function [muo1, mu0]=occultquadVec(p,z,u1,u2,ToPlot,varargin) % Aviv Comments % ================================================== % v.0.32 - vectorize rc,rj,rf % - Allow correcting behaviour near z==p, z=1-p % - Added optinal parameter TolFactor for tolerances control % - Removed all "CloseToOne" and added ToSmooth Parameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - Mandel Agol comments % % This routine computes the lightcurve for occultation % of a quadratically limb-darkened source without microlensing. % Please cite Mandel & Agol (2002) if you make use of this routine % in your research. Please report errors or bugs to % implicit none % integer i,nz % double precision z0(nz),u1,u2,p,muo1(nz),mu0(nz), % & mu(nz),lambdad(nz),etad(nz),lambdae(nz),lam, % & pi,x1,x2,x3,z,omega,kap0,kap1,q,Kk,Ek,Pk,n,ellec,ellk,rj % % Input: % % rs radius of the source (set to unity) % z impact parameter in units of rs % p occulting star radius in units of rs % u1 linear limb-darkening coefficient (gamma_1 in paper) % u2 quadratic limb-darkening coefficient (gamma_2 in paper) % % Optional input: % % ToPlot: Graphical output [default=false]; % Tols: A factor controling the three "ERRTOL" parameters for the three helper functions. If given, all three default ERRTOLs wil be scaled by it: [Default =1 ] % ToSmooth: if true, smooths the original Mandel-Agol model around z=p and around abs(z-p)=1 to produce better-behaving derivative. The value themselves are virtually unchanged. [default=true] % % Output: % % muo1 fraction of flux at each z for a limb-darkened source % mu0 fraction of flux at each z for a uniform source % % Limb darkening has the form: % I(r)=[1-u1*(1-sqrt(1-(r/rs)^2))-u2*(1-sqrt(1-(r/rs)^2))^2]/(1-u1/3-u2/6)/pi % % To use this routine % % Now, compute pure occultation curve: % Setting the extra inputs for the case in which only p,z,u1,u2 are given if nargin<5 ToPlot=false; end; TolFactor=1; ToSmooth=true; for i=1:2:numel(varargin) switch lower(varargin{i}) case 'tolfactor' TolFactor=varargin{i+1}; case 'tosmooth' ToSmooth=varargin{i+1}; otherwise fprintf('WARNING: parameter %s is unknown, and so ignored.\n',varargin{i}); end; end; %make z a column vector if size(z,2)>size(z,1) % z is a column vector z=z.'; end; %set zeros to lambdad, lambda3, 3tad, kap0, kap1 lambdad=zeros(size(z)); lambdae=lambdad; etad=lambdad; kap0=lambdad; kap1=lambdad; %if p is close to 0.5, make it 0.5 if abs(p-0.5)<1e-3 p=0.5; end; omega=1-u1/3-u2/6; x1=(p-z).^2; x2=(p+z).^2; x3=p.^2-z.^2; % the source is unocculted: % Table 3, I. i=z>=1+p; if any(i) lambdad(i)=0; etad(i)=0; lambdae(i)=0; end; % the source is partly occulted and the occulting object crosses the limb: % Equation (26): i=z>=abs(1-p) & z<=1+p; if any(i) kap1(i)=acos(min((1-p^2+z(i).^2)/2./z(i),1)); kap0(i)=acos(min((p*p+z(i).^2-1)/2/p./z(i),1)); lambdae(i)=p^2*kap0(i)+kap1(i); lambdae(i)=(lambdae(i)-0.5*sqrt(max(4*z(i).^2-(1+z(i).^2-p^2).