod def get_arch(): return aos_global_config.arch @staticmethod def get_mcu_family(): return aos_global_config.mcu_family @staticmethod def get_compiler(): compiler = aos_global_config.compiler if compiler == 'armcc': compiler = 'keil' return compiler class aos_arch_component(aos_component): def __init__(self, name, src): aos_component.__init__(self, name, src) @staticmethod def add_global_cflags(*cflags): for cflag in cflags: aos_global_config.cflags.append(cflag) @staticmethod def add_global_asflags(*asflags): for asflag in asflags: aos_global_config.asflags.append(asflag) @staticmethod def add_global_ldflags(*ldflags): for ldflag in ldflags: aos_global_config.ldflags.append(ldflag) class aos_mcu_component(aos_arch_component): def __init__(self, name, prefix, src): aos_arch_component.__init__(self, name, src) tool_chain = aos_global_config.create_tool_chain() tool_chain.set_prefix(prefix) aos_global_config.tool_chain_config(tool_chain) @staticmethod def set_global_arch(arch): aos_global_config.arch = arch class aos_board_component(aos_component): def __init__(self, name, mcu, src): aos_component.__init__(self, name, src) self.set_global_mcu_family(mcu) self.add_global_macros( 'MCU_FAMILY=\\"' + mcu + '\\"' ) self.add_comp_deps('platform/mcu/'+ mcu) @staticmethod def set_global_testcases(testcases): aos_global_config.testcases = testcases @staticmethod def set_global_mcu_family(mcu_family): aos_global_config.mcu_family = mcu_family @staticmethod def set_enable_vfp(): aos_global_config.enable_vfp = 1 def do_process(process): process.do_action() class process(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def do_action(aos_global_config): return class base_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config, args): self.config = aos_global_config self.args = args def do_action(self): self.__base_config() return def __base_config(self): for key,value in ARGLIST: aos_global_config.set(key,value) if self.args.get('COMPILER')=='cl': print('>>>MSVS Tool Environment') aos_global_config.aos_env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, CPPPATH=['#include'], TARGET_ARCH='x86') else: aos_global_config.aos_env = Environment(ENV=os.environ, CPPPATH=['#include'], TOOLS=['mingw', 'gcc', 'g++']) = self.args.get('APPLICATION') aos_global_config.board = self.args.get('BOARD') if not or not aos_global_config.board: sys.exit(-1) aos_global_config.verbose = self.args.get('VERBOSE') aos_global_config.compiler = self.args.get('COMPILER') if self.args.get('COMPILER') else 'gcc' aos_global_config.out_dir = self.args.get('OUT_DIR') if self.args.get('OUT_DIR') else 'out' aos_global_config.ide = self.args.get('IDE') if self.args.get('IDE') else '' if self.args.get('vcall'): aos_global_config.set('vcall', self.args.get('vcall')) if self.args.get('test'): aos_global_config.set('test', self.args.get('test')) if aos_global_config.ide == 'keil': aos_global_config.compiler = 'armcc' elif aos_global_config.ide == 'iar': aos_global_config.compiler = 'iar' build_type = self.args.get('build_type') if build_type: aos_global_config.type = build_type aos_global_config.out_dir = os.path.join(aos_global_config.out_dir, + '@' + aos_global_config.board + '@' + aos_global_config.build_type) else: aos_global_config.out_dir = os.path.join(aos_global_config.out_dir, + '@' + aos_global_config.board) #temporarily disable muti bin aos_global_config.aos_env.Append(CPPDEFINES='BUILD_BIN') def pre_config(config): def __config(func): def __decorator(component): if config in aos_global_config.config_observers: aos_global_config.config_observers[config][func] = component else: aos_global_config.config_observers[config] = {func: component} return __decorator return __config def post_config(func): def __decorator(component): component.post_config = func return __decorator class dependency_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__generate_all_components() return def __normalize(self, p): p = p.replace('/', os.sep) p = p.replace('\\', os.sep) return p.replace('.', os.sep) def __search_dfl(self, mod_dir): dfl_paths = [ 'device', 'framework', 'kernel', 'platform', 'experimental', '3rdparty.experimental' ] # for ./ situation if os.path.exists(mod_dir): return mod_dir mod_dir = mod_dir.replace('.', os.sep) if os.path.exists(mod_dir): return mod_dir for p in dfl_paths: n = self.