#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pdb from mitmproxy import ctx import threading from queue import Queue, Empty import time import zmq import json from enum import Enum # this method is used to convert flow states (generated with get_state()) to json def convert_to_strings(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return {convert_to_strings(key): convert_to_strings(value) for key, value in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): return [convert_to_strings(element) for element in obj] elif isinstance(obj, bytes): data = "" try: data = obj.decode('unicode-escape').encode('latin1').decode('utf-8') except: print(obj) data = str(obj)[2:-1] return data return obj # bigsnitch Request type class bRequest: server_ip_address = "" tls = "" content = "" scheme = "" method = "" host = "" port = 0 http_version = "" path = "" timestamp_start = 0.0 timestamp_end = 0.0 # [("Header","Data")] headers = [] error = "" class bResponse: status_code = 0 http_version = "" reason = "" content = "" timestamp_start = 0.0 timestamp_end = 0.0 # [("Header","Data")] headers = [] class bFlow: uid = ""; request = None response = None class FlowState(Enum): UNSENT_REQ = 0 SENT_REQ = 1 UNSENT_RES = 2 SENT_REQ = 3 """ The network thread communicates with the bigsnitch plugin using zeromq. """ class NetworkThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = name self.q = queue # id : (state, flow, timer, retries left) self.flows = {} self.context = zmq.Context() # timer for sending pings self.timer = time.monotonic() # retries left for reconnecting self.retries = 5 # get new flows that may occured def update_flows(self): while True: try: i, flow, typ = self.q.get(block=False) if flows.get(i, None): print("flow {} doubled? ignoring...") continue if typ == "request": flows[i] = (FlowState.UNSENT_REQ, flow, self.timer, 5) elif typ == "response": flows[i] = (FlowState.UNSENT_RES, flow, self.timer, 5) except Empty: break # state machine for flows def handle_flow(self, state, flow): for i, v in flows.items: state, flow, timer, retries = v if state == FlowState.UNSENT_REQ: # send it a = convert_to_strings(msg) self.socket.send(str.encode(json.dumps(a))) pass elif state == FlowState.SENT_REQ: # check timer, try resend pass elif state == FlowState.UNSENT_RES: pass elif state == FlowState.SENT_RES: pass self.send_msg_and_ack(a) def handle_packets(self): while((self.socket.poll(50) & zmq.POLLIN) != 0): msg = self.socket.recv() try: if msg: result = json.loads(msg) # packet statemachine if result["msg"] == "ack": print("m ack received") return result else: print("got unexpected message {result}") except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"malformed message received {msg}") def run(self): print("thread started") self.connect() while True: self.timer = time.monotonic() update_flows() if self.timer - time.monotonic() < -5: self.send_msg_and_ack({"msg": "ping"}) def send(self, msg): a = convert_to_strings(msg) self.socket.send(str.encode(json.dumps(a))) def disconnect(self): self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER,0) self.socket.close() print("disconnected") def reconnect(self): self.disconnect() time.sleep(1) self.connect() def connect(self): self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR) self.socket.connect("tcp://") self.send_msg_and_ack({"msg": "ping"}) print("successfully connected") def send_msg_and_ack(self, msg): self.timer = time.monotonic() while True: print("m sending") a = convert_to_strings(msg) self.socket.send(str.encode(json.dumps(a))) if (self.socket.poll(50) & zmq.POLLIN) != 0: msg = self.socket.recv() try: if msg: result = json.loads(msg) if result["msg"] == "ack": print("m ack received") return result else: print("got unexpected message {result}") except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"malformed message received {msg}") print("no ack received, reconnecting...") self.reconnect() return NO_MSG class BigSnitchBridge: def __init__(self): self.q = Queue() self.thread = NetworkThread("network", self.q) self.thread.start() def request(self, flow): self.q.put_nowait((flow.id, flow, "request")) # intercept until ACK received flow.intercept() def response(self, flow): self.q.put_nowait((flow.id, flow, "response")) # intercept until ACK received flow.intercept() def error(self, flow): self.q.put_nowait((flow.id, flow, "error")) """ def requestheaders(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'requestheaders', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def responseheaders(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'responseheaders', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def websocket_handshake(self): self.q.put({'msg': 'websocket_handshake', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def websocket_start(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'websocket_start', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def websocket_message(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'websocket_message', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def websocket_error(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'websocket_error', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) def websocket_end(self, flow): self.q.put({'msg': 'websocket_end', 'flow': flow.get_state()}) """ addons = [ BigSnitchBridge() ]