^2,0)))/pi; end; % the occulting object transits the source star (but doesn't % completely cover it): i=z<=1-p; if any(i) lambdae(i)=p^2; end; % the edge of the occulting star lies at the origin- special % expressions in this case: i=find(abs(z-p)<1e-4*(z+p)); if ~isempty(i) % Table 3, Case V.: j=z(i)>=0.5; if any(j) %lam=0.5*pi; q=0.5/p; Kk=ellkVec(q); Ek=ellecVec(q); % Equation 34: lambda_3 lambdad(i(j))=1/3+16*p/9/pi*(2*p^2-1)*Ek-(32*p^4-20*p^2+3)/9/pi/p*Kk; % Equation 34: eta_1 etad(i(j))=1/2/pi*(kap1(i(j))+p^2*(p^2+2*z(i(j))).*kap0(i(j))-(1+5*p^2+z(i(j)).^2)./4.*sqrt((1-x1(i(j))).*(x2(i(j))-1))); if p==0.5 % Case VIII: p=1/2, z=1/2 lambdad(i(j))=1/3-4/pi/9; etad(i(j))=3/32; end; end; j=~j; if any(j) % Table 3, Case VI.: %lam=0.5*pi; q=2*p; Kk=ellkVec(q); Ek=ellecVec(q); % Equation 34: lambda_4 lambdad(i(j))=1/3+2/9/pi*(4*(2*p^2-1)*Ek+(1-4*p^2)*Kk); % Equation 34: eta_2 etad(i(j))=p^2/2*(p^2+2*z(i(j)).^2); end end % the occulting star partly occults the source and crosses the limb: % Table 3, Case III: i=find(z>=0.5+abs(p-0.5) & z<1+p | (p>0.5 & z>abs(1-p)*(1+10*eps(1)) & z10*eps); if any(i) %lam=0.5*pi; q=sqrt((x2(i)-x1(i))./(1-x1(i))); Kk=ellkVec(q); Ek=ellecVec(q); n=x2(i)./x1(i)-1; Pk=Kk-n/3.*rj(0,1-q.^2,1,1+n,TolFactor); % Equation 34, lambda_2: lambdad(i)=2/9/pi./sqrt(1-x1(i)).*((1-5*z(i).^2+p^2+x3(i).^2).*Kk+(1-x1(i)).*(z(i).^2+7*p^2-4).*Ek-3*x3(i)./x1(i).*Pk); j=z(i)=1 i=z<=p-1; if any(i) %lambdad(i)=1; %etad(i)=1; %lambdae(i)=1; muo1(i)=0; mu0(i)=0; end; end if ToSmooth>0 deg=2; CorrectionRange=2e-4; FitRange=5*CorrectionRange; % i=find(z>=1-p-CorrectionRange & z<=1-p+CorrectionRange); % inner than II/III contact % if ~isempty(i) % if p<1 % tmpz=1-p+[linspace(-FitRange,-CorrectionRange,deg*10).'; linspace(CorrectionRange,FitRange,deg*10).']; % else % tmpz=p-1+[linspace(-FitRange,-CorrectionRange,deg*10).'; linspace(CorrectionRange,FitRange,deg*10).']; % end % tmpz(tmpz<0)=[]; % tmp_muo1=occultquadVec(p,tmpz,u1,u2,0,'ToSmooth',false); % if ~isempty(tmpz) % pol=IterativePolyfit(tmpz,tmp_muo1,deg,3); % muo1(i)=polyval(pol,z(i)); % end % end; % inner than II/III contact i=z>=1-p-CorrectionRange & z<=1-p; if ~isempty(i) %if p<1 % tmpz=1-p+linspace(-FitRange,-CorrectionRange,deg*10).'; %else % tmpz=p-1+linspace(-FitRange,-CorrectionRange,deg*10).'; %end tmpz=abs(1-p)+linspace(-FitRange,-CorrectionRange,deg*10).'; tmpz(tmpz<0)=[]; tmp_muo1=occultquadVec(p,tmpz,u1,u2,0,'ToSmooth',false); if ~isempty(tmpz) pol=polyfit(tmpz,tmp_muo1,deg); muo1(i)=polyval(pol,z(i)); end end; % outer than II/III contact j=z>=1-p & z<=1-p+CorrectionRange; if ~isempty(j) %if p<1 % tmpz=1-p+linspace(CorrectionRange,FitRange,deg*10).'; %else % tmpz=p-1+linspace(CorrectionRange,FitRange,deg*10).'; %end tmpz=abs(1-p)+linspace(CorrectionRange,FitRange,deg*10).'; tmpz(tmpz<0)=[]; tmp_muo1=occultquadVec(p,tmpz,u1,u2,0,'ToSmooth',false); if ~isempty(tmpz) pol=polyfit(tmpz,tmp_muo1,deg); muo1(j)=polyval(pol,z(j)); end end; % close to z=p if p>0.5 deg=3; end; CorrectionRange=1e-2; FitRange=5*CorrectionRange; if p<0.5 i=find(z-p>-CorrectionRange & z-pmax(-CorrectionRange,1-2*p) & z-p0; if any(i) xt(i)=x(i); yt(i)=y(i); w(i)=1; end; i=~i; if any(i) xt(i)=x(i)-y(i); yt(i)=-y(i); w(i)=sqrt(x(i))./sqrt(xt(i)); end i=true(size(x)); while any(i) alamb(i)=2*sqrt(xt(i)).