__normalize(p + '.' + mod_dir) if not os.path.exists(n): continue return n return None def __load_one_component(self, mod_dir): m = self.__search_dfl(mod_dir) if not m: print('module %s not found'%mod_dir) return py_path = os.path.join(m, '') if not os.path.exists(py_path): print('file %s not found'%py_path) return self.config.component_directories.append(m) self.config.aos_env.SConscript(py_path) def __add_components_dependency(self, dependency): if dependency not in aos_global_config.component_directories: component_number = len(aos_global_config.components) self.__load_one_component(dependency) for c in aos_global_config.components[component_number:]: component_dependencis = c.component_dependencis for dependency in component_dependencis: self.__add_components_dependency(dependency) def __generate_testcase_register_c(self, auto_component_dir): test_function = [] for component in aos_global_config.components: if'_test'): function_name = 'test_' +[:-5] test_function.append(function_name) if len(test_function) == 0: return '' testcase_file = os.path.join(auto_component_dir,'testcase_register.c') source_codes = "/*\n * warning: testcase collection code is auto generate, please don't change!!!\n */\n\n" source_codes += "#include \n\n" for function_name in test_function: source_codes += "extern void %s(void);\n"%(function_name) source_codes += "\nvoid add_test(void) {\n\n" # temporary work around for the process sequence of mesh & netmgr testcase mesh_test_function = "" netmgr_test_function = "" for function_name in test_function: if function_name.find("mesh") == -1 and function_name.find("netmgr") == -1 : source_codes += " %s();\n\n"%(function_name) else: if function_name.find("mesh") == -1: netmgr_test_function = function_name else: mesh_test_function = function_name if mesh_test_function: source_codes += " %s();\n\n"%(mesh_test_function) if netmgr_test_function: source_codes += " %s();\n\n"%(netmgr_test_function) source_codes += "}" with open(testcase_file, "w") as f: f.write(source_codes) return testcase_file def __generate_auto_component(self): auto_component_dir = os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, 'auto_component') if not os.path.exists(auto_component_dir): os.makedirs(auto_component_dir) src = [] src_file = self.__generate_testcase_register_c(auto_component_dir) if src_file != '': src.append(src_file) aos_component('auto_component', src) def __pre_config(self): for config, func_comp in self.config.config_observers.items(): for func, comp in func_comp.items(): len_deps = len(comp.get_comp_deps()) func(comp) if len_deps != len(comp.get_comp_deps()): for dep in comp.get_comp_deps(): self.__add_components_dependency(dep) func_comp.clear() def __post_config(self): for component in self.config.components: if hasattr(component, 'post_config'): len_deps = len(component.get_comp_deps()) component.post_config(component) if len_deps != len(component.get_comp_deps()): for dep in component.get_comp_deps(): self.__add_components_dependency(dep) def __generate_all_components(self): print('app=' + + ', board=' + aos_global_config.board + ', out_dir=' + aos_global_config.out_dir) # board config tool chain, must add first. self.__load_one_component('board/' + aos_global_config.board) if (len(aos_global_config.components)) != 1: print('Unsupported board, make sure %s in board directory...' % aos_global_config.board) exit(-1) self.