all: stripped_lib $(info $(filter wipe_source_for_test,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) ifeq ($(filter wipe_source_for_test,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) LIBRARY_NAME :=$(NAME) ifndef LIBRARY_NAME $(error LIBRARY_NAME not defined) endif ifdef RTOS LIBRARY_NAME :=$(LIBRARY_NAME).$(RTOS) endif ifdef NETWORK LIBRARY_NAME:=$(LIBRARY_NAME).$(NETWORK) endif ifndef TARGET_ARCH $(error HOST_ARCH not defined - needed to include correct toolchain) endif LIBRARY_NAME:=$(LIBRARY_NAME).$(TARGET_ARCH) ifneq (,$(TARGET_BOARD)) LIBRARY_NAME := $(LIBRARY_NAME).$(TARGET_BOARD) endif CC := include $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ ifeq ($(COMPILER),armcc) include $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ else ifeq ($(COMPILER),iar) include $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ else include $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ endif ifndef CC $(error No matching toolchain found for architecture $(HOST_ARCH)) endif LIBRARY_NAME:=$(LIBRARY_NAME).$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME) # Add a option for pre-built library to turn of library poison. # This is useful for adding a new library which uses poisoned functions extensively. # Over time, these function calls in the library can be gradually phased out. ifdef BYPASS_LIBRARY_POISON_CHECK LIBRARY_POISON_H_INCLUSION := else LIBRARY_POISON_H_INCLUSION := -include library_poison.h endif MAKEFILES_DIR := $(TOOLS_ROOT)$(SOURCE_ROOT)/tools/makefiles # NOTE: The system builds each object twice - once with built-in functions disabled and bad functions poisoned to catch uses of these functions, # Then again with built-in functions re-enabled to allow optimisations $(SOURCE_ROOT)/out/$(NAME)/%.o: %.c $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ $(QUIET)$(call MKDIR, $(dir $@)) $(QUIET)$(ECHO) Compiling $< $(QUIET)$(CC) -I $(SOURCE_ROOT)/tools/makefiles -fno-builtin $(LIBRARY_POISON_H_INCLUSION) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(QUIET)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(SOURCE_ROOT)out/$(NAME)/%.o: %.cpp $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ $(QUIET)$(call MKDIR, $(dir $@)) $(QUIET)$(ECHO) Compiling $< $(QUIET)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(QUIET)$(CXX) -I $(SOURCE_ROOT)/tools/makefiles $(LIBRARY_POISON_H_INCLUSION) -fno-builtin $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(QUIET)$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(SOURCE_ROOT)out/$(NAME)/%.o: %.S $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ $(QUIET)$(call MKDIR, $(dir $@)) $(QUIET)$(ECHO) Assembling $< $(QUIET)$(AS) $(ASMFLAGS) -o $@ $< # AOS pre-built library defines CFLAGS += -DAOS_PREBUILT_LIBS ifeq ($(DEBUG), yes) CFLAGS += -DDEBUG ifndef ALWAYS_OPTIMISE CFLAGS += -O0 else CFLAGS += -Os endif LIBRARY_NAME :=$(LIBRARY_NAME).debug else CFLAGS += -Os -DNDEBUG LIBRARY_NAME :=$(LIBRARY_NAME).release endif ASMFLAGS += $(CPU_ASMFLAGS) #platform_assert CFLAGS += -I$(SOURCE_ROOT)platform \ -I$(SOURCE_ROOT)platform/$(HOST_ARCH) CFLAGS += -DAOS_PREBUILT_LIBS OBJS := $(addprefix $(SOURCE_ROOT)out/$(NAME)/,$(filter %.o,$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) $(SOURCES:.c=.o) $(SOURCES:.S=.o))) $(SOURCE_ROOT)out/$(NAME)/$(LIBRARY_NAME).a: $(OBJS) $(QUIET)$(RM) $@ $(QUIET)$(ECHO) Making Library $(if $(wordlist 1,50, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 1,50, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 51,100, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 51,100, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 101,150, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 101,150, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 151,200, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 151,200, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 201,250, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 201,250, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 251,300, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 251,300, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 301,350, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 301,350, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 351,400, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 351,400, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 401,450, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 401,450, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 451,500, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 451,500, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 501,550, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 501,550, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 551,600, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 551,600, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 601,650, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 601,650, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 651,700, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 651,700, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 701,750, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 701,750, $(OBJS))) $(if $(wordlist 751,1000, $(OBJS)),$(QUIET)$(AR) -rcs $@ $(wordlist 751,1000, $(OBJS))) stripped_lib: $(SOURCE_ROOT)out/$(NAME)/$(LIBRARY_NAME).a $(SOURCE_ROOT)build/ ifdef NO_STRIP_LIBS $(QUIET)$(CP) $(SOURCE_ROOT)/out/$(NAME)/$(LIBRARY_NAME).a $(LIBRARY_NAME).a else $(QUIET)$(STRIP) -g -o $(LIBRARY_NAME).a $(SOURCE_ROOT)/out/$(NAME)/$(LIBRARY_NAME).a endif $(QUIET)$(RM) -rf $(SOURCE_ROOT)/out/$(NAME) $(QUIET)$(ECHO) $(LIBRARY_NAME).a DONE clean: $(QUIET)$(RM) -rf $(NAME)*.a else ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Win32) LIB_TOOLS_DIR := $(subst /,\,/pf8_3/MinGW/msys/1.0/mingw/bin/) EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX := .exe endif LIB_RM := $(LIB_TOOLS_DIR)rm$(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) LIB_RMDIR := $(LIB_TOOLS_DIR)rmdir$(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) LIB_XARGS := $(LIB_TOOLS_DIR)xargs$(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) LIB_FIND := $(LIB_TOOLS_DIR)find$(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX) wipe_source_for_test: cd $(KEEP_LIST_DIR) && $(LIB_FIND) . -type f -a -not \( $(foreach SPEC,$(KEEP_LIST), -path "./$(SPEC)" -o ) -false \) -print0 | $(LIB_XARGS) -0 $(LIB_RM) cd $(KEEP_LIST_DIR) && $(LIB_FIND) . -type d -empty -print0 | $(LIB_XARGS) -0 --no-run-if-empty $(LIB_RMDIR) endif