*sqrt(yt(i))+yt(i); xt(i)=.25*(xt(i)+alamb(i)); yt(i)=.25*(yt(i)+alamb(i)); ave(i)=THIRD*(xt(i)+yt(i)+yt(i)); s(i)=(yt(i)-ave(i))./ave(i); i(i)=abs(s(i))>ERRTOL; end; rc=w.*(1+s.^2.*(C1+s.*(C2+s.*(C3+s.*C4))))./sqrt(ave); % (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software function rj=rj(x,y,z,p,ERRTOL) % built for x,z scalars and y,p vectors fac=ones(size(y)); x=x*fac; z=z*fac; rj=0*fac; xt=rj; yt=rj; zt=rj; pt=rj; a=rj; b=rj; rho=rj; tau=rj; rcx=rj; sqrtx=rj; sqrty=rj; sqrtz=rj; alamb=rj; alpha=rj; beta=rj; Sum=rj; ave=rj; ave4=ave*ones(1,4); ERRTOL=.05*ERRTOL; C1=3/14; C2=1/3; C3=3/22; C4=3/26; C5=.75*C3; C6=1.5*C4; C7=.5*C2; C8=C3+C3; i=p>0; if any(i) xt(i)=x(i); yt(i)=y(i); zt(i)=z(i); pt(i)=p(i); end; i=~i; if any(i) xt(i)=min([x(i),y(i),z(i)],[],2); zt(i)=max([x(i),y(i),z(i)],[],2); yt(i)=x(i)+y(i)+z(i)-xt(i)-zt(i); a(i)=1./(yt(i)-p(i)); b(i)=a(i).*(zt(i)-yt(i)).*(yt(i)-xt(i)); pt(i)=yt(i)+b(i); rho(i)=xt(i).*zt(i)./yt(i); tau(i)=p(i).*pt(i)./yt(i); rcx(i)=rc(rho(i),tau(i),ERRTOL); end %continue % ************** 1 *************** i=true(size(y)); while any(i) sqrtx(i)=sqrt(xt(i)); sqrty(i)=sqrt(yt(i)); sqrtz(i)=sqrt(zt(i)); alamb(i)=sqrtx(i).*(sqrty(i)+sqrtz(i))+sqrty(i).*sqrtz(i); alpha(i)=(pt(i).*(sqrtx(i)+sqrty(i)+sqrtz(i))+sqrtx(i).*sqrty(i).*sqrtz(i)).^2; beta(i)=pt(i).*(pt(i)+alamb(i)).^2; Sum(i)=Sum(i)+fac(i).*rc(alpha(i),beta(i),ERRTOL); fac(i)=.25*fac(i); xt(i)=.25*(xt(i)+alamb(i)); yt(i)=.25*(yt(i)+alamb(i)); zt(i)=.25*(zt(i)+alamb(i)); pt(i)=.25*(pt(i)+alamb(i)); ave(i)=.2*(xt(i)+yt(i)+zt(i)+pt(i)+pt(i)); ave4(i,:)=ave(i)*ones(1,4); %delx=(ave-xt)/ave; %dely=(ave-yt)/ave; %delz=(ave-zt)/ave; %delp=(ave-pt)/ave; del4=(ave4-[xt yt zt pt])./ave4; i=max(abs(del4),[],2)>ERRTOL; end; ea=del4(:,1).*(del4(:,2)+del4(:,3))+del4(:,2).*del4(:,3); eb=del4(:,1).*del4(:,2).*del4(:,3); ec=del4(:,4).^2; ed=ea-3*ec; ee=eb+2*del4(:,4).*(ea-ec); rj=3*Sum+fac.*(1+ed.*(-C1+C5*ed-C6*ee)+eb.*(C7+del4(:,4).*(-C8+del4(:,4).*C4))+del4(:,4).*ea.*(C2-del4(:,4)*C3)-C2*del4(:,4).*ec)./(ave.*sqrt(ave)); i=p<=0; if any(i) rj(i)=a.*(b.*rj(i)+3*(rcx(i)-rf(xt(i),yt(i),zt(i),ERRTOL))); end; % (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software function rf=rf(x,y,z,ERRTOL) xyz=[x y z]; sqrtxyz=zeros(size(xyz)); alamb=sqrtxyz; ave=sqrtxyz; ave3=sqrtxyz; del3=sqrtxyz; ERRTOL=.08*ERRTOL; THIRD=1/3; C1=1/24; C2=.1; C3=3/44; C4=1/14; xyzt=xyz; %continue % **************** 1 ***************** i=true(size(x)); while any(i) sqrtxyz(i,:)=sqrt(xyz(i,:)); %alamb(i,:)=sqrtxyz(i,1).*(sqrtxyz(i,2)+sqrtxy(i,3))+sqrtxyz(i,2).*sqrtxyz(i,3); alamb(i,:)=sqrtxyz(i,1).*(sqrtxyz(i,2)+sqrtxyz(i,3))+sqrtxyz(i,2).*sqrtxyz(i,3); xyzt(i,:)=.25*(xyzt(i,:)+alamb(i,:)*ones(1,3)); ave(i)=THIRD*(sum(xyzt(i,:),2)); ave3(i,:)=ave(i)*ones(1,3); del3(i,:)=(ave3(i,:)-xyzt(i,:))./ave3(i,:); i(i)=max(abs(del3(i,:)),[],2)>ERRTOL; end; e2=del3(:,1).*del3(:,2)-del3(:,3)^2; e3=del3(:,1).*del3(:,2).*del3(:,3); rf=(1+(C1*e2-C2-C3*e3).*e2+C4*e3)./sqrt(ave); % (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software 0NL&WR2.