__load_one_component('example/' + if (len(aos_global_config.components)+len(aos_global_config.self_build_components)) != 2: print('Unsupported app, make sure %s in example directory...' % exit(-1) if == 'yts': if aos_global_config.get('test'): test_mod_list = aos_global_config.get('test').strip(',').split(',') print ('test case list: %s'%test_mod_list) for i in test_mod_list: for testcase in aos_global_config.testcases: if testcase.find(i) != -1: print('Select Special Testcase: %s'%testcase) self.__load_one_component(testcase) break else: for testcase in aos_global_config.testcases: self.__load_one_component(testcase) for component in aos_global_config.components: for dependency in component.component_dependencis: self.__add_components_dependency(dependency) self.__generate_auto_component() self.__pre_config() self.__post_config() print("all components: %s " % ' '.join([ for component in aos_global_config.components])) print("self build components: %s " % ' '.join([ for component in aos_global_config.self_build_components])) self.config.aos_env.Append(CPPPATH=aos_global_config.component_includes) self.config.aos_env.Append(CCFLAGS=aos_global_config.cflags) for inc in aos_global_config.component_includes: inc_replace = inc.replace( "#", "" ) aos_global_config.asflags.append( "-I"+inc_replace ) self.config.aos_env.Append(ASFLAGS=aos_global_config.asflags) self.config.aos_env.Append(LDFLAGS=aos_global_config.ldflags) def system_exec(cmd): print(cmd) os.system(cmd) class ide_transfer_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__ide_transfer() return def __ide_transfer(self): if self.config.ide != 'iar' and self.config.ide != 'keil': print('IDE '+self.config.ide+' not support!!') exit(-1) buildstring = + '@' + self.config.board proj_gen_dir = 'projects/autogen/'+buildstring+'/'+self.config.ide+'_project' transfer_cmd = 'python build/scripts/'+self.config.ide+'.py ' + buildstring opts_dir = proj_gen_dir+'/opts' if not os.path.exists(proj_gen_dir): os.makedirs(proj_gen_dir) if not os.path.exists(opts_dir): os.makedirs(opts_dir) # output options to file, $CFLAGS $CCFLAGS $_CCCOMCOM for component in self.config.components: c_opt_str='' as_opt_str='' c_opt_file_path = os.path.join(opts_dir,".c_opts") as_opt_file_path = os.path.join(opts_dir,".as_opts") if len(component.src): env = component.get_self_env() c_opt_str += '-c' c_opt_str += ' '+env.subst('$CFLAGS') c_opt_str += ' '+env.subst('$CCFLAGS') c_opt_str += ' '+env.subst('$_CCCOMCOM') if self.config.ide == 'keil': c_opt_str = c_opt_str.replace('-I#','-I../../../../') elif self.config.ide == 'iar': c_opt_str = re.subn('\s-I\S+','',c_opt_str)[0] c_opt_str = re.subn('\s--cpu=\S+','',c_opt_str)[0] c_opt_str = re.subn('\s--endian\S+','',c_opt_str)[0] c_opt_str = re.subn('\s--dlib_config\S+','',c_opt_str)[0] c_opt_str = c_opt_str.replace( r'=\"', r'="\"') c_opt_str = c_opt_str.replace( r'\" ', r'\"" ') c_opt_str = re.subn('\"$', '\""', c_opt_str)[0] with open(c_opt_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(c_opt_str) as_opt_str += env.subst('$ASFLAGS') with open(as_opt_file_path, 'w') as f: as_opt_str=as_opt_str.replace('--cpu Cortex-M4', '') f.write(as_opt_str) # create config_py_file = 'build/scripts/' with open(config_py_file, 'w') as f: f.write('Projects = [\n') for component in self.config.components: comp_dir = component.dir.replace('\\','/') f.write('{\'name\':\'''\',\n') f.write('\'src\':[\n' ) for source in component.src: f.write( '\'' + comp_dir+'/'+source+ '\',\n' ) f.write('],\n') f.write('\'include\':[\n' ) env = component.get_self_env() inc_list = env['CPPPATH'] for inc in inc_list: inc = inc.replace('#','') inc = inc.replace('\\','/') f.write( '\'' +inc+ '\',\n' ) f.write('],\n') f.write('},\n') #add lib if len(aos_global_config.prebuilt_libs): f.write('{\'name\':\''+'external_lib'+'\',\n') f.write('\'src\':[\n' ) for lib in aos_global_config.prebuilt_libs: f.write( '\'' + lib+ '\',\n' ) f.write('],\n') f.write('\'include\':[\n' ) f.write('],\n') f.write('},\n') f.write(']\n') for