function xt = Vector1stOrderDE(A,x0,t) %Vector1stOrderDE: - solves the vector equation dx/dt=Ax %inputs: A - matrix of the equation, x0 - x for t=0, t - time axis to %evaluate values at. derivation is given at: % %Yair Judkovsky, 3.10.2020 if nargin==0 A=[.1,.01;-.002,-.002].*i; x0=[.3,0.0001]; t=linspace(0,100,100000); end nt=length(t); if any(~isfinite(A(:))), xt = 123.123; return, end [ev,lam]=eig(A); nev=length(diag(lam)); phi0i=inv(ev); % add singleton dimension as the first (time) index and replicate % eigenvectors along that dimension. evp=repmat(reshape(ev,[1,nev,nev]),[length(t),1,1]); lamt=reshape(exp(diag(lam)*t).',length(t),1,nev); lamt=repmat(lamt,1,nev,1); phit=lamt.*evp; xt=reshape(reshape(phit,nev*nt,nev)*(phi0i*x0),nt,nev); if nargin==0 figure; plot(xt); hold on plot(real(x0),imag(x0),'o'); axis equal end