better LspDiagnostics icons and colors

This commit is contained in:
siduck76 2021-05-05 07:20:42 +05:30
parent 503dc5b1c8
commit 49c1f84e6e
2 changed files with 22 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ require "compe".setup {
documentation = true,
source = {
path = true,
buffer = true,
buffer = {kind = "" , true},
calc = true,
vsnip = {kind = ""}, --replace to what sign you prefer
nvim_lsp = true,

View file

@ -78,7 +78,23 @@ require "lspconfig".sumneko_lua.setup {
-- replace the default lsp diagnostic letters with prettier symbols
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignError", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultError"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignWarning", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignInformation", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignHint", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignError", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultError"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignWarning", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignInformation", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation"})
vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignHint", {text = "", numhl = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint"})
-- diagnostics highlights
local cmd = vim.cmd
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsSignError guifg=#f9929b"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError guifg=#BF616A"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsSignWarning guifg=#EBCB8B"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning guifg=#EBCB8B"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsSignInformation guifg=#A3BE8C"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation guifg=#A3BE8C"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsSignHint guifg=#b6bdca"
cmd "hi LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint guifg=#b6bdca"