flag in aos_global_config.ldflags: if "=" in flag: flag=flag.split("=")[1] if self.config.ide == 'iar' and flag.endswith(".icf"): f.write('ld_script = "{}"\n'.format(flag)) break elif self.config.ide == 'keil' and flag.endswith(".sct"): f.write('ld_script = "{}"\n'.format(flag)) break # excute transfer print('Makeing IDE project') if self.config.ide == 'iar': debug_template = 'build/scripts/template.ewd' debug_file = proj_gen_dir + '/' + buildstring+'.ewd' shutil.copyfile(debug_template, debug_file) system_exec(transfer_cmd) print(' ----------- project has generated in ' + proj_gen_dir + ' -----------') class build_rule_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__build_rule_components() return def __build_rule_components(self): for component in self.config.self_build_components: targets = component.build_function( self.config.out_dir+'/libraries', component ) print, " targets:",targets component.targets = targets for component in self.config.components: if len(component.src) < 1: continue env = component.get_self_env() objdir = os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, 'modules') bdir = os.path.join(objdir, component.dir) src = [os.path.join(bdir, s) for s in component.src] env.VariantDir(objdir, '#', duplicate=0) target = os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, 'libraries', #will be used in furure for windows MSVS debug. #env['PDB'] = target+'.pdb' if self.config.verbose == '1': cccomstr = '' arcomstr = '' else: cccomstr = 'Compiling $SOURCE' arcomstr = 'Making $TARGET' if len(component.src) < aos_global_config.max_files: lib = env.Library(target=target, source=src, CCCOMSTR=cccomstr, ARCOMSTR=arcomstr,LIBPREFIX='') component.targets.append(lib) if self.config.compiler == 'gcc': lib_src = str(lib[0]) lib_tgt = lib_src.replace('.a', '.stripped.a') strip_tool = self.config.aos_env['STRIP'] strip_cmd = strip_tool + ' -g -o $TARGET $SOURCE' env.Command(lib_tgt, lib_src, strip_cmd) continue i = 0 while i < len(component.src): tsrc = src[i : i + aos_global_config.max_files] lib = env.Library(target="%s_%d"%(target,i), source=tsrc, CCCOMSTR=cccomstr, ARCOMSTR=arcomstr,LIBPREFIX='') component.targets.append(lib) i += aos_global_config.max_files self.config.component_targets = [] for component in aos_global_config.components: if len(component.src): self.config.component_targets += component.targets for component in aos_global_config.self_build_components: if len(component.targets): self.config.component_targets += component.targets class link_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__link_elf() return def __link_elf(self): env = aos_global_config.aos_env binary = aos_global_config.toolchain.binary if aos_global_config.compiler == 'iar': libs_tmp = '' for component in aos_global_config.components: if len(component.src): if != 'alicrypto': for t in component.targets: libs_tmp += (' --whole_archive '+str(t[0])+' ' ) else: for t in component.targets: libs_tmp += (str(t[0])+' ') linkcom = 'ilinkarm -o $TARGET $LDFLAGS' + libs_tmp + '$LIBS $LINKFLAGS' elif aos_global_config.compiler == 'armcc': objs_tmp = '' for obj in aos_global_config.external_obj: objs_tmp += (' '+str(obj)+' ') mapfile = binary.replace('.axf','.map') linkcom = 'armcc -L --library_type=microlib -o $TARGET -L --map -L --list='+ mapfile +' $LDFLAGS' + objs_tmp + '$SOURCES $LIBS $LINKFLAGS' elif aos_global_config.compiler == 'gcc': if aos_global_config.toolchain.prefix == 'arm-none-eabi-': linkcom = '$LINK -o $TARGET -Wl,-Map,$MAPFILE -Wl,--whole-archive -Wl,--start-group $LIBS -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--no-whole-archive -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--cref $LDFLAGS $LINKFLAGS' else: linkcom = '$LINK -o $TARGET -Wl,-Map,$MAPFILE -Wl,--start-group $LIBS -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--cref $LDFLAGS $LINKFLAGS' elif aos_global_config.compiler == 'cl': dummyobj = os.path.join(sys.path[0],'site_scons','dummy.obj') linkcom = 'LINK /OUT:$TARGET /INCREMENTAL "kernel32.lib" "ws2_32.lib" "user32.lib" "gdi32.lib" "winspool.lib" "comdlg32.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:X86 $LIBS '+dummyobj env.Append(LIBS=aos_global_config.prebuilt_libs) env.Append(LIBS=aos_global_config.component_targets) if aos_global_config.verbose == '1': linkcomstr = '' else: linkcomstr = 'Linking $TARGET' env.Program(binary, aos_global_config.ld_targets, LINKCOM=linkcom, LINKCOMSTR=linkcomstr) class ld_file_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__set_ld_file() return def __set_ld_file(self): link_flags = '' if len(self.config.ld_files): link_flags = ' -L ' + os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, 'ld') for ld in self.config.ld_files: if ld.endswith('.S'): tool_chain = aos_global_config.toolchain aos_global_config.aos_env['CPP'] = os.path.join(tool_chain.tools_path, tool_chain.prefix + 'cpp') target = os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, 'ld', os.path.basename(ld)[:-2]) aos_global_config.aos_env.Command(target, ld, aos_global_config.aos_env['CPP'] + ' -P $_CPPINCFLAGS $SOURCE -o $TARGET') link_flags += ' -T ' + os.path.basename(target) else: link_flags += ' -T ' + os.path.basename(ld) + ' -L ' + os.path.dirname(ld) target = ld self.config.ld_targets.append(target) else: print('Pleas config ld file in mcu component...') self.config.aos_env.Append(LINKFLAGS=link_flags) class create_bin_process_impl(process): def __init__(self, aos_global_config): self.config = aos_global_config def do_action(self): self.__create_bin() return def __create_bin(self): strip_tool = self.config.aos_env['STRIP'] objcopy_tool = self.config.aos_env['OBJCOPY'] binary = self.config.toolchain.binary if aos_global_config.compiler == 'armcc': stripped_file = binary.replace('.axf', '.stripped.axf') strip_cmd = strip_tool + ' --output=' + stripped_file + ' --strip=debug,symbols --elf ' + binary bin_file = binary.replace('.axf', '.bin') bin_cmd = objcopy_tool + ' --bin ' + stripped_file + ' --output=' + bin_file elif aos_global_config.compiler == 'iar': stripped_file = binary.replace('.iarElf', '.stripped.iarElf') strip_cmd = strip_tool + ' --strip --silent ' + binary + ' ' + stripped_file bin_file = binary.replace('.iarElf', '.bin') bin_cmd = objcopy_tool + ' --bin --silent ' + stripped_file + ' ' + bin_file elif aos_global_config.compiler == 'cl': stripped_file = binary.replace('.exe', '.stripped.exe') strip_cmd = strip_tool + ' -o ' + stripped_file + ' ' + binary bin_file = binary.replace('.elf', '.bin') bin_cmd = objcopy_tool + ' -O binary ' + stripped_file + ' ' + bin_file else: stripped_file = binary.replace('.elf', '.stripped.elf') strip_cmd = strip_tool + ' -o ' + stripped_file + ' ' + binary bin_file = binary.replace('.elf', '.bin') bin_cmd = objcopy_tool + ' -O binary -R .eh_frame -R .init -R .fini -R .comment -R .ARM.attributes ' + stripped_file + ' ' + bin_file if aos_global_config.verbose == '1': linkcomstr = '' else: linkcomstr = 'Making $TARGET' #msvs not support striped and make bin temporary. if aos_global_config.compiler != 'cl': env = aos_global_config.aos_env env.Program(stripped_file, binary, LINKCOM=strip_cmd, LINKCOMSTR=linkcomstr) env.Program(bin_file, stripped_file, LINKCOM=bin_cmd, LINKCOMSTR=linkcomstr) class aos_command(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def dispatch_action(self, target, source, env): return def ucube_main(args): do_process(base_process_impl(aos_global_config, args)) do_process(dependency_process_impl(aos_global_config)) do_process(ld_file_process_impl(aos_global_config)) if aos_global_config.ide != '': do_process(ide_transfer_process_impl(aos_global_config)) else: do_process(build_rule_process_impl(aos_global_config)) do_process(link_process_impl(aos_global_config)) do_process(create_bin_process_impl(aos_global_config))